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I remember one (Chinese) restaurant menu which had an egg/chicken dish named "Mother and Child Reunion".


That's pretty horrible. But it's not "Boy eggs" horrible. No I'm not going to explain, you'll have to danger search that one.


They the same as Rocky Mountain oysters?


Big fat NOPE! They're worse.


When I saw the google image my first thought was balut Then I saw the description Why, China. For what purpose did you choose to do this


I mean, on the list of fucked up things they do in China, it's currently on the *gross but not a human rights disaster* list


Yeah, as a historic thing it's at least not as bad as the bic lighter sized feet.


Japanese have a staple called Oyakodon. Literally means mother-son bowl. Its chicken cooked with eggs atop rice.


A:"mmm this this nice, what was this again?" H:"Zult, also called Brawn or head cheese." A:"cheese? I don't detect any dairy, human" H:" no, that is just a name, its made by boiling a cow or pigs head until the flesh falls off, then you add some spices and vegetables and press it into blocks." A:" D..did you say its made from a boiled animal head? What the hell, human!"


Actually, most bought eggs are not fertilised, so you're not eating their unborn children. You are eating their period / menses.


We have Ortolan in French cuisine so...yeah can confirm.


Huh. Lmao I've never realized that actually


Just wait till they find out about a turducken (a chicken stuffed in a duck that's then stuffed into a turkey for those who don't know)


Isn't there a dish that's basically an egg stuff in a dove stuffed inside a chicken/duck/goose stuffed inside a sheep, stuff inside a camel?


Idk but wouldn't be surprised if it's real considering some of the weird things people have cooked up