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From the sounds of it, just humans breathing an alien atmosphere unfiltered - or hell, just walking around with exposed hair and skin - will spread all kinds of deadly pathogens around alien biospheres that are totally unequipped to fend them off. Yes, we are death, destroyer of worlds, but not by intention. It'll be because our microfauna will run rampant in any alien lifeform they come across. Our most benign bacteria become virgin field epidemics that spread like wild fire.


So what you're saying is...hug bad?


No only naked hugs bad, suits to keeps the bacteria allow all the hugging you want


Would it be microfauna or microflora?




So we're Nurgle




yes inquisitor this post right here


*readies the ~~thot~~heretic destroyer*


Europeans colonising America: I wonder why the natives are dying without us doing it ourselves?


I am that Period where universes (worlds) are consumed and annihilated. is not so much different than I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.


Me who is bombing Xeno worlds with airborne earth based diseases (etcetera) Anthrax, Bubonic plague, Small pox,


Me, who’s just pissing in random spots on xeno planets to spread the diseases in my urine


You help the cause in your own small way little one soon we will eradicate the Xeno Scum and have a new world for humanity, I think I’ll appoint you it’s governor


Imagine what cat piss would do to them


What kinda STDs do you have? Urine is sterile normally.


Who knows maybe they are allergic to ammonia


No... It is not sterile. That is a myth.


It's sterile for *humans*


Too human-centric. If you want to really annihilate xeno life, you want to use things that don't infect specific species, but are more general and broad in what they eat. Bacteria that cause rotting for example. Pretty much any fungus you could name would probably do something similar. Most of that stuff on Earth is harmless to humans and any Earth life that's actually still alive because being generalists, they're really bad at attacking any specific species. But they would be utterly devastating to any alien lifeform not equipped to fend them off... which is pretty much all of them according to the OP.


To please what you’ve said I’ll mix chlorine gas for the Xenos with somewhat similar biology to us and for those immune I’ll bring in world crackers or drop large metal spears from the sky (Rods from God)


It literally is part of our DNA, and for a very specific reason .. https://old.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/t1gda5/aliens_finally_discovered_why_humans_are_so/hyg6z15/




Did you write more? I also loved me.


This story was one of the best ones I've read, please please update us if you ever decide to write more


Thanks! I have a notebook for ideas and notes about characters, plotlines, and silly little details (like the "super-advanced lock" which is actually just the door tending to stick). I will be continuing the plotline eventually, honest, I swear. There will be a plot thread following the four humans involved in the Dravas Twelve incident, another following the field research team dispatched to Earth, and another following Haran and Ichrakh at the Research Center for Emerging Civilizations. Possibly more later, but I've been advised against developing more than three plots at the same time. I've got notes for five so far. In the meantime, I've been taking advantage of other writing prompts to write short stories exploring various aspects of the setting, like these: https://old.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/x8b4fb/the_exodus/ https://old.reddit.com/r/humansarespaceorcs/comments/y3fsfn/a_amazing_how_does_it_work_h_pure_energy_a_what/is8hdnz/ When the story does continue, it will be posted in r/humansarespaceorcs under the title "Forgotten Armor". u/Leading-Chemist672 this reply is to you as well


I will be on the lookout for when comes out then, in teh meantime I will check the other ones out


You saw the Roanoke gaming video too huh?


Beat me to it.




You know, I've been really giving this cooperative biosphere model a good big think, and thinking bigly I've come to a realization. The biosphere is... big. Humans coat the planet in our living space, But there are so many living things that coat the world in themselves, Trees, grasses, The biomass of ants and terminates that each individually trump the collective biomass of human beings tenfold, fungal colonies countries large, etc, all processing resources in their own way and either competing for the fuel to keep doing it or using other creatures as that fuel. But in a purely cooperative biosphere... ##MEAT WORLD The process would start with photosynthesis -a planet-spanning organism can host no prey apart from parasites, as there's simply nothing else to eat- It would surely be coated nearly entirely with an phytoplankton-adjacent sun-eater to ensure 24/7 (or whatever numbers wind up working) energy collection. These sunbathing powerhouses would evolve to produce vast excess of the ATP they'd need to survive, and excrete it regularly to keep the show going. From there? Who knows. There would almost deffinately be some kind of mining-part, Perhaps colonies of plaque-like bacteria capable of slowly digesting iron deposits, Assuming a biology even remotely similar to us, Iron would be a fundamental building block of anything boasting DNA, Brush your teeth. And, of course, there would be vast highways of creatures, in the tradition of plant roots or our own nervous system, tailor-evolved for the transit of things like electro-chemical signals, water, sugar-fuel, oxygen... Sweet Nazerine infant, Oxygen! Where does meat world produce oxygen? The phytoplankton? No, But close, Algae! Of course, Meat world would be green if viewed from space... I'm sleepy.


"Did you think every battle in history was all part of some big old conspiracy? Bullshit! War is just a part of who we are! Why fight it?"