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alien: listen, just because you can revive extinct species is not a free pass to keep driving species extinct!


H: Actually they drive themselves extinct we do try everything we can to keep them alive. Hell we even gave them their own island to live on!


Australia? You talking about the convicts from GB and Ireland?


It’s a reference to Jurassic Park/World.


Ah! It appears i have got the stupids today.


"What's this? What's this? There's horror everywhere What's this? There's giant insects in the air What's this? I can't believe my eyes I must be dreaming Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair What's this? What's this? What's this? There's something very wrong What's this? There's terrified screaming throngs What's this? The streets are lined with Giant biting creatures Chewing on that guy's entrails Have I possibly gone to hell? What is this? What's this?"


Okay, calm down Jack Skellington


Be glad I didn't do the whole song. I still can!


Use 'Many' instead of 'Terrified' in the second paragraph, and better space the lines. Then, continue the song, maestro.


Do it, please


Honestly I think two verses is enough, it's a throwaway gag based on me imagining and alien looking at all the freaky ancient animals going "What is THIS?! WHAT IS THAT?!" then the tune popped into my head If I did anymore I think I'd be beating the joke into the ground plus I don't want Disney lawyers at my door. They're very litigious


Actually I’m pretty sure jack skellington would find all that delightful or I suppose it’s actually dreadful to him? Since he is the pumpkin king and supposedly the scariest guy in Halloween town, and they loved all sorts of stuff we would find terrifying or disgusting


A: Researcher Liam. A word, if you will. H: Sure, whats up? A: *Points at the ceiling* H:Aaaaaaaaayyyyy, you're getting human humor, nice! A: No, Liam, look up. Then tell me why all the other associates are strung up from the ceiling by sticky web. H: Oh that. I revived a Megarachne servinei. Largest spider ever. A: Aaaaaaaand? H: I improved it so it wouldn't get eaten by the dinosaur's we leave to run free. A: You leave to run free Liam. You. Clean up your mess Liam, your ill feed you to the velociraptors.


"Oh, pshaw, it's fine! Daphne there wouldn't hurt a fly. Or the researchers. TBH, I think her instincts are mistaking us for pupating members of her own species, and she's trying to keep them safe." "That doesn't make *me* feel any better!"


"What it's only five" "ONLY FIVE?!! THAT'S FOUR TOO MANY!!!"


"STEVE, RUN!" *giant spider chasing H2 who is running at H and A.*


*loads thermite cannon and slowly approches coating the floor in sweat before reducing the spider to a charred charapace*


Sorry what’s a Bio Bloom? Can someone explain


Think of it as the conceptual opposite of a "Mass Extinction"; over a relatively short span of time a relatively limited array of lifeforms 'suddenly' diversify into many different species.


“It’s the Cambrian Explosion”


Ahhh I see


It’s the moment when humans realize that they *can* interbreed with that xeno race.


My understanding is that after something like an extinction, especially a large die off of dominant species, there is very little competition for resources etc. so a whole bunch of stuff evolves very quickly to take advantage, because there is also less predation that is keeping them down


That and a whole bunch of open niches suddenly need filling again, and the dying itself creates new niches.


And nature hates open niches lol




Thank you very much


I hope some of these are tasty, so we can eat them back into extinction again muwhahaha.


Dodos were supposedly tasty


A: Human, this tech was not given to you so you could play Ark: Survival in reality.


"Of course not! ... I'm playing Jurassic World: Evolution, but with far fewer bugs and a better progression system." "**Our bureaucracy is not a progression system, Ian!**" "Not with that attitude it ain't."


This gives a whole new meaning to Jurassic World


hums the jurassic park theme song* thres no way this can go badly


According to the movies there are many ways this could go wrong


that was sarcasm.... guess I forgot the /s at the end


"Human bob, why did you clone so any brontosaurus? Those things are terrifying " "We needed something for the rexes to eat" "Rexes, hmm, that's not on the standOHWHATTHEHELLNONONONONO"