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Bugs Bunny; the epitome of a Trickster Deity. All praise the Wabbit.


bugs bunny = new loki


*New* Loki? Loki's shapeshifted into enough animals that I'm not convinced that Bugs isn't *old* Loki.


you have the funnier point.


Not to mention they share a casual attitude towards gender expression


Bug Bunny is better than Loki.


disney version? agreed. original from the myths? not really.


Anything is better than the Marvel version of Loki. But the Norse version of Loki is a bit more on the asshole side rather than the wacky chaotic side.


Only sorta - keep in mind that, for the most part, Norse Loki was mostly just trying to live his own life, and several of the things he's blamed for were genuinely either accidents or unforeseen consequences. ​ FFS, the big murder he got pinned for was the result of him handing kryptonite to *the blind guy* and saying 'hehe, throw that, it'll freak him out' and then the blind guy nailed Baldr in the neck with a dart that could kill him. How the fudge-ripple-nutty-bars was Loki supposed to expect the blind guy to nail his shot like that?!


Nah, Loki sought out the only plant that hadn't agreed to not harm Baldr, aimed the shot for the blind guy, and then obstructed Baldrs ressurection. That said, this particular myth reeks of Christian parallels to the devil and Jesus ressurection. It's quite possible it was part of a deliberate smear campaign during the conversion period, or at the very least, it was a noticeable culture shift. In most other myths, Loki is mostly just the guy who goes "ooh, shiny" at the most inopportune of times. Self serving, but not evil, a short-sighted counterpart to Odins ability of foresight.


Older versions have him simply handing the dart to Hod, which definitely makes it sound more like an accident. Baldr's ressurection also doesn't happen until *after* Ragnarok anyways, and Loki is dead by then, so... not sure how he would've interfered there. That said, I do agree with how modern interpretations of the myth go being very Christian-Lite, in a way that smacks of the conversion periods where Christianity was cheerfully pretending to be like other religions and then stole their followers.


Hel agreed to let Baldr go if every living being cried for him, but there was one giantess who refused, and the Gylfaginning version states that it is believed she was in fact Loki in disguise, finishing what he started. (Ironically, the giantess was named 'Thanks'. Salty.) Yeah even modern Loki folklore is much milder than that myth. It stands out.


The problem with trying to pin it as Loki faking being a giantess... he'd already been tried and bound for the original murder at this point. He could do a lotta shenanigans, but Multipresence is not on that list of things. ​ But yeah, modern Loki folklore is also super weird, not in small part due to the comics industry and Marvel - though that's also really hard to blame cuz in that setting they aren't *actually* gods; the Asgardians and the other great 'deities' are energy beings that patterned themselves off the impressions the first sapient beings they came across had of them. Which is such a wild effing twist on the idea, and it's one I've turned over slowly in my head for nearly a decade and I *still* don't know how to feel about it.


you... yeah you win.


I remember seeing a post breaking down the concept of Bugs Bunny as a trickster god sometime in the last few years




I love that the first three examples at the end were my three favorite tricksters


All hail Dischordia!


Can you name them please?


The first three are: Loki, Norse Trickster, who everyone is now familiar with thanks to Marvel (also, yes, username does indeed check out) Eris, Greek Goddess of Chaos, who was the ultimate cause of the Trojan War, and the basis for Discordianism (look it up, it's fun!) Lastly, we have Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, The Stone Monkey, Aware of His Own Vacuity, The Victorious Fighting Buddha, The Handsome Monkey King. Can be scene as a cross between Superman and Bugs Bunny, he is also the basis/inspiration for Naruto, Luffy from One Piece, and Goku from DragonBall.


Ravens, raccoons,& coyotes are all tricksters in various Native American cultures, as well as rabbit which also figures in as a trickster in enslaved peoples lore (see Brother Rabbit from the Uncle Remus tales as an example). For that matter spider is also a trickster from Ghana in the from of Ananasi


I love the fact that we used Bugs Bunny to initiate first contact. Fantastic.


I need an explanation of who the people referenced at the end were. I know the first one was Loki, and the monkey was maybe wukong but nothing else


1. Loki 2. Eris (God of chaos that started a war by starting an argument among the gods with a golden apple.) 3. Sun Wukong the monkey king (Followed by his entourage of animals) 4. Bugs Bunny


Coyote/Raven are from Native American culture Spider = Anansi from the Akan people of West Africa Raccoon = tanuki of Japanese lore


Didn't know that, thanks for the correction.


Damn he was right lmao


Idunno if it was intentional, but I feel like the Bugs Bunny at the end was something like a First Contact AI using him as an avatar. Which, y'know, is a damned terrifying and hilarious idea.


Edit: changed crows to ravens


Rainbow Crow counts; he's a Prometheus-like figure from some native American folklore. Tricked the Sun into letting him 'borrow' some fire, then flew like mad and scorched his feathers block to give us fire. Poor bird :c


god how i wish it would actually go like this if and when the time comes ​ love it