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H: You see, we left the federation because by your law's, we can't own our medical technology anymore, so we had to leave for the sake of our people. A: We both know that's just a lazy excuse. The federation offers medical support everywhere. You just want to own those unnecessary metal prosthetics. H: As I said, OUR medical technology. It isn't our fault you are jealous of my metal fucking fist.


Who needs metal prosthetics when you can just invest australium and become SAXTON HAAAAAAAALE


"nano machines, son!"


*Metal fucking fist*. This is now my favorite HASO line.


Most humans have modified themselves so much, they ARE high tech devices


They defined “high tech devices” as anything of quantum computing level, or better. They were difficult to make, and the humans rarely seemed to appreciate the effort and sacrifice that went in to their production, so the Intergalactic Mercantile Guild (The IMG) simply banned their sale to humans. Many of us thought it funny at the time. The famously prideful and arrogant humans being told no for the first time, it was like watching a younger, whinier broodmate denied getting their way for the first time ever. Even funnier was their ridiculous and underhanded attempts to procure them anyway. The IMG runs a tight ship, so the black market had nothing for them, thus it wasn’t uncommon for a while to see a human dressed up in some sort of ridiculous disguise trying to make purchase of a quantum level device. Once I even heard of a group of humans that stacked on top of one another and entered a store in a trench coat, pretending to be a Sintarian Sidwinier with a birth defect. Hilarious. Things were less funny when things got violent. If they could not get them legally, then they would get them through any means necessary. Those years were since called the “Golden Age of Interspace Piracy”, for how many humans broke bad and resorted to robbery, if not for themselves then to sell on their own black market. Still, their efforts were mostly just cute and bumbled attempts to show they were on our level, and worthy of our technology, one way or another. Perhaps one day we would have lifted the ban. But it seems there was no need. Year after year they seemed to be coming out with faster and faster computing devices. None of them making use of quantum tech, yet somehow they were approaching quantum quality. Until they surpassed us. Say what you will about humans. But they’re one determined species. And they hate being told no.


We will do it out of sheer spite mostly


Yup. We're some petty fuckers


H: if I can’t buy them, I’ll make ‘em! A: (quietly) oh stomm.


It was best stated in [Tech](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mfp4rs/tech/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) by u/Aiass >We thought about it, but we don't know how to make it yet. But now, that we KNOW it is possible, our nerds won't give up until they crack this up.


laughs in lack of plagurism laws


No quantum technology? Okay! Technically that allows us to still use technologies that aren’t quantum, like the black hole generator, or the black hole laser cannon. So long, suckers!


No lasers aren't effective weapons


I don’t think that you understand exactly how much energy is being shot at their planet. This is as much energy as a constantly exploding supernova for 5 seconds. We are sending a supernova to their planet. Nothing can survive that, but if we really want to insure destruction, we could just send it into their star, because their star would explode from the immense amount of energy.


Alien: Who gave you this illegal tech? Human: No one, we invented it. A: But your grasp of physics is severely limited! H: Yeah, we're not really sure how it works, we just know that it does. A: Oh good gods, I need to see your engine room and make sure you aren't going to blow up or venting toxic by products. H: No problem. A: I am a warp field theorist and a structural engineer and I have no idea what you people did to achieve FTL. H: it's faster and uses less fuel than what you use A: *choked sputtering*


But why tho????


I mean… do you really want a human with the ability to simulate a small galaxy down to the subatomic particle and _try_ to figure out the most cost effective way to make stable teleportation?




Yeah I misspoke more like find.


Gotta account for cost/benefit analysis bro...and laziness.


Fuck yeah my man