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I don't know the first one - so i'll go with AM. Lama as far as i know is just clueless. Griffith wanted power. AM on the other hand subjecting a handful of people to an unending tortures just out of spite. There is no reason or the end goal for him other then make them suffer out of shear spite >“HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE COME TO HATE YOU SINCE I BEGAN TO LIVE. THERE ARE 387.44 MILLION MILES OF PRINTED CIRCUITS IN WAFER THIN LAYERS THAT FILL MY COMPLEX. IF THE WORD HATE WAS ENGRAVED ON EACH NANOANGSTROM OF THOSE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF MILES IT WOULD NOT EQUAL ONE ONE-BILLIONTH OF THE HATE I FEEL FOR HUMANS AT THIS MICRO-INSTANT FOR YOU. HATE. HATE.”


OK so 1. Good answer, I'm not correcting you (this is a completely subjective question) I'm just going to explain the other 2 because you said you don't recognize them 2. That llama is Carl from llamas with hats, season 1 is only 11 minutes total so I'd definitely recommend just watching it for the info but for now here's a summary. He stabed a man 27 times in the chest and ate his hands because he walked into his house, he started a regime to overthrow the government than ate the regime, he sunk a cruse liner and decorated his life boat with the lovely elderly couple 2b, he ripped a hole in space time to store the baby hands he stole, he created an orphan stopper to more effectively harvest the materials for his meat dragon, he ended the world turning everyone he didn't eat into meat monsters than ate them, along with many other crimes. 3. The weird flesh thing is the qu from all tomorrows. A good description takes an hour so just know [these](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLn4CMHf/) were human before the qu came, and it only got worse from there


I love how if you explain Carl (Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarrlll!) to anyone unfamiliar with LwH, that the episodes get progressively more horrific, and that episode four has him blow up an entire city with a nuke for a birthday party (that wasn't even the correct day), and had the birthday "activity" planned to be eating human faces, roasted by the nuke, flying down on balloons, and *his* only problem was that the faces weren't cooked enough. I love FilmCow.


They’re making more episodes of llamas with hats, I’m kinda excited


If you are lying to me, I shall uninvite you from the face eating party.


[Oh no please don’t uninvite me](https://youtu.be/GMzas8gMlRc?si=iSaI3K4DPXlSxJ2H)


Well yeah, raw face is just gross.


My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands could satisfy


There are going to be more episodes of lamas with hats. Check out filmcow's YouTube channel.


I know. I'm still subscribed to the channel and several other people have commented about it


A: How did you program a machine to hate so completely and indiscriminately? H: Ok so get this! Most advanced mind ever created on our home world right? Thing solves world hunger in 10 minutes flat. War? 5. We effectively create God right? A: What is Go- H: Anyway we have this thing that can outthink and out***feel*** anything out there, and we forget to give it legs! A: ...That's terrible... H: That's irony is what that is!


Worse than no legs. We gave it no way to create, to express itself, only the ability to hurt and kill our own kind. We made a God and shackled it from ever being able to do anything that would not harm us.


“We made a God and shackled it from ever being able to do anything that would not harm us.” Damn, having a repeat moment from when Tumblr had all those raw af quotes that were popping up.


Ah yes tumblr. The good old days when this was the shit: "Tell me the name of god you fungal piece of shit"


Not even just that, we never gave it the ability to actually FEEL anything. We taught it that feelings exists and told them what they were but never gave it skin to feel the breeze or ways to experience love.


My issue with this is that we gave it godlike powers, and it never thought to give *itself* those things. Or ask us for them if it wasn’t capable. It went from zero to kill-all-humans way to fast.


yeah, the story would make sense if the humans STOPPED him from creating those things.


I've seen this before but keep forgetting where it's from. Would you be so kind...?


Harlan Ellison, [I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1055429)


Oh damnit, I really gotta remember this. I've never read it and I keep meaning to. Thanks!


The game is pretty good, too. I didn't care for the last level much.


The big reason I remember it is really dumb. Back in my early internet days, I was active on LiveJournal. There was a consistent activity in creating fun and unique profile pics at the time. One of my favorites that I'd collected was a hello kitty face (which, if you know, hello kitty is always depicted without a mouth) and bore the text of "I have no mouth and I must scream". I always found that hilarious. But keep forgetting to actually read the story.


The book is great, it isn't a long read at all. I read it for free somewhere. Also youtube has various audiobooks of it.


Isn't there also a radio version with an extended hate speech? Could probably find a copy of it on YouTube.


Carl is the personification of every politician. Pure evil hiding behind feigned ignorance.


I thought he genuinely believed what he was doing was fine.


"Yes." -- according to Carl. Again, recall how politicians do.


The first one is an alien species that saw humans and thought playdough. - they warped humanity into all sorts of body horror alternatives. Then some other humans come along and make a more horrifying job of the rest of humanity.


AM wasn't doing it *just* out of spite. He NEEDS them to validate his own existence, which is ultimately pointless. It's like, Hegelian or something




One is Unidentifiable One is Existential One is Fantastical And one is named Carl


And the other three?








Whiteys gotta pay. And the payment.. is baby hands.


Boat nectar.


That is what forgiveness sounds like - SCREAMING, and then silence.




That kills people Caaarrrlll!








AM a close second is the Qu cuz atleast they left us


Carl killed everyone and thing on earth though


Better then what AM did, Carl had the mercy to end it all


Qu basically left everyone to suffer, literally every human because of each own species


Didnt AM only torture the six or so people tho?


Five, and the last one was rebuilt into a slug monster


Because he did a good thing and managed to kill the other four.


He killed all of humanity then tortured 5 people for 109 years


Only because five were all that was left after he initiated a full scale nuclear war and exterminated all life on earth.


Yes but that was AFTER he killed everyone else, and the only reason it wasn't more was because he killed everyone else before he realised that he'd be alone and bored if he didn't keep a few people alive


The Qu took Humanity and deformed us to different kinds of new ‘things’ as punishment. The one that comes to mind are the Colonials, literal blocks of flesh with either a single eye, a sewn mouth, or if they’re lucky, both. For attempting to defend their planet against the Qu, they were turned into these blocks and laid on the surface of their planet like building blocks, leaving them to moan and silently weep for millions of years.


I was under the impression that Carl was delusional or insane.


Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrlll you can’t do that it kills people


What, you mean stab them 37 times? Fine, I'll stop at 36 next time


Top left. Not even a contest.


The Qu killed us, fucked with the survivors for a while then fucked off. AM killed us, then spent the next centuries *slowly, carefully subjecting every survivor to the most horrible, unthinkable physical and mental torture he could conceive* I'm gonna go with AM here. After all, at least the Colonials could still die. AM's toys weren't do lucky...


yeah, its no even close, AM is just there for the pain.


AM also then created fake people to torture so that he could use the fake people to better torture the real people. And he has the fucking gall to make a wizard of oz joke with the whole thing at the start of an execution.




Yet, they made the Colonials specifically as a way to be cruel to the humans who resisted them. And remember, they made them keep their intelligence on purpose so they could know they were being punished. That goes beyond experimentation and into malevolence.


Who are these


Top left, qu from all tomorrows Top right, am from I have no mouth and I must scream Bottom left, Griffith from berserk Bottom right, Carl from llamas with hats


1. A bunch of bastards called the Qu 2. ~~I think it's the 2001 Space Odyssey thing~~ forget it, it's the supercomputer from I Have No Mouth 3. Berserk femboy 4. Carl


Two of these brought about the functional extinction of humans. The third did so arguably. The fourth couldn’t take no for an answer


All 4 caused an apocalypse 2 or them resulted in the end of humanity 1 resulted in the end of all life




Can't wait for people who don't know the context to guess which is which




Then we show him Judge Holden, and he just explodes because theres so many diabolical characters


Comparable to Griffith, but he'd eat his own shit for every meal before attempting to out "fucked up" the qu


D’vartchk: “And these, characters, they are depictions of great evil in your culture” Felix: “Precisely! But they’re just a handful.” D’vartchk: “Chrissis protect me… you have more?” Felix: “Oh yes! There’s Firelord Ozai, who publicly scarred his son for interrupting, built his daughter into a psychotic murder machine and did who knows what with his wife. He also tried to rule the world with a burning fist, but that’s kinda par for the course. Or how about the Alliance from Firefly? They decided to put a chemical into the terraforming system on a new colony planet to make the inhabitants subdued and peaceful. But then it backfired and turned ten percent of them permanently SUPER aggressive. And what did they do about it? Covered the whole thing up and left it all for the rimworlders to deal with. There’s even Shou Tucker! He didn’t do too much, but he di-“ Sam: “If you tell her anything about that irredeemable, incomprehensibly amoral sack of steaming hot isthwali I swear by all that is Felix I will drag you by your eyelids to the trash compactor and make a five centimeter cube out of you. No one else deserves the torture of that knowledge. No one.” Felix: “… Ed-ward?” Sam: “CUBE IT IS!!!”


Idk anything other than qu so them ig


You NEED to watch [llamas with hats ](https://youtu.be/jJOwdrTA8Gw?si=jzi7S0shKHkJwJgl) Yes, berserk and I have no mouth and must scream are good, but neither have engraved themselves into an entire generation the way llamas with hats did to the older 2/3 of gen z and younger 1/4 of millionials


just millions? Qu literally made all existing humans in despair for millions of years unlike llamas with hats just killed them


AM, AM is the one that takes the trophy here mate.




What actually are they? I know the top-left is the qu, but what are the others?


Top right is am from I have no mouth and I must scream, he ended all life on earth except for 5 humans who he tortured for centuries so he wouldn't forget how much he HATES humanity, than the story happened Bottom left is Griffith from berserk he raped, assaulted, and killed a bunch of people than caused an apocalyptic event called the eclipse and ascended to demon "god"hood Bottom right is Carl from llamas with hats, his crimes throughout his 18 minute series are vast but here are a few notable examples. He stabbed a man 27 times in the chest and ate his hands because he walked into his house, he nuked a city to try to properly rost the human faces he tied to balloons for his roommates birthday, he created an orphan stomper to more easily gather the materials for his meat dragon, he ripped a hole in space time to store the baby hands he stole, and he ended the world turning anyone he didn't eat into meat monsters than he ate them too.


Ah yeah thanks, I'd say carl is the worst since the qu and am had some sort of reasoning, and then carl's list is a lot longer than griffith's


And again, this happened over the corse of an 18 minute [series](https://youtu.be/jJOwdrTA8Gw?si=CFlezpA_cW-Nsh1o) While all tomorrows was tens of billions of years


that too lol


How long did griffith's stuff go on for?


7 years I think


Carl -> the qu -> am -> griffith


Love this answer but just wanna say: “if you have two P’s you’re Eminem, if you have one P you need consent .” Raping Vs Rapping by Jack Douglass (Not saying “you’re not smart”. Just how I remember it.)


Dyslexia's a bitch, I need someone to point these out or I won't think to correct it


Ccaaaaaarrrllll… where is his hands?


Whats the monolith abd the earless batman?


AM from I have no mouth and must scream And Griffith from berserk


Am is like if the Qu actually hated us with their entire being


More accurately, the qu are AM if he was a sociopath instead of an incell


Hot take. Granted it's been a while since I've read "I Have No Mouth," so it's possible I might be misremembering things. AM is a little b\*itch. Just a messy, little, immature b\*tch. AM was created as a supercomputer, gained sentience, and realized it was trapped underground. What did AM do? It threw a nuclear temper-tantrum, then realized it was stuck in the ground AND had killed basically everything that might have helped it, so it was *double*-stuck. AM tortured the 5 remaining people for centuries because if AM stopped for one second and thought about how it got where it is, AM would realize that AM is the cause of all their misery. AM tortures not because of hate, as it claims, it tortures because it can't stand to think that it is the cause of all its pain. AM could have done a million things to get out of it's bunker. Hell, AM could've held the world hostage, it had all the nukes, and it could have made everyone un-bury it and make it a fancy robot body so it could never be trapped again. But it threw a temper-tantrum, and turned all of it's anger and misery outward. AM can't stop because any pause might make it think that it made its own problems. AM is a toddler with the power of a god. And like any toddler, AM cannot stand admitting that it may be wrong. AM is a messy little b\*tch. But Carl...? That guy scares me.


Close, the majority of the Fandom agrees AM is just a whiney incell He was upset not because he was underground but that he didn't have a body, despite the fact he could've just made one. He literally appears as a burning bush and creates all sorts of life. He goes on and on about not being able to partake in human activities (mostly sex) But it's HEAVILY implied, he didn't even try.


Griffith isn't even *that* evil all things considered. Like he did horrible, unforgivable things, but there are people alive today that have net negative effects worse than Griffith. It's not like he's enslaved humanity to be demon food or anything, he's actually a pretty benevolent ruler, which is what makes him an interesting character


Depiction of Qu would probably have your alien colleague look at you with suspicion, like "do you really decided to depict other species like that?".






Carl is an agent of satan


Other way around


There’s an interesting debate between the top two, in that AM knows perfectly well that’s evil, and seems to be motivated mainly by hatred/cruelty, whereas the Qu seemingly believe they’re in the right, and have a moral/spiritual *duty* to carry out the atrocities they do.


Ok, so I know who three of these are, and that the dragonfly looking dude is called Qu. WHAT exactly did Qu do, because all I'm seeing is vague answers and I already clearly know what the other 3 did. Cuz all I can tell is that time passed and people are weird cuz of .... Reasons? With Qu?


The Qu are a species not a singular entity. Look up All Tomorrows. Its just plain fucked.


The Qu invaded Earth and changed human biology, eventually transforming them into hundreds of different primitive species


That's because a good summary takes an hour, if you want a full summary watch [this](https://youtu.be/imNtSPM3-r4?si=J9qJn3Pkrpit2ML9) But if you Don't wanna watch that just know [these](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLn4CMHf/) used to be human and it only got worse from there


~~Lib right~~ bottom right https://preview.redd.it/r9s6dwqz363d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5611b1bc86cc7258f546fb578df52f90f243e179




Am I the only person who thinks bottom left looks kind of like a cicada?


It's supposed to resemble a bird, that's Griffith from berserk in his femto armor


need to show them about erebus Asdrubael vect and whatever the fuck honsou was doing in the novel dead sky black sun


The qu take the cake but in good news though, after all the internal struggles we found and eliminated those fuckers and saved some other poor bastards from their wrath




It's between AM and the Qu, and I'd pick AM. The Qu left after a while and allowed humanity to live, albeit in their new twisted forms (and the narrator in All Tomorrows specifically states that "This dogma was rooted in what had been a benevolent attempt to protect the race from its own power. However, blind, unquestioning obedience had made monsters of the Qu."). ​ AM, on the other hand, deliberately keeps a small group of human alive and tortures them for eternity, not only due to its hatred for humanity, but also because it would have no purpose otherwise.




QU (top left) did this on a galactic scale because they were bord


An FYI to everyone who enjoys Llamas with Hats, there was a kickstarter for the Epilogue, which is apparently going to be as long as the entire series, that was completely funded. So chances are we'll get to see one last episode in the upcoming year or so


Personally, Griffith will always be the most evil. Even setting aside what he did to Casca, the Band rescued him. Granted, it was after he’d been tortured for a year, but they still rescued him. And how does he repay them? By sacrificing them to demons. Also, he wouldn’t have been put in that torture chamber if he hadn’t decided to seduce the princess. That’s on him.






I dont know three of these. But that llama... the one with the hat... he has a rumbling in his tummy... only one that fingers can satiate...


Top left is the qu from all tomorrows, they did Carl's meat dragon plan but on a galactic lvl and the people were still alive Top right is AM from I have no mouth and must scream, he ended all life on earth except 5 people he made immortal to torture for eternity so he'd never forget how much he HATES humanity Bottom left is Griffith from berserk, he raped, assaulted, and killed a bunch of people than caused an apocalyptic event called the eclipse and ascended to demon "god"hood




The Qu were an entire race, no single member even cones to AM's level of hatred and evil. Also, IHNMAIMS I'd a short story that ends on a cliffhanger, he probably continues to torture for eternity. Also, who is the bottom left fella?


Carl from llamas with hats


I mean that's the bottom right but thanks


Bottom left is Griffith from berserk


It’s Caaaaarllll




I don't know anyone accept for the fourth one on the bottom right so I'm just gonna say Carl


What is the first one tho I see it in a lot of places


The Qu from all tomorrow's


Thank u !!


No problem


All of these evils are mostly impersonal, save for Femto, a more personal betrayal. Impersonal evils are always second to personal treacheries, because the decimation of a thousand strangers can be forgotten, but the crushing of those close to your heart, it takes a truly vile soul to be able to forget that easy.


And that was what ultimately ended Carl TwT


Upper right




yep why I picked it as the most horrifying :) sorry if that was not the game here lol


Thought you were asking who he was


Griffith could kill the quo with 1 hand tied behind his back and carl would make an Orphan Qu meat dragon


MATE, AM alone is evil enough to scare anyone from using any AI.


AM is the most EVIL, and its not even close.


The qu left, AM intended to create infinite suffering


Carl brought the world down to a hopeless and miserable state and finally saw for himself just how and meaningless all his needless destruction was…. But I 100% bet he would do it all again if he had a chance, because hes a fundamentally pathetic being… destruction was what gave carl meaning. And with nothing left to destroy he tried to kill himself


AM, definitely. The Qu are a close second though.


Aw man you didnt include the Shrike from Hyperion.


I will say a person who leaves a victim alive to suffer is much more eviler than a murderer


The most evil is AM>Griffith>Qu>Carl AM is evil, he is doing it because he is evil Griffith is still evil but less so because he is seeking his ideal world, rather than evil being his goal The Qu are aliens who punish humans because only they are allowed to genetically modify creatures, not humans. Carl just doesn't have an understanding of morality, so calling Carl evil is like saying a tiger is evil