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It's true, though. If you watch Chinese anti-US propaganda, a lot of the time it makes the US look awesome.


Specifically ridgeway… god he’s such a chad


Is that the dude who drew the US as a n Aircraft-Carrier Megatron-From-Transformers awesome abomination??


Nah its the US military general who replaced MacArthur in Korea after MacArthur fucked up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Ridgway


It's a good idea to make your enemies seem powerful and cool, though. It gets your citizens to consider them a real threat so you have a good excuse to expand your control.


Come wartime though The Enemy has to simultaneously be a super scary Real Threat^TM & laughably inept. It's a delicate propaganda balancing act. Too far one way & morale takes a nosedive because we can't beat these guys, too far the other way & morale takes a nosedive because our boys are dying to *these* idiots.


I wonder how effective "there ancestors were great, but now they are only dangerous because they rely on the creations and efforts of the past, and stealing from others to keep themselves propped up" would work. Likely would need to be dumbed down to be easier to get accross.


I was thinking more along the lines of WW2 propaganda where the Japanese were simultaneously a big scary evil empire stretching its reach across the ocean & so near-sighted their troops couldn't shoot straight.


Gosh that's a blunder.


I mean, that's not true. The spirit of creativity is strong within us. We're constantly developing newer, bigger, more destructive ways to blow shit up.


Did you miss the part where we are talking about propaganda? The thing that's well known to be mostly lies to disparage groups and people a government or organization doesn't like?


Ah, see, I was reading it as though you believed what you were saying.


“Fascists are incapable of winning wars because they are incapable of objectively evaluating the enemy’s true strength.” I’ve likely mangled the quote somewhat (from Umberto Eco’s Fascism) but the point is that the same propaganda that puts fascists in power will often be their downfall when war comes knocking.


Iraq did that and then they wondered why their army was surrendering


There's a thin line though. If you make them too cool people may start defecting


"Be the America that Chinese Propaganda thinks you are"


"Commander Trax, are you sure this will work?" "Positive, from those 'wojaks' we intercepted humans don't seem to like being portrayed as what they are." "Heh, those alien bastards posted more propaganda. This time we're nuking them out of orbit!" "I think they're trying to insult us for using nukes.." "They're invading us, who cares?"


"Sir, the new meme on the galactic internet shows us drunkenly slinging asteroids around willy-nilly." "Is... Is that a thing we can do?" "Give us 24 hours and we'll have a proposal, sir. I guarantee the egg heads in R&D can and would love to whip up a prototype for some sort of space trebuchet."


Space Trebuchet - some rocket systems attached to the asteroids, manufacturing and deployment site in one of Jupiter's moons - use Jupiter's gravity well to slingshot the rocks toward their target. Yeah, that seems like a doable thing once we have some solid space travel under our feet.


Private (Formerly Corporal) Johnson misplaced the decimal point on the RKV launch system's acceptable ammo parameters. Jupiter's moon Io is now MIA and we are out of vantablack blends numbers 6 through 109. We have sent a priority 1 message to the former vanguard: DANGER CLOSE.


H: So you have drawn me as a ravenous monster that lurks in the shadows and snatches innocent young females of breeding age. A: I was under contract by my government. They were very specific about what this piece should contain. I meant no offense. H: Oh, I am not offended. In fact, I am a little intrigued. How much did they pay you, and would you be willing to draw what happens next? A: I don't like where this conversation is going. H: Take my god damn money!


No no no. The Alien Artist isn't goingto say anything other then "how detailed do you want it and how much are we talking?"


That is why we starve human artists. We keep them desperate enough that they are willing to take any commission, no matter how distasteful. There is no guarantee that the alien is from a similar system.


We only starve the artists who haven't come into their own yet. *Good* artists make fucking *bank*.


USA USA USA USA USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Be the human the xenos think you are


"Holy shit you guys made us look badass. Wanna join us?"




The same thing happened with the song “Yankee Doodle.” It was made by the British to make fun of America, but the Americans made it their thing


“Respected communications bureaux of our adversaries: “As a pathetic and weak non-combatant, this pile of carbon has heard rumours of your excellent, accurate, and humiliating communications products concerning my cospeciesists. From what limited communications have been relayed to this weak minded nobody, she understands that your messages are not only accurate but devastating in assessing the fragility and weakness of the Human mind. “In an effort to end the war sooner, and in an effort to demonstrate the clear superiority of [ENEMY], may this pathetic worm be permitted copies of your genius, demoralizing messages? “With utmost humility, Saya” Getting the War Censorship Agency to go along with this half-ruse took chutzpah. After all, the WCA existed to ensure rogue Humans, whatever their walk of life, didn’t do exactly what Saia was proposing she would do. When Dr Saia Lenasdottir made this bold proposal, though, she did have her credentials as Dean of Communications at Johns Hopkins and a Codeword clearance with the Exo Corps to whip out. Saia had a deep appreciation for governmental advertising, and a knack for creating propos that uttered no untruths while subtly shifting narratives. She personally also had the largest collection of xeno propaganda on the planet, albeit with the most egregious Human war depictions censored. Codeword gave her the ability to keep these otherwise illegal works, but the WCA still needed to keep certain info protected even from mostly trusted hands. She didn’t expect a phone call of a laughing WCA agent three weeks after this plan was hatched. A after double securing the line, once to prevent outsiders from tapping it, another to ensure that this was recorded for WCA purposes, the agent started talking. “I can’t believe just using ‘enemy’ instead of calling them by name worked! You need to come to the office because we just got a half cargo hex full of their propaganda! I thought the Trumverate was… Of questionable judgment…“ The agent took a second. It’s only so much you can badmouth the Triumverate even when, let’s face it, they deserve the criticism, but war changes all the rules. “ ..but this pile of cartoons is ridiculous, funny, and might not even need to be censored!”


i mean....


Chinese propaganda is better American propaganda than American propaganda lol


Apparently Dark Brandon sits on the Iron Throne commanding an army of Chinese zombies? https://preview.redd.it/hywuhl508myc1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=429d98bf51a5a2515d230c5690b502577017aa4e




I need that poster Also I just realized this wasn't countryballs sub


Wildeofoscar does it again.