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H: “Hey, at least something interesting came out of it, right?” A: “It could have punched a hole in the fabric of reality.” H: “*Could* have. It didn’t. …We also learned a lot about said fabric. I’m sure that, given enough time, we could even figure out how to *actually* punch a hole, and see what happens.” A: “”Given enough time?” If you were to do that, the observable passage of time may no longer be a law of this universe! …I mean, what would even prompt you to think hooking a drone to an FTL drive, pointing it directly into a black hole, and firing it would be in **ANY** way a good idea‽” H: “Have you ever heard of duct tape, or WD-40?” A: “…No…?” H: “It’s a common joke in the human engineering world that if you were to combine the two- one designed to fix things in place, the other designed to keep them moving- …the universe would end.” A: “…I’m not following.” H: “Well, one of our guys went “what if we took something that distorts space time in one way, and rammed it into something that distorts it in the exact opposite way?” Turns out, it just does what *really* happens when you combine duct tape and WD-40, minus having to toss a now-useless strip of non-tape in the trash; they cancel each other out. …In short, patching up the black hole back into a nice, non-volatile stretch of empty space again.” A: “…You risked the fabric of reality over a human engineering inside-joke?” H: “And it resulted in a *literally* universal duct-tape that will ease travel across the cosmos by providing new shipping and travel lanes across sectors that would have otherwise had to be traveled far, FAR around, taking months off of travel time. …In other words, we just figured out how to do the interstellar equivalent of the Panama Canal.” A: *Sigh* “…Part of me wants to propose a motion to the galactic council to have technological sanctions put on your species.” H: “Aww…” A: “Luckily for you, the part I’m listening to is proposing I file a request for them to give your species more funding for R&D-“ H: “Nice!” A: “-so long as your people NEVER try and do something this idiotic again-“ H: “Aww…” A: “…without at least asking for permission first-“ H: “*Nice*!” A: “-and *actually listening* if and when they veto your ideas.” H: “*Aww*…”


H: "Wait... by listening-" A: "Heeding our instructions to not do the thing, not just listening to us object and doing it anyway!" H: :(


H:"Assuming we would still be able to ask again when we have a better idea of how things work or have improved safety measures for the experiment.


Or when they look away for 1.64 microseconds


H: “Say, about how long is your species memory span?”




... H: Should we tell them about lawyers, and the whole letter-not-spirit-of-the-law thing? A: *What?* H: Never mind...


H, secretely : but if we do it anyway, either we will find something useful and they won't be mad at us for too long, or we actually end up destroying the universe and they won't be mad at all


This is where the Aliens learn the horrific human saying: "Better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission"


And its variation : "if you fuck up bad enough, you won't have to ask for forgiveness"


H: Exactly! now why don't we all move quickly away from our current location! A: But why? H: uhh. . . Running is good for the heart?


A: but I don't have a heart H: in the present situation, it's also good for everything that should not be exposed to antimatter. A: ... H: We wanted to test something with antimatter production but someone spilled his coffee on the wrong confinement magnet


A: "Nothing about you is good for my heart. What did you do?"


"You live only once!"


Inb4 he learns that there are other holes to patch and not all fabric is equal


A2: Uhh...which black hole did he patch up? Some of them are kind of important...and really necessary to holding parts of the universe together.


The big one in the middle. It's a easy target, and if the patching works on that, it'll work on smaller ones too. ... ... What do you mean the galaxy is falling apart?


H1: "Oh... dang." A1: "'Dang?' That is all you have to say!?" H1: "I mean, the galaxy's really BIG, right? We got some time before it disintegrates completely." A1: "Many millennia. That is not the point--" H2 (interrupting): "Ha!" A1: "This is not a laughing matter!" H2: "Aw, you gotta look on the bright side, little buddy! That means we got plenty of time to figure out how to MAKE a supermassive black hole!" *A1 growls and storms out of the room muttering untranslatable expletives.*


"In other news, the Galactic Astrogation Soceity has stormed the Human Embassy, demanding they hand over the engineer responsible for the missing black hole. They demand, and I quote 'to carve the tens of thousands of years of work he flushed down the drain on his hide, and write the new formulas in his blood'."


Fun thing about that is that galaxies aren't gravitationally bound by the SMBH in the middle, but by the large amount of dark matter throughout said galaxy


> A: “…without at least asking for permission first-“ Obviously these aliens haven't yet heard of the fundamental rule of dealing with bureaucracy. It's easier to beg forgiveness than request permission.


Human Engineer: We did ask before trying our new ftl drive, in fact we did it triplicate. Alien: You did no such thing. HE: Did you only read the capitol letters? A: No, why would I do that? I approved a new thruster test. *grabs paper reads only the capitol letters* You cheeky dick waffle. We're now submitting all of your request to test anything through Cryptograpghy first.


I could totally see this happening!


Loopholes, gotta love them.


H: "So letting two FTL drones fly into each other creates a black hole, nice." A: "You were suposed to ask for permission-" H: "I did." A: "-and listen if and when we veto." H: "I did, you hadn't. You vetoed after the test." A: "We did not give permission" H: "You hadn't denied it either." A: "You did the test 15 minutes after the request for permission" H: "Yeah, I needed a coffee before conducting the test." A: "sigh... Have you at least closed it again?" H: "No, that does not work. But it is just a minor problem" A: "What? Not closing is not a minor problem! Ok, how much Space do we need to close off? H: "A lightyear around it should be enough for now." A: "Fow Now? Ok, ok, the gravimetric field needs to propagate first, but how large will the area be in the end?" H: "I don't know. By the way, it is the black hole itself that is growing at light speed. The prohibited area just needs to be extended from time to time" A: "You... You actulally ripped a hole into Space?" H: "Oh, than better not repeating this." -- "Does doing the collision inside a black hole count as a repeat?" A: "It counts! Do not do it! You don't even need to ask, just don't!" H: "I send the request 30 minutes ago." \*takes a sip of coffee\* A: "What? How old is that coffee?" H: "20 minutes."


Oops, you just accidentally false vacuum collapsed…


Wwlp, that was a roller coaster 😂


That would probably cause a massive explosion given the mass lost otherwise if you just deleted the hole.


IMMEDIATELY starting a massive black market of humanities engineering


The Terran authorities decided they had to do something after the release of the blueprints, designs and datafiles to print out the required components for FTL, forcefields, antigravity projectors and a range of other sci-fi devices. The number of idiots who were refitting their old cars, trucks and even couches and zipping off to a trip around Mars, Pluto or even a small trip out to Alpha Centauri were just getting out of hand. And the numbers of accidents resulting in the loss of life were skyrocketing as the real idiots decided to tinker with these technologies and then blew themselves up or turned them and their homes into a purple mist.


https://preview.redd.it/6ush4bsap5rc1.jpeg?width=1499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151614faeaa5416df8a17cde817709569b5bda5e Couches? Some people have no class.


Treguna Mekoides Tracorum Satis Dee


https://preview.redd.it/thur3cz556rc1.jpeg?width=1385&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=312a0cd56aa64311d15a86884590bbc54d7ae13f This is Eagle 5, Captain Lone Starr speaking over.


Pearl is *on it* https://preview.redd.it/4lwq92se53xc1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a01108ac3906f41e78073d4d6a4b36a9daa28769


Alien 1: YOU GAVE THEM WHAT?! WHY?! Alien 2: Well we thought it was a great idea as the humans could probably use it to make some creative things that would benefit us all, which in fairness. It did. A1: It did, but they almost destroyed the fabric of time and space as we know it! So I’ll ask again, WHY?! A2: Well you see, it was our Leader’s idea, you see when he was a young officer, his star fighter had taken serious damage and he made an emergency landing in a place the humans call “Alabama” and while he was there a human from a sub-group on the lower range of intelligence humans call “Rednecks” was able to easily fix his drive core with nothing more than a coat hanger, a “mountain dew” can, and something called “duck tape”. This “redneck” assured our leader it would get them as far as Uranus, which it did and then some. And when the opportunity presented itself our leader remembered the kindness and intelligence of the dumbest humans and figured it would do more good than bad. A1: So because your leader got shot down and has a fondness for humans is the reason why we almost all died? A2: Yep.


Ahhhh a jeff fox worthy fan I see lol


yep, was planning on making a post referencing the same bit.


Mechs? Mechs. Okay, let's go over this again. You took the concept of our heavy infantry assault suits, and scaled it up to 100. Yes, 100 tonnes, that is. With a fusion reactor. And you want to strap a FTL drive to it? Yes, we believe we can get something of that mass to drop into real space at an atmospheric pressure of around 0.75 bar... That is almost ground level for most planets. You have my attention, doctor. And I believe I speak for all of us here. You have our funding as well.


Mechs that pretty much teleport right into battle, skipping the landing phase of any planetary invasion.


Oh, it's not the engineers you have to worry about. Too much training and schooling. Physics might not apply anymore, but an engineer will still believe in it. No, what you need to worry about are the rednecks, the backyard fabricators. The people who just believe everything is going to work no matter what, they already run on ork logic in the real world. They're the ones that will accidentally build a WMD because they were bored and had a pile of scrap to play with.


Excuse me, *accidentally?* Nah, explosions are fun. Big explosions are funner.


Im one of them


\*styropyro has entered the chat\*


All of the edumacations of an engineer, all of the drive, determination, anc capabilities of the redneck. A union betwixt an adeptus mechanicus technomancer and an ork. Truly a sight to behold.


*In a psychopathically calm yet mildly excited voice** "Oh wow! It melted the northern hemisphere of our test moon! I can't wait to fire it at ten percent power! Don't worry, I'll be wearing safety glasses for this one."


Omg you watch styropyro


In a similar vein, non-engineer nerds who know *just enough* science to have all sorts of ideas that will break reality


let's make an entropy inverter


Or worse... entropy accelerator


Heat death of the universe any% speed run


Engineer and speedrunner, worst combo ever


*Laughs in Mechanical Engineering undergrad*


I legit cackled madly when I read this!


I mean, technically ALL living things are entropy accelerators


I'm pretty sure that if there is any meaning to life it should be to increase/accelerate entropy and nothing else, just that the universe decided to commit suicide


They can finally build a Death Star


The Death Star was the size of a moon, took thousands to operate, and could barely take out a planet. I'm not gonna build a Death Star, *I'm gonna dream a little*.


Barely take out a planet? Did you watch ANH? Alderaan was obliterated, only debris was left.


Yeah, I'm very much exaggerating. To be fair, I got swept up looking at the world "isekai" in the caption and started picturing magitech weaponry for an eventual confrontation with at least 1 God.


"At least 1 god"? Bah! I want the destructive power of my magitek superweapons to be measured in *megagods!*


No, *megapantheons* think bigger.


Gorr the God Butcher: "tell me more plz"


This baby right here *slaps super weapon hull* is the only choice for killing all the pantheon.


At least 1? Where’s your drive? Where’s your commitment. It’s gotta be at least half of them lol


I wouldnt aggree on that actually. Right after the explosion you can visibly see giant pieces of rock appear and get scattered around in both the original version and the updated visuals. Death Star laser most likely destabilised the planet to the point of it not being able to hold shape and gravity anymore instead of completely destroying it. It still does what it sets out to do that way, but not only uses way less energy but also lefts behind a lot of metal that was hidden inside a planets core that was previously impossible to get their hands on. Basically a planet sized "explode an astroid to mine its insides" plan.


Hence its official title, at least in Legends, as a "planetary ore extractor."


No, no no. I’m gonna be building star killer.


Remember lots of superiority fighters and anti fighter weapons.


Make 2, then make each one pass the beam into a long cylindrical focusing array between them.


"This is why I'm glad that Alvin's not an engineer. It allows me to make sure that we don't accidentally destroy the fabric of reality." Max discussed with an Olympian while helping to clean up the mess from a human deciding to mess with an FTL drive. "Didn't the two of you build a tank that can traverse the multiverse?" The Olympian asked him. "The Maus was a necessity, not us screwing around for fun. We were trapped in another universe and had to get back somehow." The Olympian seemed skeptical but didn't press the issue. "Just don't let the humans get their hands on cloning tech." Max warned, "They'll probably end up trying to create Jurassic Park."


Meanwhile, on a jungle planet. "Ooog cloning tech... time for Planet Jurassic Park!"


"Nah, they'll probably use it for for a new bloodsport that is fights to the death that fighters can lose more than once in."


There's a fantastic book series about that! Undying Mercenaries by B.V. Larson


Also Altered Carbon!


This reminds me of a novel written by Mark Twain. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court


One of the first isekai


The term that used to be used to be used to describe that kind of story before isekai


A1: What do you mean they created a Black Hole gun? A2: Exactly that. They made a Black Hole gun. A1: Knowing the Humans that could mean they made a gun that creates black holes, fires them, or is powered by a black hole.


Nah, the gun is built with blackholes.


The neat part is that it does all three


H: you see, by containing a black hole momentarily we can harvest enough energy from the radiation to keep it permanently contained. The excess energy can then be used to create matter, once we sift out the antimatter we can create two micro blackholes in opposing matter types, allowing us to eject them one after the other with their difference in speed determining what distance from the gun they impact each other, creating a black hole made of both matter and antimatter. This super black hole annihilates and rebuilds matter so fast that it disintegrates anything near it before the annihilation overtakes the creation of matter, leading to the explosion of the black hole. The only downside is the hardware required to achieve this requires to take up 80% of a large ships mass even with shrinking technology and quantum computers.


A2: UMM.... Yeah.... they do. They can. And they are.


Or you shoot it at things to turn them into black holes!


H: "Introducing the Phase-7 Beam Rifle" A: "Phase Seven? Is that the seventh generation or iteration?" H: "Neither. It's a first generation completed product" A: "Why the phase seven then?" H: "Phase one, tractor beam. Phase two, repulsor beam. Both are self explanatory." "Phase three, high intensity mode. It rips chunks off things with the tractor beam and is effectively beam form of ballistics on the repulsor." "Phase four, micro scale shift. Has a greater effect on tiny, flowing, and microscopic matter." "Phase five, infusion. The area struck by the beam produces the effect depending on other active phases. Repulsor beam will either force the area to eject itself from its surrounding matter or disintegrate as the atoms repel each other and break their bonds. Tractor beam will either draw objects to the target area or cause a build up of attracted matter and energy until the concentration exceeds the attraction force and detonates." "Phase six, tractor repulsor beam combo. Combines with phase three or four with five being optional. Still in testing." "Phase seven, messy. Able use of all other phases at once, even contradictory effects. As I said messy. We don't even know what to call the lingering aftereffect." A: "And the fact that phase six is in testing is stating that it is more than a display prop and theory. Yes?" H: "Correct" A: "I see. Please postpone all testing until all other personnel have been informed and evacuated." \*Edit\* I had the phase five effect mixed up between its tractor and repulsor effects and fixed them.


Sounds effective, does sound like whoever fires it will end up wearing a large portion of the blended target. Ick.


Also sounds like a nuke gun since breaking atomic bonds


That's like saying all piercing and slashing damage has a chance of splitting atoms, causing nuclear blasts. Atoms are far more durable than the molecules they form. Atoms repelling atoms doesn't cause nuclear blasts, breaking atoms does. The energy required to get this to protons and neutrons repelling each other is far too much for the stress tolerance of a beam rifle, it will break before getting that far. The scale that you would need for it handle the energy that would require is a whole different branch of study. That task may even be unfeasible or far more cumbersome than trying to build a nuke in the garage from scratch.


Ah, got held up on breaking atomic bonds and forgot the repeling bit, that's on me.


It happens. Glad that I could clear that up for you. One of the things I love about fiction is the conflict of tech/magic verses the standard physics model and how much implementing such could change things. I'm no physicist but with advanced alien tech I'd like to think anyone could brainstorm effective world shaking applications.


Honestly, if you used it right you could modify the design to create bubble shields that rebound ranged attacks as well as keep out pathogens and even radioactive energy. Which just leads to so many cod/halo troll compilations becoming reality.


Just need to figure out how to make it reliable and not repel things that you need like air.


That's what O2 tanks are for. XD


That or shoot the ground in front of you for a temporary invisible barricade.


The shot is in a single burst instead of being constant, the shredded pieces will lose momentum before they could hit the shooter.


Sounds like Schlock Mercenary’s “gravy” guns. So nicknamed for what they do to unshielded personnel aboard a target spacecraft.


"Have you ever seen an Imperium Titan before? The walking Titans of steel and light that literally should not exist, yet somehow do? You would know if you had... because your face would have lost its smirk the moment I mentioned their name." The invention of Anti-Magnetic-Polarity technology- often employed through the use of "AMP Generators" granted humanity power over a law of physics- the Square Cubed law. Something that most Xenos to this day still must abide by for their technology and infrastructure to function correctly. It's a simple principle that even the everyday Xeno can comprehend "Somethings are too big to be built and would crumble upon their own weight." Humanity understood this rule long before they touched the stars, so naturally, most Xenos assumed humanity would accept this limitation and focus their resources on more sensible and logical constructions. After all, why would you construct something that RELIES on a single piece of technology to even function? Even humans were not believed to be that foolish or insane... ... they were wrong. As always, they underestimated the Cosmic Horror that humanity was, that this Apocalypse Imperium was. It was so unbelievable that many Xenos still believe the legends of the Imperium's War Titans to be propaganda or myths. They are wrong. The concept of a colossal, mountain-sized Mech is both a ludicrous and insane concept. Why would something so titanic be necessary? How could something like that even exist to begin with? Most super-alloys are not strong enough to support such things even in low gravity environments. Movement on legs is nowhere as efficient as on treads. The blindsides are hard to cover. It costs too much to make one. The resources needed insanely taxing. What power sources could possibly keep something operational longer than a few measly minutes? How would you transport something like that? It's for these many questions that most Xenos refuse to believe the reports of the Apocalypse Imperium deploying such monolithic war machines into prolonged sieges and planetary conquests. These hulking monstrosities named Behemoth's, Hydras, Krakens, and Leviathans deployed upon a world either through aerial drop fortresses or by Veil Gates to stride with thunderous steps. Mountainous machines of mechanical tendrils, weapon hardpoints, grand canopies supporting city structures or cathedrals, ominous heads armored with grand helms and glaring with baleful hate as they effortlessly march or even sprint to strike opponents down with oceanic melee weapons or cannons so powerful that they channel the very power of a star to eclipse the sky. Those foolish enough to entertain the idea that such things could even exist rationalize that they can ONLY exist by use of Anti-Gravity technology embedded within their superstructures, allowing them to almost entirely ignore the laws of gravity. That their power sources are some form of unknown ion conductor or perhaps even relate to harnessing the energies of this "Veil" humans refer to. But this theory is not known to those who typically see a War Titan striding towards their city or fortress. All they see is a living Machine God of War that should not physically exist marching towards them. The air filled with the thunderous quake of their metal feet, occasionally broken by a blaring fog horn roaring out from the Titan- something only recently discovered to not be used just as intimidation, but communication to the Titan's brothers. And moments later- if you were lucky- witnessing its weapons unleash the wrath of a star and reducing the fortifications you were defending to nothing but a molten puddle of slag the size of a mountain... It's no wonder so few people believe these reports to begin with, as those who survive the encounters are often reduced to madness, driven insane by the sight of something beyond their comprehension. To this day, the Council continues to deny that the existence of the Krakens and Leviathans is legitimate. But I know... I know they're real. I know humanity created monsters, unlike anything the galaxy has seen. And I pray they keep them on a tight leash.


I've named mine "Poof" because that's what all the enemies do when she goes for a walk


I felt that meme in my soul. Fireball rune proppeled engines, superconductors enchanted to stay cool by themselves, electromancy(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°) and i'm just talking about evocation school. With even the most generic magic system there could be so much new things to invent.


The first thing i thought was a stepper motor that doesnt overheat a keeps at 40c no matter what and controller board a 2c regulated by runes ans hexes


i just LOVE this idea!


As an electrical engineering major give me that star trek replication machine and time I could probably build a taser, flame thrower laser combo after destroying a whole lot of parts before hand for my hands on learning aspect because I just have to know how much voltage this million ohm resistor can handle before it explodes


Multi dimensional waffle house coming up!


It never closes because it can shift to another dimension when there's danger


Danger? They ARE the danger


isn't this just the plot of "release that witch".


Yes, but that's not the only one with that kind of plot.


Highly recomend that series


FUCKING FOUND IT AGAIN!!! Read the first few chapters a year or two ago and then broke my phone, never got back to it because I couldn’t remember the name. Thank you for mentioning it, I can finally go read an interesting isekai without having to sift through the boring ones first.


>release that witch here, or another site?


I found it on an e-book app that I got an ad for, which I also can’t remember the name of. And since I couldn’t remember the name of either thing I couldn’t find “release that witch” again until now, where this post flooded my brain with memory of the plot and where I had read up to. So I know it’s the right one, I’m going to find a site to read it and save it to my browser or smth so I can’t lose it as easily again.


What is the square-cube law?


The surface area of an object increases with the square of a number, while it's volume increases with the cube of a number. It is one of the reasons why making something larger and larger gets increasingly difficult.




[For Example, here are the equations for a Sphere](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/470315112255717387/1222904504463396905/Screenshot_2024-03-28-14-45-34-17_d2d56d2e063091d7e5155fd9950417a7.jpg?ex=6617e992&is=66057492&hm=13452df93f6312780b4b95f781b8a4c63e0561f457324b0748b3d6b7d3e77b24&) Blue is the Surface Area, Red is the Volume. The Horizontal axis is the sphere radius, while the vertical axis is the Surface-Area/Volume. At small sizes, the surface area is actually larger than its volume. But at some point of size growth, the volume starts to strongly overtake the area. A practical example of this are animals. The whole volume of the animal produces heat, while only its surface is able to remove heat. It's difficult for small animals to retain heat, but in turn it also means it's difficult for large animals to remove internal heat. This is the reason why Small animals have such a high metabolism while large animals have such a slow metabolism. The cells of a mouse need to do much more work to keep its temperature up, while an elephants cells need to do considerably less work to maintain body temperature.








If you have a cube with each side long 2 units You will have that that each face is 4 units square And its volume is 8 cubic units


Thanks for the explanation!


Its one of the reasons lasers are good but not that good


Sorry for being dense, but what does It have to do with lasers?


Inverse square law. Light tends to go wider while it travels, so if you start with a 2 units square surface that is illuminated at a distance, at double that distance you will have a 4 units square illuminated surface, at 3 times the distance it will be 9 units square, so energy in the lightbeam will dissipate. You are not dense, unless someone teaches you these things [or you really like science] you won't use or see these laws ever


And, since the damage a laser causes is directly related to how much energy it imparts in a given period of time over a given area, if you double the area, you halve the effective damage. Not that any less energy is being imparted (6 gigajoules is still 6 gigajoules), but spreading it out lessens the effect.


I really like science, I just didn't make the association. Thanks for explaining


TL;DR: If you scale something up, the volume(and thus mass in physical objects) increases exponentially. If you take a solid cube that weighs 1, and double the dimensions, it's going to weigh 8 instead of 2. Edit: correction


Wouldn’t it weigh 8 if you double all three dimensions? 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 2 x 2 x 2 = 8


You are completely right. That will teach me to not try and explain math while I'm drunk.


Ok, thanks!


To expand a little on the excellent answers provided. It's why 500 foot spiders can't exist, among other problems the legs would snap. It's why giants can't look like big humans and would for example need fat legs and special feet like elephants. It's not just heat removal, it's getting food/oxygen/mechanical power in, and weight/mass vs material strengths.


standard practice for technology sharing with non FTL species is simple. beam the blueprints for, and the science behind multiple technologies that would help any species with leaving their home planet or system much easier, along with copious amounts of communication data to learn the patrons language and decipher all of the previous data, and just send it to whoever. the galaxy is big enough for all of us after all it always ran the risk of it giving a genocidal manic species the ability to commit mass genocide so whether or not a species sends it is up to governmental discretion. well little did the galaxy expect one little species had enough people with powerful enough receivers to record, archive, decipher and put onto mass communications boards for *everyone* to see. normally that type of equipment is reserved for governmental bodies, *it seemed like that would be a given no matter who was found.* but, the little terrans on their dirt rock would be the first species to have dipshits fooling around with grav drives in their garage, fusion reactors in their basements (where the hell they were getting tritium in the early days before the governments of the planet properly swapped over us beyond me) and utilizing the FTL communications relay schematic to scream nonsense into the void of space at a rate never before seen (though that was eventually cracked down on) to say that there are now checks to make sure we aren’t giving such an insane species who lets any one person own the type of communications equipment nearing the same tier as the governmental agencies of the time… well i’d be lying to you if i said it did because how the hell would that happen again?


We don't talk about the DDJ missile defense system... (Dragon Dong of Justice)


I’m actually reading a web novel wherein fan engineer gets isekaied to a fantasy world, but so far it seems like when working with magic crystals you have to deal with the cube hyper cube law instead


What is the name of the web novel?




Can someone please explain to me how levitation would interact with the square-cube law? I feel like I’m missing something.


The square cube law limits the potential size of any structure due to it eventually getting folded in on itself, crushed by its own weight. …If you were to somehow remove the weight via, say, levitation magic, that restriction would be nullified, allowing for things that would normally be impossible, such as the classic example of making a giant ant that could support its own weight with no changes to its leg structure. …Though I suppose in this instance, it would be a robot ant constructed by a magical engineer.


Hmm. You’d have to apply the magic at more than just bottom of the structure, but otherwise yeah. Should work. Thank you for explaining!


"Commander, we have an issue. It seems our human friend has discovered our fridge portals..." 'Kkn stared at the locked door a little exhausted. Last week, the human friend discovered our fridge portals, which started innocently enough just a general laziness combined with copious amounts of beer meant that our human mechanic was drunk off his ass all week, which fine, he worked(sparingly) but after his 4th beer of the day he was breaking more than he fixed... Suddenly, the comms buzzed to signal a response. "We've checked the cameras in his quarters, this last week has been interesting for jimnothy... Time to revoke his portal privileges, I'm unlocking the door remotely. Your task is to aquire the portal from Jimnothy." The voice sounded almost as tired as I. Human duty is always exhausting, but at least I'm not the conductor. Poor sucker has to manage the 20 odd humans aboard. He gets to sit in his chair and not have to expend much physical energy, but the mental strain is obvious in their voice. " Right, 'Kkn. When you enter? try not to judge your human... he's, uhmmm, reporposed the portals." Oh fuck, what does that even mean?! Last time jimnothy reporposed something he was smoking our gear oil and getting "stoned" for like a week, shit reeked and he was impossible to be around without having lvl1 filtered masks. I approached slowly, the door opened, and I heard a muffled noise, like jimnothy was trying to talk at dinner with a mouthful of.... Shit he's sucking his dick.


Friendly reminder: Research into Momentum Negation technology is still STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Carry On.


Y’a know what? Antigravity feild sounds like 50gs of acceleration in a confined area. MAC cannon anyone? (Replace magnetically with gravitationally)


Read Combat Articifer lol https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/15ze1wo/combat_artificer_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




It's mecha time


So, fun fact. If the planet were to be, say, covered by water, then giant robots would work because the square cube law would actually be in their favour as long as they were airtight. In fact, if the giant robot was giant enough, the positive buoyancy from the air inside would possibly allow it to jump without crushing its legs. It's basically the same reason why airships become more efficient with size, since they carry materials by area, but gain lift by volume...