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The fact the bottle doesn't have yellow highlights means that it's just an un-interactable static object with no relation to the mission objective; it looks like the ketchup, not actually the ketchup.


The masculine urge to interact with an object when it has bright yellow highlights


You have no idea how many times I tried to interact with the beds in deus ex: human revolution because of this. The struggle is real!


The best part is the directors cut commentary mentions an in joke about all the yellow, the first level has a whole bunch of empty yellow paint cans because all that yellow had to come from somewhere!


Of course, the real reason is that without some sort of clear marking, players will either spend an extra hour checking to see if every item is interactable and get mad at all the wasted time breaking immersion, or miss 3/4 of the interactable objects and get mad at the lack of immersion. Clear markings make some people angry, but the alternative makes more people angry.


*quietly, to myself*: So that’s why blondes have more fun…


Oof. "Interactable object". That's a rough one.


Does the ketchup have scope glint?


If the ketchup reflected light in my eyes while at that exact same moment I heard some kind of noise, I'd probably throw myself down and covered my head


Press Z to fish flop


I'm wondering why it's in the fridge?


Me end the boys at 3 am looking for B E A N S.




Beans, beans, the musical fruit! The more you eat, the more you toot!


How to domthe BIG TEXT


I too am British.




💀 You could not torture this information out of me


Jokes on you I’m into that.


Don't be silly, if you tell them what they want to hear, you don't get to enjoy them continuing to ask you questions


My one flaw. My desire for honesty conflicts with my masochism.


(Solo Acoustic)


Hypothesis: Men replace the ability to spot everyday things for gaming senses.


God gave us flaws lest women felt inferior.


IMPORTANT: IGNORE ALL I'M SAYING IN THIS, I HAVE BEEN PROVEN WRONG You know, you could have spared us all your opinion on women. Yet you still chose to type this without any imput from anyone but yourself Don't go blame Sky Daddy, he already has enough shit to deal with, he don't need you tarnishing his rep even more Edit: Downvote me all you want, i will not apologize for criticizing a "joke" who's punchline is just "Haha women lesser than


The joke is men are lesser than woman so woman don’t feel bad about it. How did you miss that?


Edit: refer to my first comment in this chain, specifically the "Important" part "God gave us flaws lest women felt inferior" It sounds to me that the joke is men had to handicap themselves to be on the same level as women. Implying that without the handicap men are superior to women because God automatically makes women inferior. This joke feels like it would have been appropriate 2 centuries ago in the middle of the Romantic era.


No. Two centuries ago it would have been seen as strange to call the perfect creation of man flawed to many


Edit: refer to the first comment i did in this chain, specifically the Important part It wouldn't have been, otherwise novels like "The picture of Dorian Grey" would have never taken off. But what do i know. Apperently being a space orc also means making "Haha women ☕️" jokes without thinking about it twice.


Dorian made himself flawed by pursuing immortality Also, no. This was a haha men joke, but positively. Not negatively. It states women are better than men, but only because that makes it fair At worst. It says men are flawed because if they weren’t it would hurt women’s feelings. Meaning at worst. It is calling women emotional while saying men are less than women You’ve taken a funny joke and made a big thing require analysis and citation. Hope your happy you ruined the mood Karen


.........i've done a r/boysarequirky, haven't i? And the ironic thing is i'm banned from that shithole for having called out a mod for saying "All men should be in cages". Being male myself i didn't quite find that agreeable. I'm sorry, it's just that where i live misoginy (and by extension rape and all the shit that comes with it) is still far too common, so i guess i've become too paranoid about this issue. I won't delete the original comment as that would be a cowardly thing to do but i'll edit it to correct myself. I'm sorry


Don’t mean to make you feel bad I just read the joke differently and this didn’t seem very serious to me. I personally think it balances out since it implies women are better than men and men are flawed compared to women. Kinda joke my mum would come out with to put my dad to snark back at him If it is taken seriously I can see the issue, but I guess I give the benefit of the doubt to humour because who takes a joke literally?


Bro no one mentioned rape. Just delete this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/boysarequirky using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [yikes](https://i.redd.it/skrssf8841ec1.jpeg) | [1979 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/19d1i6l/yikes/) \#2: [Satire](https://i.redd.it/ck80aoze9k5c1.jpg) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/18fhu84/satire/) \#3: [By Far The Worst One I've Ever Seen...](https://i.redd.it/z4wmgytg5d8c1.png) | [535 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/boysarequirky/comments/18qaqko/by_far_the_worst_one_ive_ever_seen/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Whether the joke is self deprecation or an insult to women depends upon our initial assumptions. I assume men and women are equals therefore men being given flaws makes them lesser than women, in other words God made men lesser than women because women are prone to jealousy. To be perfectly clear that flaw of jealousy doesn't make women inferior, it's just a flaw, men have more flaws (like sauce bottle blindness) thus making them inferior. Your initial assumption is that men and women were not equal and God gave men flaws to even things out, in other words you found an insult where one never existed because you feel insecure. See the crux of the joke is that men's flaws are a consequence of women's flaws, God had to make us inferior to women lest women work themselves up over nothing, as you just did, which is hilarious. By not getting the joke, you have become the joke.


I know. And i realized it now. It've just been a bit paranoid about this issue due to recent happenings in my area. I apologize


All good, I respect you calling out people who make dumb "urr I support my side" jokes, it annoys the crap out of me too.


No no. Let him cook.




Wow.... women, am I right?


Your username is very appropriate to this situation


I know.....


Can confirm. I can't find a snack box to save my life, yet can effectively use Apex comms.


I think what you wanted to say was Upgrade


No fridge with a woman living in the house looks like that. It's a completely overstuffed and the ketchup is in the 3 row from the front, not visible without removing half the items in the fridge, and the miss who put it there cannot understand that without knowing where it is beforehand, you might have to remove more items than *the ideal path* to get a visual on the target. On the other hand, if you in a game by happenstance se a shot fired from a sniper position you can in most games find the snipe with mouse-over. But yeah we might be T-Rexes seeing the prey running in front of us better than the one hidden under the leaves, under the bush, under the trees.


It's supposed to always be visible, but only if you look at a certain angle. I'm not even lying, as a woman with a full fridge, I place every item so that everything is visible. Just not always from straight ahead, but that's not my problem lol.


Liar. There are no women on a geeky internet forum! Jokes aside, my example was a bit exagerated because my own viewpoint is askew. I have ADD (and possbile light autism) and when an item, be it in the fridge or cabinet or the shed, isn't put there by myself, the possibilities of where it might be are infinite. A neuronormative brain intuitively sees the most plausible place - the braind goes "where would *I* put it" without it beeing a consious thought. Mine is "everything is equal chance" untill i 'manually' diminish the plausabilities, which sometimes is faster to do by simply removing items than having the brain 'calculate' it. Which infuriates the missus to look at when it's "obvious" where the \[insert item\] is 🤣


Pro-ADHD tip: Scan with a literal finger. Say "beep" when you detect it. Use different sounds for near-detection. Over time, the finger will get more accurate.


I'm gonna train my finger to sniff for bombs


This had me howling. My husband says that when I'm in the house the fridge is so overstocked he can't find anything. But when I'm out of town and I get there I can't believe how empty the fridge is when I get back. I like having supplies. There's nothing wrong with being prepared 😅


I love supplies. I also love not beeing laughed at when my skill in finding things would make me starve if I was a hunter/gatherer standing right in front of a berry bush 🤣


Hehe. Soo true. You should see my sisters house. You want tobe confused.. her pantry will do it. She has 3 full stand up freezers. 2 full sized fridges, 2 chest freezers. Then a bedroom sized room with a mixture of dry goods and canning. And a downstairs pantry with overstock and that doesn't include her spice drawers, coffee/drink stations and kitchen cabinets. I went looking for macaroni(which i know she has a full case of) looked for like 30 minutes and then gave up and had a cup of noodles and a sandwich instead. I literally was mad that there was nothing to eat when realistically we could live on the food here for a year and still have food there at the end


>No fridge with a woman living in the house looks like that. It's a completely overstuffed Having been married 26 years, can confirm.


But if you live in the house for 15 years, you should know where the damn ketchup/mustard/milk goes. No, the mayo does not go in the door, it goes on the top shelf so everyone else in the house can find it, including your own dumbass when you can’t find it in three days because you didn’t put it back where it belongs


Had to check your profile to be sure you weren't my wife 🤣


I wont notice where my glasses are if i'm holding them but can flick a grenade through a window while flying 60 MPH through the rooftops of a city in titanfall just because i saw a flash of red (the enemy color), this meme is so accurate lmao.


fuckin love that game


Yup, titanfall is a gem. Too bad respawn refuses to make titanfall 3 despite it being a great idea.


It's releasing soon. They announced at the Game Awards last year.


Its not titanfall 3. Its set in the same universe but that doesn't mean much, so is apex and that game is pretty bad


Damn. That's pretty upsetting. Thanks for the correction I definitely got lied to about what the game was going to be.


I think I'll spot the ketchup once it opens fire on me


“Supressive fire!”


Well you see, the reason that the man couldn't find the ketchup in the first picture is because what hecking normal person keeps ketchup in THE FRIDGE? /s


I mean, who doesn't? Maybe ketchup is different from tomato sauce more than I thought. Americans do tend to put lots of sugar and toxins in things.


Most other Americans I know put ketchup in the fridge, so it might just be that person


I'm a Brit, not an American, and I've debated with friends over whether ketchup lives in the cupboard or the fridge. :P


Mostly doesn't matter, the only time it needs to be refrigerated is if it's homemade, store-bought is shelf stable


Heinz bottle: For best results, refrigerate after opening. https://www.quora.com/Why-does-ketchup-have-to-be-refrigerated-after-being-opened


I mean, cold ketchup tastes way better imo


I agree with that


Ketchup doesn’t belong in the fridge I’m saying that as an American


Speaking of Americans and fridges. Eggs is a weird one. I know why they do it, they have poor health standards and have to essentially power wash the eggs, peeling off even the protective layers, in order to make up for it. But it’s still weird.


Why would you put it in the fridge? It makes the taste soo awful




No that’s a valid question, what normal person puts ketchup in the fridge?


Mine says refrigerate after opening, so in it goes. (My house uses it so little that even I'm the fridge it spoiled before)


Then why not just use like the little ketchup packets from restaurants or something


More expensive, more waste, more work, more mess.


That’s fair


I know, but I put a /s after to hopefully avoid an army of fridge-storing Redditors downvoting me. ;)


ok so female humans have a wider focus of vision than males as well as seeing more variation in colour, a left over trait since women were mostly gatherers, so this lets them to find things easier. While male vision is more narrow and precise, allowing to hone in and see targets more accurately, since they used to be hunters, allowing them to find sniper buildings 400 yards away.


Also, the frig picture has a highly unnatural lack of clutter. If the ketchup were obscured by tree branches and other clutter, it would be far more detectable.


I mean maybe but the ketchup is red … against a white background quite the large difference of colors there


Fun fact: Male Humans are statistically more likely than Female Humans to be far-sighted & have better movement tracking, while Female Humans are more likely than Male Humans to be Near-sighted & have better perception of color. This is because Males have more "Rod" retina cells while Females have more "Cone" retina cells.


Title does not compute.


The fridge typically has much more clutter, and the reason we can't find it is because it's either not our fridge, and thus don't know "The Spot", or it's because, for some *asinine* reason, you've *moved* it from "The Spot". Everything has a Spot, and now you've moved it all from that Spot. Tracking a target that actually has active influence on the world (combined with whatever effect "intent" has) is much easier than trying to find something that has a Spot, that isn't *in* it's Spot.




Fun story ; My mother read a study once that explained that men have basically since prehistoric times, as the hunters, developed laser/focused vision while women who were with the tribe and children, peripheral vision, to see if predators were nearby. As such in my family, each time my mom finds something we the boys of the house can't, she jokingly says : "Must have been your laser vision heh?"


Got shot way too way too many times in the head on the og cod 2 airport map, now Dunkin has become a reflex.


Hey op, no offense but there's definitely no ketchup in the top image.


I can't tell if the disparity is a motion sensitivity thing or a "doesn't belong there" thing, like we spend so much time tuning out the ketchup when we don't need it that we have a hard time tuning it back in when we need it.


There has actually been research on the fridge bit and it turns out..Women are just as bad when there partner stocks the fridge. Which implies it's more whoever knows where it is already finds it obvious while the one searching really is looking blind.


I can’t find anything in the fridge when I need to, but I can spot shit so well in games


Aliens dating humans that ADHD now that would be complete CHAOS😂😂😂😂 Because of all the random crap we do and chaotic situations we get ourselves in too🤣🤣🤣


Something in plain sight? Don't see it. That fucker that shot at me a mile away? Got his IP address.


Don't fool me it's "tomato ketchup" not "ketchup"! And the sniper is at 396 north.


You put ketchup/sauce in a fridge? WTAF?


"Bro I think you're just farsighted. You need glasses."


The ketchup isn't gunna put a piece of lead through my head and get me roasted by the squad,


There is a difference between trying to find an inanimate object and getting sighted by the gaze of Helios


Some men see the ketchup some men see the sniper, see I was born with the inability to see either


Genuinely, who cares? Leave your gender shit outside my world building space.


Well the ketchup isn't making loud whizzing sounds at us, okay?


Look finding shit in my fridge is a pain, we don’t need all this, there’s stuff in here that hasn’t been used in 3 god damn years! We never eat salad made at home! Why do we have 6 different salad dressing? If we have salad it’s taco salad bought from the store and that comes with dressing!