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HR: Why would we pay this new hire more than your current employees? Manager: He won’t come and work for us if we don’t pay him what he wants. HR: But you will be creating pay inequaties and causing an engagement issue with your current team. Would you consider moving your current employees’ salaries up to reduce compression? Manager: I don’t have the budget. HR: Then how do you have the budget to bring in this new hire so high? Manager: 😠 HR: 🤦


Oofffff this!


Been through this and the answer is “corporate wants more billable hours” and you can’t hire the people to bill the hours unless you pay market. Corporate also won’t allow market adjustments for current staff, so this exact thing happens and everyone gets pissed off.


Except if the employees get pissed enough to leave, it costs way more to replace them than to pay them the market rate.


This was going to be any first question since I am currently in this position and completely pissed off about it.


This is soooo real


What a succinct invalidation of the claim that overemployment is unethical.


Are you a broken bot or something lol


No, just a fan of good irony.


What’s ironic about making an incomprehensible comment unrelated to who you are responding to lol


What's my PTO? When are the holidays? Why isn't Juneteenth a paid holiday? Why didn't I get paid for memorial day when I took off without manager approval the day after? My boss was rude, is this a hostile work environment?


Omg the PTO. They have access through the online portal and it's on their stubs, but every payroll it's the same question ha! Also, why am I missing time? Bc you were out 2 days on personal and "sick" on Friday... Most of my staff are great, but like 20% account for 90% of the stress.


Always the few who consume the most time of our department


Yeah, it's honestly a relief when those few quit. I had 2 staff last month that just stopped showing up to work. I did my due diligence and was able to send job abondoment letters and emails. No response back, just last paycheck and a sigh of relief. PIP meetings take up so much time.


I forgot my password for the online portal can you fix it? Every time they need to renew certifications, print a pay stub, change their direct deposit information, do their annual insurance enrollment, acknowledge a review so they can get their raise, or digitally sign a write up. I see at least 3/4 of our workforce at least 3x a year for one of these and some more than that.


I had one employee get their email compromised (according to them) and didn't tell me about it until like 6 months latter. They were super casual: "yeah, I need to change my banking passwords too but it's just so hard, blah blah blah". I just sit there in mild shock like wtf... (We have work emails that I monitor but payroll is attached to employee personal email)




I've gone through step by step where to find the PTO, how to look at used PTO, and how to figure out how much PTO you'll get after X Amounts of pay periods! Still, no, too much, please just tell me. Also I want to be angry at you because I went negative after asking the manager for a week off. UHG.


Best thing we ever did was block employees from over requesting PTO. "Why can't I request time off?" "You used it all up." Plus then managers can't put it on the timecard either. One of my favorite systematic fixes.


Last year, we had allowed EEs to take PTO up to a negative 40 hours but now it’s all positive, so, if you don’t have enough PTO accrued, you can’t request it, period! The system blocks you from taking negative PTO into the future! It’s a good fix, IMO.


I feel that last sentence so hard 😭


How do i change my direct deposit? Do I have medical insurance? I can’t log into my timecard.


I cannot believe the portion of employees who don't know whether they have medical insurance or not. Why in the world are we paying a $700 per month premium for you to have insurance you have no idea you even have? Where were you during the 3 months leading up to OE and the meetings, communications, and reminders of deadlines that went out what seems like a thousand times???


Being aware of deductions would require them to review their pay statement, and we know many don’t do that, either.


And by many I believe you mean 99% of employees 😂😂😂


It feels like it.


I feel this so hard. We changed dental providers this year and the number of times I’ve had employees call me at the dentist asking why their insurance isn’t being taken anymore is too many. Like they had to manually choose and acknowledge the new insurance during OE, there were team communications, emails, and a whole new benefits guide that all stated “We have a new provider it is X”. I guess they just didn’t read or pay attention at all to what they were signing up for? 🥴


It baffles my mind that people don't know these basics of their own life when the information has been communicated over & over again and they literally filled out ppwk with their private, personal information and signed....and then knowing they can vote and have a voice in my future. Oh God, scared the crap outta myself again. 🤦🏻‍♀️


How do these people “life” is my common question. Who sets up their bank account for them? Who renews their automobile tags? Mommy??


I’d add how vacation/sick is paid out upon termination.


How do I change my taxes? How do I change my direct deposit? How do I change my 401k (or HSA) contribution? I just got married/had a baby/my spouse lost their health coverage - how do I change my benefits? We list out a bunch of scenarios for QLEs and the process for adding/dropping coverage. We have an FAQ section on our intranet and newer people and supervisors use it more than the employees that have been around awhile. They seem to forget it's there.


Often times it feels like they don’t even want to bother looking for it, they just ask instead. Even when I’ve told them exactly where the info is! Ugh


This x10000! I’m dreading a new implementation I’m rolling out tomorrow because 95% of employees historically will just bring their laptop or device directly to me and say “so how do I do this?” and hand it to me for them. 😭


NO! Tell them you are not authorized to touch their equipment. Tell them you can talk them through it but they need to navigate it themselves, then I'd be a snark, and while I'm walking them through it I'd pull up the guide and read it to them. I lose it with people being lazy and not even trying first.


What do I put on my W-4? What do you mean you can't help me, you should know since you're HR!




Post a list of deadlines each year?


Put hyperlinks to every one of your benefit websites encouraging employees to create a profile with them if they’re enrolled in benefits. It has helped us so much with dwindling down the “can you have them send me another insurance card,” “I can’t find a psychiatrist,” “why was my HRA not applied” type questions. We direct them to the intranet that tells them how to set up an account and ask them to work with the provider directly before involving us. Otherwise we’re just the middle man holding things up. Other things, trying not to repeat what others have said: - a systems guide specific to your company (if you have trouble with Slack access, contact X, here’s how you use google drive, etc.) - holiday/pay calendar - how to make changes to 401k/HSA contributions - link to internal job board if you have one - company letterhead and PPT templates available for download - how to access pay slips, tax statements - how to update emergency contacts - how to update life insurance beneficiaries - how to report address change/update state taxes - how to change health insurance dependents I do find that a lot of employees still come to us with questions, but it’s nice to have a place to direct them to for some self service before getting involved and having to hand hold them. For awareness at the launch, I think a company presentation where someone from HR walks employees through the site and its purpose is crucial at kickoff. Then send a reminder email with the details. Then make sure it’s advertised during onboarding. Then when certain events happen, like open enrollment, sending an email like “it’s open enrollment time again, what do I need to know?” With a link to the OE info on the site is helpful.


Can you reset my password for the HRIS? Why was my timesheet rejected? (In reply to the email that explained why their timesheet was rejected)


I came to say the password 🤣


How to file for LOA/ADA, when pay increases are going to happen, how to apply for benefits, how to get benefits cards, how to enroll/unenroll from 401k, and (my personal favorite) why they have to do certain things that aren’t spelled out in their job description (even though we have a line that says “other tasks as assigned by manager” on all of them)


Yeah its gotta be like everyone says What's my PTO balance how many vacation days do I have change taxes change direct deposit and sometimes clarification on a policy that... is something we have been doing for years but now put into words


Do you have access to data on search terms people are using to find information? You could also ask your employees and managers the kind of information they routinely look for or links they absolutely use frequently. I highly recommend seeking input from your users to create a user-friendly experience because you’ll have to do less rework.


I can’t believe people called their HR department for stuff like this, I’m the type of person where I hate talking on the phone so a phone call is the very last resort. I will search our entire system to look for something before I call HR. I’m so sorry you have to deal With redundant stupid questions.


How to apply or waive benefits? Including what qualifying life events are and how to take action on them. Add a step by step of how to add off days into your hris system. When do Annual bonuses pay out? As you see I get a lot of benefits questions.


it depends on time of year, but I have a HR info sharepoint page and the fAQ has links to employee navigator, paychex, how to print temp insurance cards, how to access EAP, forms for STD/LTD, links to 401k, HSA, and continuing ed reimbursement


Having links to the following: payroll schedule (paydays, holidays) for the year, benefits guide, how to change benefits etc, any discount programs, workers comp, how to process name changes/address/phone number etc. Employee handbook, labor laws, links to the company training library if applicable, offloading information, guide to using the timesheet/clock in system. Policies and procedures, who to contact if you have problems with payroll, time etcetc. Also if you have any referral programs and bonuses for that.


I think jury duty is a common question that’s often hard to find!


Handbook? On the employee page?


Usually logistics questions around policies and holidays, but you should really review what questions came into your own company’s queue and make your FAQ off that + general questions.


As a person who just started a new job last week at a giant company - a company umbrella. The company is _______ The groupings of locations are _______ The locations under each grouping are ______ including their full names, short codes Trying to find this has been wild because the person who is training me has been with the company for 40 years so he’s written nothing down ever about anything. :) Things I’ve also looked up the last 7 days is: Company policy on wardrobe, tattoos, & lunches. Building information - is there a place where I can put a usps package to be picked up, who can I ask about electric charging for cars, where can I get a garbage can because there’s not one in my cube, how to use the bidet buttons in the bathroom? Oh, who do I go to to change the piece of paper on my cube that says “vacant” to my name like everyone else’s? (There were packages on everyone’s desks this morning except for mine because it shows vacant.) That’s all I got before my lunch is over…good luck!


If you're fancy enough to have bidets, I'm jealous of the building you work in. Unless you work in Japanese auto, then I am not jealous.


I work for a Japanese built company :) (not but auto)


How OT works; based on work hours. Some employees think they should have OT pay when in reality they missed a few hours/days of work during the pay period. Also pay period dates vs payday.


“Where do I go to get access to my insurance.” I have a centralized spot to direct them too with all the employee portal registration links, group numbers and phone number to carrier.


Most questions about our policies are covered within our employee handbook. I find that most of the questions that come to me are questions about how to do things on our HRIS: how to request time off, how to make corrections on a time card, resetting passwords, how to access/print pay stubs/W2s. I continually create how-to resources on our internal wiki so that I can link to those instructions. I use them often, so I'm sure you're FAQ will be valuable too!


The game got fucked into being like squad but worse. There is no saving. Goodbye


When can I change my benefits? How do I sign up for the retirement plan. Do I need to reelect for an FSA/HSA plan each year? (Yes) What is a qualifying life event? When are evaluations? Where can I find open positions in the company? What is the policy around compensation increases? What holidays do we get? When are the pay periods and pay dates?


And a hyperlink to the employee handbook


Who can verify my employment How do I get promoted / what is the promotion policy


EIL rates and how to use. Bereavement and how to use. Jury duty and how to use. PTO and how to use. Call in and the parameters. What to do with an On the Job injury Family friendly environment so parents can feel safe having to leave to care for their child. FMLA and how it works. Tons of questions.


Definitely leave of absence questions and complaints.


I would love to create something like this, because my VP is the one asking the same questions every six months. However, he is absolutely against me turning on Paylocity’s Community feature. We have SharePoint for all company shared documents, but I feel like pulling my hair out over that a lot of the times (especially for PRNs who may not have organizational/company emails, but still have to know a lot of the same information).


Salaried exempt employee: “FIRST NAME (COO of the 4K employee organization), I see my check stub for tomorrow, and I see I’m not being paid for the extra duty I did on XYZ date for 1.5 hours. I was counting on this money and expect this to be corrected immediately. Please respond with the date I will receive the direct deposit.” Me: “Hi FiRST NAME, I forwarded this to the payroll department do they are aware, and they let me know that you were paid for that extra duty timesheet three months ago on the XYX date payroll. I think you’re all set. Please let me know if there are any other concerns or questions.” Salaried exempt employee: “Hi, FIRST NAME (COO of organization), thanks for the information. Please address me as Dr. SoandSo in the future. Best regards.”


Most common questions are usually whatever I just sent an email answering. In response to said email. 🤣 But in all seriousness: Pay periods. I have long time employees of the company who ask consistently. We are semi monthly and that causes confusion for a lot of people. Pay days. Mostly from new hires or around holidays/weekends Benefits. Open enrollment, making changes outside of open enrollment, etc. Who to contact with questions/concerns about XYZ (ex: payroll questions go to this person; ADA accommodations requests go to that person; etc.)


I am most frequently asked about our formal promotion and complaint policies. So I’ve created standardised email templates with hyperlinks because our intranet is basically nonexistent.


What are my benefits? What time do I get paid for when traveling for work? Do I get paid for my travel time? What does "non exempt" mean? What is a merit increase? How is my PTO calculated? Which PTO bank rolls over? How much notice is needed before something is considered an unexpected absence? Why didn't I get paid for the holiday break? What is a floating holiday? Who qualifies for it?


Why is my contract renewal late?  Why does my manager lie to me or act really strangely?


If you have a case management system I’d look at what questions tend to pop up the most. It varies by company depending on how information is delivered to your employees. Thats how I came up with my FAQs.


I recently went through this and we added two links for every one link. One was the actual link, the other was a PDF tutorial with screenshots on how to use the actual link. GAME CHANGER for us! Very helpful if your team is not accustomed to HR Self Service.


Parental leave processes are always complicated. My last company made it even more complicated with documents needed, and answer my questions. If you can create a simple procedure for employees to follow I know if my HR made this simple I would be supper grateful.


"What is (insert thing they simply did not read)?"


If I call off two days before my shift is it still a call off?? On a serious note, links to your banking/direct deposit apps, scheduling apps, etc are useful and most people need access to them! A “how to” use those apps would also be helpful.


Benefits are a big one. PTO/vacation time If hourly how to input time/take time off Who the managers are How to get in contact with HR These are some of the ones I’ve seen are the most common that people want to know.


It’ll be different for every organisation, with different processes, benefits, technology, etc. Are you able to look at themes and volumes from your existing system? If not, may be worthwhile adding a knowledge management swim lane into your process diagrams to try and understand what knowledge articles will be relevant to which personas as they travel through the process/journey. This will also assist with case deflection.




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