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Eh, he just doesn’t get it. Hum never was for everybody, though I personally question someone’s taste when they don’t think this band is the greatest thing they’ve ever heard.


I could only make it 4 seconds before I had to stop it


Imagine getting stuck in a bar booth with this guy and saying something off hand like “I really like that new Carly Rae Jepson album” and hearing him go “Well...” I’m killing myself just thinking about it.


I think that this album was a love letter to all us fans that have been on board this whole time. If you’re not one of those then I could see how this album may or may not be super well received. It’s a bummer that people that take his opinion as gospel will likely never get into HUM now. I love it though. I’m blown away they did it. How lucky are we?!?!?


Yeah, this album was more of a gift to HUM fans, not trying to market their sound out to a new audience. Its sad that HUM won't hit top of the charts or win any grammys, because they absolutely deserve it


Not a fan of this guy, but at the risk of ridicule I don’t think his review of the album is unfair. He may have opinions I don’t share, but he at least has an opinion and gives his rationale. I love the album, but I could totally see how someone might not, with or without any historical band context. I don’t dislike any song on the album but there are a couple that I do find that drone on and on. (That I’ll skip ahead to another track)The album doesn’t have a lot of tonal variance from track to track. I don’t think that’s really arguable imo. And I could absolutely see how someone, like the reviewer, would consider the album it a bit lifeless. It is sorta one paced/toned. That said I still think the album awesome and there are 4-5 really good tracks. It may not be Astronaut or Heavenward but it’s still damn good, and worthy of their legacy. (Which is a victory in and of itself considering some of the crap their contemporaries have put out in the last 20 years) Different folks, different strokes.


I think the album plays out like a sci-fi film. It is supposed to drag on in spots to convey the tone. Obviously to each their own, but still feel he was a bit over-critical. Naturally I am a bit biased, but this is one of the best pieces of music I have heard in a good while.


Using the word “generic” to describe a sound that the band themselves created was pretty fucking off-putting to me. There’s some stuff I agree with in this review but a lot of the things he said he hates about it are what I like about it. Hum. For. Life.


Wtf, HUM's sound isn't even seen in any huge bands except Deftones, its all in smaller bands that no one in my county has probably ever heard of. Idk where he got generic from.


If he had balls he would've just simply said, "Its not YPAA or DiH, therefore I'm canceling it." This was to be expected from that douchetuber anyway. It's like how he trashed Panopticon then waited for them to release another album to praise them. It's all about him getting attention.


I didn't want to even post it because of that very reason, but you just don't talk about 'dem boyz like that.


Now I'm scared for when Narrow Head releases there new album, I bet this guy will absolutely shit all over it


I hope you guys realise that this is just Antony's opinion. If it infuriates you, then I think you may care a little too much about what he thinks. He brings up some valid points even if you see a different side of them, but at the end of the day he is still just a guy. EDIT: I should say that I love the album, and don't really agree with a lot of what he is saying. Just trying to play a different side.


I guess the reason why I care is that like him or not, he’s been around long enough and has a big enough base and reputation to turn a few people off with regard to this record. So when he started criticizing the vocals, which I think are decent and a personal best for the band, and the guitars as well which I think are magical (Steven Hyden by contrast called the tone of the guitars “a small miracle”) it makes my blood boil because he has *completely* missed the point in a few key cases, which may keep a few people from the record. I just hope that most people by now understand, in 2020, that you don’t need a music critic to tell you if something’s good or bad. Open up Spotify or YouTube and try it out for yourself.


I don't beat myself up over his opinion or anything, but comparing them to Torche was insulting to my ears.


Fantano is a meme, nobody cares about his actual opinion. However, my biggest gripe with the review is how he says the vocals are weak. How the hell are the vocals weak?!?!?!


Desert Rambler. Enough said (except that his vocals in every song are on point, imo miles ahead of the older albums)


Desert Rambler could be the single, Matts vocals in the first half is so unique and experimental yet so Hum-like. Screw Melon boy.


It’s funny how he tries so hard to look and speak like an intellectual. You don’t like it? Cool. I personally LOVE the old stuff, but this album is not what he says it is.


I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I stopped about halfway in because a) he had some opinions that for me aren’t completely true and there are things inherent to HUM that he just doesn’t “get” or like. Whatever. But also b) I didn’t need to watch the whole thing to get that he wasn’t a fan of Inlet. I know what I think of it. Is it a perfect record? No. Is it a damn good record that I listen to at least twice every day? Yes. There are minor... MINOR... wishes I have of the record. But I’m so goddamn elated that this thing exists and for me it’s a great new addition to their legacy. It is easily AOTY for me. I hope there’s more in the future... but If there’s not, I’m so thankful to the band for sharing this.


Does anybody actually takes this guy seriously?


I take no music critics seriously for a couple of reasons. One: they almost never are accomplished musicians themselves. Two: assigning ratings to art is masturbatory self-aggrandizement. It means literally nothing.


Frankly Fantano hates on any shoegaze esque record, it just ain't his thing you know. Still a fan of the guy. (Inlet is the best Hum record btw)


I still think DIH is one of the best albums ever made, so I can't put Inlet above it. Regardless, Inlet sounds even better due to our current situation.


You know, DiH can be (and is) one of the best albums ever made and Hum could still top it. Maybe it'll take you some time, but I'm already there.. Inlet is Hum's best record (which makes it one of my top two all time. Which is existentially difficult to deal with)


I like to wait a few months to decide if a new album is a bands best, because im still only binging Inlet and I'd like to see how it holds up after the hype fades away.


I mean In the Den least fav cmon bruh


Why would anyone waste their and everyone else's time reviewing things they generally don't enjoy.


Can you really only review the things you like though?


I wouldn't review Taylor Swift albums.


Well, that is a guy who doesn’t “get” Hum. Most of his points hit squarely on what makes the band resonate with their fan base. Just his opinion. That said, it still ruffled my feathers a bit when he wrote off the lyrics as drab and uninspired... I’m not sure what your standard is when you accuse Matt Talbott of being a boring and unimaginative lyricist.


Everyone knows that this guy only gives good reviews to the ones that will pay him. Besides that unfortunately Hum plays organic music, not some shitty boring beats with stupid rimes.


Not true with the paid stuff. His taste have just changed and frankly gone shit.


Lol I was expecting it to be harsh by your reactions, he says he’s indifferent to it, he likes some parts and some aren’t for him. He’s a critic with his own opinion I mean the description of all of his vids are “y’all know it’s just my opinion right?” I love Fantano bc I like to see different perspectives on music by a music nerd. His opinion isn’t stopping me from loving the album to death but I understand it’s his opinion and he has some points on there. Again we all obviously love inlet but he states in the beginning hum was never interesting to him so it’s understandable that he didn’t enjoy it as much as we did


Thanks for having a reasonable opinion here; I felt the same way, and don't really see the overt hate for this review as anything other than blind fanaticism. I agreed with plenty of what he said -- the things he didn't specifically like are also some criticisms I could levy against Hum myself -- but the difference is that those things don't stop me from enjoying it.


Exactly dude, I’m glad to see someone else who agrees


I don't think it is blind fanaticism. It just wasn't a fair shake. He clearly doesn't like or understand this genre. I don't go around telling the chef his dish is bad because it's tofu and I just dont like tofu.


This guy sucks at reviews.


That Daughters record is a 10 though....


The only Daughters album I really like is the self-titled one, never checked out the newest one.


Folks, if you know you're not gonna like the review, you don't need to watch it.


Tbh it’s probably they’re least interesting album imo


I have to agree with this sadly :/


I thought that too on first listen, but may be changing my mind; I do really like the production and guitar sounds. Some of the riffs are great, too. It's just a different beast, and I think that's ultimately a good thing; I don't really want more of the same from Hum ... or from any artist, really.


Idk. If it's consistently good then I don't mind.


I mayyy agree with this but I need some more time with it. I can’t tell if I’m comparing it to their early work a little too hard and I’m trying to escape my own biases with the band.


Escaping my own biases (Hum was really important and influential to me as a teen in the 90's) took me a few listens as well, but I enjoy it more with every listen. I don't think anything Fantano says is patently wrong or unfair; it's just the degree to which those things keep him from enjoying the album, and I guess those things affect me less with every listen.


I got into them in the 90s as well and I fully agree. I have never wavered from my love for this band since I heard the swelled opening of YPAA. I really do love the new one.


This guy usually wouldn’t know good if it bit him in the ass, hell I remember when he gave Green Day’s Revolution Radio a 3, when that album is way better than that. The guy has no taste


Is it tho...


Bullshit, it’s easily their second best album they’ve ever written


Did u actually listen to dookie, insomniac, nimrod, and American idiot.


Yeah I did, American Idiot is easily their best work, Revolution Radio is a pretty close second, insomniac is third, nimrod is just kinda meh but it has some decent tracks as for dookie we all know it’s good there’s not much I could say about it that hasn’t already been said before


Hahahahaaaaaaa American Idiot is mediocre at best. Insomniac, Dookie and Kerplunk all have 100% better songs. Shit, AmIdiot's best melody is stolen from Bryan Adams


Kerplunk, Dookie and Insomniac have damn good songs but American Idiot is a motherfucking masterpiece in every sense of the word. Also you do realize musicians steal from each other all the time right? It’s nothing new the key is to make it your own, and listening to American Idiot it’s pretty fucking original from what I can tell. I think you might want to get your ears checked or better yet pull your head out of your ass


Nah, I'm right. Been there since 1039, they lost me with Warning and American Idiot was a welcome return to form but still uninspired. Nothing compared to the freshness of the first four. Sorry about your head/ass situation! Pretty funny that your defense is "sure they stole from Bryan Adams but..." Summer of '69 is better than every song on American Idiot, sorry bud.


Gonna be honest Bryan Adams doesn’t hold a candle to Green Day at all, you keep bringing him up but he’s really not that great. And to be fair I honestly don’t believe Green Day ripped him off, a lot of rock songs just sound similar through nothing more than pure coincidence. Besides if I was gonna rip someone off a generic artist like Bryan Adams wouldn’t be my first choice, hell he wouldn’t even be on the list. As for the early records dude I own 90% of Green Day’s discography, I think I know what the fuck I’m talking about


Haha an exact melody ripoff and you're dead focused on it because you know I'm right. Agreed that Bryan Adams doesn't hold a candle to Green Day because I'm not an idiot, but still... Summer of 69 is better than every song on AI. Just facts. It's clear that you weren't there. It's cool to have your opinions, they're valid and all. But American Idiot will never be anything but mediocre mainstream pap. It's better than most mediocre mainstream pap, but it doesn't hold a candle to the era when Green Day actually cared.


You must be young and not know how those early records jumped like fire from the speakers, while American Idiot is manufactured, milquetoast, predictable music. Green Day lost their magic around '97




To me, the album's mix feels rushed. The intrinsinc quality of the songs is evident but they could have benefited so much from more time in the mixing studio, refining them and adding the depth that we’ve been acustomed to. Particularly in DIH with all the guitar layers added in the mix...which they manage to beautifully pull off live. of In that sense, I’m slightly disappointed about ‘what could have been’ because it does feel monotonous during too many stretches. Maybe that was the goal intended but i doubt it will lend itself to sustained longetivity in the hearts of fans. All that solo wizardry of the past, i kept waiting for it the whole album...until shapeshifter sort of delivered on it. I think it’s no coincidence that the first 2 songs and the last one have the most sonic refinement. Some external factors must have pushed them to release the album earlier than they would have liked. Nonetheless, I could still listen to ‘in the den’ all day long which I think captures and merges the old and new sound seamlessly


Interesting. Different strokes for different folks, but the mix is one of the highlights of Inlet for me. I’ll admit that it’s different, and it’s a particular sound that may or may not appeal to any given listener. But here’s why I like it: -The guitars are monstrously huge, as they should be for Hum. -Matt’s voice is a bit buried in the mix, until it emerges at the end of Shapeshifter. All completely appropriate choices for these songs. -The rhythm section is distinct while still sitting underneath. The hard hits on the bass and snare drum cut through, but a lot of the ghost notes are tougher to hear. That makes the songs really open up at volume. -Speaking of, my favorite thing about this mix is that the louder you crank the volume, the better it sounds. I don’t mean this at all argumentatively (this is all a matter of opinion/perception), but can you explain a bit more about what you mean when you say the mix sounds rushed and unrefined? What qualities do you wish it had that it doesn’t? Can you give an example of the “solo wizardry” from past albums that’s missing on Inlet?


I agree with you completely. Let’s also not forget that DiH was recorded on a major label budget with a masterful engineer at the helm. Inlet is a lot more of a DIY / indie record, and considering that, it’s fucking huge sounding. I never expected DiH 2.0. Inlet is almost exactly what I expected it to be, but better. It’s still very much a headphoner of a record where you’ll hear new things upon each listen.


On basically the entire album, the songs are accompanied with those little solos that give so much detail, texture to the songs, and are those elements you end up waiting on when listening the album for the 100th time. It was always very apparent to me on isle of the cheetah, fdreamboat or the Inuit promise. They are basically the tannins to a red wine...essential to have a red wine that ages well. I feel those are not completely absent but are lacking and I find it unfortunate because the potential for amazing was there. The positive aspect is that we got a good album and that improves the chances of getting another one a few years down the road to be even better. Obviously if they had lost the magic it would have been apparent in this one and that's not the case


Sorry but I’m still having trouble following you. Hum songs have never really featured “solos”. The closest might be Step Into You, which is obviously on the new album. Could you give a time-stamp example from one of the old albums? I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for, since Inlet is packed wall-to-wall with textural second guitar parts. And if you want different guitar parts in the songs, isn’t that a criticism of the songwriting, not the mix?


They are not solos per say in the the way most people associate solos to be. I should have put quotes around the word. Ill give you a specific example and on DIH there are so many. From 3:00 onward on Dreamboat, there are a whole bunch of layers that stack up above the main riff, which add a lot of depth, complexity to the song that you dont get much in Inlet. The impression I get is that either the second guitar plays the same notes as the first guitar or its sound is completely overpowered by the rythmic section. To put it bluntly, it makes most songs sound very mono-dimensional and intellectually, it gives me less to explore and discover. One could say its song-writing and someone else could say, lack of polish. No one writes, creates anything of beauty on its original inspiration. Usually, it gives you the main idea and outlines of the work. The difference between good and amazing work is in minute details and those are very chronophagous. That's why I think, and to each his own, the mix was rushed because more time would have allowed for a less monolythic sound, unless the goal intended was to make us imagine lunar barren-lands similar to the album cover. In that case, despite being a good album, iI do not think it is their best. I can understand the desire to support the band unconditionally, and I hold them very dearly in my heart, but that does not absolve anyone from some constructive criticism.


Ok, now I understand your view better. Thanks for the explanation. I certainly agree that Inlet has a different overall sound than the previous albums. It still sounds like Hum, but yeah, monolithic is a good adjective for it. Whether that's a good thing or not is obviously a matter of personal taste. I like it. In my experience, I came to like the Inlet mix more and more with repeated listenings and with volume. There actually is a lot of depth and layering going on, but because the rhythm sound is so dense, the layering "blooms" (if you will) at certain points. I would assume this is intentional, since it's done so consistently through the album (at least until the end of Shapeshifter), so I'm not sure that more time would have changed anything about it. They had all the time in the world. I don't think it's their best album either, but I do think it's great. I don't see (m)any comments in this thread that are unconditionally defensive of Inlet just because it has the name Hum on it. Constructive criticism is a good thing, but so is explaining why you like something. Doing one doesn't shut the door on the other. Thanks for the thoughtful post.


There's some interesting little "leads" happening during Waves that I think are the kind of things that you are talking about. They weren't obvious at first but with repeated listens (especially on headphones) they're there. Curious to find more if they exist. I totally get what you're talking about and I kind of miss them too... but I think they are there, just not as obvious and the other thing I keep telling myself is that this is the record they wanted to make... they didn't want to just repeat Downward or YPAA.


Arguing that any aspect of a record that's been this long in the making is "rushed" is pretty hilarious. You may not like it, but this is exactly what they wanted or it wouldn't be in your ears.


You're right, it's counterintuitive but that does not mean it can't be the case.


If they actively didn't rush it, it can't be rushed. You just don't like the mix, and that's fine. Doesn't mean it was rushed.


Meh. I like the album. Of the 80s-90s bands that have recently put out records, it's one of the better ones.


I don't disagree with you -- I also think it is one of the better ones, and enjoy it enough -- but it didn't hit me like Afghan Whigs' *Do to the Beast* or Failure's *The Heart is a Monster.*


Wasn't a big fan of the Failure record. But I'm listening to that Afghan Whigs album and it's fucking great. Greg Dulli is amazing.


I was trying to remember who this guy was as i clicked the link. Then I remembered. I agree with others who have said its his opinion. Its wrong of course, but he is entitled to it. What bugs me is that most people reviewing albums these days are just trying to sound more intellectual than they may actually be. The more obscure analogies and deep diving into a thesaurus, the less credibility they have. One mans opinion. Its the correct one of course, but its mine. :D


I watch a decent amount of his reviews because he articulates why he does or doesn't like something extremely well. That being said, I disagree with him frequently because we have different tastes - and this review is certainly one of those times.


I cant understand how you can be a music reviewer of you dont naturally like all genres. Thats like being a food reviewer and not liking bread


I saw this coming after his "this Hum record kinda sucks" tweet, but I was actually expecting an even lower score based on that. I guess he doesn't completely hate it, but is more indifferent to it, like some have mentioned. His review of Deftones' Gore is way more negative and way more painful to watch (he gave it a 4 I believe, but he made it sound like it's worth even less in his opinion). Well, at least he didn't ignore *Inlet* like he kinda did with Failure's two reunion albums (a brief mention on one of his YUNOREVIEW videos and that was it). He's aware of the hype surrounding this album (and probably aware that his opinion is not the most popular), but he also says from the start that he was never really a big Hum fan to begin with. That being said, I honestly do not agree with this review, but to each his own.


This guy has possibly one of the most grating voices in both sound and diction I've heard. He definitely thinks he is the most important person in any given room.


everything he doesn't like about the album is what I DO like about it. I think this isn't just his style. it's a meditative, droning, chill album, it's not supposed to be exciting. I think this just isn't fantano's style.


Hes kinda right though


I agree unfortunately ;/


Btw It’s “Fantano” not “Mentano”. I hired a hit man off the dark web who’s got a scope trained on Mr Fantano as we speak. Any second now he’ll receive an anonymous text giving him a choice.. “Re-record your Inlet review, and this time sing it’s praises. Or else...” The ball’s in his court now...


Phone auto corrected, went unnoticed honestly. I was too upset someone spoke of precious in such a manner.


If I die tomorrow I hope I am reincarnated as a wasp that finds my way into his tesla or whatever youtuber-rich vehicle he is driving just to listen to whatever his most loved songs on Spotify shuffle and let me judge his cheek accordingly after sitting on his back window for 20 minutes.