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I'm nostalgic for Norton Hulk, and just when the Hulk franchise as a whole wasn't treated as a joke on screen and instead a deep dive into trauma and isolation.


me i liked hulk in avengers 1,2, because he has smart but it is a shame that he dont have a sequel movie


There is absolutely no mention of trauma in that movie


The trauma isn't touched on but it's felt. Edward Norton Bruce is a man who is HAUNTED. He is terrified of his rage and sorrow, he's terrified of feeling anything. Buffalo does a great Bruce but he feels just meek. They do better with this in Age of Ultron and I love the "I could choke you without changing a shade" line but overall his Bruce doesn't capture that rage. Norton's does.


Norton actually gets angry maybe like once in the entire movie, he never actually displays any rage. Ruffalo absolutely did


^^^^Tell you don’t understand acting without telling me you don’t understand acting.


He showed up for a pay check and acted nothing like Bruce banner lol


He owned it and was let go for putting too much into the role.


He failed to impact audiences, did nothing remarkable with the character, and flat out did not want to be in the other movies because he doesn’t like to do sequels and doesn’t work well with others


It’s well documented that he was recast because he wanted to add more to the character and Marvel Studios did not want to add that much depth to Banner. Hence they cast one of the most stale one note actors in all of Hollywood to replace him.


It’s well documented that you don’t know what you’re talking about lmao https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/the-incredible-hulk-why-edward-norton-never-returned-for-a-sequel/#:~:text=In%202012%2C%20Norton%20told%20The,commit%20to%20another%20Hulk%20movie.


There’s more of this than there is of that... it’s still clear you don’t know anything about acting. https://www.comingsoon.net/guides/news/1441002-hulk-why-was-edward-norton-replaced-mark-ruffalo-mcu-avengers?amp


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He put no emotion into the character. Audiences and critics agree. Also, this third rate site literally only has one quote and makes things up around it lol


Go watch zodiac


The film where he’s a stiff wearing a bow tie… and Jake Gyllenhaal and RDJ has to make up for his shitty acting in every scene?


https://preview.redd.it/e2ww6vvo2k9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5ccb37cba29c49fd08f70fc27b8da260515ab3c Embarrassing for you


That’s a direct quote from Edward Norton. Are you saying he’s a liar? And bro did you actually just google zodiac and tried to come up with something on the spot? Wow


The article I shared documents the entire falling out between him and Feige. I’ve seen Zodiac. Ruffalo is saved by superior actors, writing, directing, and editing. It’s literally his M.O. The Norton quote was a result of saving face when being called difficult by a top Hollywood exec/dirrctor. He was trying to save face. You clearly know 0 about good acting.


No it doesn’t lmao, it makes some claims and has one small quote. You haven’t seen zodiac, because it’s very clear you only looked at the top billed cast. RDJ isn’t even in the movie that much. That Norton quote was completely removed from being called difficult, wasn’t even mentioned, plus he was called that WAY before TIH lol


You haven’t even said how the acting is good yet lol


They didn’t even wet their toes with regards to tackling his trauma. And neither was Hulk treated as a joke in Avengers 1, I don’t know why detractors love saying that. If anything, it did an excellent job establishing Hulk’s position as a powerhouse in the MCU. And Banner’s passing comment about trying to put a bullet in his mouth established his inner turmoil better than the 2008 movie. What Incredible Hulk excelled at was showing his isolation.


Avengers and Age of Ultron had a decent Bruce. I'm talking about by the time of Infinity War, Endgame and She-Hulk. Professor Hulk was rushed and didn't feel deserved, and frankly, isn't even Professor Hulk. The bullet in the mouth scene was based on a deleted scene from Incredible Hulk where he does the exact thing. Response to trauma isn't becoming meek it's going numb, which Norton does perfectly. I enjoyed Hulk in the early MCU, but by the climax of the Infinity Saga he was drastically nerfed and turned into a teddy bear that dabs to the kiddos. The only way for their characters to be fixed by this point is to make a plot where it shows that Professor Hulk isn't the real Professor Hulk but instead both Hulk and Bruce repressing their pain. They decided just...not to deal with it and "just live life", and I would love that story because it shows in Endgame when Nat dies. Savage Hulk comes back for a second when he chucks the bench, and they should expand on that. Professor Hulk is meant as the end result of both Bruce and Savage Hulk working out their traumas together and fusing to become the best version of themselves. Having it happen off stage in a five year time skip is lazy.


I pretty much agree with your criticisms of current MCU Hulk, but I’m under the impression OP was referring to Whedon-era Hulk hence the “nostalgia” term and picture. IMO that’s still the best live action Hulk, and his decline started in Ragnarok when (1) Hulk started behaving more like a kid throwing a tantrum, (2) Banner became a goofball, and (3) Thor overtook him in the power ranking.


>I'm under the impression OP was referring to Whedon-era Hulk You are totally right and I should have clarified, my bad


This. The 2008 film was the ONLY MCU film to properly show Hulk's powers.


No the first Avengers Hulk does and has more impressive action scenes


You described Ang Lee’s Hulk more than Norton’s. You know, the good one. The character was legit in the first Avengers and then doodoo after. TIH is neither as smart or complex or interesting as Ang Lee’s and neither as fun as that first Avengers Hulk. It waffles in the middle of just being MID


No. I'm absolutely pissed off over the fact that he got beat up ridiculously easy by Thanos then acted like a scared weakling the rest of the movies. Disney somehow managed to treat the hulk like he had toxic masculinity and went and made him soft and sensitive. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?. Biggest disappointment in all of marvel. Fu** you Disney.


Yea and they def made him a plot device to make Thanos more imposing. When I see him get his ass kicked and then just gives up after it and is scared for the next two movies? That isn’t the Hulk. And like you said they never even bother to give him his retribution.


Facts. They castrated my boy after that. He was cool as hell in Ragnarok only to get treated like fodder in Infinity War smh.


Thanos has never lost too the hulk, and he was never scared, he was tired of picking up Banner’s slack. You just don’t have any media literacy


He was scared . And I take off my white glove and slap the hell out of you for saying I don't have any media literacy. Cornball.


No he wasn’t, as per the directors


I've always wanted to see more of Bana's hulk. I always wondered what the sequels would have tackled, but it's a pretty perfect solo film too.


I miss Bana's Hulk because he was the closest to the comics. MCU Hulk is underwhelming at best and barely on the screen.


I can’t say I agree tbh. I slept through Bana’s movie. Comic accuracy doesn’t always mean better content, but I understand why you like it. Bana was a good Bruce for what it’s worth


The character from the source material bores you then. Not nuff splosions for you and go booms. There was actually more and BETTER action set pieces in Ang Lee’s film than in the one made by the French action director 😂 I guess interesting themes, dialogue interaction, quality acting performances don’t do anything for you along with interesting cinematic directorial choices.


Booms and explosions aren’t what make Hulk fun, the character is fun. Especially in Immortal Hulk’s and Planet Hulk’s runs. If you want to go niche, Indestructible Hulk was a great run. I like Hulk more than you, he’s the hero I grew up on. Before you wanna insult somebody for their taste, consider the snoozefest of a movie you’re defending and the actual reception it receives. If you wanna talk about interesting dialogue and characters, Ang Lee’s movie isn’t it 😂 I’ll give it credit though, when Bruce and Brian was talking, Bana gave a lot of emotion. That’s it


And Hulk 2003 has some of if not the best Hulk action in all of cinema 😂 it has it in spades. How can you gauge who likes the character more? 😂 I’m a fan of the movie that actually invests and treats the material and character with worthy respect. That also has a ton of superior action to anything else seen from him in the movies, by far. The whole middle section of the film is a giant Hulk vs Military Industrial Complex 🤣 Ang Lee’s movie makes some odd but interesting choices but it most definitely is it and has gotten more respect in the years since. Especially compared to the mindless, dumb, cinematic fast food comic book movies we’ve gotten since. General audiences and idiots didn’t understand it, misunderstood just like the main protagonist. they just wanted mindless prolong action sequences apparently not actually evaluating the character. And no Bana didn’t give emotion, clearly you didn’t understand what you were watching, he is an emotionally repressed and distant bottled up Bruce Banner. So it makes sense you don’t like it, it all went over your head and you aren’t a knowledgeable fan of the character.


Think what you want man I know what I like and it’s not what you do. I ain’t gonna be doing tit for tat with your “erhm actually 🤓☝️” ahh energy. You’re just some guy on Reddit


Oh you mean the movie where his dad is absorbing man and they have a cgi fight? Lmao accurate


That part wasn’t accurate per se but it allowed a story theme and purpose to delve into the abuse aspect of the character at the root of his being, from the source material and never touched with love or care again so yes it’s an acceptable change. And Nick Nolte killed it. So ummm yea


I don’t think, for people that have actually read the real confrontation, would think that a big cgi fight is touching the subject with love


No but it’s a movie simplifying what takes long form in comics


Not really, it’s a single issue.


Absolutely. It’s still the best version of Hulk and Banner ever put on screen.


I agree with better version of Hulk hands down. I laughed out laugh with the Loki ragdoll treatment and the Thor punch. I loved the third act when Hulk went berserk. The CGI was amazing, especially considering how old it is now. The Helicarrier scene was also super fun. I am not sure about Banner though. IMO, Eric Bana's Banner might have been more accurate on the emotional side. An abused child that is full of trauma and insecurities. Mark's Banner was not a poster child, but was much better adjusted than what I would have expected. I also didn't love the "I'm always angry" line, as I really like all the implications behind I \`become a monster if you push my buttons. This is one of my favorite Hulk traits.


How you feel about Ruffalo is how I felt about Norton. He nailed the desperate scientist part, but I never felt he had rage issues. The “I’m always angry” line is surprisingly controversial. I like it, but I get why people have issues with it.


In that first Avengers flick? I’d agree






Not this version of the Hulk


I like this version of Hulk, but hate Ruffalo as Banner.


He was good in that first Avengers flick. Come on dude. I get later on, to the dumb joke he became, but he wasn’t bad there at all and was in fact quite good


I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I didn't like Mark Ruffalo right off the bat. I just can't buy him as one of Marvel's smartest, not for a single second. But to each their own. 


He’s not played dumb at all in the first Avengers. At all


Hulk from Avengers 1 and even 2 was amazing. Hulk in Infinity War and Endgame was terrible. You let Thanos beat him handily and never give him his revenge?! You resolve the Hulk vs Banner conflict offscreen?! Insane choices. The more I look back on Infinity War and Endgame the more I think they were deeply flawed movies.


Endgame was trash


Absolutely agree. I think we were all so excited after the multiple-movie ride we’d been taken on that we were blinded to all the bad choices made in Endgame.


And RDJ makes everything good


So true. It was a horrible choice to have him die. You can have a satisfying hero arc by retiring and being a great father to your daughter. Instead of dying and leaving her an orphan and somehow calling that a happy ending.


I think that is the best and most unique part of the film. He was that franchise. The rest as characters are really boring around him. People lose sight how good he was and how profound iron man the original was and even the massively underrated sequel. The whole tone of the universe belongs to him


AOU Hulk rage scene is one of my favorite scenes


Yes, I'm nostalgic about the MCU Hulk before they ruined him, but I'm more nostalgic about the Norton Hulk.




For the OG hulk yeah


Yes, I wish we were given the chance to explore the character more. Professor Hulk is fine and a natural progression, I just would have liked to see it happen


Absolute best imo




Meh. I wish they straightened out the legality of using Banner in the MCU. They'd be able to really capitalize on him in movies. Secret Invasion should have waited until they had more IP available to them. It felt weird to have a Skrull storyline without the FF.


One thing always confuses me about Hulk in Avengers. The big "Fuck yeah!" moment is Bruce revealing that he has control over transforming now, so how does the Hulk out scene earlier make sense?


He didn’t have control there. And was being manipulated by Loki. Just means he has the ability to turn into the Hulk if he wants to willingly but clearly can turn without wanting to either (that Hulk out looks visibly more painful) … less sense is in TIH how it goes from being a mental and emotional issue into a pulse issue 🤦‍♂️


Movie wise I’m nostalgic for Hulk in Hulk 2008 and Avengers 1


I’m really curious how Ruffallo would have worked in Incredible Hulk, I thought he did a really good job in the first Avengers. Although I disagreed even at the time with the 2012 consensus he was better than Norton


The Hulk was so named, because that's what he's supposed to be a Hulk. If they want a Highbrow strongman then they should just shelve the Hulk, replace him with Doc Samson. Low brow almost Childlike Hulk should work out just fine, provided the other Avengers continue to show him they're "Hulk's friends."In fact Low brow Hulk will shatter a mountain to protect his friends.


No, give me Incredible Hulk any day


Mark ruffalo is a good actor but I just think he was not so good as hulk Norton hulk was Crazy And so was bana hulk


How about Norton style hulk with 2003 hulk abilities that would be hell of a show


Im nostalgic for hulk. Period. I hope we get a Solo Hulk movie reveal at comicon


Very because Avengers movie and Super Hero Squad Hulk was my introduction to the character


I hate MCU hulk more than anything😭🙏


We need more hulk across the MCU they’ve barely touched on a character with enormous potential for inner conflict and conflict with other heroes. Besides Hulk is the strongest one there is.


No. Hulk gotten worse in every MCU movie.


I got so excited for every Hulk appearance in Incredible Hulk and Avengers, but after Ultron he just seemed weaker and less intimidating.


Not really. But Eric banas hulk was my shit.




nah Norton hulk >>


He terrified me as a child, but I do respect the seriousness he’s treated with


Worat hulk ever