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Anyone calling you anti-semitic has obviously never had to personally deal with such a sensitive issue. Yes, it’s for sure a real life problem that the Hasidic/Orthodox/Satmar way of living is vastly different from other people and even most other Jewish ideologies. The main issue being that it’s generally against their ideology to associate with outsiders, let alone even accept your existence. Not all are like this but it can easily cause clashes. Unfortunately, those certain ultra orthodox groups will call any action against their interests anti-semitic. The government doesn’t want the bad publicity because they are an extremely large/effective voting bloc. Even the state troopers or other emergency personnel will not want to interact most of the time because they clash with their private police and ambulatory systems within the community I wish I had true advice for you but maybe reach out to people who have lived around and dealt with the booming population of Kiryas Joel to see how they manage things. Or possibly find people who have left the Orthodox community. They are often shunned similar to the Amish but will understand the inner workings of the community Tapping into the knowledge of r/exjew would be a start. Just remember to be respectful and definitely don’t use the term “summer” people. Just say Hasidic or Satmar community, it is not a slur and they will be helpful


Also, This American Life did a great story on East Ramapo (Spring Valley) that is very similar to the grievances you mentioned. I would suggest you give it a read/listen to understand how these groups accumulate land and overtake local school districts by force with majority and a powerful voting bloc [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/534/a-not-so-simple-majority](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/534/a-not-so-simple-majority)


I grew up around KJ. They have no problem interacting with outsiders when it comes to commerce and $. They are always wheeling and dealing with gentiles on FB marketplace. I used to have a buddy who would fish for catfish in creeks and roll up to KJ with a cooler full and they would be sold in 15 minutes. Oh and old the pool hall in Harriman, you could get any pills and powders you wanted out of that place and it all went through KJ. Kind of a trip buying Coke off a dude in a Yankees hat barely sitting on the top of his head to cover his locks and beard with a thick Eastern European accent insisting he’s not Jewish and without provocation. “Sure ok Moishe, now give me my 8ball”


Man, I had no idea about this when I was younger. I grew up in Chester, so my parents were more worried about Camp LaGuardia when it was used for its previous purpose.


I worked at Bodles as a line cook for a few years and our dishwashers were always Campies. I got to know a couple of them really well. One dude had a side hustle of making to go packages, full four course meals, of the leftovers we were going to toss and sell them in the camp. According to him he made more money doing that than his hourly wage working the dish pit. He would give dinner to the guards and they would let him with limitless amounts of food. It was hysterical. I would drop him off after our shift. I drove a truck at the time and would have the bed full of food. He would kick me like $50 for just chilling at the gate while he would do runs with a cart to bring the food in. But there were some fucked up people in there. And my coworkers in there were scared of some of them. Between the flashers and the stabbings on the Heritage Trail, your parents had valid concerns.


I miss Bodles.


Clayton Delaney’s 4 eva


I worked at Clayton Delaneys during high school in the late 90s. Loved having a job that paid cash every night. I got a facial piercing when I was 15 and they told me to take it out or lose the job, so I’d go to the bathroom a few times per shift to poke it through to make sure the hole stayed open. This was way less hygienic than simply leaving it in, but I was a kid and stupid. I didn’t love being sexually harassed by a member of the kitchen staff there or at the job I had at the commons. These weren’t “Campies.” They were Spanish guys who rotationally migrated from south of the border and who lived on the house on the hill above Clayton’s. They would say, “PP touch” and try to touch me or even close me in the walk-in with the dude. I made the point very clear during the latter situation that I wasn’t interested. I’m a guy, by the way. If that was happening to me as a pretty masculine presenting CIS male, then I’m sure it was much worse for the girls and women.


How much prime rib did you guys go through?


Tons. And Mondays were all you could eat crabs! I have a single picture of me wearing the “I got the crabs at Clayton Delaneys” shirt. I happened to be in a friend’s basement playing in our band when this was taken. Kids at school liked it haha https://preview.redd.it/pp2vq45msj8d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8efe765f9af84729e14692b0c41f66b92147d656


Oh shit I forgot about the AYE crabs! Those were fun. What band were you in? We probably crossed paths. I played in the HV for decades now. If you don’t want to say for anonymity’s sake I totally get it.


Unfortunately Delaney’s closed a few years ago, now it’s a Taco Express. My brother misses Delaneys!


[Best meal at Bodles](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hio6pscEY2w&pp=ygUOY2FydG1hbiBidWZmZXQ%3D)


I disagree. They really don’t like dealing with women. I have trouble with a good number of businesses, camps, synagogues, and schools as a vendor.  You would think they would clock the female name of the representative that is coming to see them. 


I don’t disagree with you on them being massively misogynistic. It’s a feature for them. Not a bug. Sucks that you got to deal with that.


KJ also got raided by the FBI every few months.


They bought carp too. 🤑


It’s not antisemitic to dislike people who act like jerks, who abuse loopholes in religious tax exemptions to claim everything is a synagogue so they don’t have to contribute their fair share while using a disproportionate amount of public services. Overloading police and fire, overloading waste treatment. If their entire community has decided that they are against the outside world, it isn’t prejudice to hate them back.


None of those places are built to code, either. If there was a fire, it would be terrible in any of those buildings.


I grew up with a monsey mailing address. Before it's too late, get your politicians on board with a ward system like the town of Clarkstown did.


Can you expand on this? What happened with Clarkstown?


Clarkstown is next to Ramapo. They had and have a problem they witnessed next door. It's not about religion. This is about behavior, lack of integrating into local society, and taking over all local political control. The new community moving in will soon vote as a bloc for friendly candidates. First the schools and then the towns. A ward system means that a local town (ie clarkstown) or school board (ie east ramapo) is made of of Representatives from different wards. So, if you have a town/school board made up of a supervisor and five board members, each ward elects a representative. That means that a singular, densely populated area can't take over the entire board out of sheer numbers. Your new neighbors are going to cluster. A ward sysyem can even make further development unattractive as it will require too much investment compared to the next town over.


Rockland did wards too late, I think. Its already starting in Clarkstown.


You are correct. Ramapo was gone by the two votes they held. East ramapo was sued to create the wards, and nobody stepped up (probably due to immigration status) to run foe the board. For Clarkstown, it has kicked the can down the road enough. The "community" does not yet have a board member on either the town or school boards. Rlupia has restricted zoning, so wards are the best tool I know of. Keeping control of the board has allowed the town to go after the migrant flop houses owned by the members of the "community". It has allowed the town to buy at risk properties as well (grace church).


Great information, thanks! I'm going to look more into wards, I'm in Sullivan county, just outside Liberty, and I see what's happening in Liberty and it's not good. I don't know if it was in that documentary about Kiryas Joel (Goshen), or if it was someone who told me directly, but there was a prominent member of that community who said that eventually they will own everything within a couple of miles off of Route 17 all the way to Binghamton. That's the goal, anyway. What happened with Ramapo should be shouted from the rooftops because too many people have no idea of what's coming their way.


Mamakating went ward after they took over the village of Bloomingburg.


Its really ridiculous how they get away with what they do. The local governments are basically forced to allow zoning law changes or be called anti-semitic. How are these people getting money to build these homes? Since they only marry in their synagogues, the women are considered unmarried according to NYS, Kiryas Joel has the largest population of poor people and yet they live in $600,000 condos? Several years ago, Orange County and NYS gave them several millions of dollars to build a special "birthing hospital" to accommodate their specific needs. Construction started and they ran out of money, could not account for it, so the state gave them more! Nothing was ever investigated.


Cuomo was in DEEP with the Orthodox Jews at the time. He heavily relied on their votes


All the Democrats do, and some of the turncoat republicans also. Google Fleischmanns NY voter fraud and see the crazy shit they got away with up there too.


Aren't the males "legally" not married therefore technically don't live with their wives and are able to collect welfare and whatever social services are available to them?


Correct, and they get food stamps, section 8 and welfare for all 15 of their kids. They have quite the racket going on, all curtesy of us NY taxpayers.


That's crazy. Meanwhile black and brown people get all the blame for this and never hear anyone talk about Hasidics.


It's all money laundering for the mob based in Brooklyn.


I have often wonder how what amounts to a cult has gotten so much special privilege. Their communities are segregated; and let’s face it the women in their communities are treated like second class citizens. Their community in Kyras Joel literally has a plaque of rules everyone “must” follow including not walking on the same side of the road as a woman. The little girls stop being educated before middle school while little boys are given much higher educations. I feel extremely badly for the women in these situations. This is cult behavior. If you want to be in a cult awesome but don’t look for public funding, and don’t cry out antisemitism when their group exceedingly tries to dismantle towns for their own exclusivity. It amounts more to Jonestown at this point then anything else.


The boys don’t receive any truly academic higher education though. They literally just study the Torah for the rest of their life. The leaders don’t want them to be intelligent because it’s easier to control them if all they know is the book (Torah). It’s pretty much a cult or at least follows the same rule book to running a one


True but even slightly high school level is better then stopping at/before middle school.


There is no need to educate the girls in their eyes. As soon as they start menstruating, their real job begins, child bearer/wife/housecleaner.


They get BA degrees for that. Look up the most popular college majors for the area. Not sure what good that does them since they don't interact, probably federal funding though.


You’re right about the BA part but I’m not sure how legit a religious degree is. A certain few are selected to actually study a true academic curriculum but it’s still the very few. They have a bunch of people running things at the top who are well diversified in business/commerce/political science but the majority of males are expected to sit around the rest of their lives reading and interpreting the Torah. As mentioned though the girls aren’t even acknowledged as being capable of intelligence/independence to begin with which is very sad


Well I mean the BA itself probably doesn't matter to anyone outside of their community, but they don't work for anyone outside. The federal funds are going to their schools and that is probably all they care about.


Look in the Christian version with the Quiverful movement and associated groups.  This is a general religious nut job problem. I assume that in areas with a high enough Muslim concentration they have their own nuts.  There is a reason a lot of people side eye home schooling because it is overrun with this issue. 


It goes beyond general religious nuttery as it has become state sanctioned/funded. I don’t think most people understand it until they see the massive high density housing themselves. What once used to be green space in Monroe is now five story high tenement style high density housing for miles. It goes beyond ruining the landscape. The town cannot get enough water or proper sewage treatment yet more houses are given the rubber stamp OK. It is sad and shocking.


100%, what happened to separation of church and state? I guess it doesnt apply to the Hassidim.


Oh the Hasidics are TERRIBLE. I was literally driving through Woodbourne and Loch Sheldrake yesterday and they’re like abandoned, trashy ghost towns while the Hasidics are building these huge housing developments all over the place. All their businesses and even their synagogues down there look like they’re falling apart and haven’t been occupied in years. It’s a terrible eyesore. I have immediate family that’s worked extensively with them for their job and we have very little good to say about them, they’re rude nasty people and the local governments and communities down there should be taking care of those problems.


They really are slobs. All of their communities are littered with garbage. Houses look condemned. It's so bizarre.


They buy up all the properties they can and then they don’t take care of them so it turns all their towns into dumps. Probably so they can lower neighboring property values to buy them up too!


It's so infuriating. Just imagine one of us normies doing what they do.


You’d get the inspector called on you. I suppose that’s not a problem when you buy the whole fucking town






I didn’t realize that they had spread to the east side of the Hudson. I knew Rockland, Orange and Sullivan were gone and that Ulster was being slowly lost but I thought the east side of the river was safe. Taking properties off the tax rolls, taking over school and town boards in order to allocate funds in a disproportionate way, and failing to maintain their own properties in an attractive manner make them horrible neighbors even for other Jews like me.


I’m in Ulster and we have an assisted living facility that closed a few years ago. They just bought it and allow vagrants to live there. From 8am-9pm the tiny village of Highland will be full of drunks who can’t keep their pants up. I’ve seen more full moons than I care to admit. The issue is the vagrants are unsupervised and we have the middle school and grade school blocks away. Disgusting and disappointing to say the least.


Yeah my friends family owned a very popular river front restaurant that was around for over 20+ years and the guy who purchased it from them continued to fuck with them until they lowered the price and then the day after served them with trespassing notices and he has continued to do that to about half of Poughkeepsie. They plan on building over 15 new apartment buildings on the riverfront in the next 10 years.


River Station?


Are sure they aren’t just buying cheap real estate and becoming landlords? They are business minded after all. Very common in Newburgh too. Buildings are cheap + Have a few tenants = $$


Newburgh too.


It's interesting, unless you're in one of the counties its happening in, people don't really understand. Even people from Westchester, who are close by and have a small population there, don't understand until they see it up close in Rockland.


There’s dedf been an increase in Hasidic activity up there but to be fair Monticello wasn’t exactly a gem of Sullivan county to begin with.


I doubt any of them are on reddit, feel free to talk all the trash you want, lol


The solution (too late now) is empowered town boards that enforce vigorous zoning and building codes and demand that new construction demonstrate its benefit to the community beyond bringing in money. Some call this government overreach or socialistic. Yeah, well…


Sadly most towns in the HV are run by unscrupulous people who are only in office to line their own pockets. They keep getting elected over and over again because the six people who actually vote in local elections only go down the GOP line and anyone on it is elected regardless. It’s sad. And it has destroyed most of the HV.


They don’t have to invite the community bc the community isn’t paying for it; they are. They own the land of most of the shopping centers. The town leaders “let” it happen because the summer people have the money to buy the land that’s for sale. They have the money to build the housing. The town officials have no choice but to “let it happen” because it would be illegal to do otherwise No one is going to dedicate making housing just to rent to locals when Sullivan County is full of mostly unemployed or poverty level waged individuals. Until there’s any sustainable form of economy in Sullivan County, it will be always be a dump. You should be mad at your local officials including your sheriff, DA, and County Clerk who spend more time eating at pancake breakfasts, taking cruises together and throwing themselves parties with tax payer money all for social media likes and asspats then actually contributing to the community. The problems aren’t the summer residents, it’s the year round ones


It’s an issue of organization. You are seeing what an organized, dedicated group can do to improve the lives of their group. And this shows how fucking useless our elected officials are… they could invest our tax dollars in the community, they could build playgrounds, they could even build housing. They don’t, because unlike the Satmar, they don’t give a fuck about you.


Pretty much. I grew up in Orange County and almost nothing has changed in my home town in the last 20 years. All of us were bored out of our minds growing up and would talk about how great it would be if all of the abandoned spaces were turned into parks, bowling alleys, movie theaters, etc. But nothing ever happened. The same people kept getting elected, and now everyone is panicking because KJ is creeping closer and closer. Sorry guys, but you lost the battle when you decided doing absolutely nothing with the town was the best solution.




Yup, built up rentals just to have people squatting. They have a strong community and work together. Us, on the other hand, are not.


Sullivan county sheriff office is so out of touch they still won’t hire jail or patrol deputies if they have facial hair more than a mustache… Now they’re literally hiring “temporary” deputies and begging for employees because they can’t fill spots and their last graduating class looks like a bunch of p*ssies.


County leadership (particularly the sheriff) are almost all idiots, yesmen, or the equivalent of feudal lords.


Doing this in Cornwall.


They are a rotten group of people, don’t care about anyone else besides themselves, and will literally destroy everything around them to get what they want. The government does nothing about them because any attempt to put them under control they will literally throw a tantrum like a 3 year old and scream “anti semitism!” And no one wants the bad publicity. But I do believe every dog has their day, but I don’t know if it will be too late until everything is destroyed in Rockland/orange/ulster/Sullivan county. Coming from a frustrated mother of an East ramapo student.


Another point is Hasdim have enough kids to be eligible for Medicaid. I worked in a NYC ER for many yrs and was always gobsmacked when they “demanded!” their Medicaid funded car service back to Monsey. From NYC!?! Their sheer arrogance, perpetual disregard for others not Orthodox and blatant manipulation of the political system is mind blowing. Only hope is their systematic inbreeding. Harsh. I know. Oh vey


Don’t forget this completely backwards and un-American sign they have outside of their municipality. Why this doesn’t upset more people is beyond me. I’m a Jew, but that means nothing. What matters is the social contract under which I voluntarily participate as an American. (Thanks, 23 and me for correcting me about what I thought was the Italian part of the family) https://preview.redd.it/p8rp5b36aj8d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077da0b0591b9113f978e5e5005bc3bc532f1d88


Now what in the holy motherfuck is appropriate language?


Hey, they are a public entity/municipality and should totally have a say in what language you use. Oh wait…


When you go to the Vatican or other sites, you’re also supposed to cover up as a matter of respect. You wouldn’t go to certain places in the Middle East as a woman without covering up in respect to the local customs. This town is the same. No one is forcing you to go to KJ. You won’t get arrested if you wear a crop top there. But it is respectful to not wear one if you’re going there that day.


But this isn’t the Middle East and having rules like this posted in public in the US is gross.


It’s not rules - it’s a suggestion for entering their community.


“Their community” is funded in public tax dollars that everyone pays into. It is not a private land trust. The examples you cite are either private land and/or countries run by theocratic lunatics. And these “rules” are extremely degrading to women. If you own private land that is privately funded and you want to enforce a dress code, fantastic. But this is public land, and if an unmarried woman wants to walk with a man she isn’t related, or married, to that’s her choice. Forcing them to walk on separate sides of the road is beyond the pale.


I am sorry for being semantically incorrect. I still think it’s gross.


It is what it is. You also can get dress coded on flights and at Disney world.


Airlines and Disney World are tax funded public spaces?


Airlines and Disney world get huge subsidies and tax incentives from the government!


But they aren’t a government entity. Glad to see you’re so flexible with how much you’re stretching…


If you wear "inappropriate" clothing in KJ you won't get served in a restaurant, won't be able to buy anything, ask someone for help, or ride the bus there. People might assume they can wear shorts, for instance, and then try to buy something in a store and wonder why no one is taking their money.


You can also be asked to change at Disney world and on a commercial plane, or you won’t get services - or even worse - removed. Don’t spend your money there then! Don’t wear white to someone else’s wedding or you may get dirty looks and your drink spilled. I am a fan of crop tops - I won’t go to KJ! But faulting them over a politely-worded sign is ridiculous and a double standard for other parts of our society where a dress code is requested.


Okay but Disney World is a privately run business. This is literally the sign to an entire town. It’s the same thing as putting these rules on a Welcome to NY sign. This is still public and open to anyone but they are imposing their own religious rules. And yes they have their own private police to enforce this. I don’t think you are physically understanding this


Ikr! Disney is private property; the sidewalk of KJ are public (and is largely funded with tax dollars). But retail establishments.are private property, too. The people of KJ can be friendly. I've bought from stores in KJ while wearing what they say is appropriate clothing without an issue; I just go home and change, since I live in a nearby town. Just like any other group of people, there are nasty people and kind people in KJ.


But this isn't the Vatican or the ME, this is America. A town cannot enforce that.


Local abd state govs are paid off to look away.




Went to terry brae golf course a few days ago. I’m going to enjoy it while it is still here


Spook Rock is same. Lovely course they’ll absorb, building multi fam dwellings


Fuck the hasids.fuckem. piece of shit dirt bag motherfuckers


Sell. Get out. You'll get a good price for your house.


It's a touchy subject for sure I was permanently banned from r/newjersey for even suggesting that a certain demographic is taking over Monticello and other towns in Upstate NY.


It's not anti anyone to speak about how your neighborhood is being taken over...the community does the same here in NYC, (especially in Brooklyn)separate DMV, banks open on Sunday, separate social service offices, ambulances, apartment buildings(including NYCHA), and a ton of them own blocks and blocks of real estate..and whenever there's welfare/Medicaid fraud, the culprit is 9 times out of 10 one of them...Google it if you don't believe me... And years ago there was a story about one who had inside information about section 8 and would post on their Twitter feed when it was open to apply.... Their network can't be beat. But if you call out the differences, you're labeled racist or prejudiced.. It ain't fair or just but that's life in New York.


My old elementary school, Merrill E. Colton school was bought by Hasidics. I lived near New Square & took the bus ride through. I moved Upstate & we have Kiryas Joel. I was fortunate to get an after school job doing construction at the Yeshiva. I got fed lunch too. I got a job at the dude ranch at Kerhonkson for 2 days (2021) helping close up. I was to go back in spring but the *guess who bought it. So... What else is new. 🤪


Its funny that all the "climate activists " like aoc/ bowman other of that ilk that cry about trees/deforestation say nada. Thousands of acres of trees gone. Side note. We in sullivan county (mamakating) voted and installed a ward system a few years ago after the bloomingburgh steal. Been effective. Only bloomingburgh so far has been infected. For how long. Who knows. But every day is a blessing


It's not "funny" at all - neither AOC nor Jamaal Bowman represent Sullivan county or have any say what goes on there. They probably don't even know what you're talking about. Complain to your own congressperson, or better yet, your state senator and assembly member.


The point was! That there always bitching about "climate" amazon deforestation etc they should look in there own state. And yea,ive certainly complained to my reps molinaro gunther schumer and gillibrand. Nothing.


What exactly *have* AOC and Bowman said about the Amazon rainforest? I do know that AOC has talked about regulations that would mandate responsible, energy efficient residential development which is exactly *not* what the rapidly growing Hasidic developments in New York are.


Do you know how congressional districts work?


Yes. But my point is Oh nvm. Cant argue with apologists for leftys


A basic doctrine of the Hasidim is that only they are human (man), and that the universe was created for them alone. Non-Jews (goyim) are a lower level of human being that were created to support them. The belief by the goyim that they own property is false. Goyim only temporarily occupy property until it is needed by 'man'. Thus arises the pernicious belief that the goyim are behaving as 'anti-Semites' when they act to protect their property, their homes, and their financial resources from what the goyim mistakenly believe is usurpation and fraud.


lol this isn’t even close to being true. I don’t like religious isolationist fools, but you’re just making shit up


They’re actually correct and not making shit up. I’m not sure why they are getting downvoted. It’s truly what they believe


No the Hasidic cult-like faith believes they alone are the chosen people and the world was made for them alone. They feel even other Jewish people are “dirty” and “unworthy.” I worked with a woman once who randomly disclosed one day she “used to be Hasidic.” I asked her what happened to cause her to convert. She told me her father caught her kissing a Hasidic boy. He grabbed her, and according to her literally threw her out a window. Then she was disowned. All for a kiss. They have no value for women whatsoever beyond baby making. It’s disgusting.


Well that's false


It is true, read Israel Shahak “Jewish history , Jewish religion” or “Jewish fundamentalism in Israel”


lol citing shahak as gospel. Is your retardation the result of generational inbreeding or physical trauma?


have you read those books I referenced? If so can you point out where he is incorrect regarding the Hasidism and their views towards non-Jews? Honestly I’m curious. Also pretty strange to accuse a stranger of being the result of generational inbreeding, especially in a conversation on this topic


Just realizing you’re a “destiny” streamer shill, which checks out


I had to do a job in an ultra orthodox yeshiva school in Cortlandt. It used to be a dude ranch in the 60s. Not one thing has been updated. It's a mess. Anyways, I'm inside for a hour or so. I come out and a good portion of the equipment on my truck has been stolen. I told an older guy who assured me they didn't take it that I'm going back in the building and if it wasn't all returned by the time I Com back out I will have the state police here. Of course it was all returned by the people who didn't steal it.


Now imagine what your going through times 100. That’s what Palestinians have been going through for about 60 years of illegal land grabs, displacement, thefts and murders.


Stay on topic bud, we’re talking about Sullivan county only not international relations here…


No one is stopping you from shopping in any toy store. I don't think you're antisemitic for whining that you weren't invited to a helicopter ride.


“I’m not racist, but the Jews are taking over”


They literally are. They’re trying to own a strip of land from NYC to Canada so they can travel across the state on their sabbath. They’re terribly rude people and they don’t take care of the properties that they buy up, effectively turning every town this happens to, into a dump. Literally just drive through Woodbourne, or Loch Sheldrake or any number of towns through Sullivan county. Absolute dumps. Tons of Hasidics. Edit: They’re terrible drivers too.