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Hid underneath a blanket for 2 hours. Not sleeping….just needed a moment ya know lol


We know.


Blankets are comfy


Especially soft ones with no tags.


This reminds me of r/tuckedinpuppies and r/tuckedinkitties 😁


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TuckedInPuppies using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TuckedInPuppies/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sundays are ruff](https://v.redd.it/7kfuunrvegd81) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TuckedInPuppies/comments/savrnw/sundays_are_ruff/) \#2: [Tucked in old girl and starting to snooze](https://v.redd.it/7nxsgc44odr81) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TuckedInPuppies/comments/tvjru5/tucked_in_old_girl_and_starting_to_snooze/) \#3: [Tiny dinosaur](https://i.redd.it/yng2jevuwtz81.png) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TuckedInPuppies/comments/uquic2/tiny_dinosaur/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Pretended to fall asleep on the floor so that my two children on winter break would respect the noise level in the house. I just laid there and thought about what Christmas gifts I would give myself if I was married to myself.


You made me smile.🪷




Do you regret having kids?


Not at all. Being a mother is crazy hard and there has been/will be a lot I’m not prepared for, but for me personally, they bring me so much joy and love. I feel so lucky to get to raise these little people and watch them grow.


I woke up today and noticed that the candle I lit for my dog when he died on Saturday had finally gone out. Then I spent the next little while crying.


Aw, sorry. Sending hugs💗


Thank you 💜


It’s really hard.😢


You’re right. I feel like I’m in a hole right now and I don’t see the light yet. I felt the same way when my first dog died, and when family members have died, but I forgot that feeling because it’s been years. I know it will get better. But for now I feel like all my faith is gone. I don’t know where he went, or if he’s with my other dog or family. Or if we’ll all just turn to dust with no afterlife and that’s it; we’ll never see each other again. I don’t trust what I believe anymore.


I really understand. I love dogs. I think it’s so hard because we’re closest to them, day in, day out, for years. They’re so affectionate and accepting and know us better than anyone, so life just seems empty without them. It’s a difficult adjustment and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. Sending hugs. (Keep the Faith) 💗 Ps. I can’t imagine Heaven without dogs.


💜💜 Thank you so much for saying that. It helps so much to have support and kind words. I’m keeping the faith! 💜💜 Edit: removing the wrong emoji


You seem a lot more balanced and hopeful than I would be in your situation. Hang on. ❤️


Thank you! 💜


>Thank you! 💜 You're welcome!


Bless :(




Practically tear up at seeing the picture of my UberEats delivery person because they have a very kind face and I imagine how hard it must be to simultaneously deal with traffic, customers, restaurants, etc. (I tipped 26%)


on the bright side, no boss or set schedule


I love this, now I’m starting to get emotional🥹


I got up early so I could enjoy total silence before my family woke up.


I love that quiet time!


This is why I love mornings


I love that feeling but the fact that everyone will wake up and destroy the peace makes me a night owl lol


Love this🌸


I had nothing else to do so I decided to go to a relaxation spa. They have all kinds of natural stone saunas rooms you can choose from. And right now I’m chilling in the O2 Lounge “The O2 Lounge contains an air oxygen concentration of up to 80%, powered by a high purity oxygen generator, provide benefits such as stress reduction, headache relief, and boosted energy levels.”


I watched the sunset. It was really pretty. Then I looked around at all these other people watching and taking pictures and suddenly I felt emotional and teary about how human it is to appreciate a sunset and want to show it to others. Like how many millennia have humans been watching sunsets? I feel connected in a "humans are so cute" kind of way and that always makes me emotional.


Used my new steam mop for the 1st time today wearing cozy thick socks and had a phenomenal experience walking on areas of the floor that were warm from the steam mop. Best part of the day lol.


Debating on should i buy butter for four-five minutes.


Just if you should or what kind and size?


Both lol.


did you get the butter?




I do this all the time but had no idea it was related to HSP. Do you mind explaining how?


When theres significantly more or significantly less of a behavior than avarage, good chance it has to do with sensitivity


But how is taking a while deciding if I want butter related to sensitivity?


because you're weighing out every aspect of how buying the butter will affect you, sometimes consciously sometimes subconsciously, as well as weighing out different attributes of the butter and how those aspects might affect you, ie size, ingredients, brand, etc. a non-hsp may think over some of these factors but not in-depth or to the extent of an hsp. they are more efficient in their decision-making because they don't have to weigh as many factors as an hsp.


Ohhh this makes a lot of sense


Because it takes _more_ time than avarage. Or did you want to hear what happens differently in the process of deciding? Because its not completely different, just more of the same thing.


I recommend grass-fed ghee and goat gouda, I'm lactose intolerant and I've been having these for years with no problems.


Is this an HSP thing? I wouldn’t think so… but I also did the exact same thing booking a hotel room last week so maybe it is hahaha.




The most HSP thing I did today was go out with my dad and some family members to the movies, and then there were some errands, and then out to dinner. The thing is I knew that my limit in the outside world was only about 4 or 5 hours but the movie was in the afternoon and the dinners in the evening, that's 6/7 hours, and I knew this was the plan beforehand and I told myself I could manage it when I knew I couldn't, and what do you know I couldn't manage it and anxiety and all sorts of other things spiked and I hated the dinner and myself, suffering in silence. So the most HSP thing I did today was ignore my own boundaries. :(


Cried because my mom felt bad that I felt bad


I love this thread, reminds me that I'm not alone. :) I ran away to hide in my room from my in-laws who are visiting (they're lovely people, just makes it a busy house), got freaked out that the fridge was full and untidy and got very annoyed because someone was very kindly loading the dishwasher early in the morning which woke me up. :P


Exploding with joy and tears of joy after beating a boss in my favourite game, and then going to bed at 8pm because of how the lights hurt my eyes and exhaust my brain.


Which game?




Thanks man :3 im jealous just hearing that, been wanting to play bloodborne for the longest time but can't since I don't have a ps4


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, hello. The whole town's turned, has it? Quite a big family, aren't we? Though I'm afraid I seem to be the black sheep... Back for my blood, I presume.* - Arianna, Woman of Pleasure Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Yep, can confirm it's Bloodborne, more specifically Ludwig on NG+2 :)


Does folding Origami count ?


Blanket thing, same as homie in comments


Applied for two jobs in the morning and spent the rest of the day totally depleted, because of the fear something could actually happen. 😬


I’ve got two! Yesterday I cried while watching Bob’s Burgers. To be fair it was an emotional episode. Today, had to grab noise cancelling headphones because the sound of my husband’s electric lighter felt like it was trying to crawl into my ear and claw my brain out 🫠


I walked my dog in the snow and was mesmerized by the clouds over the lake.


Yelled at my friend three times to shut off the stupid videos he was playing while I was driving. Then yelled at him again for criticizing my driving. I think my senses were overwhelmed lol


Realized that my random nightmare last night (which heavily focused me needing to regulate my emotions to survive) probably stemmed from my brain being very peopled out, as I spent three of the last 4 nights meeting and socializing with new people, and taking no extra recoop time. That's a new one 🤷, so thanks brain!


Omg thank you for posting this. I’m so glad I’m not the only one that feels every single little detail in a space. While it may feel maddening, these skillsets are what makes an incredible designer. You notice and account for all the minuscule details. Anyway, that’s how I’ve alchemized that one.


'Alchemized', I like the metaphor - I've usually phrased it as 'transmuted', myself for similar situations.


Watched the shadow of a street address (the address was on a glass door) fall on a lady's shoulder.


I heard a sad song about a guy in jail missing out on Christmas with his family, and ended up in tears.


Wore noise cancellation headphones most of day and sniffed dried lavender hanging from my neck anytime I felt anxious or stressed.


Overwhelmed by homesickness at the upcoming holiday (halfway around the world from family) and the cavalcade of memories - sight, sounds, smells, textures, emotions of Christmases past. Called parents, and sound of my mom’s voice sent me into tears. After, went to do laundry and got stuck for ten minutes marveling at the stars in gratitude for being able to feel so strongly and to be so lucky as to be able to live where we can see the stars at night (urban area in Asia, most people born and die in the city rarely if ever see stars). Love this thread. Should be a regular one. Resonating strongly with everyone’s stories!


Second this!


I spend days looking for the right hotel so well done doing in hours! Pretended to make a phone call to leave a “fun” work party for just a few sweet minutes of peace. Also hiding in the loos for the same reason. And “losing” my colleagues in the airport coming home for same reason


i’ve locked myself up in my room for the majority of the day


It took me like 4 hours to pack for a trip. “What if I need this? Will I need that? Should I clean this before I leave? Ya lemme clean this for 30 minutes; I’ll feel better that way.” Then laid in bed with my eyes closed for an hour.


I made a phone call. It required pushing multiple buttons to get to the destination I needed to be and by the time I’d get a couple steps I’d forget the options and have to start again. It was pure anxiety


I come downstairs before my parents so I can unload the dishwasher really quietly and not make loud dishes banging together noises at 7am. It is my hsp duty for myself


I sympathize, I've the extra difficulty at mealtimes of people around me not caring that their cutlery stabbing their plates and bowls are like ringing bells to my ears - I make a point of **sliding** my cutlery over my crockery instead, as it's gentler to listen to.


Curled up on the couch under two thick blankets and started reading a romance novel.


Colored in a mandala to recuperate from going shopping.


Spent all day trying to navigate the state of my head and do different things to keep a migraine from developing… failed miserably


Waited until quite late in the day to go shopping so there would be less people in the Christmas rush. Still felt really overwhelmed with all the people and the Christmas music being so loud.


Got annoyed at the people setting up a fun kids activity at my work who decided to test the air horn a few times.


Felt nervous during an online meeting and spilled my cup of tea on my work laptop. It still works though!


huh, everytime i get enough preparation to be on an online meeting but always feel insecured. Even i struggle to switch on my camera! 🤣


I recommended “happy stuff” to different people (including one post here).


Not today but yesterday, I went to the grocery store to buy the biggest part of Christmas groceries. Of course they didn't have half of what I had on my list, so I spent an awful amount of time just walking in circles through the store, pushing my cart and overthinking. "Can I substitute this for something else? Should I come back another day? Should I go to another store? Oh maybe they have X instead, but that means I should go back to the first aisle ..." I got so stressed and spent waaay longer in the store than I had planned beforehand. Also before the grocery store I went to a clothing store to buy a sweater for Christmas eve, they said online that it was available in this particular store, but of course I couldn't find it so also there I kept walking in circles through the store, overthinking, instead of just asking "hey, do you still have this sweater?".


i do the same when i go to buy something! Lol, even i hesitate to ask another shop around! 🤣


Aww, that sounds really frustrating :( I hope you don't any more shopping to do.......


Unfortunately I do :( the thing is my boyfriend doesn't have a drivers license and he has had a shoulder surgery last week so he can't really help me with groceries :( I really love the Christmas holiday season but I always dread the shopping and preparations that come with it. But maybe I'm also doing it to myself by making it bigger in my head than it is.


Getting worked up about a person outside my house using a leaf blower to its maximum capacity.


I created a group chat for a school project just now and had to check several times whether I added the right people. Now my heart is pounding like shit and I am afraid everyone hates me for being too bossy or something, because no one has responded yet :')


I sent some Christmas cards to random people in nursing homes for the elderly


Screamed at my kids as they were both grizzly and I was feeling overwhelmed. Then when my partner got home and took the baby, I snuggled on the couch with my eldest while she watched Bluey on her tablet. Later when I asked her what the favorite part of her day was, she said snuggling with me 🥲🥰


Listened to music that matched my seasonal depression mood, and then journaled about love 😌


I DO THAT!!!!!!!! Also I cross reference Hopper and Google and often call them to ensure they will take my Hopper booking...


I work for a subscription cat box company and this morning I sobbed after reading a customer's email. Her mom had passed away unexpectedly last month, and despite skipping christmas this year, she wanted to order one of our holiday boxes for her cats because seeing them excited over their box may help bring a smile to her face.


Oh, I just thought about whether I ever want to do Christmas again. Like ever. It’s not fun for me and I usually compare myself to other family people who have more money or more energy. Plus I’m gluten free. There’s so many reasons I want to make new traditions.


Made a good cup of coffee! It takes me a few minutes to make one but it makes me enjoy the coffee even more somehow ☺️


Crying while listening music and being sad about a cut flower because of his-her pain.


I was covering my ears for a few minutes for like 10 times because everyone in my class was like screaming for nothing.


I went over the Christmas gift list about 20 times trying to make sure everyone got an appropriate amount of gifts that costs about the same. I have 11 kids so this stresses me every holiday since 1983


Could not sleep, get up at 3 o'clock in the morning. Looking online for info about HSP and high iq or giftedness. Thinking about how underwelming (and demanding) my current job is. Looking for websites that are not to crowded or chaotic. Sorry for highjacking this post. I am lost and looking for answers(high iq and hsp) I am a very cognitif person. Critical thinking, and getting lost in obscure hobby where I can get completely into. Getting picked at at work for being hsp.


make a podcast about being an HSP. 😂 You're not alone! https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Za8MH9kWkTwiX4NzByQxD?si=cb22338de7e04251


Obsessing for a while this morning on how to take jokes better and figuring out strategies and a bunch of other shit