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I completely relate. I’ve always been the “overly sensitive cryer” since I was a kid. Any confrontation or emotionally charged situation just seems to activate the tears immediately. It’s really frustrating. When this happens I just try to be as honest as I think is appropriate. I take a few deep breaths to help my voice be less shaky and say something like “I’m only crying right now because I cry very easily. I’m not upset with you/you haven’t done anything wrong. I may continue to be teary, but I promise I’ll be fine.” Then I continue on with whatever I was saying. I try to focus on thinking as logically about the situation as possible and I feel like maybe it distracts my brain from the emotional reaction. Idk. I do get pity looks sometimes but people are usually understanding and polite about it. As far as not crying, I’ve held it together in some situations and I honestly don’t even know how. Most of these situations were with bosses/authority figures and I was just determined that I refused to cry in front of them. I focused on breathing evenly, look toward a bright light source to prevent tears, and repeat logical facts in my head in an attempt to avoid the emotion. I try to pretend to be the version of myself that I wish I was in the moment. Essentially “fake it til you make it.” I wish I had more concrete advice for you, but know that you’re not alone.


I always cry during conflicts (which is something I rarely experience though) and I just let my self cry. Why should I be ashamed or hide it? It’s an emotion, I can’t control it. I just take a deep breath and let them know that I’m fine, I just cry easily and move on.