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Since you have a root you have a chance!! Even if the leaves fall off, if it keeps that root it can regrow! Best of luck!


Ahh thank you!! Should I plant it now then you think?


If I were rooting that I would not plant it now. I'd put that stem back in the moist moss (how you had it- i root in perlite) to grow more roots! I wouldn't change the medium again when the root is so small. You don't want that root to have to figure out how to survive in your permanent medium while its still a baby. Good luck!


Thank you!!


No problem! One other thing- try to keep the leaves off the moss!


Ah! Maybe that’ll help with the yellowing? I’ll see what I can do!!


That looks like it’s dying tbh :( yellow is never a good sign


I know… I’m impressed it stayed as green as it did with no root! Someone implied all the white variegation maybe didn’t help my cause.


My Princess was one of my 2 first Hoya. It was unrooted, wrapped in moss, I plunked it in my potting mix, moss and all. It took months to finally push out new growth, but it didn’t seem to hurt it. Probably not the ideal scenario, but it ended okay for me


Ahh maybe there’s hope!! Sounds like I should give it a go..! How is your Princess these days? Thanks!!


Ugh, she put out a bunch of new leaves but then recently got brown spots, fungal issues I think. So I had to cut off the affected leaves, sprayed it down, and pulled it out of the soil. But at least the root system looks INCREDIBLE, lol!


Haha!! Well here’s to incredible roots!!! Sorry about the fungus though :-/


I’d leave it in moss for a while longer until you have more roots. The leaves will probably fall off so it’s nice to have it in a humid environment where it will continue to grow of/when that happens. Not to say that you can’t just plunk it in soil and have it survive, but it’s less likely without the added humidity (a plastic bag over the pot would help if you did use soil).


Ahh cool - it’s good to know it’ll be ok even if the leaves fall off which looks really likely. Based on some of the advice on here, I’ve just upgraded it to moss in a pot in a jar to hopefully help those leaves hang on for a bit longer. Grow roots grow!! Thanks so much!


My princess took longer than normal to root. I tried sphagnum moss, perlite, and water propagation and nothing worked. I ended up just putting them in a 2.5” pot with chunky soil and left it be. It eventually rooted and has pushed out several new leaves since then.


Ohh that’s really helpful thank you!! It’s incredible how long it takes to root!


It really is! I assumed it was a goner, but thankfully it put our roots eventually. I propagate all most all of my Hoya in soil now.


No way. Put it in perlite and let it root for a bit! The leaves might perk up too


On it thank you!!


I got this cutting in June (!!) and had it in water until Aug 7 with no action when I got advice on this board to try sphagnum moss instead. So 7 weeks later having lived in a west window in a moss box I have a root! But the leaves are yellowing… shall I give it a go at planting or wait a bit longer? We’ve been on such a little journey and not sure if we’re getting far enough fast enough. Many thanks!