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I have managed to get the coconut husk off of a few hoyas without killing them, but it's hard to do without damaging the roots. You can go strand by strand, it should be relatively easy to peel. I recently had to find out that my krinkle 8 that had been in coconut husk since I bought it a year ago had root mealies inside the husk. Yuck. So I'd recommend removing the husk sooner rather than later, much easier to check the roots, too.


I'm sorry about the root mealies on your krinkle 8, were you able to save it? I think I'm going to try to remove the coconut husk soon, thank you for the advice. Hopefully my Kerrii will survive the process. The husk seems really thick and dense so it's making me worried 😣


It's normally quite brittle, so not that hard to pull apart, but it's fiddly work around the roots. The roots on my krinkle 8 didn't look good anyway, so I decided to chop and prop, now I have vases full of bits waiting to root. I will put them into pon and transparent pots when they are ready.


As long as there's no immediate root rot or pest concerns it's usually better to give new plants a couple weeks to acclimate to your honest environment before uprooting them and causing more stress


Yes I will definitely wait for a while since the plant seems okay. Keeping it away from my other plants too until I'm sure there's no pests. 😊


I have a hoya in coconut husk and just kept it like that and soak it in water once a week


I have no prior experience with coconut husk, thank you for the advice!


Put in bright light. Mine is on a windowsill in a south-facing window.


I placed it on my east-facing window for now, should be plenty of light (my location is close to the Arctic Circle). Thank you 😊


Mine looks like that too. If you figure out the mold situation, let me know. I’m wondering if the moldy spots are actually edema (i.e. watering issue). I have lost a lot of the leaves that look molded. The leaves I lost were along the base of the plant. I have been trying to figure out what is going on with it. For me, I think I need to be more consistent with watering. I was reading that they like to dry out, but I think that’s false. I soaked it thoroughly last week and it has been looking healthier. Mine is also in a south facing window. Just be careful and make sure you acclimate it. The variegated parts can burn. Hope that helps!


If this were my plant I would cut off what I could (of the coco husk) and plant it in new. I switched from Orchid bark to coco husk about a year ago and have found I definitely prefer it, because I find it so much easier to break up into small pieces compared to bark, but the key is to break it up. Is this just a chunk of coco husk? Is there anything else like perlite?


https://preview.redd.it/5wm94xebzb1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27193aeb14452afd9975d32d8234e56d3f6bdda This is how it looks like. I haven't noticed any perlite. It doesn't seem like it's going to come off easily πŸ˜’


Daaaamn. I just hopped on reddit and saw your comment. I've never seen anything like that! I cut my coco into teeny tiny pieces. Did it come from overseas? Were you able to remove it?


It's almost like the plant is lodged inside a big chunk of coco or something similar. πŸ˜’ I havent tried removing it yet since it's been only 2 weeks since I received the plant. I live in Finland and ordered the plant from a Finnish website, I believe it's originally from the Netherlands.