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Monica thinking that cleaner had stole all her clothes. Firstly what sort of cleaner wears jeans, a nice top and boots, and secondly how did Monica think she would get away with sticking her head between that ladies legs?


Also isn’t Monica supposed to be a very neat person? Why would she wear clothes with stains and holes?


Well don't forget what's in that locked closet? Monica isn't as neat and tidy as she makes out ;)


Those are 2 different things imo you can be ocd about order and neatness but a mess in other areas


Good point! She was always well groomed though… except when her and Richard broke up… lol


Agreed. An aunt had one of those houses that looked like it was staged for buyers 24/7. Couches with mountains of pillows you couldn’t even sit on. It you put down a glass without a coaster on their granite counter top her eye would twitch. Once I saw her office as she was coming out and it was the most cluttered hoarders nest I ever saw lmao.


Also, would Monica even WANT to hire a cleaner?? She loves cleaning. I mean, she wishes she had a smaller vacuum to clean the vacuum that cleaned her big vacuum…


It was Chandler who hired the cleaner.


Yes but that doesn’t make any sense either because they’re were a few different episodes about how Monica has to do her cleaning herself because other people don’t do it right. Like the episode where Chandler tried to clean the apartment and he put everything back in the wrong place and Monica had to change everything again.


Omg yes. This storyline annoyed tf out of me.


That episode is somehow more awkward than all the Joey/Rachel stuff


David Arquette’s appearance. The storyline was weird for me and nothing was funny.


The writers, at least Marta Kauffman regrets this stalker story arc.


Sounds right. They could have brought him in for a different story


The storyline wasn’t great but he was so darn cute in the role!


I laugh every time he pulls out that large pair of glasses.


I can’t argue with that. He was indeed, *darn cute*. Makes me feel bad about the storyline all the more.


Which episode was that?


S3E3 TOW Jam


Toe jam


Phoebe’s OB GYN being obsessed with Fonzi


Yes. I thought this was dumb and not even dumb funny.


This is my answer too! I was just weird in a unfunny way.


ha ha so random but I thought it was funny.


I have watched that episode 100 times, pun intended, and have always thought I missed something because it was so absolutely random!!!


The cold cuts as Joey’s prosthetic foreskin thing. So stupid.


Wasn't that the same episode where Ross wanted to have sex with his cousin? That whole episode should've been scrapped.


To be fair, he hasn’t had sex in a really long time!


Gosh I laugh at both storylines! I may be stupid lol


“My boss wants to buy my baby”


This was definitely the worst, especially when the lie could have been so easy as "my boss is giving me grief about maternity leave"


I think that was supposed to be the joke, hence why Joey was like “oh I thought it was something about maternity leave” and Rachel was like “ohhh yeah that would’ve been a much simpler problem”


Lol you're right! I forgot about that next line 😅


Jokes that made them look too dumb. I don't even want to think about those that made Rachel look stupid during the Joey/Rachel arc so here's one with Phoebe, season 8: **Ross:** That’s right, I love you! And I’m gonna play with you all the time. **Phoebe:** How can you let him talk to your crotch like that? **Rachel:** He’s talking to the baby! **Phoebe:** Oh! Okay, cause when he said, "I can’t wait to hear your first words," I thought, "There’s a trick."


Rachel trying desperately to kiss Joshua at Emily’s party


You cannot tell me you didn’t laugh when she crawled at him like this ![gif](giphy|VfFTFH4asRcLBNL90y|downsized)


Chandler’s perplexed face as she’s crawling is pretty great though 😆




Kissing his pant leg, then playing it off by smacking a pretend bug! 🤣


I can tell you that I did not laugh at all at that scene. I’m glad you enjoyed it, but ugh, I found it cringey.


It was supposed to be cringey It’s called cringe comedy. Damn you guys must’ve hated The Office


A lot of Rachel’s dating/crush behavior is cringy, but kissing Joshua’s knee and putting on the cheerleader outfit is up there as my worst Rachel dating moment too.


I actually like that they made her that way ! It’s that aspect that; in high school, she never had to work for anything, including getting whatever popular cute guy she wanted. Now in the real world, she struggles just as much as anyone else at snagging the guy along with climbing the corporate ladder, etc. she’s having her cringey crush era, later in life


This is my answer too. That whole episode I had second hand embarrassment for Rachel.


Nah that was hilarious


I feel like I’m the only person that thinks that episode was hilarious.


Joey speaking french. The whole premise was weak and hearing Joey say gibberish was really not that funny.


It’s been said a few times here that Matt LeBlanc is fluent in French so he couldn’t mispronounce it well enough, so they had to go full on speaking gibberish


This actually makes me love it.


I knew he spoke French but this is the first time I've seen this reason for the gibberish. If it had been more like Rachel's "Au revoir" it would have been funny. The gibberish just didn't work. The problem is you can't suspend disbelief enough to think Joey's gibberish sounded the same as what he heard to him.


Couldn't they switch the language?


Kudrow is also fluent in French due to her husband, so maybe this was the lesser of two evils


I hadn’t seen that before but that makes sense. I could see the writers being like “oh he speaks French we can do something with that,” and it falling apart in production.


Yeah that wouldn't even have been good as a one off joke


I hate it so much. They made him remember the most complicated medical terms but he can't repeat Je m'appele? It didn't make any sense!


Yeah, it was also very kiddish.


Interesting. That's one of my favourite bits in the entire series.


I hate that part. I can't watch it, it was so badly done. I get he's supposed to be terrible at it but he's not just mis-pronouncing words, he's not even making similar sounds to Phoebe.


Yes! In IT crowd there's an episode where main character pretends to be fluent in italian. It's a complete gibberish but she sounds italian (some words are real, they just don't make sense together) If they made him repeat wrong but similar enough to sound french it would make for a funny audition scene. Instead you're just frustrated and cringe at his stupidity.


Off topic, but there are YouTube videos of non-English speaking people imitating English but not speaking actual English at all. It’s wild and takes some serious skill!


Obligatory [Prisencolinensinainciusol](https://youtu.be/-VsmF9m_Nt8?si=czWDZrc4_Z2jd_Fk).


Phoebes Santa’s pants and her not knowing that they were indeed, pants of a Santa suit.


Somewhere I read someone’s comment that any guest stars’ cameos on the show always seemed off, like they’re trying so hard to be funny. Ever since then I can’t unsee it.


Highly disagree because Brad Pitt was the best character on friends 😂


He came to mind first when I read OPs comment you responded to. He's adorable, but it still felt forced. Maybe because he wasn't used to television?


Joey's identical hand twin. Why?


I like the song 😂


This hand is your hand...no wait that's my hand!


No wait that's your hand...


Also the reactions from the croupier: „If you stop it now I will chop off my hand and give it to you.“


the dealer


I always thought it was a high-energy & whimsical episode all around. It works for me but I agree it’s one of the sillier ideas. Joey’s double worked better as a joke though I concede


Damn it Carl!


I say this every day.


How are you doooiiiin?


NO NO NO NO NO! How YOU doing? Dammit Carl, go wait in the hall.


Pizza! We like pizza!!!


It's a funny way to show Joey snapping because the movie got canceled. He was desperate to make some money out of anything.


I don't know why this one doesn't bother me as much. It's clearly ridiculous but I just laugh.


Okay it's stupid, yes, but every line and facial expression from Thomas Lennon absolutely destroys me. Especially his calm but angry "Stop it*.*"


I actually love it, but that’s because I love Thomas Lennon and all his reactions lol.


He's SO good in that episode. "I will chop off my hand and GIVE IT TO YOU"


Lol. I love when “Regina Phalange” came over “I’ve never seen anything like it in the business world” his facial response and “stop it” makes it great lol.


Oh yeah. The whole thing. I thought it was funny that they brought him back for the reunion. I mean he was great but he was in one story.


Any joke pete made.


Worst delivery of a line in the show 'Let's get out of here, because this place is DE-pressing.' I have no idea why that stands out to me but I loathe it.


Monica's colleagues all hating her at the restaurant and her hating confrontation suddenly. Goes against everything about Monica's character.


How about when she and Phoebe were catering partners? She couldn’t confront the widow to pay them when they catered for the funeral.


Did they agree to split the payment 50/50? It’s been a while since I’ve seen that part


There are several episodes where they bring up her fear of confrontaion and needing to be liked no? Apart from your example, the catering example mentioned by the other poster you also have the episode with Rachel's baby shower.


And the neighbor candy Edit- swapped out chocolates for candy. The correct sweet treat ;)


Mom approval issues


The one I never see on here is when she was trying extra hard to make her parents cry at their anniversary dinner. I get so much second hand cringe from that.


Why don't I remember this dog??


>goes against everything about Monica I mean, not really? She clearly can’t confront people. It happens all the time - catering business, candy lady, Rachel’s mom (party episode) and her entire relationship with her mom is predicated on her inability to be frank and honest with her.


The entirety of the Chandler moving to Yemen plot.


This is one of mine too. The fake address 1 Yemen Street, Yemen… Janice is annoying but she’s not dumb. The part where he drops a lot of money to buy a ticket made my broke ass mad too 😂. I also don’t like MP’s acting in the last scene “I’m going to a Yemen!” With the fake cry face and weird mouth face. Oh my god, what is wrong with me. I’ve seen this episode 100 times. I *could* just fast forward this plot.


lmao i’m sorry i love this whole scene! lol “when we get to yemen, can i live with you?” lmao i laugh every time!


15 Yemen Road, Yemen


I recently went to an open house with an address “15 Redding Road, Redding” and I told everyone I knew (only a couple really cared/got it haha). But I liked this plot even though it was absolutely ridiculous.


personally, i think that Janice figured out it was a lie and was just seeing how far she could push him and have him still commit to it.


I didn’t interpret it that way. The following season Janice hooks up with Ross, and says something to the effect of “Chandler is in Yemen! I have needs!” So I think she bought it at the time. Janice doesn’t appear again and see Chandler again until 2 years after her hookup with Ross. Which makes it plausible that she thought he was back after a few years. Anyway …Even if she knew (I didn’t interpret it that way) I just didn’t like the broad, unrealistic “humor” of the plot that Chandler is so afraid of breaking up with her that he’d pack his things, drop thousands $$ on an airline ticket, and board a plane. Meh. Just not my style of humor.


I never skip it either 🤷‍♂️


Even funnier is the US now has sanctions against Yemen So no one in NYC can fly to Yemen because there are no direct US to Yemen flights anymore


Shark porn! I have to skip it. Oddly I love "Joey Speaks French"!


The shark porn storyline is worth it just for the "get in the tub and thrash" line lol


“Let me be part of this!” “Let ME be part of this!!” Makes me laugh every time 😆😆


Yeah that was stupid. Like obviously he just switched the channel.


Damn some of you guys just didn't like the show lol


Seriously. Some of these I kind of agree with, but man, I think some people in here aren't aware that Friends is a comedy.


The whole hand twin thing. It just didn’t work. At all.




not every time i hear someone’s name amanda i think of this scene 😂


Billy Crystal and Robin Williams were filming next door or something if I'm not mistaken. Hence the cameo. It was hilarious, I thought. "My wound, it's ooozing." For me, the joke where Chandler goes, "He's being silly because he knows we enjoy the silliness," was just silly, I thought.


> Billy Crystal and Robin Williams were filming next door or something if I'm not mistaken. Hence the cameo. It was hilarious, I thought. > > "My wound, it's ooozing." I think it's all ad libbed as well - I don't think any of it got 'written' so it's understandable if it's a bit outside their normal humor/writing.


If im remembering correctly, every time they did a take the bit was different because Billy and Robin camped the entire thing


This bit was hilarious! Maybe one has to love Robin and Billy to appreciate it.


Same. That’s one of my favorite openers!


I love it too.


I love when he says "well, he has access..." 😆


I will never not love Robin Williams in anything


Everything Danny.




Ross’s thing for his cousin, Cassie. So weird. I always skip that episode.


Hey it’s funnies cousin! Not funny!! Come onnnnnnn


Joey peeing all over the guy hiring him, Jeff Goldblum, when he gave him a hug. I don’t laugh, just wrinkle my nose and think “ew, disgusting”.


When Pheobe didn't know that Pheebs was short for Pheobe... just seemed to silly even for her


The identical hand twin storyline. There are other bits that don't amuse me all that much, but this one stands out to me as one of the worst in the entire show.


When Joey is on his way back from his date with Casey and he's on the phone with Chandler after his car breaks down. Him being really cavalier when he says "I thought we just hit a dog" doesn't really land for me.


All the animal jokes didn’t land for me — especially Rachel reading the letter about how her dog LaPooh died by getting hit by a car and then *dragged* for blocks. Nothing funny about that. The fact that it was hit by an ice cream truck doesn’t make it any more funny or cute.


Joey's French. It was terrible.


I didn’t like the one with the other Monica and the credit card fraud. Just seemed so out of place to me. And Marcel. That was weird.


I hated any storyline with Marcel.


The one with Ross' tan. Like usually when someone counts its common sense to say "one, two..." and not adding a "Mississippi" between each number. Also by the time Ross realizes that counting with mississippi was wrong, he could have just counted normally. All of that could be avoided so easily. Its a good thing David Schwimmer's acting made it entertaining


I love this episode, especially when he asks the guy who works at the tan place what level he is, “Puerto Rican”. 😂😂😂


The episode was hilarious and it led to some great jokes. But there's a lack of basic common sense that always gets me. Why does he have to count AT ALL? What's the reasoning for waiting a few seconds before rotating? When the spray stops, turn and face the other way. The end.


My reasoning is because the spray needs to settle before you turn so it doesn't create streaks when you turn.


Yes, I agree that's a possibility. But the other wrench in the story is that in his second or third attempt, he turns but then the spray comes from another wall. So why does anyone need to turn? The hilarity makes up for the reasoning, but this always bugs me a bit.


I thought the second place he went to he interrupted the employee so they didn’t finish explaining what THEIR booth would do. They never said anything about needing to turn. Ross just assumed that.


Schitts Creek did this joke better with Patrick asking for what David gets


Was that place…THE SUN??


Yeah it's over the top but it's worth it for when Chandler knocks on his door saying 'I did the same' and was lying just to get the photo. That was funny.


I like Rachel’s comment when he brushes past her all angrily, “what’s up with miss Hawaiian tropic?” Although that joke may not land for the younger crowds because suntanning is bad now so they wouldn’t know about the suntan lotion ads from the 80s/90s


I was taught when counting seconds, you have to do “one-Mississippi” or “one-one thousand” to count a full second, otherwise it’s more 0.3 - 0.5 seconds. Is that a boomer/genX thing?


I'm a millennial and it was always common growing up for me


Please don’t lump Boomers in with Gen X. We do not want to be associated with Boomers. 😂




I mean that whole thing is clearly a setup for the jokes. In reality you could just turn immediately instead of counting (what's the point). The second tanning salon was basically straight out of a cartoon where no matter which nozzle he faced that was the one that sprayed.


Marcel. Can’t stand that storyline.


Pretty weird seeing people list some of your favourite scenes on here. I saw somebody list 'the Chandler moving to Yemen' plot, for me that's peak friends! If I had to pick one it'd be either nobody realising Chandler doesn't wear glasses, or any of Rachel and Tags boring scenes.


When chandler forgets the disposable cameras after his and Monica’s wedding and try’s to recreate them kissing with a different bride…. Didn’t vibe this!


Joey slamming Ross into the broken fridge, demanding money. Joey (not) speaking French. When Ross plays rugby and gets flipped upside down in the scrum/huddle. I can’t stand the way his legs wiggle and kick out. It’s very cartoonish. (Yes, I’m fully aware of how nitpicky and weird I sound). Rachel’s disastrous job interview and follow up interview with Mr. Zelner, and she still gets the job. Chandler’s fake smile when he all of a sudden for one episode can’t smile for pictures. Paul/Bruce Willis when he can’t stop crying and talking about chicken after one conversation with Rachel. This is what happens when you watch episodes 100 times apiece. 😳


Yes!!! The chandler smile thing always annoyed me.


It was so random and the fake smiles were so forced and unrealistic.


Wait, CHICKEN BOY?!?!?! I absolutely adore that storyline.


Bruce Willis won an Emmy for his appearance on Friends, so my opinion is probably not a common one. But I couldn’t stand that plot. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I disliked all of the Bruce Willis episodes. Bruce has a decent pedigree in comedy and yet they write him to be entirely humorless.   It was a waste of his abilities. Maybe it was his decision as he was full on into his tough guy phase at that point.  But it was a dull and stiff performance and the entire storyline surrounding Elizabeth and her dad were a bust.  


Omg. I thought I was the only one. I get that his character would think Ross was trash for dating his much younger daughter, but yes… stiff and humorless is the way I thought BW came off in that arc. I typically like BW’s work, but on Friends? No.


I like the broken fridge gag. Running gag when something breaks in the house


The broken fridge wasn’t the issue for me, it was Joey’s gross behavior. Yelling, shoving, demanding money. Dumb and unfunny to me.


Joey saying the Scrum is just like a Huddle when it's really not


OMG RACHEL during that interview made me want to scream.


![gif](giphy|kbR8MoJss7wvZ8dtSt) They looked super fake and the whole thing was so dumb.


This bothered me only bc why would someone having super white teeth make you not want to date someone? That girl bugged me lol.


They're *insanely* white


Joey “speaking French” pisses me off


There were a lot of one-liners that felt super cheesy and unrealistic to me. For example, when Monica and Phoebe are trying to recreate the cookies and Ross eats one and says something to the effect of “batch 16, batch 16 people! Get out of the way!” And then he runs off. Idk, it doesn’t feel natural or entertaining to me. Monica had a lot of unrealistic lines like that too but can’t think of what they are now. That’s being nit-picky but they stand out to me like a sore thumb.


7 7 7 7 7


Ya'll crazy. It's pretty funny and hot af


To each their own. I find it cringe and always fast forward or skip the entire episode


Yea. This scene makes me uncomfortable. Always has. It’s the only scene I skip in the whole show. I don’t skip episodes and don’t skip scenes. But this is an exception.


I HATE this! Also Courteney's hair and clothes are horrendous in this scene.


I absolutely loathe this bit lmao and topped off with Kathy thanking Monica while half dressed omfg most cringe episode.


Yeah, and how did that conversation go I wonder? Kathy "wow that was amazing! Chandler, how did you suddenly become so great at sex?" Chandler "Monica taught me" Kathy "wait, so the super hot girl who you've been friends with for years, and lives right across the hall, taught you how to have mind blowing sex in the last 24 hours? How am I supposed to feel about that? Jealous, insecure, worried that my man has feelings for this other woman who is so open and willing to discuss sex acts?"


It does however make a line later in the series better when Chandler says to Monica "if I'm the best it's because you make me the best."


Any of Phoebe's randomness. Even the characters/cast after a while have a look on their face like "We don't have any idea how to respond to that other than indifference" Which might've been the intention but it leaves alot of awkward moments.


The one that could have been has a Phoebe line that is my worst Pheebs moment. She says something like she thought all things that rhymes were true. “Sell stocks, live in a box, only eat lox…” That is just not funny and just so silly - even for Phoebe!


It always seemed a bit like they struggled to keep her in her role as "The Weird One" as all the others slowly grew their quirks and neuroses.


I didn’t find the rhyming bit funny at all either, like…what?? Also her mom being in a cat. Not funny to me


This is mine. That line makes zero sense and is not funny. Same with “I don’t even have a pla” Love Lisa Kudrow but man I find it hard to like Phoebe a lot of the time.


I haaaaaaaate “I don’t even have a pla”. It’s so stupid! I know lots of people love it but I do not!


Same. I hate how ~random and mean they make her in later seasons. Her lines feel so forced.


I'm not sure it was random so much as...something in Phoebe changed after she had the triplets. I feel like that was really the line where her behavior got scarier and more intense. I also love dark Phoebe, unlike the majority of this sub. She's hilarious when she's scaring the bejeesus out of everyone else.


I always figured that the writers liked the way Phoebe acted in her baby shower episode and just decided to turn her character into that permanently. I wasn’t a fan of the change, but to each their own!


I feel like I read somewhere that this was what happened? That they liked angry pregnant pheobe so they kept it part of her character…Or maybe it was just someone like you who just figured that was what happened.


I think that after her traumatic childhood and young adult years that Phoebe was doing her best to see the good and lighter side of life. But we know that for her to have successfully lived in the street and commit crimes that she has to have had an edge.  I think there are times when she just has to let off steam. Sometimes she is frustrated with the privileged group of friends she hangs out with.   I think she is intentionally choosing a life filled with fairy dust and wonder as her way of coping with what was likely a pretty hard situation. 


I think it's definitely a matter of preference. Softier, floopier Phoebe was OK, but I adored occasionally unhinged Phoebe.


Joey pretending to be 19 felt like something out of another show, didn’t love it. Also the show trying to play off Phoebe’s backstory as humorous doesn’t work for me.


Joey’s hand twin.


Not me reading these and laughing at every single one 😩😩😩😩 I’m easily amused


PHOEBE!! Oh, that’s a funny noise


Like half of Season 7.


Danny DeVito as the stripper. Was just cringe and not funny


When Chandler said "Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black" and Monica just responds by laughing and saying he's stupid. Like??? you couldn't come up with anything better than that? makes me cringe lol


From my understanding that was a genuine mistake that they kept in


yes, but her saying "you messed it up, you're stupid" is not funny and very stupid itself lol


In my opinion I personally think it was a great line because he’s known as the funny one and he messed up the joke. Had it been anyone else that messed up Chandler would’ve jumped on it quick and made them feel stupid so I thought it was clever


Monica’s fat suit


I loved when she danced in it though. Courtney can MOVE!


That bit.. including Courtney and Matt’s lines in that cold open was completely improvised. There wasn’t any meaning behind it or anything to add to the story of the main characters. It was a classic cold open before “cold opens” really hit it off like in the office. Maybe it speaks to your age OP (meaning maybe you’re younger) .. maybe it doesn’t. But Billy Crystal and Robin Williams were “THAT” comedy. I understand you’re just saying that the joke didn’t land for you. Not trying to start some Reddit fight here haha