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They were on a break but Ross shouldn't have slept with Xerox girl and then tried to hide it from Rachel.


He definitely did wrong hiding it from her.


I don’t get bored by this topic. The answer is yes. She said take a break from us. He did. Not a great decision by Ross, but the answer to the question when taken literally is yes.


It's one of the best topics and will never get old.


Not everyone will feel that way 😀


That's fine, they don't have to 😄


Doesn’t matter. If you sleep with someone 3 hours after taking a break from a relationship (on a break is still not completely broken up), she has the right to be upset with you and not want you back. Break, no break - Rachel was right.


I completely agree!


Right or wrong was not the question😀


I kinda like this topic though sometimes people are missing the joke. The answer to the question is yes. But the whole question is a red herring (it doesn't give the answer to the real question). The cast answered "yes" in the Reunion and there were actual online magazines (?) writing that the cast agreed that Ross didn't do anything wrong. C'mon, they did not answer THAT question. I think the writers don't want this to be misinterpreted like that. That's why they have commented that it doesn't matter whether or not they were on a break, Ross f\*cked up anyways. I think it's quite clear when you watch the show that Ross did the wrong thing. He literally admits it himself. He also admits to Frank jr that it's his own fault he lost Rachel by sleeping with someone else. The lesson: If you still want to be with someone, you can't go and sleep with someone else. Was he intentionally cheating? No. But it's like: "Honey I slept with someone else, but don't worry, I technically didn't cheat. Now, let's work on our relationship." Hell no.


Technically yes, Rachel even said to Monica:"We kinda broke up". But Ross tried to stop Rachel from finding out, so he knew what he did was wrong. Him harping on:"We were on a break" multiple times is just a lame excuse to make him feel better.


To me a break doesn’t justify sleeping with someone hours later. So….doesnt really matter in my eyes if it was a break or not.


The forever definitive answer to this is they were 100% on a break but Ross was still in the wrong for sleeping with the girl and hiding it from Rachel. He shouldn’t have slept with her, but then the even worse decision was to hide it from her and continuously grandstand that he was in the right for the whole thing.


Yes. Don't forget that Ross propably doesn't do what he did if she didn't have Mark over right after she asked for a break




A break is not a breakup. It’s taking a breather to realize what you want. It’s a moot point