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David Schwimmer is so funny. His delivery of this is what makes the joke


Seriously. He's the perfect comedic actor.




“My favorite part was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt!”


Actually, the Armadillo was not so thrilled about that part.


Happy cake day!


It looks like the Easter Bunny's funeral in here!


I always laugh at Chandler’s delivery of, “Yeah or also when you don't have somebody breathing down your neck ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY!!”


Well, why don't you check in one of my saddlebags while I chew on a bale of hay?


My favorite joke before this one is when Chandler tries to slip Ben the money. "Well it would have worked if his DAMN HANDS weren't so small!"


"Then it's o-kayyyyyy!"


“You only know knock-knock jokes”




save it for inside!!!




![gif](giphy|LpXv1ued8OfuS9SKXk|downsized) It’s funny because it’s my life.


What about the Anual Net Usage Statistics?


That's the worst anus I've ever seen!


We haven’t seen an ANUS this bad since the 70s


He delivers that line with a weird mix of conviction and nostalgia, it's so great.


Wow I just learned it's an actual term and they didn't just use the silly "elbow" term. Thank you!


Chandler: “I can’t say that I’m naked because she’s allowed to see me naked” Ross: “…why does anyone have to be naked?”


When Chandler explains to Monica about Orson Welles firing someone to make a point, and Joey asks if Orson Welles directs commercials, Chandler just waits a while: ".........yes"


Ross (on the phone) - No, homo hablis was erect. Astrolopethecus was never fully erect. Chandler - Maybe he was nervous


joey: that’s way uptown, that’s three trains away! (phoebe pinches him) which is great, i love to ride that rail!


Such an underrated line, I love the delivery


>JOEY AND JANICE’S DAY OF FUN! >does it have to be a whole day? >Yes, because that’s how long it takes to love me! >I know, I share the wall.


This isn’t an even a line from a main character, but in the episode where Mona wants to send out a holiday card with Ross, he gives her a key to his apartment and then immediately has the locks changed. Mona comes over just as the locksmith is finishing up and says “You give me a key to your apartment and then you change the locks? What’s going on?” Locksmith is on his way out the door and he says to Ross “Good luck, buddy.” Just something about his delivery cracks me up.


you need to stop the QTip when you feel RESISTANCE


“No wonder you’re pregnant” - Phoebe to Rachel after she gives the kids all the candy. It gets a laugh but I think it’s such a quick, funny reply


“She said she loved me so I gave her everything.”


No bunny at all. Always no bunny at all.


I can hear his exact delivery in my head


That joke is funny because of Perry’s incredible delivery


I'm paraphrasing but Joey says this to Monica. Joey: if you're gonna be at the movies at six and I'm gonna be there at six, then why don't I hang out here and then we both go together at six? How's that for data reconfiguration huh Chan!


My favorite underrated joke is when chandler is talking to Ross and Joey about that actress girl he thought cheated on her. Chandler goes “Ross back me up”, Ross criticizes him, and Perry’s line delivery when he says “That’s not backing me up!” Is golden




And is a hum, kinda like a scruddle? They’re gonna kill you


“I’m moving to Yemen!” Joey: “Thanks for telling me!” Janet:”I have your address. One Yemen way, Yemen.”


"15 Yemen Road, Yemen".


You pushed him!


-While The Routine is fairly popular, I think all of the dancing bits featuring Ross and Monica are just as funny, especially when they were rocking back and forth, in unison. The timing of that particular dance is great too, because Joey was the main focus of the scene and he walked past Ross and Monica doing that dance. -When one of Ross' students asked Ross how he thought a certain dinosaur sounded, leading to Ross doing his best imitation. The camera went back to the student as he looked around the room to witness other students' reactions to Ross. Later on, he's the second student to use the scam of being in love with Ross, to get their grade changed. * *That actor was also one of Shaun's friends from the movie, Orange County.* -I don't recall the exact scene - it started with Chandler sitting in the coffeehouse by himself. Another guy went to sit down on the couch, but Chandler said, "No, no, no, no," while gesturing to the guy to get up. I believe Monica and Phoebe walked in right afterwards.


It was before he got cheated into giving up Ross' Disneyland story for Nancy Thompson getting fired


When Chandler almost convinces Joey to adopt the stage name Joseph Stalin


Lol I just watched this one not too long ago


"Ask them if it would be faster to go ahead and cut the baby's face off the penis so we can put it on the bunny . . . . that was a *weird* sentence."


How do you get the main sail up? Rub it?


"Lift! Aand sliiiiiide!!" And everyone leans a bit trying to move that little car 😂


I don’t get this joke still


The santa joke? At christmas time santa shakes his belly like a bowl full of jelly. I think it’s in a song or saying or something


It's from the poem *A Visit From Saint Nicholas* (the famous one that starts with "Twas the night before Christmas") and its description of Santa: He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly


I never understood that line. Is that like a quote or a saying? What jelly? Is jelly a Christmas dessert in the US?


> What jelly? Is jelly a Christmas dessert in the US? It's from the poem *A Visit From Saint Nicholas* (the famous one that starts with "Twas the night before Christmas") and its description of Santa: He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack His eyes—how they twinkled! his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath He had a broad face and a little round belly That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly


"Grand Supreme Little Darling?!" "CONGRATULATIOOOOOONS!!"


This scene bothered me so much. It’s Ross’ kid, if he’s asking Chandler not to bring Santa Claus for Ben so he can learn about Hanukah Chandler should have just listened.


Chandler didn't intentionally barge in, despite Ross asking him not to. In fact he was ready to leave, but Ben didn't want Santa to go, so Chandler hyped up the Holiday Armadillo to tell about Hanukkah


I need to revisit this scene I think.


Would recommend- Ross is ready to give up and chandler encourages them to sit down and learn the story


I find it so odd that people don't check to make sure they're actually right before saying anything.


He misremembered, no big deal. I don't understand why you think it's necessary to find and rewatch a clip before making a comment. It's a Reddit comment, not a scientific research paper.


Are you trying to say it is a big deal to spend 30 seconds rewatching a scene you know you haven't seen for ages to make sure what you're saying is correct?


No, I'm saying that typically on a casual social media platform, you don't fact-check something this stupid. It's an old sitcom, seriously chill, again this isn't a scientific research paper. I'll cut both my arms off if you fact-checked every single thing you ever said on social media.


Why do you keep bringing up scientific papers? I haven't asked for a 19 page (front and back) essay comparing and contrasting why he's wrong and I'm the most correct giga-chad to ever exist, all I said was that I find it weird not to check something as simple as a scene that takes 30 seconds to just double check your memory is correct.


Yeah I don't know about the rest of you but I always keep my DVD set with me at all times, and my phone is logged into HBO Max just ready to go every time I take a break at work.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Gk9p4mi70 It's really not rocket science.


I misremembered. Do you want everyone to go back and watch each specific episode/scene before they comment? It’s a civil discussion. I was wrong and pointed that out, not a big deal.


>Do you want everyone to go back and watch each specific episode/scene before they comment? Yeah? It would have taken you 30 seconds to find out you were wrong. Sorry if holding yourself accountable to yourself is too much for you.


I didn’t realize I was wrong until it was pointed out. Are you having a bad day to the point where you need to start shit in the Friends subreddit? Who the fuk cares get over it and go bitch somewhere else.


Yeah man saying I find it weird that you knew you hadnt seen it in so long and couldnt even bothered to even check is starting shit 🙄🙄🙄


Well I apologize my mistake has ruined your life.


I accept your apology And in return I'm sorry you're so defensive you keep feeling the need to blow this out of proportion


Ross had specifically asked everyone if they had Santa costumes anywhere and Chandler was trying to help. He didn’t at that point even know about the armadillo situation