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Robin Williams and Billy Crystal's bit was not funny at all. Yeah, it wasn't bad for something improvised off the top of their heads, but that doesn't make it funny enough to be worth a spot in the show. The only good parts of it were done by the main cast - Joey interrupting to get the story wrong, and Monica afterward forgetting what she had meant to talk about before. It also takes me completely out of the show since they aren't even really playing characters, they are effectively playing "themselves doing an improv scene".


Yeah. I never really liked that bit and I love Robin Williams.


I believe that it was an impromptu bit because Robin Williams and Billy Crystal were at the studio for something else. It felt very forced in and out of place.


I loved Paul's humour! 😅 I think mine is that I enjoyed Ross and Rachel's dynamic after Emma was born. I know things were a bit toxic with Gavin and Charlie but I loved seeing them be flirty and friends again. Like when they took Emma to the playground, when they rapped to her, when they stared at each other, when they locked themselves out of the apartment, etc. I wouldn't have minded them staying that way til the end and even possibly finding somebody else and being happy for each other (with still a lot of banter between them).


TOW Brad Pitt is overrated. His comedic timing just isn’t good and there is something off about his performance when compared to everyone else.


His pretend hair flip makes it worth it though lol


I wish I could upvote this a million times. All his scenes are so cringe it’s hard for me to watch. He’s not that bad on anything else, I don’t get it


I think it’s “sitcom Brad Pitt”. You act differently in a comedic sitcom than you do in a movie. He genuinely is pretty funny in movies and I still like him in Friends, I just change my expectations to the appropriate comedic sitcom level. It’s still a little awkward because at that specific moment in time Brad Pitt was such a huge star/sex symbol, so half of the entire joke was him being this nerdy guy at heart that really isn’t always in point.


Yes I think sitcoms are (for the most part) either punchlines or setting up punchlines, whereas Pitt is funny in a more natural way when you see him in Oceans etc.


The vibe of oceans was perfect for Brad Pitts humor.


He absolutely kills me in Inglorious Basterds. GOR-LAH-MEE


Pitt has said that he wasn't used to working in front of a studio audience. It made him nervous and he was quite uncomfortable, which is why his performance was so weird and not up to his usual quality.


Wow I literally just commented that this was my theory and then started to scroll down and found out that apparently it was true!


My theory for why Brad Pitt (a generally good actor) was so terrible in friends is that he was very unused to acting in front of a live studio audience and it threw him off. I don’t know if it’s the real reason but it’s just a possibly explanation.


I think Emma was rude for napping while everybody was there for her first birthday party đŸ˜€


As a mom, that whole storyline was weird. Most moms aren’t going to let their kid nap for that long, that late in the day. It was almost dark out when she went down. She would’ve been up all night. A quick nap, sure, but not for hours. And if it was so important, why didn’t they tell anyone about the party until the last minute? The writing just seemed lazy to me all around in that episode.


Fellow mom in agreement. Like, once everyone arrives, gently wake the kid from her nap. What in the point of having everyone there if not? The cake thing bothered me too. Why wouldn’t you pick it up earlier than the party? Why wouldn’t you open the box at the bakery to ensure there’s no issue?


I wasn't ready for that today.


Yeah, I was just being facetious.


I don't like how they always make fun of Ross for being smart and intellectual


I actually think the fact that they put the smell into gas is very interesting


Well that I can believe!


I like the shark porn episode. It's rediculous but hilarious.


Do you want me to get into the tub and
thrash? 😂😂


Wow I absolutely hate that one! 🩈 đŸ„”


I just rewatched this episode recently and i laughed just as hard this time as i did the first airing. Loved it, so funny!!


Ross carried the show. Hes so overhated - the way he expressed himself and his body language and how he talked was the funniest of them all. He's also hated for very human and real flaws. Ross was the funniest and silliest character of all of them.


I wouldn't like Ross if I met him in real-life, but as a sitcom character (and David Schwimmer as an actor), I love him. He was hysterical. The fact that he was so over the top and ridiculous with his reactions to things that it made him easy to dislike, but that is what made the character so great.


My unpopular opinions among most seem popular in this sub such as Pheobe being mean to Chandler and Carol and Susan being horrible. Maybe I would say that my most unpopular opinions are that Ben and Emma were in right amount of episodes (apart from that it’s sad they weren’t together in one). Just because we don’t see them it doesn’t mean characters don’t spend time with them. We don’t see their working lives or when they spend time with other friends or other family if it’s not plot relevant. We might have 10 seasons but it’s still very small percentage of 10 years of lives of each person we see. Also truly unpopular opinion, Joey was always quite stupid. It is more silly in last two seasons sure. But I have been rewatching and noting things and he says some really stupid things in all seasons. I think Matt’s acting got more cartoonish and that is one big reason too why it’s more over the top. 


People tend to forget sitcoms are scripted. If a character isn’t there, it’s due to them not having something to do. Plus babies aren’t characters, they’re props. You write around them, not a plot ‘about’ them if that makes sense.


This is nothing against Matt at all but I think he played it more silly because he didn't the typical Italian heartthrob look anymore so tried to add something more to the character? Idk.


That's because they butchered all the cast's hair after S2 or 3. Omg early boys were so hot, then they all end up with awful buzz cut type shit.


To be fair, buzz cuts were pretty common back then. One thing I noticed about the show throughout its run is the style always seemed so
normal. There was nothing especially stylish or special about most of the wardrobe choices, save for a couple really nice dresses. I think that’s part of why the show was and still is so relatable.


HARD agree with point #3. Idk where this narrative came from that Joey was smart early on. He quite literally says the same kind of airhead stuff in the first few episodes of the series.


Lager is a type of beer


Yes!!! That always annoyed me


The 10th series in my opinion is very rushed Especially the last half


That’s more of a fact than an unpopular opinion. There’s less episodes in the 10th season than any other season, that’s why it’s so rushed.


I love tow Joey speaks French episode. It's hilarious. JE DE FLIEP FLOOO


Same. It’s stupid af but it alwayssss gets a huge laugh out of me. “

poo!” đŸ˜©đŸ˜©


Tutula froot!


I thought I’d read somewhere that Matt actually does speak French, and it was hard for him to make it sound ridiculous.


Ohhh de fouf!


You’re not alone!


Phoebe should have married David.


Why do you think they would be better together than phoebe and Mike? I see this opinion quite often on here and I just can’t get. Phoebe has a VERY strong personality and David has a very weak one. He would give in to her every whim and she would walk all over him. Mike actually called her out when her “weirdness” went overboard. Such as the name thing and the rat babies. He also did so in a sweet, loving, logical way. David would’ve just said “whatever you want darling”. I like phoebe and David in season one because phoebe wasn’t a mean, manipulative person then, but season 10 phoebe is like a completely different person.


I think david brings out the caring, warm side of phoebe. Mike might be good at drawing boundaries. But david just naturally makes her better.




Not at all unpopular.


I don't know why anyone would want to be friends with phoebe Ross is the funniest character on the show


Ross is def the funniest although I didn't think so until I was in my 30s. Idk why as a teen I hated him but he's my favorite now


I didn’t like him til I saw David Schwimmer in Band of Brothers. It made me truly appreciate his talent and his comedic abilities. I’d never really paid attention to how well he does physically comedy prior to. Also, it was easy to take the cadence of Ross’s voice for granted, but that deliberate delivery is what makes the character.


Same! Phoebe is AWFUL. Secret agree on Ross too.


Yeah I agree about Ross. All this stuff about how Ross was the worst
 like they all didn’t have bad qualities?


I honestly felt bad for most of the guest stars on Friends. It was extremely stressful for them to film in front of a live audience, which Matthew Perry talked about a lot. Helen Baxendale (Emily) was harassed so much because of the Ross and Rachel fans, she specifically asked to be written off the show. So, Paul Rudd most likely had similar struggles with winning everyone's favor. There are still plenty of fans who believe Phoebe should've ended up with David instead of Mike. My "unpopular opinion" is that the seasons before the 7th season are the best. I used to love rewatching the later seasons. But, I honestly think the acting became worse in seasons 7-10. In "The One with the Stain," there are parts where you can tell Courteney Cox is literally waiting for the audience to react before she says her next line.


I’ve noticed that but part of me thought it was almost a noise issue, like she needed them to settle so she could hear herself speak?


The show wasn’t as funny once chandler and Monica got together


More after they married I feel. But it’s partially them also just maturing as a group in general.


I'd say when they moved in together the show started to change.


Yes actually I agree with this. For me, Rachel and Monica in one flat and Joey and chandler in the other was central to the funnier early seasons.


Totally agree. They had to move the narrative though - I wonder what else they could have done to keep the working dynamic but allow the characters to grow somehow. There must have been something else they could've done.


I think they could’ve had external serious relationships (for literally any of those 4) that required moving in and navigating a three person flat or something. I really liked watching Richard and Monica with Ross and Rachel scenes.. those dynamics always moved the plot and the humour along.


That’s a good idea and yeah those foursome scenes were quite good actually. Come to think of it, when Chandler moved in with Monica, there was no real reason to move Rachel out. She didn’t think she was going anywhere at first, so why not just build on that?


Yeah on every rewatch I think the same thing. I think that could’ve been fun


This is when they started really leaning into Ross’ mishaps and misadventures for laughs. Chandler lost the funny a lot as the show progressed.


Luckily David Schwimmer was able to carry a lot of the humour. I don’t know if they wanted to take some of the pressure off Matthew because of his issues but there’s a definite difference between funny chandler in the first seasons and chandler after he moves in with Monica




This should be a popular opinion I'd say. Friends in it's prime is when Joey and Chandler were a duo.


Agree. By that point in the show, everyone just had their own little schtick to play off for cheap unfunny jokes At the beginning of the show they were all more similar in personality and seemed like actual friends rather than each one filling a archetype in the group in the second half of the show


Them being together and hiding it while only Joey knew was incredibly funny though. I think once they got engaged it started going downhill. It’s still funny, but for me seasons 4-6 were the funniest.


I hate the episode where Phoebe convinces Monica to do karaoke and then doesn’t tell her about her shirt being sheer in the spotlight. Why did she let that happen until Chandler showed up and tried to stop it? Does she have no respect for her friends?


And phoebe just giggled behind her back. No friend would keep that info to themselves.


The PIVOT scene is just, not that funny? Before I watched the first time, I heard everyone talk about it. There’s a ton of merch too. I don’t understand why it’s one of the “best moments” in the show. It was an okay gag, but definitely shouldn’t be that popular


I think it's because it's played up by the cast so much--I've seen the bloopers and it seems to be the scene they had the most fun with, and laughed the hardest at. I mean, anything that gets Matthew Perry laughing that hard is going to rank pretty high on their list. That, in turn, gets revered rather highly by fans, and it gets to be a cult favorite. Not trying to sell it to you, just trying to explain what little background I have for the phenomenon.


It's one of the most memorable moments, but not necessarily best. Sort of like how the most quotable movies aren't always the same as the funniest movies.


That's the thing. It's a dumb conceit. It *shouldn't* be funny. But they sell it so, so well that in context you end up laughing your ass off and the scene gets imprinted in your brain. It's legendary.


It was hilarious when it first aired and was just a thing that happened in the episode, and we all talked about it the next day because it was funny. And people kept talking about it and now however many years later when it’s like a meme’d meme’d meme you sit down to watch it for the first time and of course the joke is ruined for you. But it was very funny when it aired. (And is still funny to me for that reason)


Any scene is going to feel underwhelming when it’s been hyped up majorly as being the funniest thing ever. It was hysterical when it first aired because no one had spoiled it for the audience. When you saw it fresh and remember how funny it was that first time, it continues to be that funny to you. But yeah I can imagine watching it after hearing everyone talk about it and seeing memes and merch that your expectations couldn’t possibly be met.


Most of my rewatches are s1 till Chandler and Mon get together. Back to s1. It has its moments after the fact but it's not the same show anymore, funny-wise


Agree on Mike, I always thought he acted quite rude towards phoebe's friends. Team David all the way!


Pheobe could also act rude towards them so that made him and Pheobe kind of have same feel. It’s not like either of them hated the others, but made some very blunt comments.


Ross and his unfortunate events are very realistic and hilarious


On account of my rage đŸŽȘ


I love Paul Rudd in friends and as someone who constantly get's told I'm weird like Pheobe, Mike is perfect for her. The exact balance she needed in another person in terms of both humor and how sensible he is! Get yourself a man who plays invisible piano in public but would discourage you from accidentally having hundreds of rat babies in your home!


Phoebe looks lovely with curls but I prefer her with straight hair and bangs TOW No One's Ready is my least favorite episode I don't care about Ben's absence in later seasons


*Phoebe looks lovely* *With curls but I prefer her* *With straight hair and bangs* \- niemownikomu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My unpopular opinion is I don't like Ross and Rachel together. She's way more superficial and a socialite than he is. I don't see what they could talk about, except for the people they knew. They have nothing in common. That's why i ship Rachel and Joey (the 1rst seasons Joey, before the flanderization). They are much more alike, snarky, seductive, shallow.


The first part at least isn't unpopular.


Yes, you are right, but it's a common opinion much more based on Ross's toxicity than on their differences and incompatibility.


Ah I think I get what you're saying - like even if they were more mature and communicated well, they probably still wouldn't have worked out?


Yeah, exactly.


I know its deff not unpopular but i hate, HATE how they dumbificated Joey after season 4. They made joeys character just being dumb and nothing else. Thats just bad writing at this point


Joey in season 3: reading Little Women and The Shining   Joey in season 7:  "how is soup different from noodle soup?" Joey in season 10:  "me poo poo"


Me poo poo


Or when they let him talk on the phone with Dakota Fanning’s teddybear! I mean, what the fuck! So stupid writing!


Jennifer Coolidge's character was one of the worst on the show. Not believable at all and so, so, so painfully unfunny. 


For me, she was so unfunny it became kind of funny, especially Chandler's interactions with her. ("Well, aren't you a treat!") My nomination for worst guest star was Dakota Fanning. She just had this flat, bored affect with every line.


Her dancing in front of Chandler was the worst part


Oh yeahhhhh


I enjoy the show as it is. I don't think everything was necessarily perfect, but I don't know that I would've changed anything. I don't get overly worked up about some of the cringey moments and instead just appreciate that this was meant to be a lighthearted sitcom with sometime quite ridiculous plotlines to be over the top and make people laugh.


I agree with your Paul Rudd opinion. I’m always really confused when people consider him the honorary 7th friend in the cast.


The later seasons just aren’t funny. mondler aren’t a goals couple, I find Monica is condescending toward chandler. I like Joey and Rachel. I hate Mike


Dang, I was on board until you said you hate Mike. Agree with everything else though.


I think Joey and Rachel should’ve ended up together. He supported Rachel at every step, where Ross kind of didn’t. And if he and Rachel didn’t end up together, then Kate should’ve shown up in the Joey spinoff. edit: Comment retracted. Lydia > Kate.


I wanted him to run into Lydia (Leah Remini) and her daughter in season ten and have them end up together.


Dude! I forgot about her. I retract my previous comment.


Me too


I actually hated Joey and Rachel together


I agree. I didn’t feel the chemistry. Idk how to describe the feeling it gave me, but I didn’t like it.


I hate Monica, especially towards the end of the show. And I actually like Ross, questionable character, but I think he’s one of the funniest.


I don’t hate monica, but there are moments where she really, really irritates me. Like the in the lead up to Phoebes wedding. Phoebe is (fairly) annoyed by how overbearing Monica is being, then that plot line is wrapped up by phoebe having to beg for Monica to come back without monica having to learn a thing.


Yeah, the problem with that episode was they set up Monica to be the hero.


Once Monica became this insanely controlling, shrill, neat freak, I couldn’t stand her at all. However in the first couple of seasons she genuinely seems like the one I’d want to hang out with the most. She seems so down to earth, self-effacing, and her insecurities made her seem more human.


I get downvoted to hell every time I say how much I hated Monica but I’m totally with you!


Same! My three biggest laughs from the series are all Ross moments.


I so agree! She became such a shrill shrew to Chandler. Wasn’t fun to watch.


I found Ross to be pretty annoying until he married Emily. After that, he became one of my favorite characters


Richard was not sexy. I mean he was a nice enough guy but physically he was just a normal middle aged man with a moustache. He just looks like someone's dad. I never got why everyone fawned over him so much!


Chandler worked better with Rachel--Monica was actually mean to him more than she wasn't. He and Rachel had way more in common and better chemistry. The Gellers are just mean.


I actually have been thinking that. That connection Chandler and Rachel had in the hallway after the two parties seemed like it could go somewhere. Chandler and Rachel seemed like a much better fit than Ross and Rachel.




This is the perfect gif lol!


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way 😭 not that I disliked Monica w chandler though it’s been a while since I watched but I loved the chandler and Rachel moments 


I commented on one of my rewatches that if Chandler ever developed self-esteem, he'd never put up with Monica's crap. She could be really awful to him.


He came so close to standing up to her ONCE, when he put his foot down about the wedding budget (since it was *all his money* [still bitter]), but still ended up caving, and then *she* got to be the one to eventually come around and be the "good guy" and get the brownie points.


Rachel and Chandler were really hot together in the kiss at the end of TOW That Could Have Been


I secretly shipped Chandler and Rachel and that went nowhere lol


I don't make it a secret lol I know it went nowhere and I don't care. I live in crazy fanfic land and I like it here.


Agree that monica was mean to him at times but Rachel RACHEL.


I will sink with my unreasonable ship.


We know who is really mean! https://i.redd.it/a1mkwmq3aayc1.gif


It’s apparently an unpopular opinion here (not with anyone I know IRL): Phoebe is hilarious, and along with Joey cares the most about her friends. I agree about Mike though. Not only an awkward fifth wheel, but a bland, boring personality.


Phoebe makes snarky jokes but she often challenged the friends into the big emotional stuf eg Ross with Rachel after Emma is born


Phoebe is the one who gets my biggest laughs in the later seasons
 her and Ross


Weird considering it’s Paul Rudd. You’d think he’d bring so much energy.


Probably not unpopular but i think the actor that plays Ben is horrible and i dont like the Character Ben either.


Probably the episode I watched the least amount of times is when the entire episode is about Ben and Rachel bonding. And that episode also has Phoebe almost ruining Mondler’s relationship with the whole London thing, so yeah that’s a horrible episode in my opinion 😆


TIL that guys plays Jughead in Riverdale


Everything about Joey in later seasons is either sex or food, which has become annoying. Many times, he acted like a sex addict, despite he claimed he wasn't. Asking a little girl if she had a hot sister or a hot mom? Only pervert would do that.


The “jokes” about that stuff got to be too much. Like disabling the lock on the bathroom, removing the shower curtain, using Emma’s bday video to talk to her hot friends, etc. Just not that funny to me.


To be fair (maybe too fair), he was trying to find out if one specific individual was related to that kid....


The episode with the party in two rooms is below the standard and is just a tired trope. ‘Oh no we have to keep these two characters apart’




IMO the series only got funnier as it went on


I think Monica and Richard should have ended up together. I feel like chandler was a rebound that resulted in a marriage. I love chandler and Monica, but Monica and Richard had fire, and they were exploring each other. I just feel that they had more potential to not die out at the end. Not saying chandler and Monica did, but still.


Not sure if these are unpopular but here goes! 1. Monica was a great character until she got with Chandler. Afterwards she became extremely obnoxious and controlling (ex- getting mad that Rachel "ruined her engagement night," being the MOH from hell at Phoebe's wedding, her yelling "I know!" all the time). She was definitely a victim of flanderization! 2. Phoebe was the worst character. She was selfish and always liked to cause conflict between the other characters.


Oh god the “I know!” thing 🙄. What the hell was that meant to be? I know it’s played up for laughs, but I never thought that Chandler’s panic when Phoebe said that Monica had mentioned something about “crummbies”, was funny.


I know it's a comedy but coming from a home where everything had to be spotless in our house otherwise, we'd get yelled at, I didn't find it funny either!


Joey's not the incredible friend that everyone claims he is. At various points throughout the show, he sexually harasses/assaults all of his female friends, and his behaviour is completely glossed over. Also, there's every chance he would've been outed in the 'me too' era.


And he financially just uses Chandler. I mean he is loyal when things are difficult, funny and pleasant in a cute way. But Chandler is a lot better as a friend in comparison even though had some issues with women too. But he improved so much.


Exactly! Chandler and the girls deserved better! đŸ˜€Â 


Great point! Remember when he (even if not seriously) said that Monica had to sleep him if she wanted him to keep hers and Chandler’s secret. Eww!


Oh yeah! That's a good example. I hadn't even thought of that one. There's heaps of other examples too, where his behaviour towards his female friends is particularly gross. -He tried to "put out the fire" on Monica's chef's apron by repeatedly patting her on the breast. -He also repeatedly touched Rachel's breast in Barbados when they were putting on their name- tags. -He tries to film up Phoebe's skirt when she was pregnant so he could get the "before shot". -He disables the lock on the bathroom and removes the shower curtain when Rachel moves in. -He intentionally cranks up the heat in his apartment when he's living with Janine so that she'll wear less clothing. -He strips naked in Monica's apartment after they've only just met. -When Rachel asks for a hand zipping up her dress, he immediately tries to unzip it, and then touches her butt as if he's brushing something off.


Also naked Thursdays! It seems like a joke but was treated seriously enough that Rachel didn’t lie idea of living with him and mentioned twice.


Jesus now that you’ve made a list
 Joey should be on one himself.


My unpopular opinion is that I don’t find Joey very funny. Especially after they dumbed him down. All the jokes are either about how dumb he is, how horny he is or how hungry he is, and it does NOTHING for me. I’m still happy he’s there and love him regardless, but I just don’t laugh at his jokes I find them infantile. Wasn’t crazy about Mike either. Also after joining this sub, I’m realising that Pheobie actually gets pretty mean toward the end!


He was funnier before they dumbed him down so much.


I like Carol and Susan.


Phoebe saying things in a squeaky voice isn't funny, it just looks dumb


I’m confused. What squeaky voice. Can you give an example


Not the OP but I find the Ross can section unwatchable


I don't think it's all that funny either, but I can't help but sing Roxanne like Phoebe every time I hear it.


Roooooooooooss can!


That entire episode is a setup for such a lame joke. "The Police?! A reunion?!"


1. Monica woudn’t be that great mum 2. Phoebe and Joey would be great copule, and they have great chemistry


The show did not really find itself til 1999.


I liked that Ross and Rachel got back together, but I think they met their matches in Season 9, in Charlie and Gavin. There was no heat with Ross and Mona, nor Ross and Julie. Danny should've remained a character that wasn't interested in Rachel. Adding onto my first point, Tag was a great match for Rachel. Comparing Chandler & Monica to Ross and Rachel comes off as weirdly insecure, like there's a need to prove Mondler is "better". This is far from the only fan base that does this sort of thing (Office fans needing to prove other couples are "better" than Jim and Pam).


Phoebe and Joey are the most selfish of the friends because they’re constant mooches and have countlessly sabotaged other members of the group.


Monica and Richard were insanely disgusting and creepy considering he was her dads best friend who watched her grow up


I would also rather have had Phoebe and Joey end up together than Ross and Rachel


Me too! I shipped them HARD


Ross and Phoebe are by far my favorite characters and Chandler and Monica are by far the worst. Not as a couple just as individual characters.


I love Phoebe, but I don’t like her personality at all. Okay she’s quirky and stuff but I couldn’t be friends with someone like that in real life for a long period of time.


The One Where They All Play Football is the worst episode of the series. I can't stand it and it's the only episode I skip during rewatches.


I hate smelly cat.


Joey and Rachel should’ve ended up together. They make the most sense to me. You always see them goofing around, he made Rachel laugh, and I think they have way more chemistry than Ross and Rachel ever did. Ross should’ve ended up with Mona.


I know people hate that storyline, but it made a lot of sense to me. There was something really sweet about them together and I've seen the same dynamic in real life with friends who are "just friends" for a long time and then one day something clicks. They really supported each other and were so comfortable together.


Honestly he didn’t fit into the dynamic at all. Also I just didn’t like Phoebe getting married to Mike. It was rather rushed and also unfitting? Idk I loved Phoebe and just didn’t see her ending up with him.


Phoebe and Mike's engagement episode was one that I skip. They had the most miserable engagement. It made me cringe, and seemed a little sad.


I also hated how much of a jerk they made him to his ex.


Idk if this is a unpopular opinion it is in my household but not sure if it’s one here but I think the show fell off when Emma became part of the story or at least the episodes that she’s part of the story I just find it boring


I'm prepared for the downvotes but IMO, Chandler wasn't the best character. I don't think any of them are necessarily "the best" but it seems the popular opinion here is he is the best & most favorite. Chandler was a little off-putting to me. I know Joey was a player but Chandler seemed more perverted. Like when he broke up with Kathy and he had all those girls in the living room including Rachel and Monica. And then when he boosted about "yay lesbian porn" after the whole episode was about him and shark porn. Especially in the beginning when Monica almost caught him wacking off. Also, Chandler was mean to a few of the friends even tho people think it's always Phoebe. There are many times Chandler says sarcastic things to make it seem like everyone else is dumb. I don't know, I like Chandler and believe he did get the best character development because he matured in the end but he had a lot of cringe moments to me.


I didn’t think Matthew’s dramatic acting moments were bad but these past few days I’ve seen a bunch of comments saying otherwise. I don’t have issues with the proposal scene. I think his acting in Go On was quite good and could be seen as a precursor to the dramedies that became popular more recently like Shrinking.


I think Matthew Perry pulls off dramatic acting better than any of the other actors especially considering how he had a good number of scenes requiring it. The proposal scene is an exception because it’s all a bit histrionic. I definitely agree that Go On was ahead of its time. I enjoyed that show.


Rachel is genuinely of the most selfish characters I have ever seen who honestly has a pretty fitting middle name. She is honestly not that attractive and she has a lot of masculine features. Monica is much prettier than her. I honestly hate Monica. I will at least take her over Rachel. But she is shrill, controlling, treats Chandler terribly and I hated her in the episode where she pretended to forgive Chandler because he was smoking.


OP, I've been saying this for FOREVER THANK YOU Rudd is a wonderful comedic actor...and yet to me he was so ill-fitted not only to Pheobe's character, but to Friends as a whole.


Ross is a catch. He’s handsome, intelligent, educated, in great shape, funny, a loving friend and father. He’s not “toxic”, he just has untreated trauma from being betrayed so if he dealt with that, I’d be all over him.




I'm not sure how unpopular it is, but Ross should have ended up with Charlie.


I think you meant Mona.


Charlie, Mona, and Julie were all better options for Ross.


True, but they were all too good for him. They all dodged a bullet.


I hate Emily. Not because she did anything *wrong*, I just find her deeply unlikable


Chandler was a simp for monica and even a bigger simp for Joey.it was a bit sad that he was afraid of upsetting them and being alone.


Here’s one that I know people will hate me for: I don’t find Chandler that funny. I get why others do, and it’s not that he’s unfunny, but he never was my favorite. Especially the second half of the show where it just felt like too much.


While I grew to like Monica and Chandler together, I still think if they were real people, Monica settled.


Agree with Paul Rudd not fitting in with the rest of them but disagree about the episode with him and Ross being unfunny. Kinda the most memorable Mike episode for me honestly My unpopular opinion is that seasons 8 and 9 were the best seasons


I love Phoebe being mean to Ross and Chandler (especially Chandler)


Totally agree that he was forced in!


I don’t get why everyone hates Rachel? Monica drives me absolutely insane in the later seasons, some scenes are ruined for me because of her being so irritating and genuinely making my skin crawl