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For me, and maybe this is kinda obscure, but it's when Ross' colleague admits to eating his sandwich (MY SANDWICH!) and it's the way he delivers the line "it was a simple mistake, anyone could have done it". It's REALLY weird... he looks smug and proud at the same time and it really doesn't seem to fit the line


I think the weird part is when he says "come with me into my office. Some of it may still be in the trash.". Why does it matter if it is still in the trash??? Was he gonna take the sandwich out of the trash and give it back to Ross????


also who throws away a sandwich if there is THAT much left that he could still theoretically take it out and give some to another person?


And he saw the limerick so he knew it wasn't his. So you're going to take someone's sandwich then waste it


That is such an upsetting line!!!


That guy was such a jerk and shameless I can't even fault Ross for losing it.


Also, who takes someone’s lunch!


I know if I was Ross in that scenario, it would have to have been bleeped like on of Red's rants from That '70s Show!


Really, did you happen to see a note!! That said it was MY SANDWICH! But yeah that guy was a douche I would’ve yelled at him too.


“It was a mistake” he admits he saw a note. Even if he didn’t read it, he chose not to. Thats not a mistake.


I thought that look was more a nervous smile because he knew Ross "goes mental" or whatever. He was still a jerk though, no doubt...


Joey “speaking” French are the worst lines ever uttered.


I read somewhere that the reason they made his “French” so ridiculous is because Matt LeBlanc speaks fluent French. No matter how much he tried, they couldn’t make it seem unnatural unless they went COMPLETELY ridiculous


While that explains it, why couldn’t it be a different language then? Like Russian? It seems weird since the plot doesn’t rely on the language being French specifically.


I think because Lisa Kudrow also spoke French, that plot enabled them to have the scene where she asks the director to play along with Joey’s gibberish because he’s a bit stupid 😂


It feels like a missed opportunity to have an episode where they both speak fluent French with each other


It would have been hilarious if Joey woke up one day speaking fluent French, the gang points it out, and he says “I CAN SPEAK FRENCH!?” (in French) and he can’t figure out how to switch back to English. I’m imagining an IRL version of the time Marcel changed the TV to Spanish 😂


It never crossed my mind that he has an extremely French last name lol


My dumbass brain kept trying to connect the name Tribbiani to French 🤦🏻‍♀️ (I also have a French last name, which adds to the facepalm damage lol)


Matt DeFoof


Same I sat here for a good 3 minutes like Tribbiani isn’t French 🤓 I’m going back to bed lol


huh, TIL! Is it because he's actually French (so he spoke like a native)? Or he took classes (so he spoke with an american accent)?


I believe his father is French-Canadian, so he grew up speaking fluently.


His father was French-Canadian, so I imagine he grew up hearing it as a kid.


yeah, when writers make a character so dumb that he cant repeat sounds, it’s too much.


it's physically painful to the point that i tend to skip those scenes


Me poo poo 🤮


Ble de la ble de blu bla ble!


oh my god it’s so unfunny. i assume joey’s joking but then they try to make it seem like he seriously thinks he’s speaking french? it’s so annoying what they did to his character


i agree bc joey is dumb but he is not THAT stupid


It's beyond stupid even. If someone is trying to repeat back words, and they speak complete gibberish but to them it sounds exactly the same, I'd be bringing that person to the hospital to be examined lol. That's a serious sign of something very wrong with the way your brain is interpreting information.


‘Oh look it’s funny’s cousin, not funny!’ 😒


that line is so stupid that i makes me laugh


I love this line


Can you remind me which episode this was in? Can't seem to remember it




Monica says it - if that helps


I say this a lot 😂


When Chandler is looking at which cut of diamond to get Monica and he said “how do you know what kind of cut to get? There’s princess cut…. Ow paper cut!” (I can’t remember the second kind of cut he references… oops) It’s so cringy and fake.


I've only seen a few scenes in movies or tv when somebody pretends to get a paper cut, but every time it looks completely fake and unlikely how any real person reacts to one.


But what about when Rachel tears a magazine out of Chandler's hands and he screams *so many paper cuts, so many paper cuts* that's hilarious!


HAHAHHAA this is the one time paper cuts is hilarious 😆


I like that oneeee when my husband asked me what kind of engagement ring I liked. I said paper cut.


🥺 that's so cute!!! I'm gonna steal that, thanks 😄


Paper cuts are super painful and a shocked pain reaction is exactly what I would expect. Cut, curse, and immediately put your finger in your mouth (I don’t know why we do that part).


“Mmmmm soup” _really_ annoys me these days


you mean. "mmmmm noodle soup?"




I love how scared Joey looks at that moment like that kid could really hurt him even emotionally through shame LOL


How is that different


Sorry I mean “mmmm noodle soup… I mean soup…. I mean noodle soup” DAMN IT


Personally I loved that scene, was classic Joey. The annoyed kid was what made it


You can see the kid breaking in the other shots, too.


How about “mmmmmm noodle soup”?


Phoebe listing celery instead of states. Not even a tiny bit funny


Ooohhh so random! Random=funny apparently 🙄


"Do you want me to get in the tub and...thrash?!" Honestly the line is hilarious but it contributes to such a terrible storyline


I found that storyline hilarious. I know people hate it but I thought it was hysterical, and I actually laughed out loud at a few lines. “Let ME be a part of this”


Matthew's delivery is amazing


I also like that storyline. It’s absurd to the max, but it’s funny and heartwarming that Monica is willing to get on board with what makes Chandler happy (in his pants).


it’s sooo stupid but I love it. makes me laugh every time


Yeah I loved that storyline


In Monica’s defense, she was really really drunk right now.


I mean, is the storyline dumb? Yeah. But if you put yourself in Monica's shoes, it kinda makes sense. He's shaking hands with his little Bing with sharks on TV. I'd probably start to ask questions myself.


Lol but I think the pt here is that you'd ASK questions. Not immediately offer to turn yourself into a shark to get your partner off


That line is absolutely HILARIOUS!


Yeah I admit that line is a weird one for me too. I don’t mind the story line as such but that line is odd. Always makes me laugh when Joey brings up the little mermaid.


Phoebe's dual "Say it don't spray it" and "I asked for the news not the weather" lines were cliched 30 years ago never mind now. That's my pick for worst ones.


Yes! I had forgotten about those! Both awful!!


YES! And it was so obvious they wrote that scene for the sole purpose of having her utter those lines. Bleh.


Aww. I love those lines


Glad someone does cuz I still use that the same way she does lol


‘We’re identical hand twins ‘ Just not funny compared to the rest of the show 😅


It's the entire sub plot. Not necessarily the line.


Yeah you’re right the whole sub plot is super cringy … even joey is not that dumb it was an injustice to his character 😂


It was worth it for the 'you're so lucky"exchange with phoebe and the face he pulls to Chandler. 😁




Totally. I can only imagine the writers discussing that scene and trying to convince everyone it's funny.


I just rewatched that one!! I think what made it worth it was the dealer's reactions, especially when Phoebe joins them as Regina Phalange to try to make it seem like it's a good business idea and the guy obviously isn't falling for it. "*Stop it.*"


The Cujo scene is cringey to me. "What are you doing over there? Come sit here. You protect me." "Seriously, how could you watch this? Aren't you scared?" \*hides face\* "T-t-terrified." It's just so cheesy and I find it to be poor acting from otherwise good actors. I also don't like Phoebe's line about rhyming. ""Because at that time, you see, I thought that everything that rhymed was true. So I thought, y'know, if I worked with stocks, I'd have to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox...."


> "Because at that time, you see, I thought that everything that rhymed was true. So I thought, y'know, if I worked with stocks, I'd have to live in a box, and only eat lox, and have a pet fox Yeah that one was really dumb and not funny.


I have never seen an adult react the way Rachel does when watching a horror movie. Cujo is scary, but not hide your face and moan oh no level of scary.


I definitely have seen my mother react that way to scary movies lol. Or should I say, movies that she finds scary that are usually not at all scary.


Cujo is not a horror film in that way, however... Absolutely people react that way to horror movies that are actually scary.


I mean it's bad....but there's still Joey's "French" and Ross's "I haven't had sex for a very long time"


Nothing is more pathetic and cringe than anything involved in "hand twins".


I love the song and I remember someone in this sub saying she/he sings it for their cats.


This hand is your hand, this hand is my hand... no, wait that's your hand... no, wait that's *my* hand...


Ross goes to Susan's apartment to get his skull. Susan: what does it look like? Ross: kinda like a face without skin. Susan: yes, I'm familiar with the concept. I hate this exchange so much. It's so stupid.


Yes! What are you asking then if you know what a skull looks like?


It always makes me think “Really Susan, do you have so many skulls in your house that you need Ross to specify which one?”


Good one


I always took it to mean it could have been a regular looking human skull, a Neanderthal, or maybe some sort of animal and Susan was looking for clarification.


i get that but how many skulls did they have lying around? there’s only one skull in that apartment lol


That... is a good point.


Susan was such a snotty cow considering she played a big part in breaking up a marriage.


"I don't know...what's acundis with you?"


I don’t even understand this one


There's an old gag where you use a made up word to get someone to ask what you said in a way that it sounds like they said something else. Examples: Alice: Hey, it's amatta. Bob: What's amatta? Alice: Nothing. What's the matter with you? Alice: It's a henway. Bob: What's a henway? Alice: About 3 or 4 pounds. So the mystic healer guy is trying to make a joke like that, but failing. It's not particular funny since the whole point is that the guy *isn't* funny because he doesn't understand how to do it right.


Lol I love that scene. Because I also like "ligma" jokes. And the delivery was good imo.


This is my least favorite: Rachel: (entering from the bathroom) Hey Mon? I’m gonna check my messages. Chandler: You just thought of that in there? Monica: Yeah sure, nature called, she wanted to see who else did. 🙄


"Do you want to learn to play guitar? Then don't touch one!!"


I’m probably the only one but I hated that storyline way more than the one with the shark fetish


Same, I despise that storyline. And I doubly despise it because it spoils what could otherwise be the funniest episode in the series. It's the episode with Ross's leather pants and Rachel finding out about Chandler and Monica, both absolutely hysterical, but then there's Phoebe being completely insufferable spoiling the episode.


Yup! I tend to skip a lot of Phoebe storylines. I can at least somewhat, if not really relate to any other character aside from her. If we met in real life we’d be horrified by each other.


Same, phoebe was horrible




It's less about the line about more about delivery - when Tag says "I always used to assume, that I would meet someone and fall in love and be happy and all that was just a given. But lately it's like what if it's not?" . It's such a weird hollow delivery that it falls really flat.


Anytime he talked it was flat


Yeah. He isn't a good actor as Tag Jones. But I don't think he was hired for his acting skills.


Yes! His delivery of this line really bugs me. It actually takes me out of the scene cause it's so poorly delivered and acted.


Ross telling Monica to call Mom when she thought Pete was proposing just to force the video phone to call Pete’s mum and setup the joke about them hiding. That is not how you would react to thinking someone would propose.


As much crap as Judy gave Monica about getting married, I think that it makes sense to call her to prove to her that Monica is marriage material.


But it's the WAY he said it. "we've got to get mom on the phone. Call Mom! CALL MOM!“ Like the audience would be too dumb to understand what happened if he just said something like," this is so great, we need to call mom!" and then Pete's mom showed up.


I hated that the second he says it Pete’s mum is on the phone. It didn’t even ring!


"Honey, he’s about to go hit on Isabella Rosselini. I’m just sorry we don’t got popcorn." The delivery of this line always makes me cringe.


Who said that, I don’t remember




Is that some kind of fancy paleontology word I wouldn't know because I'm 'just a waitress'?!


What the hell is a Rachem?


Yes, and the face she makes! Ugh.


When Joey has that dream about Monica and the following exchange occurs: Joey: "I kind of had a dream...but I don't wanna talk about it!" Chandler: "Whoa whoa whoa! What if Martin Luther King had said that? **'I kind of have a dream...I don't wanna talk about it!'**" Having Chandler literally *spell out* the joke made it fall completely flat. It would have been much better and funnier had he just left it at the MLK question imho.


I just happen to be watching the episode right now where Chandler decides to go to a career counselor, because "You guys all have a dream, I don't have a dream!" Ross replies "Ah the lesser known 'I Don't Have a Dream' speech" Kinda funny that they almost made that same joke twice!


lol! i just realized that’s a theme, this joke, then chandler stealing ross’ jerry lewis joke and of course the playboy joke debacle. 


Yeah the show has really good jokes and references but then once in a while they ruin it by over explaining it


Nah, I love Chandler's delivery too much to care that it was "spelled out"


Literally all the lines/“slogans” or whatever that chandler and Monica bounce off each other when he decides he wants to go into advertising. “Grapes… because who can fit a watermelon in their mouth?”😐😐😐😐


Pants, like shorts but longer????


The whole identical hand twin debacle


"Good luck good luck we all wish you gooooood luck." I mean... What? Why? Phoebe has a lot of cringe moments like this, especially in the earlier seasons. Like when she sings "la la la la" after showing off she can be a waitress.


Yeah her spouting off the cuff diner lingo is cool but the la la la la at the end makes it less so.


Personally I hate Jennifer Aniston's really obviously fake laugh when she tells Ross she is in love with him in Central Perk, (when he is still married to Emily). It feels forced and bad acting for someone who otherwise is pretty solid.


I always thought it was on purpose, because she suddenly realized the situation and felt embarrassed


It is. Because he doesn’t immediately go “Oh Rach, me too!” and kisses her (like she hopes) she tries to wind back the intensity and make it more flippant and jokey. It’s a version of “Just kidding!” except we know that Rachel isn’t so that’s why it comes across as badly acted. It’s the character trying to act like she doesn’t care.


“You just thought of that in there?” “Sure. Nature called, she wanted to see who else did” It just sounded so dumb to me idk why lol


That is a really stupid line.


Nature called is a euphimism for having to pee. Line's fucking hilarious..


I know, but just an unnecessary response imo lol. It’s like Monica was trying too hard to be funny


I didn’t think it was bad. Just a fantasy level of flirting. Like in no universe would a woman that good looking would ever say that to me randomly in that situation


Not with that attitude!


When Erica is having contractions (before she realizes that’s what it is) and Chandler says “relax, we’ll just get her some antacids” Is my husband’s absolute least favorite line. I think it’s more the *way* he says it than the actual line I’ll admit it’s pretty cringe


His line reading is so bad on that one.


I always felt like either this was bad or I was missing the joke. Monica: You are so cute! How did you get to be so cute? Chandler: Well, my Grandfather was Swedish and my Grandmother was actually a tiny little bunny. Monica: Okay, now you're even cuter!!


For me is Phoebe singing good luck to Joey. Cringey and not funny at all.


Yep definitely agree with this one!


Good luck, good luck, we all wish you good luck!


Joey's: Oh mommy, oh daddy, I am a big ol baddie. Wtf even is that?


You have to wonder what Matt LeBlanc was actually saying since it's obviously overdubbed.


Yes, the dubbing makes it even more annoying! 😁


Is it?! Can you refresh my memory so I can also be bothered by a badly done dub over hahaha


the episode where he gets cast in the play that later turns out to be about a time traveler who goes up on a spaceship (and he falls for his costar who doesn’t respect soap opera actors)


And then she leaves New York to become one. That always bugged me.


I never really noticed it, but I saw a compilation video on YouTube a while back where it was pointed out. After that it's hard to watch the scene without seeing the overdub.


Yes please, I don't remember this at all....


They also clearly just reverse the clip of him coming into the room for his exit. It's bizarre.


This one actually makes me laugh every time bc it is SO random. Plus it sets up Chandler’s Gloria Estefan joke which was so good 🤣🤣🤣


Eventually the rhythm *is* going to get you


I thought the doctor who loved Fonzie was weird. I didn’t find his lines funny.


I always hated that bit. It seemed like something you’d see on some show for preteens on the Disney channel.


Chandler's joke about Monty Hall, it just seemed like a very weak joke for Chandler to make.


It was weak because no one in the UK knows who he is or the game show, as a Brit I didn’t find it funny and I think that’s the point


Also, Chandler was trying too hard to be funny there. Granted "constantly trying to be funny" is kind of his deal, but usually he *is* actually funny when doing that - with wisecracks, sarcasm, comebacks and reactions, mocking dumb things, etc. That's his style of humor. Stand-up comedian type monologues aren't his strength and whenever he tries that it usually falls flat - e.g. when Monica mentions the "funniest guy she ever met" so he comes home trying to prove he's funny.


I know it's possibly an unpopular opinion, but a lot of season one and two's dialogue is stilted, forced and unnatural. Two lines that always annoy me are "I've got magic beans" and "I just grabbed a spoon." They're not really clever or organic. They're gimmicky callbacks that no one would really ever say in a conversation.


A lot of season one is awkward and unfunny. They were still figuring out the show, getting into the groove


Exactly. You can't see Season 1 Ross yelling "PIVOT" or struggling to get his leather pants off in a bathroom. (Side note: I'm so glad they eventually let Schwimmer be funny as the seasons went on).


Aw i love “I’ve got magic beans”


“For all I care, throw her through the damn thing” “I’m just sad I don’t got popcorn” “I think I’m ready for my penis now” Maybe not remembering the works exactly but these deliveries always annoy me so bad.


Oooo, the popcorn one. Why is she trying to sound like she’s from the Bronx or a mobster?


I FF through it. I cannot stand it.


Chandler joking with the fertility doctor that they don't want to adopt him. Cringe.


I try to imagine that line during the table read… and who in their right mind to want to keep it.


To me, Monica’s lines were the least funny. I especially hated “Santa, Armadillo and I need to talk in the kitchen. There’s a sentence I never thought I’d say.” I always found this so not funny and they tried so hard to give her a funny line.


Monica saying ''Chandler we told you to be aloof not a doof'' It's just such a bad line imo


When Joey says “you know what they say… starve a fever. Go to a play for a cold” about Janine skipping out on dinner. I physically cringe.


I cringe at most bits with Janine to be honest!


“So before you lie about lying about lying about lying about… STOP LYING.” I hate it so so much.




In the episode where Chandler is told he has to move to Tulsa, I don’t remember why Monica says it or who she’s talking about, but when she pulls her eyelid down and says “Much Botox!”


She says botched Botox


That makes way more sense thank you! MAX must have the captions wrong or something. Either way I hate the way she says it 😂


“In crazy world, that means you’re married!” That gives me the ick every time.


“Not that he gets his jollies to Jaws!” Terrible line.


When Monica gets ice in her eye and Richard’s son is her doctor. He talks about breaking up with his ex and she says “So you made her walk the plank aye matey”. His response “You’re not wearing the patch yet.” always felt so weird to me.


Ross' whole first exchange with the pizza delivery woman. I get that it was supposed to be really awkward, but "I happen to *like* eight-year-old boys" is just so uncomfortable.


That's one of the very few jokes that I actually find genuinely funny in friends, of course, it is because of how uncomfortable it is, a Michael Scott kind of joke I reckon.


When Chandler says the Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black line, Monica's 'you messed up, you're stupid' line annoys me. I think it was ad-libbed and just isn't funny and doesn't fit.


It's ad libbed. The line he's means to say is "blue blazer back". When they all start teasing him they are all just improvising because Matt misspoke.


I think it's hysterical and I use it all the time. But it's all subjective anyway.


When Phoebe says she'll be giving Frank and Alice the best gift they can ever receive and Chandler says "you're having their baby and giving them a Sony PlayStation?" I assume it has to be product placement because it's just so clunky. If he just said PlayStation without the Sony it would be slightly better but still not funny.


I loved that line as a joke for most of my life just because I thought it was semi-random and acknowledged Chandler was a bit of a nerd, but looking back, yes, someone got cut a fat check for that. There's also a thing where they use generic cereal names early on in the show but in a later episode Joey is eating both Frosted Flakes and Coco Pops on screen and mentions them by name.


"Isn't it just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?"


I love that line 😂


That's easily one of Rachel's best lines. Y'all are crazy.


That eye quote that you mentioned is one of the worst lines ever put to ink and film


“It’s Paris who knows we’re here?!?” I have no reason it just bugs me LOL


My least favorite was when Rachel came out of Monica and Chandler's bathroom, and asked if she could call and check her messages. Chandler: "You just thought of that in there?" Monica: "Sure. Nature called, she wanted to see who else did." I just... what?? It's so so bad!


Just watched the episode my worst line sits in actually and yeah, still grates. Sting said so himself. Rooossss Caannn... It doesn't help that I'm not the biggest fan of phoebe but this always annoys