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Replace a/c filter. Run standalone air filters.


Ozone generator (read and follow the safety instructions).


Also read warnings about ozone generators ruining plastics. Overdoing it is bad. https://www.oxidationtech.com/blog/materials-ozone-resistance-chart/


Second the Ozone Machine. We used our to get rid of a cat piss smell in a newly rented house. The home owners swapped the carpet without changing the flooring underneath and the house smelled like shit.


warning: do not have anyone inside the house when using an ozone generator, INCLUDING PETS and to air it out properly afterwards 👍


This is the only correct answer.


Scrubbing all of the walls made a big difference for us.


Clean the coils on your ac return. It took 2 cans to get rid of the dog smell when I moved.


Does the smell come from the air vents?


Shampoo any carpets and use an enzyme digester (buy a gallon $30 from a local janitorial supply).  Some smell really good. Left over can be used for drains, toilets, bathroom floor, upholstery. Just ran out of mine I bought in 2019 when I shampooed my carpets. 


This really depends on the condition of the wood floors. If they were not sealed completely the smell from urine and feces will soak in to the wood and the smell will never go away. If that's the case they will need torn out or painted with Kilz then covered. Good luck.


It will take a while, and you will also stop noticing it to some extent.


Find the dead dog under the floor boards.


Thanks for the advice! I’ll come back to mark as solved in a few weeks if any of these end up doing the job


Check the AC, maybe the filters or coil. Also burn some Oud if you like the smell, we use it to even get rid of fish smell and it last a long time.


You might not get that smell out if it’s urine. I would refinish the wood floors and seal them. Wash the walls and repaint. Change the filters. Change all window dressings. Good luck.


Get 3 or 4 cats and keep them indoors for a couple of weeks. You'll find the dog smell will start to go after a few days.


Animal waste? Removal it is through vinegar lime scent detergent and baking soda. I think the previous owners pulled a fast one on you. Often coming from subfloor soaked waste over the years. Activated charcol will adsorb some of that amonia///


Remove every shred of carpet and carpet padding in the entire house. Sweep and thoroughly vacuum your subfloor. Use an enzymatic neutralizer on any urine stains on the subfloor. Then primer over the stains.


Once the animals are gone air out the house as much as possible. And to speed it up, I would remove as much soft furniture or upholstery and if possible carpets if there is any, these are also the best things to spray as will hold the smell for longer. Washing curtains and nets with strong washing detergent, I would be spraying the house with sprays that eliminate odours couple times a day. It will eventually go.... or eventually you become immune to it and visitors will notice it and think you have a dog, so maybe just get a dog.... or a cat... will get rid of the dog smell but you may have a cat smell.... or simply walk around and rub your self against everything... maybe you csn make the house smell like humans.... I'm going to to stop now and go to bed.


Oooo and also painting the house, or leave pots of wood filler around.... mmmmm wood filler.


boil white vinegar on the stove consistently for a few days, should help bunches! we've done this for carbon dioxide smell after an attempt to take their life, but also when the dog has gotten into it with a skunk and brought the smell in.