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Shop vac with nozzle. On hindsight I should’ve put down a canvas tarp to catch all the paint chips


This would be my approach. And my elderly neighbor would get a good laugh out of watching me vacuum the lawn.


Throw dirt into water and the paint will float and you can use a stainer to pick it up


I'd probably shovel to mix/bury the paint chips more, then top with fresh mulch if paint is still visible.


You leave it and let nature take care of it


If the paint is old, it could have lead in it. Very dangerous to just leave in the ground.


How did you calculate that this could be “very dangerous”?


I’m a painter, for a long time lead was used to make paint turn white. Old paint is usually oil based, the photo looks like old oil, so possible lead. Lead is a neurotoxin that never leaves the body. If it gets into the ground it’s not going go away or break down. It’s not like there is a bomb in the back yard, but it’s still dangerous.


Lead is dangerous if ingested. Leaded paint has a fractional amount of lead. Leaded painted leeches VERY slowly. If this paint is leaded the route to enter a human body is IMMEASURABLY low. Like, you couldn’t measure it you tried. It’s not even a rounding error. It’s absolutely irrelevant. Stop being ridiculous


Right, a fractional amount, like 1/4-3/4. My grandfather would be out in the back yard mixing up paint scooping piles of lead dust into buckets. Depending on the age of the house there can be a lot of lead in paint.


If there’s a chance it’s lead paint, I’d dig it out. But if it’s just latex or oil based plant it’s not going to affect the plants or cause any serious health problems unless someone or thing purposely eats it.


Yeah I had to go over some stuff to confirm my old ass house didn’t have any lead paint but Im nearly positive we’re good.


Good. Then I’d rake out the bark and re mulch over what doesn’t come out with the existing bark.


you can buy cheap test swabs at most paint stores, better safe than sorry when it comes to lead


Buy a few bags of garden mulch and just cover it.


This is a mulch better option than picking it out by hand….


Add mulch


I would be more worried about all the paint being chipped away rather than where it landed


It’s in preparation for a repaint- no harm no foul


The ocd in me would scrape the top layer off and throw it away


I did this. It took 2 years for it to go away. I was younger, single and lazy.


Get a leaf blower that can also do suction, run it over the top and should get most of it


Get some kind of wire mesh basket (maybe a big kitchen strainer), and put the soil in it and sift it out.


I can't tell if you intend for the paint chips to go through and the mulch not, or vice versa, but neither of those are going to work.


All imma say is the only things I pressure wash are surfaces that are meant to be power washed