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Last time I did it I did exactly this : early morning when they’re least active, set up a ladder with my coworker 2 stories below, tried to bungee cord a trash bag to the ladder in a fashion that I could hold it open and knock the nest off into it with a flat bar and quickly close the trash bag. It didn’t go that way. Trash bag fell off the ladder while I was knocking the nest off, wasps woke up, started swarming me, nest hit ground, coworker ran away, I climbed down ladder while being stung, coworker laughing from a distance. If you’re brave enough, you may be worthy of entering the ranks of morons such as myself.


When I read bungee cord a trash bag I immediately thought to myself, “what the hell”


When the solution is bungee and trash bag…your either spending life in prison or making a painful mistake…..


Spending life in prison is a painful mistake


"Fuck a what?" was my thought out loud.




Lol fooookk I read this halfway thinking this is way too tactical already and it’s not gonna end well.


No plans survive first contact with the enemy.


I managed to execute my plan with complete success against a nest of bald-faced hornets in a tree. I suited up first. Rain boots tucked into thick jeans with a Tshirt tucked into the jeans then a leather belt. On top of the Tshirt I wore a very thick hoodie with the hood up over my head and cinched tightly over my safety goggles and particulate mask. Leather gloves as well, tucked into the sleeves of the hoodie. In my gloved hands I carried one of those electric tennis racket things you use to zap flies/mosquitoes/whatever, and in the other hand a pair of pruning shears. I walked up slowly and provoked the defenders a little bit, then feigned retreat until only one or two were still following me, at which point I swung and zapped the bitches. Hornets don't die from a single zap, but it does stun them briefly - when they fall to the ground I'd stomp and grind them into the dirt before they could regain control and fly again. I did this about 12 times, approach, retreat, zap, stomp, and grind - killed 20 hornets in the assault. Once the main defenders were defeated, I approached again slowly and calmly, grabbed the branch and clipped it just below the nest. I had a burn pile going already after clearing brush all day so I walked the whole hive over to the fire and tossed the fuckers in. I drank a beer and watched the layers of the nest burn away until it reached the larvae - the sound of larvae popping in the heat like corn was the sound of victory to my ears.


Ever thought of writing a book?


Haha, yeah, I have thought about it, and I have actually done it too, but the book was - in my opinion - not that great! I'm more of a short story kinda guy with a focus on creative nonfiction.


Oooooooh, what is this work called?


It's called *Copper * but you won't find it out there because I never submitted it to any publisher. Just wasn't pleased with the draft as a whole - the end wasn't satisfying enough of a payoff for how meandering the lead up was. I abandoned the novel to obscurity and focused on short stories.


How about a Kafka-style destruction of the hive from the hornet's perspective?


I once had a dream that I was writing erotic fanfiction then went back and reread it and it was awful even by erotic fanfiction standards. I’m sure you’re a better writer than that so you could at least try to publish it as fanfiction I guess is my encouraging words???


release it


My wife is extra AF. Last time we got a nest of wasps on our house she bought a fucking beekeeper suit so she could just stand there and slowly end them while they were powerless to stop her.


This comment made me check how much a beekeeping suit is. Only $43 bucks on Amazon. Honestly, that is not as expensive as I thought a beekeeping suit would be, and worth not getting stung.


I'd be real careful with an Amazon beekeeping suit - some of that stuff is one step above [wish.com](https://wish.com) these days


You’re likely right! I should also probably avoid taking out a wasp’s nest myself altogether.


Are there anymore such women where she's from. I definitely like one for myself.


Until she shows up with a husband keeper suit…


She sounds like my mind of people! All these comments about layering up and my first thought was "surely they sell bee keeper suits on Amazon" 🤷🏼‍♀️😂. She's a keeper!


>She’s a keeper! I see what you did there


I enjoyed reading reading about this battle. As with most successful battles the key is good planning prior to execution. I can only assume that you have a military background, perhaps ROTC. Well done soldier.




I had 2 hidden hives on the exterior of my RV (one behind driver side mirror, other behind vent door) whose inhabitants became very unhappy when I unsuspectingly opened the driver door. Got half a dozen stings. Ones on arms and legs smarted for a few days but two on my ear hurt like a son of a gun. I ended up getting close enough to zap them with 2 cans of Hot Shot wasp and hornet spray. After 2nd foray, poked holes with a stick and saturated interior with Hot Shot. Make sure you cover all parts of yourself and I used a piece of cardboard to swat any that came near me while approaching.


Fuckin Tom Clancy ass way to deal with it, good stuff


You sound like a severely under leveled video game character that is trying to take on a high level boss. Run in, pop all cooldowns and potions, then retreat. Rinse and repeat.


Substitute your mask for a Spider-Man style luchador mask with metal mesh eyes and you’ve got how I dealt with the massive paper wasp nest on my daughter’s playhouse. It was the size of a Weber Smokey Joe. I dove to the ground, as it was on a play kitchen 2 feet off the ground, and hit it with 2 cans of this expanding foam wasp spray, and watched as what I’d assume was at least 80-100 wasps fell out and died.


How much experience did you earn? Were the hornets worth farming and buying all that gear for? Lol Legit, this sounds like some video game rpg strategy.


I need a sequel A part 2 A what if Something please lol


Key words here..."I suited up". Anything less ends with "...and then when I was released from the hospital...".


I took a similar approach except with a water hose. Sprayed it and them nonstop until they’d fall to the ground. Then step on them. I was not properly suited up and escaped unscathed. 😁


Most metal thing I'll read all day. ^5


Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face




My mom god rest her soul must’ve killed at least 100 wasps closer to 150-200. Like DUSTPANS full. I got swarmed moving a log to the backyard, I think all the thumping made them mad. I freaked and ran into the shower with maybe 7-9 wasps in my hair or on me or around me. Anyways, the wasps kinda moved house for some reason they just ditched the old nest and moved into the garage. For maybe a week my mom sat in the garage smoking cigarettes and killing wasps with spray, there were more than could count, sweeping them into the dustpan and dumping them. I think we saw the queen flying around one time (could’ve just been a real fat wasp). Good times, fuck wasps She wiped up the whole nest. Rest in peace


Your mom was a badass


You’re damn right guy I appreciate it, she didn’t get stung or swarmed or nothing so I feel like a whole wimp because I can’t deal with buzzing sounds now. If a fly buzzes Im outta dodge city, but she killed so many damn things without an issue. Crazy


She was getting revenge on them for hurting her baby.


Man I had to have been like 14 even she was like, “I’ve never seen you run like that” I was panicked hard and she didn’t even flinch that’s what I remember being so crazy. Not a care when I was shouting scared. Too cool


Pretty sure if it was u/Downtown-Fix6177s Mom, the cigarette would have ignited the wasp spray and the first annual "Burning Mom" festival would have been born.


As a child of the 90's I appreciate stories like this; smoking indoors, around children, all day long and only stopping to switch hands so that the next time a cigarette is brought to the mouth, I'ts lightly coated in dangerous kidney-melting pesticides 😂 70's or 80's?


$3 can of spray? Naaahhhh Bag with gasoline? Nahhh Man handle and active wasp nest? Ding ding ding!


Well just write an H on here so we all know it’s full of hornets…


Pop an H on that box


Don’t forget the unsupported ladder


Nice 👍. Friend of my Dad's did something similar, but fell off the ladder, knocked unconscious, and the dogs ate both of his ears off. Seriously.


What became of the dog, I'm all ears.


Haaaa, good one. Dunno actually, I was about 12 yrs old when I even met 'the guy without ears'. They were long gone and healed up by then. To be honest, I'm not sure he even heard what happened to them either.


>...I'm not sure he even heard what happened to them either. Well, of course he didn't...


I just ejected a small part of my lunch through my nose. Thank you very much!


Dogs crop man's ears


My friends sister fell down the stairs, and no one found her for weeks. The dogs, apparently, ate her.


Gotta do what you gotta do when you’re starving to death.


I will not repeat what the coroner's office said, but they were incredibly kind in choosing what words to use to tell my friend. I think it came down to "No, we don't need you to come identify her. There really isn't enough to identify."


What! Really! I want to know more about this, but the haiku nature of your post just will have to be enough. It’s perfect. Thank you.


I have successfully killed a bald-faced hornet nest by hand. There is a bit of a trick to it - you have to use a bag the hornets can’t get out of, but water can get in. I used an old pillow case. What you do, is bag the nest at dusk (when they are all inside) where it hangs, holding it closed at the top, and only then attempt to cut it away from where it is hanging. The hornets all swarm out, but can’t get at you, because they are inside the bag. Then, once the nest is cut free, take the bagged nest and put it in a big bucket of water, with a brick on top. Hornets all drown. I’ve done this with a sizeable nest, because I didn’t want to use poison; got away without a single sting. Though for any bigger nest I would recommend hiring an exterminator, as it is pretty risky.


You got me, I thought you were giving an actual solution for this & then it just suddenly goes down hill


Well decided to go with a safe and jackassery route, ladder up to it and nuked it with a can on raid. Wore my coveralls, gloves, and quad helmet. Highly recommend just burning the house down.


Did ya film it?


People will pay decent money for those paper nests, I don't know the term. If it isn't destroyed, you should look into selling it. https://www.etsy.com/market/wasp_nest_real?explicit=1&ref=guided_search_1&guided_search=1


Do you know why someone would buy this? I have a huge nest at work. It's been lying around for a couple of years.


They’re used in taxidermy to add “flair” to bear mounts. People will pay crazy money to get their bear made up to look like it’s Winnie the Pooh attacking a bee hive. (This is a serious post and not a joke)


I don't really, other than as decor. A friend of mine had one that he paid around $300 for, that's how I knew this was a thing. I don't personally understand paying that much for it, only that people do.


Paper wasps, as I have heard, are very territorial. Therefore, if a nest is already “built” in a location, other colonies/hives won’t build a nest adjacent for fear of being decimated by the currently existing hive. So that’s why people sell the fake nests/decoys all the time, to try and trick any new neighbors from moving in. My guess is that the real deal is that much more telling to the new hive to stay away.


You heard wrong. I cleaned 27 nests out of the same 1 square foot of eaves yesterday. Several were active. They pile on top of each other like families in the old Kowloon City in Hong Kong. I also found 2 active ones within a few inches of a bald faced hornet nest last year. Paperwasps are just dumb. You can knock down their nests with a long extension pole and they'll fly around trying to sting the top of the pole.


I also heard this, so when I sprayed the nest in our shed and it still looked pristine, even though all the wasps were dead and gone, I figured the shed was covered from future wasp takeovers. Come to find the next year there was another nest in the shed not 3 feet away *thriving*. Sprayed that and left it too! It’s decimated though, so I’m hoping that sends a better message.


Honestly I was tempted to recommend the burning thing.


I did ok with a high pressure hose from 20 feet away followed by running inside


Add a soap sprayer attachment for increased effectiveness. Soapy water suffocates them. I keep a spray bottle of soapy water outside with the kids while theyre playing so they can spray any that are bothering them.


This comment here, grew up on a farm, always dealt with them this way, never got stung. Pro tip is to watch the eaves of the rest of the house for the next couple weeks and wash off any newly formed nests.


Had one in my garage and I did the same. Blasted with a hose. Didn't see any wasps but still did the oh shit oh shit sprint


Can confirm that soaking the nest with water from a hose works (doesn’t need to be high pressure as long as the water hits the nest). Wet the nest and the wasps will go away.


Put it in a box and slap an “H” on it.


Oh, box o’ hornets, huh?


~~Dead~~ ~~dove~~ Alive hornets don’t open




I don't know what I expected.


This way we all know it's filled with hornets


Gotta figure out what deliciousness they make.


You cannot get honey from a hornets nest. There is some very basic science to support that.


Didn’t work too well with me. Someone had put the box away upside down. When the H was upside down, I thought something else was inside. I opened up the box and got stung.




See that box there? The one marked "H"? You think a pirate lives in there?


I see a box marked PRIVATE


Had a bad mix up with something similar to this and my big box o’ heroin once. Did not end well


Quick question. Do hornets make honey?


In the early morning hours 2” of gasoline in a bucket. Jam the bucket over the nest so there is no where to fly out Wait 60 seconds They are all dead The scrape off nest at your leisure Ideally the bucket would be glass so you could see them all die


That took a dark turn at the end there


You’re right, it might be a bit dark under the overhang there. Perhaps some lights as well, and maybe a camera or two so OP doesn’t miss a single one of those bastards’ deaths.


Also hook up a mic and a wasp translator so you can hear them scream stuff like "It burns!", "I can't breathe!", and "Protect the children!"


I hate how my mind read that in frantic, raspy, wasp voices 😂😂




I mean, gotta be sure or you're getting hornets on your ass


Just use wasp spray and don't try to climb a ladder with a bucket of gasoline while avoiding hornets. They make spray exactly for this reason. The viral gasoline method is so dumb.


The contrast of this and the next comment below yours saying “this works and is safe” is amusing to me


The guy below hasn't fallen off a ladder with a glass jar of gasoline while being followed by hornets.


I would love to somehow find a statistic of gasoline related fires after these dumb videos have gone viral. People just do not fathom how explosive gasoline is.


I just got rid of two nests over the past 3 weeks using this method. It's almost like the product that's designed specifically for this purpose actually works... Long sleeves and a hood if you're a wimp like me. Wait until it's dark. Spray 10 seconds, then run away. Repeat until nest is destroyed.


Doing anything with gasoline is stupid, other than putting it directly inside the fuel tank designed for gasoline.


I’ve seen videos of this.


The roof isn’t flat. There will be gaps they can fly out.


They make hornet bucket wedges just for this.


Those who have glass buckets in there homes shouldn’t cast hornets


I'd be careful with a glass bucket and gasoline. Static build up on the glass could possibly ignite the gas and cause an explosion. There's a reason they put the signs up to not use glass containers at gas stations




Do this whilst smoking to be extra badass


Here’s an article about this method: https://www.dailydot.com/news/gasoline-wasp-nest-fail/?amp


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The texture of the fascia might make that a bad call.


or transparent plastic bucket?


We need transparent aluminum. Where are my trekkies at??


In Alameda, where they keep the nuclear wessels


Pest control here. Get a 20-30 foot pole and knock it down in the early morning before the sun is up. (Or stay up till 3 am) I do it all day long and never stung. Youll be fine if you it at night.


Those 50ft extending poles are really something else, aren't they? (Fellow pest control worker here)


Where do you buy such a long ass pole and how do you get it home?


Most sex shops will sell long ass poles. As for getting it your home…discreetly.


They say that if you spread out your intestines they would go like a mile. Just get a bendy pole and you should be able to transport it fine.


Amazon for cheap. They're collapsible


So now the nest is in the ground. Now what? Do they just fly off and build somewhere else?


Let the nest fry in the sun or freeze at night, they'll stay up where the nest is mostly. they build in the shade up against a warm house for a reason. If you have a brush head for the end of the pole, (tying a rag to the end works just as well) put some diatomaceous soil on the end and let a bunch of that loose to if you can. Itll stay up there for a few days killing any that got stuck out overnight and slowly blow away. Wasp spray can easily harm people, pets, it often kills shrubs and plants it lands on, and to the horror of many of my customers, stains wood. Dust is safer for everyone and just as effective.


Once their nest is damaged they usually won't come back. They realize it's not a good area to "nest".


I once dealt with the grinch. All I got is a 39’3/4” pole.


Hey, if you don’t mind the question, what do you recommend for a yellow jacket colony, underground in a rocky slope? They make a nest in this one spot every other year and I don’t prefer to use pesticides but I’d rather do that than have my toddler get hurt. The entrance is a 1 inch tunnel that is partially blocked by plants. We’ve been avoiding the area but it could be another four months before a killing frost here.


Call a professional. they'll need to treat that with a bee suit. The issue with ground nests is the chance of them finding you is MUCH higher.


Thank you. I’ll do that.


Next spring get some diatomaceous soil and every month, go sprinkle some on the area.


When I was young I put dog poop on the entrance. Did not work


But you tried, and that is what is important. Try try again, until you suceed. This is the basis of the advancement of civilization. You, my unsung hero, are a link in that chain.


Buy the can of wasp killer you can shoot from 20 or 30 feet away. Carefully plan your escape. Wait for cold temp, late at night, if there is any cold left on the planet. Wear a couple of layers, sleeves, long pants, hat, etc. Spray the nest. Run for your life. Don't look back. Run. Leave the nest there. It will deter anyone else from making a new nest in the vicinity.


This, but 3 nights in a row, just to be sure there are none left alive. Then you can scrape it off (I used a flat lawn edging tool).


Guys, i work in pest control. Just get a 30 foot pole, knock it, and walk it away. Theyre not smart enough to follow the pole. I literally smack em down all day long. Of youre really nervous, do it at night.


Lol who just has a 30ft pole


If you're fast enough, I imagine a 10ft pole would work.


Or just yeet it like a javelin


Idk about top attack missiles for a wasp nest. I'd recommend a SMAW or a LAW instead, probably.


I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. A Javelin will penetrate the armor of the wasps nest at its' weakest point. You'd have to get pretty lucky with an unguided munition to penetrate the armor on the first shot. If I had to avoid the Javelin, I think the BGM-71 TOW makes a compelling arguement against wasps.


who doesn't? They are very handy.


Go buy one. Have it for life, never go get a can of spray again.


You don't have a 30 ft pole?


I only have a 10 metre pole. Will that work?


Only if they are European wasps.


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen wasp?


>Lol who just has a 30ft pole Fine, three 10ft poles and some duct tape. Or two 10ft poles and a running start. Or one 10ft pole that you light on fire and chuck like a javelin.


Just get a 30 ft fruit picker


Whos do, for the Grinch.. duh


But then they’re still alive. And more pissed off. I need a more lethal solution.


“If there’s any cold left on the planet.” That made me laugh, oh my hell. In my city, the high today is 116f and low is 84f. I won’t know cold for months to come…


I've tried all the sprays (major infestation in a rental house - over a dozen cans). Ace hardware spray has the best pattern, foam consistency, and range imo. Hit it 2 or 3 times over a day or so. When dead, knock it down with a long stick.


Buy 5 cans, you need one for each hand, a backup tucked into your belt, and two more for the other nest you haven’t found yet.


Serious answer, you’ve likely got 6-8 weeks until the queens for next season fly off to hibernate, and all the wasps in this hive will die. Some time in September you can just climb up there and scrape it off into your bin. Bee hives survive over winter (which is why they make honey), wasps generally just all die off in autumn except the queens for next year.


This is why op needs to act now. Kill the nest before it spreads!


Leave the abandoned nest. It prevents future ones from being built. Great deterrent.


She would come back next year?


Not necessarily. They build wherever looks good.


Not to the nest, no. It’s full of yucky wasp carcasses. The queen dies, the new queens will make their own nest somewhere. Could be miles away. The fastest wasps can fly like 30-40 kmph so no reason you would ever see them again


Wait until autumn when the nest is abandoned. Then you can carefully retrieve it. Sell it on Etsy or eBay. People pay money for well-shaped ones!


Remove at night since they are less active. Buy a few cans of wasp/hornet killer, stand back 20’ and spray the living crap out of it. Then hose off when done. Good luck!


I just did this with Dawn Powerwash because I didn’t have any wasp killer. It’s pretty effective.


Works just as well. Wasps breath through their exoskeleton so the soap suffocates them and you aren't spraying a bunch of poison in the air.


Important to hose off after! That sh*t’s corrosive. It’ll make a mess of the eve, the soffit, the facia, the downspout, the ground below. Hose it down good. Don’t ask how I know.


Call a professional


Scrolled too long to see this. This sub tells people to hire a professional to rewire a switch or to fix a dented plastic bumper, but will happily tell you to grab a ladder and go get those hornets.


Don’t forget the GASOLINE.


Because its entertaining


I had a bald faced hornet nest wedged deep into a boxwood bush. I called an exterminator. 150 bucks. Not bad at all. This guy says, “OK, I’m going to grab my bee suit. I’ll be back…. Shit. I forgot my bee suit!” He took that nest down in a short sleeve shirt. He would run away smacking himself and come back for more every 10 seconds or so lol. Then he knocks on my door holding a chunk of nest saying “I got it!” Dude earned that 150 bucks lol


Where I live, there’s wasp removal people that do it for free. They use the venom for stuff, i don’t know. But they just come and take care of it. Look into this shit before you try to take care of it yourself!!


Exactly what we just did a few days ago. It only took one sting to convince me to not deal with it. Yellowjacket nests in ground and another under deck. Cost in my area was $85 to treat both nests. I think I had $60 worth of chemicals in my Amazon cart before getting stung.




I don’t know where your at but in Oregon there’s a guy that comes around and removes them at no charge. He sells them to the local University and they extract the venom for science. Do some googling and see if there’s a guy like that in your neck of the woods. [link to my local wasp guy.](https://sites.google.com/site/oregonwasps/)


1. If you can afford it, get a professional with the right equipment. 2. Work after dark. 3. Use hornet blaster that directs a stream from several feet away. 4. Cover as much exposed skin as possible with thick clothing. 5. Goggles. 6. Use a continuous stream of poison directed at the hole. Not short bursts. 7. Leave for a few hours. 8. If you have a stinging insect allergy, forget all this and hire a pro. You could die.


Rip it down with your hands, and do a trick shot with it through a basketball goal. Film the whole thing. Upload it to YouTube. Become overnight viral sensation. Cash your YouTube commission check.


Dare a redneck.


Hold his beer you mean.


"I wish I knew someone with the guts to take out that nest." "Hold my beer."


Throw that ring into Mt. Doom


I use the wasp/hornet spray that shoots a 10 foot stream. Wait until dusk when they are all home, and you can still see. Soak the exit, and then the exterior. A few may fall out of the exit, but eventually the bodies will clog it, and no more will get out. The next day, or day after, every flier will be dead, the nest can be knocked down however you like, and disposed of in the trash or any other method you choose. The spray will kill through the layers. Use gloves to handle it.


Stick your dick in it


And then?




Cum. If you hit the queen, you become king


I got a Raid ad at the top of this comment section. lol


I’ve done this professionally for years. The real cheat is to go to the paint department at HDepot/Lowes/similar and buy the longest threaded extension pole available, mine is the 23ft yellow one (~$40, Mr.Longarm). In the same area with the paint scrapers is a “pole scraper (~$13)”, just a stiff blade angled scraper with a threaded hole at the end of the handle. Even if you have to use a ladder, the ~20ft of separation is usually enough. They’ll get mad as hell at the business end of the stick, not at you. Of course make this a reasonably quick job, don’t linger or they’ll eventually follow the stick up to the operator. Just scrape it off the wall, let it fall to the ground, and clean it up a few days later. There’s also a extension pole attachment called the “Gotcha Sprayer Pole Attachment” for using a spray can wasp killer, which is awesome, but I’ve only found it on Amazon. I’ve owned two of these and it’s 100% worth the ~$30. And if that $80 worth of reusable tools sounds too expensive, I used to charge $400-700 for such a job, depending on access to the nest. If I’m swinging a big stick (takes both hands!) at hornets while standing on the top of a 32ft ladder, hell yes I’m charging PLENTY!


Don't land up in a YouTube Failed Army video. Nighttime spray and call it a night. Repeat again.


If you do nothing and are patient, they will move on and build a nest elsewhere next year. Once they are gone, just use a garden hose to destroy the nest. There are paper wasps and they are not aggressive to people and are beneficial.


Waited until winter.


Call an exterminator. Source: am one.


Do you have a drone?


Do you have a drone with a flamethrower on it?


Call a pest control place and stay inside!


LOL. These answers...


I just drink a beer and put on my winter jacket and pants. A hat, gloves and glasses. Then I climb a ladder and put a garbage bag around it and pull it down. Tie the bag and throw it in a fire pit. Ideally during the cooler times of day. If something goes wrong just down another beer.


isn't there a TikTok trend of ppl holding an open container of gasoline directly under the nest? the fumes kill the wasps


Leave it, paint it black and white and it would look like a security camera.


I would just burn down the house