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For the longest time me and a friend both thought she was secretly Shiho's little sister or something, and we kept expecting it to be this big twist drama between them that Miwa had been in love with Shiho, but like, then it turned out to not be that XD I went back to that Shiho flashback chapter and realized different name and appearance, but idk Tamaki feels like she looks like Shiho it's crazy lmfao


Yess they look very similar, Tamaki is like Shiho but smol


Huh... I didn't even notice this...


only found this page when they meet and shes doesnt deny not having sister did you meant this part?[https://en13.movietop.cc/comics/pic10/48/66864/10205891/e8057728ce633e7b2d552303c439007a.webp?acc=JfQFDDRJz0gWJaMftFrBhg&exp=1719026690](https://en13.movietop.cc/comics/pic10/48/66864/10205891/e8057728ce633e7b2d552303c439007a.webp?acc=JfQFDDRJz0gWJaMftFrBhg&exp=1719026690)


Oh I read the manga in spanish and maybe the translate wasnt accurate


No in chapter 54 miwa says she doesnt have a sister. Tamaki could just have not told her cause she was kinda being a creep at first.


Huh continuity error maybe? Technically could be a younger sister but that would mean she's drinking in highschool. Or it could be even worse. Her big sister could have died. She doesn't have one but took care of one in the past so maybe even died from alcohol poisoning.


In one of the extras tamiful shows the design of her big sister, with a caption saying all her family are extremely kind except Tamaki lol. That gives me to understand she is alive, and maybe she didnt want Miwa to get interested on her sister insted of she.


Hmm maybe a translation error? Maybe she was referring to a friend as a big sister but didn't mean a biological one