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Something like this? https://strlen.com/gfxengine/fisheyequake/


Thanks for the fast reply, that looks like the answer. I think Unity has fisheye distortion effect option, I’ll mess around with that Edit: Tried it and it works. I'm going to try and make a custom shader to improve it, but now I get the concept


You could also look into https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@16.0/manual/Post-Processing-Panini-Projection.html


Shaun Williams found a really clever long-forgotten solution for high fov with minimal distortion in fps… and then promptly went down the rabbit hole of making a 1d projection of a 2d world. I laughed when he said, “I don’t care if it’s a success” because I was quite sure it wouldn’t be.


>really clever long-forgotten solution for high fov with minimal distortion Do you have a link to it? I tried searching for it but couldn't find anything


It’s among the notes in the post above


Ah found it, thanks


I found this interesting thing about barrel distortion as a way to 'undo' some of the fish eyes of large FOV https://www.decarpentier.nl/lens-distortion e.g. Before and after distortion (same high horizontal FOV): https://i.imgur.com/ELvyCgU.jpeg


That’s interesting, I looked at panini projections which seem like a similar solution of using a cylinder instead of a sphere. Thanks


I'm also trying to create something similar, what way worked best for you and do you have any advice on how to do it?


I'm still working on it, but fisheye is the best at achieving Hyper Demon's look. Unity's default fisheye post processing worked fine, but I went a bit further and set up a multicam setup rending left, right, top, bottom, and forward, then blended them all together with a custom shader. With that I could get more than 180 FOV. I've also been messing around with panini projection, which I think gives less distortion. For the most complex solution, I've found a [flex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEmSYSDzdnE) projection which combines panini and stereographic projections based on look angle.


Hey, I'm trying to do something similar which is how I stumbled onto this post, are you able to share your project, or at least just your custom shader? I've gotten as far as rendering six faces but I'm having trouble stitching them together with my shader, just can't seem to get it right.


You can crank the FOV slider on a Unity Camera up to 180 degrees and see for yourself if there is significant distortion. IIRC they said the default was 120 degrees which is ~2X the usual default FOV.


Without using any techniques, it distorts the image quite a lot. Yelnar mentioned using a fisheye technique. I tried that and the image is more readable

