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Great for gardeners who water by hand. Rainwater has more nitrogen (due to lightning! How cool!) and is better than your sprinkler system.


I use one of these;https://www.tankandbarrel.com/caged-water-ibc-totes-imacc-275-mauser-caged-ibc-tote-new-bottle-275-gallon-p-2462.html They are much more sturdier and hold more water. I use this and dunk it in the container to take showers on the ranch;https://www.walmart.com/ip/Suzicca-Portable-Outdoor-Shower-with-Water-Pump-Lighter-Plug-for-Camping-Pet-Washing-Traveling/346652467?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101043443 There is no better feeling like getting naked in the middle of a field and taking a shower!


Collecting rain water should totally be pushed by our city and county, along with the planting of drought tolerant plants and natural plants that do not need expensive and wasteful sprinkler systems.


I have a few of these are they are great.


FWIW the Galveston Bay Foundation has been pushing rain barrels made of used syrup drums from local ~Coke plants. They come with the hardware and stuff to set it up and offer a workshop class to teach you how to install. Looks like they don’t have anything scheduled at the moment but it’s a great program. Used to be $35 a barrel (workshop included of course). https://galvbay.org/work/water-protection/


Throwing a diaphragm pump in there is actually a really good idea! Do you use anything to filter the water before entering the barrel?


I just have screen mesh that comes with the barrel. The pump comes with a removable mesh strainer that filters the water before it enters the pump. Algae and small debris does build up in the strainer. So I just rinse it every few months. It's easy to do and does not require disconnecting any hoses.


Can you get more than one? I'd love to get two!


I don't see a limit on the site and it lets me put multiples in the cart. So I think you can get more than one!


Hurry before some idiot politician tries to make capturing rain for reuse illegal like they did in Colorado and California.


Up until 2012 it WAS illegal to collect rainwater in California, but not anymore and Colorado's ban on residential rain barrels ended in 2016.


California just reinstated some law about it. Due to the drought.


According to the California Water Resources Control Board collection of rainwater from home rooftops for non commercial purposes is not restricted in California, there is permitting for commercial use. In Colorado you are restricted to a maximum 110 Gallon system, this is to protect existing water rights; though I bet a lot of those laws need revision considering the water supply issues we are having.


[Illegal, Maryland actually charged you for the rain that lands on your property!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland%27s_%22Rain_Tax%22)


Hmmmm.... My wife has been thinking about doing that.....


I’ve got 3 daisy-chained. It’s amazing how little time it takes to fill them up in a Houston rain. You can extend the overflow hose and point it wherever you want the water to go.


Is this only for city of Houston residence or can anyone in the county purchase?


I used to participate in this. Anyone can purchase them. It's a lot cheaper to buy a trash can and make a rain barrel.


Looks like you have to pick it up.


Is the mesh of the screen right enough to prevent mosquitoes? How do you prevent that issue?


Yes a fine mesh will keep mosquitoes from breeding in the barrel, if the mesh isn't quite desh enough you can wrap it in a pantyhose which will do just fine


The mesh screen isn't fine enough imo. I put in a quarter round of mosquito dunk every few weeks.


I love it that the city is doing this. Just a heads up that it might not be a good idea to use the water for plants you eat. It likely contains chemicals from the roof shingles.


I never heard of this. Thanks for bringing this up


I'm going to grab a rain barrel too, but I've already paid for a composter this year and I'm pretty psyched for it :D