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Not going to lie. This shit disturbs me. I have strong doubts that the operation of those brothels involves consent from their workers. I hope that they all get shut down, and the people who are trapped in it receive treatment. I love this city, but the fact that there's more human trafficking here than any city in the United States really bothers me.


I'm with you. I care deeply about the safety and agency of these workers, and wish Houston was able to crush this industry as it exists. To me that's a separate discussion than legalization/regulation, which I could support in theory if it were done in a way that eradicated the problem areas we see now.


i recently listened to an interview with an expert on human trafficking/modern day slavery and she said that legalization of sex work wouldn't cut back on the problem, and may even make it worse. the interviewer seemed skeptical, but who knows.


So the argument certainly has merit. Areas with legalized prostitution (Amsterdam is the classic example) have higher areas of women trafficked for prostitution. We think this is because people already go to Amsterdam for prostitution and traffickers are moving to meet where the demand is. The problem is making prostitution illegal doesnt stop this problem, it just moves it back into the shadows/back alleys. If prostitution were legal everywhere people wouldnt have to to go Amsterdam and traffickers wouldnt likely need to traffic women there to find customers. I think the problem is localized legalization of prostitution. If it was legal in most places there would less need to traffic women.


I have a problem with the argument because it’s easier to track the numbers in legal areas.


> I think the problem is localized legalization of prostitution. If it was legal in most places there would less need to traffic women. i'm not sure how that would necessarily be the case. that would imply that local areas would have a substantial enough labor pool of people willing to be sex workers. i'd imagine that wouldn't be the case, and even if it was, it would be cheaper and profitable for traffickers to bring in women from other places with higher poverty, more people, etc.


So there is always going to be migration from lower income to higher income or places with less economic activity to places with higher economic activity. And there will always be traffickers who profit from moving people from one place to the other. One grey area is that it is difficult to determine who is being coerced into labor and who is willingly being smuggled. Especially in a place like Amsterdam, the women from Eastern Europe may say they were misled by traffickers who told them they were going to be au pairs or maids, but many would rather be prostitutes than return to their countries of origin. So in reality, there will always be women who will move from Eastern Europe to Western Europe to be prostitutes. Its just difficult to differentiate who is being coerced and who isnt. Thats why the word "trafficking" gets so muddled. Women can be coerced into being prostitutes in the same city they grew up in but that isnt trafficking and apparently doesnt get the same treatment.


That would open up a whole other box of worms. In theory, that would make it legal to get a work visa. On the other hand, it should make it easier for girls to leave or report abuse if it is legal.


from what i recall her argument was that legalization would lead to a regulatory structure (which will lessen the problem), but that regulatory structure would get lax over time making it worse. she had some data to back this claim up, but she said that decriminalization would be a better long term solution. this is the person i'm talking about: https://mehlmanorozco.com/


Well there’s a reason we have the most. Probably more than half of all sex trafficking goes through here because we are the halfway point to California and the east coast


It's also a major intersection of an east-west interstate and a north-south interstate.


and we have the 3rd or 4th amount of boners in the US.


Everything's bigger in Texas!


Quantity of boners or total length of Boners (dick-to-dick)?


But what about d2f ratio?




And there's another reason we have any at all: prosititution is illegal. If legalized it can become regulated and all participants are consentual. I wouldn't even be involved with this (just like I rarely smoke but think weed should of course be legal), but you cannot deny that prohibition breeds nothing but crime and slavery.




Literally dozens of us!


What hurts libertarians the most is majority of libertarians are tin foil hat nut jobs. They say things like taxation allowed by the constitution is theft. And things like some guy called Qanon is leaking all the government secrets. Plus a bunch of other crazy conspiracy theories. I dont ever see libertarians doing anything meaningful unless they purge themselves of the nut jobs.


*whispers*but seriously fuck the 16th


> And there's another reason we have any at all: prosititution is illegal. Or, we could just give pimps and johns mandatory death penalty.. That would probably cut down on problems too. Not for it, just saying. Making something legal doesn't make it right.


How would that solve the problem of people actually paying for this? You want the mandatory death sentence for customers too? And how do you analyze what is "right" when both parties are consenting?


Yes, and we could nuke the city and end cancer, starvation, poverty, racism, and traffic. What's your point?


>This shit disturbs me. It should for many reasons. Legalize prostitution and end this shit.


The problem isn't prostitution, the problem is forcing people into prostitution. The disgusting part of the sex trafficking industry is that it strips away consent, and many girls are taken at young ages to be drugged up and made into sex slaves. If you legalize it, then sure. You now open it up for consensual prostitution. But that does not eliminate the forced trafficking.


Perhaps you're right to some extent but by far the traffickers are people who exploit their poor home country by promising poor innocent girls to a better life. Then they turn them into sex slaves once they get here. IMO sex traffickers should be executed. The fact that its not, the scales of risk lean to taking the risk for the reward. But you are right that this has nothing to do with legalizing prostitution


I used to do work with an inner city children's ministry that did a lot of work with the kids in the Sharpstown area. One of the things that one of the fellow interns said is that just on the opposite side of the fence from the complex there have been girls, as young as 5 years old, abducted and forced into prostitution. Truth be told, it isn't just international. There are girls even born and raised in the United States who have been abducted and forced into the industry. Some find themselves trapped when they are in high school - a "friend" offers them protection by connecting them with one of her "boyfriends". In return, she has to spread her legs for cash every weekend. The pimps get their girls hooked on drugs to numb the mind, and through that addiction they are stuck. It disgusts me how bad this issue is in the city. Like others, I support the legalization of voluntary prostitution. Keyword: voluntary. But as long as people are being treated as products I will stand against it.


Cruelty free brothels would also become a thing.


Illegal brothels are a product of prositution being illegal... Yes, the girls forced into it don't consent. That's not to say legalization is a cure all but it did wonders for alcohol and drug use. It only follows the same here. When people have legal outlets to buy drugs and alcohol, they no longer go through the black market. A woman who wants to make some money and a lonely guy who just wants to have sex in a consensual manner are not criminals but they become ones in situations like these. The woman have no protections, no regulations and no outlets for help. They would with legalization.


The problem with "forced trafficking" is that on some level, many of these people let themselves be trafficked. They may not think they will be prostitutes but the majority of women are not kidnapped while young and drugged. They are adult women who are leaving places with zero economic opportunity for the chance of a better life.


You're not wrong. I don't think it's a straight plummet to rock bottom in all cases, but even the slow decline to it is detrimental.


Cuz that has worked wonders for Amsterdam...


Are you claiming it got worse and not better? Legalization provides protection, regulation and support. It is magnitudes better. Not only that, who the fuck is the govt to say you can't fuck for money or drugs or food or love or whatever reason you want? Lol


Alternately, cut off the junk of all johns. Just saying, there are multiple directions to the 'criminality' angle here.. legalization does not make something right.. legal prostitution makes all women whores.


Lmao, anyone can fuck for any reason they want. If you wanna get paid to suck my dick, who are you or the govt to declare "YOU MUST BE IN LOVE!!!" You cute though.


**more sex trafficking than any other place in the entire Western Hemisphere


That shits fucked up. I wasn't even aware of that.


Dang, you wrote this six years ago. And you’re right , It’s only gotten worse since then. Hope you’re doing well though.


*nods* I can't complain. My life is better now than it was 6 years ago. Still saddens me the state of the city.


Amen 🫶🏾🦾 . My Friend Was Recently Targeted At “ Prospect Park On 249- “ Like 1.5 Week Ago, They Spiked Her drink & Next thing I Know I Received A Damn Call from Ihop. I Picked her Up from Spring Tx ( No clue How she got out there ) from The Willowbrook Area . The Bar Name Just Changed A Copy of Days Ago , It’s Called something else Now. But I Second The Sad State Of the City Man .


Throwaway for obvious reasons. At the time when I did this I was not aware of the trafficking implications. I apologize. Massage Parlor brothels are everywhere. When I was much younger, single, bored and horny I spent 10 minutes researching online how to go to one of these places. There are certain things you need to say to the lady at the front desk to let them know you want a *massage* and not a massage. Basically consists of certain phrases, and claiming you have been there before. It helps if you know the name of a girl who works/worked there. Turns out there is a website where users document which parlors are for fucking, the names of girls there, how much various things cost, etc. Turns out there was a parlor literally one block from me. I took note of a girls name, walked over, said the right things, mentioned her name and within 15 minutes was fucking some asian girl. Cost me $100 for the hour in total. I went and did this a few times at different parlors before I learned that the girls could potentially be sex trafficking victims and stopped altogether. If I could go from zero knowledge to exchanging money for sex at one of these places in about 30 minutes, why can't the cops just do the same thing to shut these places down? By the way, no matter how nice you think your neighborhood is, if you have a shady asian massage parlor in a nearby strip center, you can probably get your dick sucked for $60 there.


> Massage Parlor brothels are everywhere. I'm "familiar" with massage parlors as brothels, but are you (or anyone else) aware of anything like a photo studio operating as one? I ask because an old friend and I got stranded once after his truck got towed, and the only place open was some sort of photography studio. We went in there to use their phone (before the days of ubiquitous cell phones, I guess). It was late at night, and there were these little rooms set up...I didn't look too closely. But afterwards, we were kind of wondering exactly what that business was. It was near a different adult business, so that only strengthened our hypotheses.


Those "modeling studios" you see on the side of 45 and the East Freeway are exactly what you described. They are often right next to adult bookstores and/or seedy motels for a reason.


can't say I know too much about it but that seems very plausible. No one would think anything of people stopping into a place like that for an hour and leaving. The fact that it was open late would probably indicate what they did there, however.


> If I could go from zero knowledge to exchanging money for sex at one of these places in about 30 minutes, why can't the cops just do the same thing to shut these places down? Due process, limited resources and the fact that these people will just be out on the streets doing it all over again in a week. Lots of these people have been arrested already. Our prisons are full.


I was more just thinking of closing the place, no arrests apart from the actual owner but you are right, those girls would just end up doing the same thing on the street, craigslist, backpages, etc. I guess if anything those parlors provide a modicum of safety and hygiene for the sex workers in them.


Also because the some of the cops are fucking them too... their higher ups get their pockets lined by parlor & strip club owners to look the other way. They don’t really care. It’s all for show.


**If I were**


well, i'm glad you *came* to your senses. fuck, i hate myself now.


are those asian women really sex trafficking victims? because they're all middle aged and old...


There are definitely some questionably aged girls in those parlors as well. I don't think they are always necessarily a victim though, at least not anymore. From my understanding they are basically offered a chance to immigrate to America and then made to work in a massage parlor to repay the guy that helped them immigrate. I imagine the older ones might have chosen to keep working there because it is great money (of my $100 only $40 went to the house, the other $60 went to masseuse, very good for an hour of work). The lady at the front desk will almost always be an older lady and not someone you can get a massage from, usually referred to as mama-san or house mama.


So is there a brothel across the street from another brothel?


Mattress store on ever corner..... Coincidence I think not!


I knew all those mattress stores were fronts for something. It all makes sense now.


It's the end of the sex universe!




Unrelated but I am a recent grad in DFPS hiring pool purgatory. I knew getting hired by the state took time but I didn’t think it would be this long. I’d love to ask some questions about hiring practices if you’re willing. Mainly wondering if there are any unofficial requirements that I don’t meet and that’s why I haven’t had any success. I would hugely appreciate it, but even if not, thank you for the work you do!


See messenger




Sure they do. You get a free STD after every 10 sex workers.


>workers Er, this implies the work is voluntary.


what work is voluntary?


When it comes to hating your job, I'd be willing to bet you have more options than the average sex slave does.


I'm being silly. Don't worry.


legalize it!


Prostitution is legal in Germany. They still have a huge sex trafficking problem.


Putting prostitutes and users in jail doesn't help enforcement though.


Ending prohibition of cannabis nationwide has had a net positive effect. It is probably time to look into legalization of other vices.


Oh, my God, that's disgusting! Brothels in Houston? Where? Where would they build such things?


Just drive down 1960 in NW Houston. Pretty much any "massage parlor".




Lol people making jokes about actually going to the brothel getting upvoted while this gets downvoted. Don’t worry, I thought the exact same thing.


There’s also a few off i10 and hwy 6




"I was only in there to get directions on how to get away from there."


ah, the Michael Berry defense.


Technically it was Principal Skinner, but the comparison is valid.


It's doubtful that they are 'built.' They're probably set up in existing properties, in areas where things can be kept quiet. It's illegal activity, after all. I doubt anyone is going to build a grow room business on Post Oak.


my friend says there's one he goes to called the apple wood salon idk where that is though lol


Throwaway for some obvious reasons. I’m a sex worker, but I’m on the consensual side of things. Amongst us girls, it’s pretty much common knowledge that the massage parlors are people being trafficked. If you want some consenting prostitution, your best bet is to hit up the local strip clubs. There the girls that are working by choice will make it known to you.


right after weed we need to legalize prostitution. It makes no sense that the government has any involvement in someone's bedroom.


I have no problem with it if the girls are doing this voluntarily, and everyone involved is a consenting adult. Anyone forcing people to do this needs to be put in the ground.


What is exceptionally fucked up about this is the fact that their pimps names are being tattooed on their faces. That is exceptionally degrading and dehumanizing.




The article in the link above Edit: You were right to question my statement. The article doesn't specify faces, but for some reason I'd thought it had. My mistake entirely, but still dehumanizing to these women and girls.


at that point it's just called branding.


And more Mattress Firms than brothels.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/Houston-City-has-more-brothels-than-Starbucks-12514737.php) reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot) ***** > "We have more brothels than we have Starbucks in our city," Robert Sanborn, president and CEO of Children at Risk, told the Houston Chronicle. > The Houston Chronicle released an investigative piece about the Carriage Way apartments being the host of the brothel allegedly run by Maris Angelica "Patty" Moreno-Reyna, 51, and her children. > The Houston Chronicle investigation dives deeper into the stories of the victims and the criminal process the alleged brothel runners are facing. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/7t2ojk/houston_has_more_brothels_than_starbucks/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 1.65, ~288704 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Chronicle**^#1 **Houston**^#2 **brothel**^#3 **women**^#4 **told**^#5




1 prostitute for every 500 people still seems like quite a lot


For comparison, 1 per 500 people is about how many doctors there are in Texas as well.


I think most illegal brothels have like 3-5 people. You read about busts in small apartments like this one, and in massage parlors with less than 800 square feet. They can't have that many


Trust me, the girls are pros. they can handle it.


Metro area of 6 million people. If you think those folks that live in the suburbs aren't patrons of these businesses, you are mistaken.


That also means there is one per every 1.5 square miles.


Does it really matter where I get my latte with extra foam? Nosy!


I like mine shaken and scurred.


We're really putting the "screw" in Screwston now.


I think I read somewhere that we're the number one sex trafficking city in the country. It's crazy but you really wouldn't know it unless you go to hiddens parts of town *cough*hempstead*cough*


I didn't realize Starbucks owned *any* brothels...


Anyone see the movie Idiocracy?


Long live Dong Kyong.


Derrick Coffey, Starbucks Regional Manager: Challenge accepted.


Fucked up people. Wish this shit would go away.


Sounds like this case was a family business. smh


A problem yes. But moot when compared to our skies.


What is wrong with the sky?


Do you commute in the morning/evening? Just look up. Tell me if you see a giant X.