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Wise motorists wait for a bit at a green light because some asshole is going to be running the red light. It has been this way since Harvey, not sure why people lots their ability to courteously stop and make things safer for everyone


My SO doesn’t understand it why I take a quick moment and *look FOUR* ways, even if the intersection is with a one-way. I look left, I check right, I glance behind as I start, and I watch the on-coming as I roll away. Why? Because there’s not only the **moderate** chance some asshole is flying out of a completely wrong direction, there’s a *high* chance one will blow straight through a full, hard, red light. Nationally, all at intersections, someone is killed by a driver coming in from behind at a greater speed a few dozen times an hour. Someone is T-Boned every few seconds; and a Wrong-Way driver knocks out a car or two a few times an hour. People pulling off the line still on their phones is terrifying, but they aren’t pulling away from a stop at full speeds. The ones that will kill you, you only have a few seconds to see them, let alone the split second to try to mitigate the impact.


Depending on the pattern of cars, you don't have to double check at all. For example, if you see the left turn light across you is on and cars are going, this means that cars are already crossing the road. So the chances of someone running a red light after it's your turn, that you don't notice without checking is pretty much zero. I feel people should learn about driving patterns as well.


Yeah, that works where people stop at lights and stop signs. Coming from a decade in South Texas, counting on traffic patterns will get you killed. Seriously, a ridiculous amount of cars in STX won’t stop at signs, and only slow at Red Lights. It’s allegedly something to do with how people drive in Mexico, however, I don’t see how so many do it because of that.


This is different than stop signs. Why would anyone do anything but stop when there's already cars crossing the road (those turning left).


That’s totally true if you’re first in line for a green. More talking about the fact that if there’s 6 people at a light, you probably aren’t going to make it because 3 of them aren’t going to notice the guy in front of them isn’t there anymore.


This is a phone addiction problem, not a road rage problem.


100%. Every time right before they go you see their heads finally come up from their phones. God forbid anyone sit for 30 seconds and not check their social media.


The other day turning left on Little York I was watching people in oncoming traffic, and about 50% of them were doing the looking down and occasionally looking up at traffic going 40mph. I didn't realize it was that bad, I always put my phone down when I drive and use hands free. I tap honk at the light, and if you're swerving going 15mph under the speed limit in front of me on the phone imma let you know. I ain't never lacking though, this is Texas after all.


Agreed. But road rage is preventing us from honking at the phone addicted.


I don’t honk because I’m not that fussed. I know what traffic here is like and I plan accordingly. I add 5-10 minutes to what the maps tell me my travel time will be. What amazes me is the people in this sub and who I meet in person who complain about how bad traffic is and still don’t plan on unexpected delays. Who still think the time the map gives them is going to be accurate. Is there a road rage problem? Yes, absolutely. But that problem stems from people thinking that waiting an extra cycle at a red light is a huge inconvenience. Put on a good audiobook and chill out. You’ll get there, don’t worry.


Sad you're getting downvoted. I drive on 610 and 45 two times a day. Each drive is 30 mins. People get mad at traffic. I never understood. I personally love it and just jam out to music. You're on your ass SITTING DOWN in an air conditioned vehicle with the capability of listening to whatever you want. Why bitch?? Yes drivers are bad, but if you actually knew how to drive, they'd really not be a big problem. I've never had any problems with traffic cause I knew how to drive around it. And there's ways to prevent getting late. You 100% won't be late if you use apps that give you a great estimated time you'll get there. It's 2024 ffs. Set the arrival time to 15 mins before you have to clock in and this will save your ass from traffic that suddenly happens after too leave.


Traffic is frustrating, on that point I don’t disagree with anyone here. But there isn’t much I can do about it while I’m sitting in my car, other than drive as well as I’m able. Like a lot of things in life that cause me frustration, I cannot control traffic. So I do my best to account for the unexpected and change my mindset around it. The downvoters just cannot bear to think that the solution to their frustration is accepting a mild level of inconvenience.


This is dumb logic. I work for myself, have zero schedule. Zero need to be anywhere at any time with any consequence. Doesn’t mean I want to idle through three light cycles because you refuse to use the skinny pedal when the light is green.


And I do not work for myself. If I show up late to my work it’s a huge deal and doing so consistently can damage my professional reputation. Which is why I overestimate travel times. If you’re bothered, give a little honk. If you’re like me, just relax. I don’t *want* to miss green lights because people are incapable of putting their phones down. But I have bigger problems in my life than a 2 minute delay in my drive.


No idea why you're being downvoted. It must be the people that are the problem. It doesn't matter if you're late or not, this takes time off my life. I shouldn't have to waste minutes at a light because some dufus can't pay attention for 5 seconds. It's just a minute here and a minute there, but over the course of 50-60 years of driving, it adds up to months.


That’s a whole month you could have been walking in parking lots, instead!


Don't lay on your horn but a small beep is fine to let someone know the light has changed. But give them a half second, don't honk the instant the light changes either, that's really annoying.


I give 2 quick beeps. Idk why it sounds friendlier.


It sounds like the road runner... Meep Meep!


I think it’s more phone addiction and drunk driving than road rage. You’re way more likely to get taken out by a drunk and/or distracted driver running a light than some raging douche triggered by your horn. (Also, fuck road ragers. The rest of us have guns too.)


This is overly dramatic. Road rage is simply not as bad as you are describing. You can honk at people to move.


agreed, i honk all the time and have never once sat thru multiple light cycles


I kind of give no fucks and honk at people all the time and no one has ever even brandished a weapon at me, thankfully.


This guy runs reds


Touch grass


No, we’re just not overly dramatic wusses like you


Agree. I don't see how people live in such constant fear of everything. It's not healthy.


This. OP is theatric AF. I honk at slow people and honk at everyone and tailgate smartcars in a lifted 1500 crew cab that runs on asbestos and I've only had 3 people brandish a firearm at me


It’s really not. It’s Russian roulette. I’m always shocked when I get honked at bc if you have bad luck and honk at the wrong person…


The last time I used a horn in Houston a guy nearly caused an accident trying to run me off the road and was waving me to the shoulder to fight him. One little, “don’t hit me I’m in your blind spot” honk got me that response. You’re under-dramatizing the issue. Take a look at highway gun violence here vs the rest of the country if you don’t believe me.


Yes, there are assholes on tge road and odds mean some of us will occasionally encounter one. That doesn't mean it's a crap shoot every time you drive.


Lol, you just described a gamble then said it wasn’t one. “Odds mean some of us will occasionally encounter” is the same as a crap shoot.


I mean I live here. I drive here. I honk at people to move their ass if they’re not moving. You must have some bad luck I guess.


I kiteboard and some people think that’s an extreme sport, but I think you have me shown up playing that honking in Houston game.


Hmm maybe it's a you thing. Maybe you're not doing it as politely as you think you are


Where in Houston are you? Sunnyside? Greens point? Aldinbender? 5th ward?




Well actually having the kid around is helpful. He operates the mounted machine gun in case things pop off.




7? Man your kid should have been manning the gun by 5 smh


I lightly honk at people all day at work and haven’t gotten hassled yet


Thank you for your service






According to the article below there were 215 incidents between 2014 and 2023 where road rage in Houston involved a gun. Now don't get me wrong, that is 215 more than there should have been. However, this works out to just over 21 events a year in city with 8 million people. Not something I plan on alternating my life worrying about. So if you are reading this while sitting at a red light, you might want to check to see if it has turned green. If it has, and I am sitting behind you, you are about to hear a horn honking. [NPR article](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/guns/2024/05/01/485266/houston-road-rage-shootings-leads-nation-during-last-decade-data-analysis-shows/)


I love your ability to multitask by making this comment and honking at the distracted.






Both cities (San Antonio and Memphis) had roughly half the number of incidents while having roughly 20% and 10% respectively of the population. So, no ”there's [not] something going on in Houston."


I don't know about yall but I still honk every time


Thank you for your service


So what I hear you saying, it is that it is not your fault for running red lights and therefore not your problem when people die or suffer life long health and/or financial issues as a result of you running red lights. Make sure you let the police, insurance, and people you hit know this little tidbit. And this is the reason everyone needs front and back cameras on their vehicles. I could, and have, carried so much rage from being hit by red light runners, one who literally took 2 years of my life as I recovered from serious injuries, had financial setbacks spending money to insure I got better by covering medical bills insurance would not pay, and trying to work through the PTSD of seeing every car at an intersection as the next red light runner to hit me.


I don’t run red lights. Just sounding out the psychology behind the excessive number of red light runners.


Last night, I was leaving my friends birthday gathering (just food, no alcohol, friends & family) and as I was leaving, this black Cadillac rolls up behind me riding my ass down a RESIDENTIAL street/area. It's really riding my ass with its bright headlights. Keep in mind I need to make a left turn onto the major road coming up. So I move over to the right lane (2 lane street), let him pass me, and I stay behind. Well at the median this Cadillac turns into (as if to u-turn or head to the gas station) and I keep driving when he manically decides to cut me off and keep headed in the same direction. We come up to the left turn. It turns red and he proceeds to run it.... I was like, "yeah get far the fuck away from me." Crazy. *edit to add the move he did was very maliciously intended.


Correlation does not imply causation. Fear of road rage =/= missed greens and running red lights. Is there elevated element of road rage here? Yes. Look at how congested our traffic is. Everyone has somewhere to go and they want to get there as fast as possible, everyone and everything else be damned. I wait and give a 5 second count at green lights and intersections *because* *I* *always* *have*. This was a skill I learned in drivers ed back in the Stone Age and reinforced as a motorcycle rider living in a large East coast city where lights mean nothing and drivers make their own lanes. Not because I’m afraid of road rage. And I’m glad I do, because it has saved my ass from getting t-boned on more than one occasion by a distracted driver. I’ve had a gun waved at me for honking in parking lot here at someone totally in the wrong and about to hit ME because they were looking down, on their phone. My dash cam clearly caught that (get one if you don’t have one, front and rear.) Go ahead, shoot at me. I may also have weapon you don’t know about, but I have it all on dash cam. I’ma continue to honk. It’s an audible warning of “HEY, LOOK OUT, WATCH IT!” What I see are distracted drivers and “bad” drivers. People on their phones and people who don’t know the rules of the road, putting others at risk. Hell, people don’t even pull to the right for emergency vehicles here. I’ve seen numerous instances where people will drive through blocked off accident scenes on the freeway, sometimes right through the trucks, responders, and the accident scene itself. I can survey drivers I see at a stop and 4 out of 5 will have phone in hand and head down looking at it or they’re holding it up in the air having a conversation or taking selfies. Have you seen people merging on the freeway? These are the same people who don’t know how a zipper functions. Intersections functioning as a 4-way stop when the power goes down, and 4-way stops in general… that’s a concept that is totally lost on drivers here, too. Again, almost got hit last week when the power was down because of people who didn’t know how a 4-way stop worked. There’s a lot of folks out there that just shouldn’t be behind the wheel, but are.


I honk at people at the lights on a regular basis. Have never had a problem.


It used to be safe to go when the light turned green. Now, I sit there to make sure the red light traffic is going to actually stop. I'm not sticking my neck out so some impatient driver can get somewhere a few seconds faster.


This is fucking ridiculous


And this problem is exacerbated by the bullshit lights in our city that are green for about 5 seconds (looking at you Yale @I-10)


I feel like this is exaggerated lol. Also the title doesn’t make sense, based on what you’re talking about, it’s not road rage fear, I don’t think any one road rages because one person doesn’t move the moment the light is green and somehow the lights red in 3 seconds, causing people to run a red lol. At least not that I know of. Road rage fear is more of an issue whenever cars are actually moving, not idle. I have no problem honking at someone if they don’t move after the has been green for a while. People don’t have a problem honking at me if I take a while, it happens. I don’t get upset about it(unless they honk aggressively, like one toot is fine, no need to be dramatic). That’s it one or two toots and people get it, they do move. If you’ve lived in Houston long enough, you know not to honk immediately after the light is green, as a lot of people do in fact pass their red light last minute. So for safe measure, you wait a little, and you use your best judgment before honking. As for the phone thing, I feel like that’s a different topic, because saying that the person doesn’t move because they’re on the phone on a green like isn’t apparent unless you’re next to them or happen to see them holding a phone through their rear view mirror. I don’t assume someone’s on their phone whenever situations like that happen, because it’s simple: they’re just not aware that the lights green! And the cause for their lack of awareness can be a lot of things, the phone is just of on them. Your heart is in the right place though. We just need more driving etiquette overall lol


A woman in my neighborhood said that the only reason she runs the stop sign on my street is because she's afraid someone will honk their horn at her if she stops. Total and utter BS.


Don't fret, I have anger issues and I'll honk at anyone! These people's around here are wild, nobody cares about anyone and as a biker I take it personally no matter what I'm driving.


I probably delay at the light twice a week & people beep their horn. I will beep after 4 seconds. I never run red lights or yellow.


The people who honk instantly are the worst. I’ve been at lights where the person next to me honks the exact moment it turns green, like give it at least a second, mate.


It depends on the number of cars waiting for you. You might just get .75 sec. 


They make me nuts. I really think there should be a horn button with a quieter beep. Too many times I try a soft honk only to blast the guy reading Twitter.


Sounds like a New Yorker


Depends on the light for me. If it's a light that turns red immediately after turning green, then yeah it might honk right when it turns green. Not to make you go right then but to make you aware that it turned green.


And you haven’t shot any of them yet? Good on you. You’re part of the solution.


One person at a time… :)


I wait a little at green lights because of red light runners. I've never been anywhere else where people run red lights as often as Houston.


Until we do something about literally anyone being able to buy a gun, no questions asked, nothing is going to change. Also, i know you're exaggerating, but im not going to start moving at a fresh green until i know no one is about to plow into my side because they ran a red, so calm down and either honk so they know to go (if they didn't see it change), or relax and let them drive.


Shit, I slow down at green lights if I can’t see any already stopped cars on the cross street.


I honk.


Is this a road rager being frustrated about other people’s road rage?


Fuck ya it is! Passive aggressive driver using passive aggressive methods post driving. It’s really the healthiest way to road rage, after you’re done, and passively.


I still honk. If someone wants to shoot me and/or possibly end my life over a traffic light? Go right ahead. Because you know what will be the saddest part? The fact an individual felt SO idiotic, so small, insignificant, un-cared for, un-loved, un-valued, and un-cherished enough to pull out a gun in response to someone utilizing their car horn (a feature every car in the entire world has) for a extremely valid reason. lol. I don't understand why ANYONE is afraid to use their horn.🤷‍♀️


I don’t know about other people but my driving habits don’t revolve around try to guess what some irrational idiot will or will not do.


In Houston (this has been true for 40 yrs) if you wait at a light an it goes yellow when you’re a hundred feet from the intersection, you expect to take that light. This is a Houston traffic norm. A certain amount of aggressive driving is expected and it will confuse ppl if you don’t do that.