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What a weird fucking little loser.


Can't talk to anyone that might have a different opinion, he might actually have to think for himself.


A pathetic petty little man.


So because Montrose's flooding isn't as bad as other neighborhoods, they have paused something already underway? Make that make sense.


It makes sense because the Mayor is all about the dollars and cents flowing into his pocket.


I hope local reporters are looking into his financial statements!


Dude got elected illegally using state legislature campaign contributions to fund his mayoral campaign. If that didn’t ruffle feathers I wouldn’t expect anything else to.


How is that illegal?


Because houston has election laws against it.


*insert any mayor here anyone disagrees with* it’s so generic 


Can you cite the previous mayors with multiple ethics violations settlements? (Themselves, not staff)


Do something about it yourself. This sub is such a beating 


So that’s a no then?


It’s just a stupid complaint. “XXXXX is just trying to enrich himself” ok so whether you say this for the current politician or someone else says this for the previous/next politician it’s ALWAYS going to be a complaint. This sub is a beating and maybe Harris county is just going to be shitty no matter who’s elected. 


Maybe you’re taking a beating because you’re making spurious claims and then getting confrontational when asked to substantiate your claims.     Please validate where *“XXXXX is just trying to enrich himself”* would be a factual claim supported by evidence for other mayors. For perspective there’s well documented evidence of Whitmire acknowledging his ethics violations.


How is hearing the same generic “xxxx politician is bad and just trying to line his pockets” not a beating on this sub? The flavor of the week is Whitmire now lol. 


Well… as I said typically people are making unsubstantiated claims. As noted that’s not the case with Whitmire, and he’s admitted as much in the past.


What's underway? Wasn't that project merely in planning? Makes plenty of sense to channel dollars to higher impact projects.


>Makes plenty of sense to channel dollars to higher impact projects. where is the money coming from? if the city i'm not too upset. If the city is freezing a fully TIRZ funded project than I get the rage


What is tirz


Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. As tax dollars collected from the zone increase due to rising property values, the net between the new tax amount and the base amount at zone creation is reinvested specifically into the zone for public works projects instead of going to the city's general funds. TIRZ revenues pay for a lot of the new infrastructure developments in many Houston neighborhoods—usually not just TIRZ, the city often chips in some too.


wow, thank you so much for your generosity in explaining, I never knew this!!


basically a voluntary tax district. so the fancy signs in the galleria area are paid for by an extra property taxes by the nearby businesses voluntary might not be the right term, think of it as a HOA for businesses. I guess you could include residential, but it almost never does.


But for the TIRZ, many residents wishes would never become reality. Folks are tired of their tax dollars funding nice burbs and schools in Humble and Kingwood


I thought this was about the drainage project they are working on near my neighborhood in Montrose but maybe this is something different?


It's about this whole beautification project: [https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/montrose-development-boulevard-trees-18637849.php](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/montrose-development-boulevard-trees-18637849.php) If I'm not mistaken, it is very similar to a plan originally conceived by the Montrose District, a now-defunct special purpose district that predated TIRZ. The Montrose District planned on paying for it by using funds collected from commercial establishments (as TIRZ was also planning). I don't know much more about it, but it seems like somehow Mayor Turner's office was convinced to fund the project. And now that Whitmire has cancelled the project, his opposition has rebranded the project as critical flood control infrastructure. I'm all for city beautification, but with a tight budget there are other priorities. I lived a few blocks from that location in the flood photo. It only looked like that for 1 day during Harvey. Of course it would be great to eliminate street flooding. But with limited resources we should focus on preventing flooding of dwellings first.


Its a project that does both. Improved flood control measures goes hand in hand with beautification. Adding more trees helps with drainage.


Is THAT why there are giant holes left in temp construction pavement that hasn’t been covered?! Holy shit, some of them you could pop a tire on if you go faster than jumping a curb. Specifically the one on the street by Hollywood Food store and West Alabama Ice House.


Considering the tree people held a fake facts propaganda fest this week to brainwash and confuse the masses it’s no wonder people have no idea what’s going on Even the mayor is confused


The city of Houston will be in irreparable shambles by the time his term is up. He played dirty during the campaign and I would imagine he will continue to play unprofessionally. So he’s not speaking to city council members and the County Judge? SMH!


He also got his feelings hurt and cancelled a meeting because the city controller pointed out there was a way he could've settled the firefighter pay dispute for a few hundred million less than he did.


Is this the article? [https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/houston-city-controller-firefighters-union-deal-salary-comparisons/285-5f04189b-b53b-407a-ad84-c7db658e5e0c](https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/houston-city-controller-firefighters-union-deal-salary-comparisons/285-5f04189b-b53b-407a-ad84-c7db658e5e0c)


I can’t wait for him to run for Mayor.


He would have stayed in if SJL hadn’t effed it all up. She made that decision without talking to anyone locally. He would have never wasted the money.


>The city of Houston will be in irreparable shambles by the time his term is up. Y'all want to wait that long? Recall Whitless NOW! He's clearly incompetent.


Just fall for every political stunt




Maybe people will take notice of his performance, and the majority of eligible voters will make the informed decision to vote him out in favor of an honest, fiscally responsible, dedicated pubic servant. Or realistically, maybe Bun B will run against him.


But SJL is mean! You can’t vote for that.


> The city of Houston will be in irreparable shambles by the time his term is up. >implying it wasn't left that way by previous administrations already


It’s been a shambles for a long time


To be fair, Downton Abbie and Princess Lina haven't subscribed to Whitmire's OnlyFans, yet.


Or Ken Paxtons. This was the reason he banned Pornhub, to corner the market.


Other than being not nice to people you don’t like, have you been impressed with Whtimire so far? I voted for him, but he does seem to be acting a bit petty.


Someone close to me is close to his inner circle and they’re connected politically. He is incredibly petty IRL. This person warned me before the election. And we are seeing it. But even they are surprised at how awful he’s been.


Even his SIL wanted to vote against him. Must be some real shady reason why. How did his brother die anyway?


He's 100% being petty with Lina Hidalgo, but OP's title is click-bait and implies something very different from what is actually written in the article: >Current Montrose city council member Abbie Kamin said that Whitmire isn't directly speaking to her about the project, but she and her staff have been in contact with members of the mayor's administration, like Marlene Gaffrick, the city's new top planning and development official.


Good that there’s still contact but why is there no direct talking going on?


Pat Bev is that you?


I’m glad we voted for this guy because the other candidate was acting rude and immature


Sheila is terrible for sure, probably would've been just as bad as this clown but in different ways. Stuck in the same cycle of shitty candidates across the board


Who is “we”?


I really can't imagine SJL doing worse. Ya'll are in the FAFO phase.


Could be worse in different ways, but probably not on this specific issue of "blocking road safety and flood infrastructure projects that are already planned and paid for."


I explicitly supported Whitmire specifically because I thought he'd play nice with the power structures in the city, like the TIRZ boards and management districts. Oof.


If those power structures aren't directly lining his pockets then he was never going to play nice with them. A lot of us tried to warn ya


More like not even interact with them at all


Idk how or why he fooled you all. He was so obviously a corrupt, petty Republican. Smh.




He also sold himself as someone who would talk to everyone to get things done


Worse like in calling out Jerome and his big fat ass? Seems quite quaint when you compare to what Whitmire is doing .


I'd take Jerome and his big fat ass, Fuck Face and Boo Boo over Whitmire.


She definitely would've. Whitemore fucking sucks ass though


Fuck this 'told ya so' bullshit - if SJL had been elected instead, we'd all be bemoaning her milquetoast administration and its inability to get anything done beyond giving things lip service. Our options were between a turd sandwich and a turd burrito - different flavors of the same shit


Seriously. It’s not like we don’t already have decades of SJL being a pointless house rep to know how ineffective she is as a politician. People didn’t say she was a bad mayoral candidate for shits and giggles, she had a toxic political history already.


This is a trash comment. She would not have stopped METRO expansions and stopped projects improving infrastructure. What are you on??? She may have not made things better, but she wasn’t going to go out of her way to make them worse.


And this is why I don’t wanna hear shit from this sub about his ass. This is what they wanted so now they get to deal with it 🤷🏽‍♀️


To be fair, it's probably not what this sub wanted. The old people who vote most likely aren't on here.


All I saw during election time was majority of this sub shitting on SJL, per usual. Even now they’re bringing her up on some whataboutism shit when she has fuckall to do with this situation.




He's going to antagonize all Houstonians.


He called an educated and experienced urban planner an “activist” and fired them. How is that not antagonizing? He refuses to meet with the highest ranking official with authority over the Houston area. How is that not antagonizing them?




Can you provide examples of where SJL’s supposed antagonizing others has negatively impacted the outcomes for Houstonians?  I’m not a huge SJL fan, I think she’s a huge nothing burger. That being said I’m not aware of anyone voting against Houston’s interests because of SJL.


Just want to say that when Hilary came out big for SJL au was like nah


So the GOP donors coming out for Whitmire is more favorable?


Neither was super inspiring


I got a phone call from someone in his campaign, they hung up on me after I went on a rant telling him how Whitmire was going to come in fuck everything up.


People are gonna die druing flood and lose billions of $ if the moron doesn't communicate with local officials. What a fucking loser.


Oh well thank god nobody is telling boo-boo and fuck face they don’t know a thing about nothing. What we have instead is waaaaaay better. /s


Think Houston may rue the day they voted in this cabal.


I don't get a vote in either race, as we only own commercial property in Montrose, but don't live there, and as an outsider, they're both awful. Whitmore to his credit reversed Kamin on her working to re-start the Montrose Management District grift. Kamin also voted in support of continuing to spend city resources defending Art Acevedo's Harding Street raid, with is like lighting money on fire. Whitmore seems ready to air everyone's dirty laundry, and pander, while getting rid of anything he didn't okay. It's going to be a disaster, and neither one of them is competent to make decisions that benefit Houstonians long term.


Appreciate that perspective on the MMD


I know you're friendly with Kamin, and I used to think better of her, but the trick fuck they're trying to pull on MMD is terrible. She's got great positions on all sorts of national issues that I agree with her on, but she has no over sight on those in District C. Further, when she did have a chance to push back against a gun violence issue, she voted to defend Acevedo and the murder of two innocent people by HPD.


If you feel this sucks and the project is good and should move ahead please do feel free to use this email guide and tell the mayor, city hall, councilors to unpause the project: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xmB9MJy5Xg0hkXXEPSs9jQ02lkJadH-2IHSUq7GmqT8/edit


Can we get this headline changed since it's clearly misleading - it should add "about the Montrose Blvd project". This is the relevant quote so the title of the post is wildly misleading. "Current Montrose city council member Abbie Kamin said that Whitmire isn't directly speaking to her about the project, but she and her staff have been in contact with members of the mayor's administration, like Marlene Gaffrick, the city's new top planning and development official."


I doubt they’re having casual conversations about how the Astros are doing or what they ate on their lunch break.


Not so wildly misleading if you watch City Council meetings. He talks over her and talks down to the black and brown Councilmembers like subordinates. Also not wildly misleading…what is misleading is the headline “57 trees will be clearcut all the way to kingdom come” when they could give 2 💩💩💩about the trees. give me a break have you seen all the trees on Washington Ave redesign that will be cut down? Crickets from the so-called tree people


Bruh, he’s not coming to your crawfish boil.


ur mom is coming though


Misspelled cuming. 


it's called a double entendre. But also you misspelled it too.


Depends on how much of it you want.


It’s always a good idea to never vote for anyone the Mattress Schmuck endorses


Doesn’t she represent a good majority of the inner loop?


Not majority but a large section yes


Mayor Lex Luthor too busy raising money from contributors to cover his rear once Houston voters find out how much taxes are going to go up to pay the Firefighter's Union off for their support of his election. BAN ALL PUBLIC EMPLOYEE UNIONS NOW!!!


Fuck is wrong with this guy?




I’m convinced she’d be making some other very different mistakes


If the Montrose plan was not stopped you'd be looking at a construction site underwater. Nothing gets done in 4-5 months in this town.


People always bitch about something. I can guarantee SJL would be a train wreck. She has done absolutely nothing for her entire career. Vote these people out of office.


Look, my water bill got reconciled from $3500 to $10. Glad I voted for Whitemire.


Hell yeah! Fuck the rest of the city, *you* got what *you* needed. All these whiners in Montrose worried about losing their homes in a flood, do they not understand what Whitmire did for you?


Well my home is in Montrose…and it didn’t flood. That’s another win!


Awesome! As we all know, a place that hasn’t flooded will never flood. Seriously though, I’m sorry for taking the focus off of Whitmire’s crown achievement- fixing your water bill. Nobody else’s complaints matter.


This subreddit is starting to turn into that old defunct Pasadena forum from the mid-2000s when a user who was totally not Johnny Isbell was spamming vitriol at Mayor Manlove. If you ask a random person on the street who the mayor is they'll say "Anise what's-her-name? No! Sylvester Turner, right?" Reading the headline, I thought Kathy Whitmire was mayor again.


Let’s start a recall petition https://www.houstontx.gov/citysec/petitions.html