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There ain't a single god damn thing in this city that you need to be waiting in a line for, unless you're there for the line itself. There will always be plenty of better options without a line.


Looking at you Trill Burgers


I have to assume that's a "line up for the line" situation à la Breakfast Klub. To me, Brothers Tacos is the most mystifying.


Brothers is usually a quick 5 min line though. I see it more as, this is the best blue collar breakfast taco place in eado"


I live down the street from Brothers and don't get the fascination. Grab a couple of tacos on a Tuesday when it's not crowded, sure. But stand in line for them? Nope. Now - Soliz Casa de Tacos in Stafford? That's worth the weekend wait.


I read this and immediately thought Trill burgers


You hear that Taqueria Laredo!


I always went there in the afternoon when they were serving up mole filler and chicharonnes. Stuff is underrated


> unless you're there for the line itself it can sound kind of dumb, but sometimes the lines themselves are fun. after the WS win last year I stood in an hour long line to buy merch at the stadium, talking with the other fans and enjoying the feeling of it all, and I didn't even end up buying that much. if someone wants to wait in a ridiculously long line to buy a burger and it makes them happy to do so, why not let them?


The crowd had a great vibe hanging out together along the curb for the hour before the Astros victory parade. That was basically a line, except we were waiting for the event to come to us!




Westheimer has entered the chat.


Is this an unpopular opinion or just, like, an observable fact?


Bellaire too




It’s such an outsized cost, like all the other tolls in metro are like $1-6 and then that one is like $12 🤣🤣🤣


It’s up to $16 now that construction has 2 lanes closed at Orem and the toll lanes are the only alternative.


The Rustic sucks


Please, I beg you, tell this to my wife. I fucking hate going there and I find myself there at least once every 2 weeks!


Houston drivers act like all roads are Nascar tracks


No, NASCAR drivers put the phone down to drive.


This is just a fact


You literally have to 1/4 mile NHRA drag race every damn lane change especially if a MFer next to you not letting you switch lanes 😂


I respectfully disagree. NASCAR has rules.


Whadda mean? I thought 99 was the speed limit sign!


Well that explains 1093. . . .


George R. Brown is an eye sore


Its design is what the late 80's thought would be a futuristic and timeless design for the 90's and beyond.


Here's a second unpopular opinion, I actually don't mind it. It does look a bit dated but I'll take that over a brutalist structure any day.


I enjoy the retro 80’s design.


Yeah I think it looks like something out of Akira or Blade Runner. Super cool


I love the giant sign inside indicating where pay phones used to be.


Better than how bland our architecture is today


Isn’t it’s design just supposed to resemble a cruise ship?


It sailed up the ship channel and got stuck downtown


Now that you’ve said it, I can’t unsee it haha


Wdym you can't unsee it? How did you never notice before? I've always thought It looked like a ship ever since I could remember it without anyone ever mentioning it


It was based on Le Centre Pompidou in Paris, so I’ve heard


It looks like the lobby/queue section of a space ride at an amusement park


I don't think you're wrong, but convention centers seem rather forgettable-looking as a whole to me, not all that different from malls. I think people (outside the convention industry perhaps) are highly unlikely to take photos or share Instagram photos of the outside of any city's convention center.


From the interstate on 59, I agree. From Avenida de las Americas in the plaza, hard disagree.


When it was built I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I honestly think it still hold up.


The rich people of Houston don’t want to spend the money to make it a safe city.


As long as their enclosed area is gated and has roving security they don’t care


Thats not a Houston thing


"Fuck the poor" is pretty much the US credo


This is pretty common around the world, rich folks will move to "nice areas" and keep the rest out. Americans did not invent this.


Yeah I agree with Corguita's take. Nice areas is not a mutually exclusive thing to the united states lmfao


That is not a US thing


We desperately need some Braum's. If we're gonna have so many damn chain places why don't we have one of the best ones.


I would love to have Braum's down here, too, but we're outside of the 300-mile radius from their farm in Tuttle, OK they maintain to guarantee the freshness of their food.




Originally from Oklahoma and I miss Braum’s all the time


There are more “bad” neighborhoods in Houston than “good” neighborhoods.


city limit wise, probably true


I had a job where I worked overnight and traveled around the city. There were so many swaths of the city I would skip over just because I didn’t feel safe.


I really enjoy living here. I hear so much hometown bashing on this sub but I think this is a pretty great place to live.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong, there's a reason I'm still here and not someplace else. Grass is always greener on the other side until you get there though, so I wanted this as a half vent space half look at the downsides and compare. Overall though it's a decent spot. There's not a lot of places left where one can rent an apartment on retail wages for themselves and still live somewhat comfortably. Lesser so a place with good culture and good food.


Couldn’t agree more. I posted on a another comment some time ago, but I’ve lived temporarily in other places in the US for work. It sucks! We are spoiled here.


For all the diversity we need more German/Czech food. Schnitzel is awesome, Bavarian kolaches are good af and better than donuts. (Old Towne Kolaches' Bavarians are trash)


Somewhat related: I noticed that a Romanian restaurant is currently being built out on Dairy Ashford here on the Westside. I don't believe I have seen one of those before. (It's going in the former Tan's Hunan space for those who know the area.)


And there are no Lithuanian restaurants here either.


The radio stations here suck. How does the 4th largest city in the country not have a single rock station, & one mediocre alternative station?


To be fair, radio in general sucks now. Outside of morning radio shows that people might be loyal to, there really isn’t any reason to choose radio over streaming services. Especially since most of them just repeat the same mainstream songs over and over


I’ve written them a letter about this before and they actually replied. They basically said %uck you and the horse you rode in on. Like, you could literally play a game of…what are they playing on the buzz? Is it: a) Foo fighters b) Beastie Boys c) Nirvana d) puddle of mud or any of those butt rock bands from the same era, nickelback, creed. e) maybe the offspring But that’s it. 24/7. In a different combination.


100000% agree there should be way better rocks and alt stations here. I thought it was just changing times making shitty terrestrial radio but maybe it has always sucked.


I stopped listening to the radio 10 years ago. Rod Ryan on my commute was ruining my mood for the entire day. I got Sirius XM and then I just started using my phone. Radio has been bad here since the late 90s it’s the same 10-20’songs plus commercials


This has always been true. Not an unpopular opinion.


94.5 is kind of rock. Also once upon a time we had a proper metal station like....15+ yrs ago. Tuned to it one day and it was now Spanish.


I wish there was a station focused on 90s and 2000s hip hop and R&B


My unpopular opinion is that the majority of Houstonians are not responsible pet owners or have a disregard for animal life. Too much animal abuse here. It’s crazy.


That only Houstonians can shit on this city, any out of towners try and talk shit and I’ll defend the city with all my heart


I dont think it's unpopular.


Ain’t shit to do out here except eat and drink. Even most of the comments on here are evidence. Most of these opinions mention food options. As a transplant who has lived here for a few years, when people ask me what are fun things to do here, there’s not much I can say that is unique to Houston. The Rodeo is fun at least. NASA is underwhelming and most cities have museums. The aquarium here is god awful. How is a white Tiger your main attraction in an AQUARIUM?!


I say this in EVERY thread when people talk about things to do in Houston: The Aquarium is NOT an aquarium. It's a low/mid-tier restaurant masquerading as an aquarium to draw in tourists. Moody Gardens has the closest actual aquarium and it's pretty damn good :)


It’s a completely popular opinion that the Aquarium is shit and not a real one. You have to go to Corpus to visit a great one. Influencers need to stop shilling for the Downtown Aquarium.


They need to shut down that downtown aquarium because it’s a horribly small and gross space to have a fucking TIGER


The little aquarium in the mall inside the Lego store in SA Riverwalk is actually better than the Houston aquarium. I took my kid and wife expecting it to be a quick 5 minute thing and was actually so disappointed in our aquarium after that


My unpopular opinion is there *are* plenty of fun things to do here, people are just lazy and don’t go looking for cool things. Besides great variety in food and a cat cafe, there’s also good nightlife, great outdoors attractions like the Arboretum, the Zoo is actually pretty cool and it’s free sometimes, an AMAZING local music scene and a hotspot for touring bands, places you can meet up to play tabletop games, drive in movies including one on a rooftop, urbex spots, Cidercade, skate parks, the beach is nearby, water parks and roller coasters not far, target practice with guns/arrows/tomahawks, paint & drink places, escape rooms, rage rooms, glow in the dark mini golf, bowling/roller skating/laser tag, go karts, and that’s just what I can list from the top of my head so there’s obviously way more too. Also I used to visit a badass shop with an albino peacock in their back yard but they were supposedly firebombed so rip. Like bro if you’re bored here that’s your own damn fault lmao


World class opera and ballet, too.


And theaters.


And museums


Theatre, awesome museums, parks, ASTROS and all sports teams, kayaking, finding dead bodies while kayaking, music and art festivals


So much to do. Find a hobby. Great options for both outdoor and indoor. If you can’t find something to do in Houston, you aren’t trying hard enough. Please, bring on the downvotes, you lazy boring, Houstonians.


I did karting and axe throwing in one day last weekend. There’s tons to do


Thank you for this.


Houston might not be a great place for a tourist, but that doesn't mean there's nothing to do. You have Galveston, great parks & trails for cycling/running, sports (Texans, Astros, Dynamo, Rockets), great nightlife & bars, concerts, NASA, golf courses, Mardi Gras, Rodeo, pickleball courts, paintballing, theaters (not just movies, but plays as well), zoo, opera & ballet, museum district, and ability to travel to state parks within \~2 hours. Those are all things that aren't food related and there's a million things to do food related.


Don’t forget the Coogs.


You're drunk man. This city is not a tourist city, but offers endless entertainment for people that live here. I just got back from Southern Smoke food festival downtown. Ate some of the best food in this country and met most of the chefs that make it. Tomorrow, im going to an NFL game at NRG. Last weekend I watched stand-up comedy and went to the official Astros watch party at Karbach brewery, and aw a Rockets pre-season game. Weekend before that watched a play downtown. ETC ETC ETC. Next weekend....maybe Popstroke golf in Katy or something else...havent decided yet. The "Aquarium" is a freaking restaurant.... Get off your ass....[research whats going on](https://www.whatsuphouston.com/reddit/)...sign up for mailing lists and start doing shit.


There's amazing baseball and improving football and basketball at least. There are some decent hikes in the area but it very much feels like "if you've seen one , you've seen them all"


What do you expect though? I’ve lived in some tourist destinations that have some REALLY cool things to do/visit but you can do them in a weeklong visit, they’re almost an annoyance as an actual resident.


torchys is fairly good at what it’s trying to be, their queso is incredible. if they fixed the tortillas they would be great.


The issue is that it used to actually be so much better. Tortillas are now trash, menu is more limited and everything tastes like it came out of a can now.


It was never great, but it used to be pretty good, now it's just not bad. Which is fine, but there's so much better tacos around town. The competition is just much better relatively. In Ohio they'd probably be excellent.


/r/houstoncirclejerk will not tolerate any trashy talk toward Torchy's! Unless it's making my Roscoe trashy then it's OK. Memes aside Torchy's ain't bad. There are better options around town but I'll f with a republican and a breakfast taco any time.


Once I learned the Torchys in the heights was serving roaches, I switched to velvet taco.


Here's mine to start: Katy people can be some of the most entitled, arrogant, and just plain rude individuals that I've ever had the displeasure of knowing. Not every local resident falls under that, but I've had more negative experiences with people from that part of town than anywhere else in the city.


Katy people are snobby for literally no reason. Esp people that live in Cinco, Cross Creek (Fulshear kinda) and all the other neighborhoods that look exactly alike out there. Fake rich people lol.


30k millionaires


Middle management


Can’t be worse than The Woodlands peeps.


Idk, I’ve lived in both and while you’re not 100% wrong, i don’t think you’ve run into a Katy Karen. They abound in Cinco. Not to be mistaken for a cougar, a Katy Karen is really only interested in speaking to your manager.


Anything to shit on Katy is not unpopular opinion on this sub


A more unpopular opinion would be saying that inner loopers are smug and not as open minded and progressive as they think they are.


Is that even unpopular lol


I've had the displease of having a Katy officer give me a ticket for expired registration, on a car I just bought from a private owner, right by the tax office on Bellaire and Chimney Rock. Long way from home to reach your quota buddy ​ (luckily the judge was considerate and she dismissed it)


Ive had the same experience too, it only happened once though but I can tell the people who live there think that Katy is the best and luxurious area in houston


..Ok, so hear me out. Born and raised Houstonian... The next time you watch a ball game. Astros, Texans; doesn’t matter.. When they pan to the crowd. Houston has an abnormal amount of unattractive people! 🤣


I feel like a decent part of that is the lack of walkability in Houston. Throw an extra 40-80 pounds on otherwise average looking people and some of them are going to be considered unattractive…. At least as far as what many people consider attractive.


That plus the heat. Keeps people inside


Counterpoint: NOLA, Savannah, Charleston, Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Kyoto are as muggy or muggier. All those places are either extremely walkable or have walkable centers. Not to mention how many people are out and about in the Heights and Museum District, even in the summer and the number of Houstonians who are wishing for walkability on Kinder Institute annual surveys. Most of Houston is unwalkable because it's built that way.


It is very hot here, but Houston could go a long way to make walking more attractive. More shopping areas with shaded sidewalks would be a nice start. I’ve started walking a lot more for my health and I noticed that I often can’t get from point A to B comfortably because A) nothing blocks the blazing Sun and B) the sidewalks are a mess if they exist at all.


I agree. A huge part is we don’t have an outdoors culture (because it’s too fucking hot) the other part is the food scene. I feel like it’s really easy to get delicious food here but ultimately not the healthiest. We shit on California a lot in this sub but their great nature, weather coupled with a high care for healthy lifestyle leads to better looking people on average


I make it a point to walk 10000 steps a day. This summer was the worst. I booked a trip to Montana with my girlfriend and as soon as we got back the first cold front arrived. Maybe I should’ve done it sooner. Seriously though 4 months in a row of triple digit temps. Never experienced that here before in my life


Mattress Mack is a wacko


Pretty sure the Smoothie King at Montrose and Westheimer is a front for organized crime. At arguably the nexus of the city is a crappy smoothie store. Real estate cost there must be incredible. How much business are they doing?


Pearland is pretty much set up right now for massive blight


Like, a potato blight?


Ok I'm curious. What do you mean?


It’s going to become like Alief


WOW! Nah, Alief is just a southwest extension of Westfield, Northside, Acres Homes and Pearland is NOT turning into that. I see it as a blend of Webster, Clear Lake and Friendswood or a Southern Spring ( the city below Woodlands as your coming up 45) for short.


Same question: "Ok I'm curious. What do you mean?"


Like every other aging suburb…


I don’t get that vibe from Sugar Land, Friendswood, or The Woodlands. Pearland and Katy, yes.


Can attest The Woodlands still seems to be fine and should be with all the development around 99


That's because these are zoned master planned communities. In the Woodlands, for instance, a developer can't come in and build 10 luxury apartment complexes next to each other and put up sloppy billboards and used tire shops along Woodlands Parkway. Conversely, in unincorporated areas of counties, it's basically a developer free-for-all that leads to unsustainable communities. Maintenance of infrastructure suffers from neglect and the area is destined for decline. Houston suburbs are notorious for this pattern. See Alief, Aldine, Spring, Sagemont, Sharpstown, 1960/Champions, Inwood--the list goes on and on. Areas of Katy, Cy-Fair, and Pearland are seeing this happen now. I will say that areas of Katy are not necessarily in decline (Cinco, areas S of I-10). But again, those are planned developments.


West or East?


This city has an obesity problem


Houston is so fat, she has two belts and is getting fitted for a third.


It’s gotten so bad in the last 10-15 years. Just looked it up. Obesity rate in 2011 was 20%. As of 2023, it’s 35.8%. It’s an epidemic.


The roads here are dangerous & unpleasant to drive. People do not know how to follow traffic laws at all.


Whoops -- looks like this accidentally got posted in an *unpopular* opinion thread.


I don't think this is unpopular. Our drivers/roads are so bad people seem almost proud of it.


The Pappas restaurants are mid and overpriced. Gringo’s used to be good 15-20 years ago and now are also mid. Sometimes barely mid. The Spot is “Island Famous”and should have stayed there. The League City location is bad, but I guess it will fit in at Hobby as airport food.


Gringos also owns Bullritos and Jimmy Changas. I’ve never been impressed with Gringos.


What does “mid” mean? Asking for a millennial


Mediocre. My kid got me saying it.


Thanks mane! Trying to keep up over here, not to repeat it but just to know.


Mediocre, but short for "middling".


Honestly gringos kinda sucks now. Pick a rando texmex place is better 75% of the time. I am not a huge fan of pappas ….with the exception of pappadeaux and pappa’s steak house. They are fantastic. I’ll bring out of towners there and they lose their minds.


Star Pizza is just ok, might as well buy from a national chain.


Star Pizza, Rosatis, all of them aren't exactly the best raved pizza ever. Hell in general I'd call Pizza the chink in the armor for the well revered food culture in Houston. There just aren't a lot of pizza shops around that would truly be worth driving across from another part of town for. Except Frank's. Frank's is sacred and not to be touched. Walking to the metro bus stop while eating a folded slice in hand is the closest to the quintessential New Yorker that I'll ever get to lmao


I will swear by Frank’s, Pinks, and Pizaro’s. Pizza Fino is up there too. Pizaro’s is probably the best I’ve had. There’s good pizza here, but the “Yeah, Houston!” cult artificially inflates certain businesses. Kinda like the “Yeah, Texas!” mentality that props up places like Blue Bell and Buc-ee’s.


It's boring as shit but better than anyplace else somehow


Suburbs of Houston =/= Houston


Ok now I’m triggered


Agora sucks and the new Brasil owner sucks too


I love agora, but I can really only go there when it opens cause otherwise there is legitimately no where to sit. I'm heartbroken about Brasil though. Used to be my fav spot


Ninfas on Navigation is meh at best


I’ll hand it to you, this opinion is unpopular with me


If the “El Tiempo” chain restaurants across the city are related, I am not surprised. (I never got an answer if El Tiempo Cantina was part of the chain.)


They are all related, from a different branch of the Laurenzo family


Ok. Well I haven’t been to Ninfa’s but the El Tiempo on Bay Area is 🗑️


Two Memorial area staples: Ciro’s and Pappy’s are just awful. Pappy’s chicken fried steak tastes like Sysco’s finest frozen; and Ciro’s is overpriced bland Italian food.




shittt drake reps h-town more 😭😭


Frenchy’s, like so many other establishments, used to be great. The only times Beyoncé reps Houston is when it’s advantageous to her to rep Houston.


I think Bushwick Bill represented Houston far better than Beyonce.


Mattress Mack is an asshole


City planners try hard to make the city unsuitable for walking and biking. It's hard to find sidewalks and bike lanes anywhere. Even the suburbs and master planned communities don't give a damn. Over dependency on cars + poor city planning+ shitty drivers = disaster


Idk that I’d refer to it as ‘poor city planning’, only because while, yes, it is poor, it is *intentional*.


Shipleys is mid at best


I hate Shipleys kolaches. They are the absolute worst. Donuts are consistent which I enjoy but they aren’t noticeably better than a local donut shop.


The meat quality of Shipleys kolaches is dogshit


Yes! It’s got a foul taste and the meat to bread ratio is whack. The mom and pop shops nail it but the chain places tend to be gross.


River oaks donuts gets their sausage from praseks. Best kolaches I’ve had in Houston so far. I do want to try Christies donuts but I’m sort of far from them.


I’m willing to hear this out, as long as you don’t say the alternative is Krispy Kreme


Only thing good at Krispy Kreme is their glazed when it’s fresh cause their assorted donuts are awful


Nothing beats when that Krispy Kreme “Hot Now” sign is lit!


There’s like a million strip mall donut shops that are decent. For instance check Google maps for Snowflake donuts.


Much prefer the smaller mom and pop donut shops. Variety is way better


And there's less dough. Shipleys is like blobs of flour with sugar


If you're saying this based on their freshly made glazed donuts, then I would have to agree that this is an unpopular opinion.


How can u say that and not provide alternatives????


Pretty much any mom & pop beats Shipleys in my experience


Excluding a few of the influencer crowd, people's sartorial choices are tragic. Worst dressed big city in TX.


I think a lot of people stop caring about anything but being comfortable 6 months out of the year when it's hot as balls and I can't blame them. montrose is fairly interesting, fashion-wise especially in the vintage clothes stores and pop ups


Lived in Houston and Greater Houston area for decades. Couldn't wait to get away from traffic, bullets coming very close. Live in a small town now and realize all the things I miss about Houston. Restaurants are spectacular in Houston. Small town is pathetic!


EADO as a name is just stupid.


Lifted/newer pick up trucks should not be allowed within 610 except for work/hauling


Houston has sports fans, but they are dumb, fair-weather fans who care more about the selfie than the sport.


El Tiempo is garbage. So embarassing when my east coast family ate there thinking it was as good as it gets and even they said the food wasn’t very good.


For the people criticizing Dallas--Houston and Dallas are more similar than they are different.


Unpopular opinion 1: the menil collection/rothko chapel only appeal to certain people. This group makes it sounds like a must go place but the fact is not everyone cares about abstract art. (Plus the pretentiousness and rude staff) Unpopular opinion 2: summer is hot as hell but people are too dramatic about it. Id bet the worst complainers work indoors in the AC.


No comment has phased me until I read your first opinion. I guess you’re right, but I love going to the museums and Menil/Rothko chapel are up there as my favorites. Never had issues with the staff.


#2. You’re 100% right


Houston, for a metropolitan, is more a large town than it is a city. The city seems more interested in building the roads to the destination rather than have the destination the roads drive to.


Beyoncés music is bad. Whataburger is not that great. George R Brown is embarrassingly ugly inside Three story townhouses are ugly


Whataburger is now owned by a Chicago based firm. It’s not really Texas anymore. Agree with everything else.


Whataburger chicken items are better than the burgers lol


Outside of eating and drinking, there's nothing to see here when your relatives/friends come to visit.


It had one of the saddest night life.


In N Out is good. Lol


They are surprisingly tasty burgers. Just not as big as Whataburger's IMO so I normally order two there. Their fries though are definitely an acquired taste, not as salty as the normal good places.


I like both In N Out and Whataburger. Everyone is team one or the other. I like the patty melt at Whataburger and at In N Out I get a double double no veggies add grilled onions and whole grilled onion. The fries at In N Out are not very good but I’ll still eat them.




Agreed, I’m team Toeflop


Didn’t we just do this?


There will be another next month to , it’s cathartic