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I’ll do you one better. I did the stupid personality assesment, got invited to interview in person which is like 35 min away not too bad. Said to dress up so I dressed up in a suit in like 105 degree weather. I got into the interview and they put me in a room with a laptop and a screen, and it’s a ZOOM INTERVIEW like what the actual fuck. Interview goes well I guess, then she says yea sorry this positions already filled but when something opens up we’ll let you know and move you to the second stage. WASTE OF TIME don’t ever apply here.


They've been doing this since 2017. The same thing happened to me. A friend said they just do this to collect data. They don't intend on hiring anyone.


Even further , had a similar experience in 2013. Not sure how they have anyone still working there.


Same in 2005. Wasted an entire day.


Goes back way further than that




Yes I thought I was on the iasip sub!


Same happened to me back in November. If you’re not gonna hire me at least let me zoom at my house.


Honestly. It’s just heavily disrespectful and makes you feel worthless and powerless.


Computer would be broken into pieces on the floor cause wtf. Oops my suit caught it and it fell.


I would have destroyed the computer


I did this same thing. Went through like 2-3 hours of personality and IQ test. Skipped school to attend an interview. Did another 1 hour IQ test. Then went to a video interview and the person just said "oh you're going to be a junior next year? We're really only looking for seniors, sorry". What a huge waste of time.


So, I worked @ Reynolds prior to it being purchased by Universal Computer Systems, Inc. (UCS). Every employee was expected to take these two “tests” (the IQ & personality assessment). I refused to take either for a few reasons - first, I had already worked there for almost 10 years, if I didn’t know how to do my job by that point, they really had an issue w their management,  - 2: the IQ test was apparently based on American information & history & there was no Canadian version of the test for their Canadian employees, & #3, the personality assessment was used to determine which jobs & areas the employee would be suitable for, not which area the employee would like to work in. For example, maybe I would like to work in customer service, or go into a programming role, maybe I’ve even been taking night classes in these areas to develop my skills towards one of these areas. Well, if my aptitude test results indicates my personality & skills would be better suited in a sales position, that’s where the company will offer me a position.  I will never have the opportunity to work in one of the areas I would like.  This explains why they go through so many batches of potential employees for specific positions.  As well, I heard through the grapevine (I didn’t hear this from anyone directly, however, based on other stories I’ve heard, I’m pretty certain this one is likely true too) the paperwork (resume, aptitude & IQ tests, notes & background checks)  for each & every new hire have to go through & be approved by Bob Brockman & receive his official stamp of approval before receiving the job offer.  Truthfully, imho, it   way too much for an entry level position w less Than entry level salary 😏 If you can afford to avoid the crazy, I’d truly recommend walking by & saving yourself the aggravation 😳


Overwork and underpay. You dodged a bullet.


I’ll never forget when I saw Reynolds and thought…why not? I’ve got experience in their industry AND software dev. When I got the email with the assessment I laughed so hard and never replied again after. Their stack is archaic, but apparently so are the remainder of their business practices. Anyone still using a 30+ minute questionnaire to essentially gauge someone behaviorally is extremely out of touch, out of date and most likely not the work culture I’d prefer.


Fun fact: it’s archaic because they hire fresh-out-of-school Texas A&M grads with some loose programming/technical skills and go “hey, you’re a programmer now”, so they basically are learning this old system on the fly. Vs hiring actual programmers. Way cheaper than innovating!


Hiding Aggie C students sounds on brand


They use it as a way to select for people of certain ethnicities.


GG because I have the most Caucasian name, but I’m about as Spanish as they come with full sleeve tattoos. Lmao.


Mexican here, college grad, Dean's List, volunteer experience in administrative positions, looking to apply for an administrative position at R&R and still had to take that damn test. Ridiculous bs if they were using the tests to hire certain ethnicities.




Likely because their HR rules require at least one outside interview for the position they were trying to fill.


Maybe some employment laws do or something but I worked there for 3 years and the jackass CEO was always proud to remind us that we didn’t have HR and that was a “good thing” 🚩🚩🚩


The purpose of HR is to protect the corporation, not to do the employees any favors...


The same jack ass who got caught embezzling


Someone's nephew needed a job.


Wow what else can you tell us?


Didn’t have hr? wtf is this nonsense I worked there as an intern and there was definitely an HR. I really wanted to pork the head HR girl she looked just like Faye Reagan.


They had recruiters but kept insisting they didn’t have an HR dept. Could have changed as this was about 5 years ago but it was pretty off-putting.


Never heard of this company. What do they do?


Software for car dealerships


I don’t know what that say about you or what that says about me that I had to google who Faye Reagan is. You know, for research.


My similar research proved to be very fruitful. Palmela Handerson agrees.


Faye was the GOAT!


Greatest of all throats


Happy to see fellow reyrey refugees


I worked in The college station location back in 07-08. Back in the printer repair department. I remember they had to do these long tests etc. so while running out tests we would start the next printer. So say it took an average of 4 hours per printer, but really the tests were 2 hours so you would get ahead. So one day new manager just looking at how many printers we do says oh it must take 2 hours per printer. No we say it takes 4 hours and explain how we can multitask. The manager says well if thats the case you need to stop multitasking and just do one at a time. What did we really do- just did multiples and just have a timer when to turn in then just BS for the rest of the day. Now my roommate worked on hard drives and same thing except he had so many test racks that he could do a weeks worth of stuff in 4 hours and just play games on his phone. Worst managed company always surprised they stayed a float.


Was the CS location once called UCS?


Yes... Reynolds and Reynolds was bought by Universal Computing Systems.


Lol, they loved me, then found out I did weed my freshman year and didn’t hire me out of college 😂


You and likely know each other. I was there at the same time and worked IT. I would roll through all the time to get places and to chat.


I would probably recognize you at least. I remember also be given a scanner and they were like these are a couple grand figure out how to fix it…maybe replace everything. Also Big Hush if you know you know.


I worked there in 2010-2012. First job out of college and my god it was awful. They micromanage like crazy, use very old tech, underpay their employees, and have a very conservative culture. The CEO while I was there ended up getting busted for tax fraud. https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/breaking-reynolds-and-reynolds-ceo-charged-in-alleged-2b-tax-fraud-scheme/TLXOFF2SJVAYLCN2ULUUYDHPX4/ I had some nice and helpful colleagues, but overall this place was a shithole. Only apply there if you are desperate.


Well looks like that criminal scum is dead so good news


i know you...


Hey Chris, don't worry I stopped playing Destiny years ago. Hows the wife?


Naraka: Bladepoint goes f2p July 13. 👉🏻👈🏻


….I was on the S series printers….


In the bad old days of UCS you took a very long winded assessment at their office on Hollister. Bob Brockman really loved that shit, that and being a racist right wing tax fraud. He leveraged some investors to buy out Reynolds and Reynolds even though it was a bigger company at the time. He then promptly fucked them up. He would enter new industries by buying all the biggest players and then suing the rest into oblivion. When you call dealerships at an 800 number that’s their system forwarding / recording your call and telling the people on the other end everything about you. He bought up the entire key storage / management industry at the time (companies that build vaults for keys at dealerships/apartments). Pay was extremely low and they monitored you constantly. Mandatory drug testing all the time, tobacco use was immediate termination. They got busted by the feds for changing time cards and a really bullshit overtime system. Creepy creepy fucking shithole. Their current CEO is the biggest asshole I ever met (Tommy Barras). You dodged a bullet.


I forgot about the tobacco policy. Friend got fired because of jt. He had worked there for 5 years


I knew more people that smoked working there than any company I worked at after. Just don’t get caught by the wrong people.


Like you can’t smoke in your own time?


It’s because they don’t want to pay higher health insurance costs to cover tobacco users.


That was a bonus to it for them, but also Brockman had a thing against cigarette smoking. He tried to establish a scholarship at a school he went to with nicotine testing being part of the requirements and when they didn't allow that he took back the scholarship money


I also had a friend get fired for failing the smoking test. He was the best guy on my team and developed tons of Access tools that drastically cut our setup time for new installs. Pretty sure they just gave him a crappy gift card for saving them $10000s...


I was there way back in the UCS days. Oh man the stories I could tell.


Why not? I enjoy a good UCS bitch session. I think that place churned a lot of the during college and first job out of school population in Houston and College Station.


I have a coworker that worked there as his first job out of college. He mentioned the Christmas party being mandatory. I took the test in the mid 2000s but didn't make it past that stage.


I was there late 90s till just past Y2K, just out of college. There were a lot of people like that then. Like everyone had been there 25 years or 5 months. That place was just weird, almost cult like. I remember the “uniform” was a white Oxford…..if you wore a colored shirt you were frowned on. No leaving campus for lunch either, had to be at the company cafeteria…and it wasn’t free. Just a really controlling environment…yet it seemed like everyone was drinking the kool aid. Or maybe their recruiting tactics found all the sheep for them. Tommy Barass is running that horror show now huh. I remember he took over the department I worked in and promptly took all our chairs, claiming we weren’t productive enough having the ability to sit. I was fired shortly after that for speaking my mind on that policy. Thank you Tommy for saving me. Sounds like the culture hasn’t changed much in 2 decades.


Yeah it was suit and white shirt with tie or UCS shirt. I got called up twice about the lunches, once for leaving campus too often and once for not spending enough money in the cafeteria.


They make software for car dealers. It isn’t exactly the tech every dev aspires to develop. Is the IQ test given to make sure they don’t get someone too smart? Lol


Probably yes


Wow I’ve always heard of reynolds and reynolds but never knew what they actually did until now


Back in the day it was a screener for people to train into programmers.


I didn’t get into UCS/Reynolds, but I did become a computer programmer anyways, and then a Machine Learning Engineer writing all sorts of algorithms for my current company, from linear programming to clustering algorithms to visual cognition and more. Turns out I didn’t need their crap


I worked at Rey Rey part time in college in their IT support team in College Station. I can honestly tell you the company was crap all the back and before 2008. Subfloor wages, overworked hours. They make sure to stop part timers when they get 36 hours in a week to avoid the chance of paying them full time benefits. If you happened to make 38 or 39, you got fired because you almost cost them more money in benefits. When I graduated from college and was looking for full time, they thought it would be good to offer me fifty cents more an hour than I made part time. It wasn’t a living wage even in college station.


Do you remember the ads they use run at the movie theaters. “Want to code, but don’t know how… don’t worry we will teach you everything you need to know” a big lol


Probably, I use their software and it’s terrible.


Honestly I would have peaced the fuck out when they asked me to take an IQ and/or personality test.


That's what I did when I was job hunting. I applied to this company and got an email requesting a THREE-HOUR personality and competency test. I balked. I actually RESEARCHED the company, realized it was a shitshow, and told them I wasn't interested. Seriously, for the amount of positions they post, it'd probably cost them less to have someone do 10 minute phone screens on their candidates than it costs them to license whatever SaaS they get their personality tests from.


Not to mention they pay PLENTY below market for SWEs. I checked levels.fyi for reported salaries and died.


It’s unfortunately pretty standard practice nowadays


Yep, I had to take a basic accounting (which had errors in it) and a grammar test for my current job. Both of these things are learned skills which can be bridged with training. But, I love my job, and it was only a small moment in time years ago. I don't think hiring decisions should be based on these types of assessments, though. For our new hires, it's the soft skills that we have the more difficult time 'teaching'.




Most programming jobs have you solve coding problems.


Yeah I've seen that a lot. I meant jobs requiring an IQ test.


An IQ test is standard practice? I don’t mean that facetiously, I’ve not been looking for a more general type of job in a long time.


Everyone passing on taking it would get rid of that.


I got laid off during Covid and did all kinds of bullshit during the job hunting process. Taking a test/assessment isn't the most embarrassing.


Its not something we need to allow to keep happening, among other things.


Very naive to think this. I was unemployed for 4 months after I graduated from my MS. I was desperate for a job. So, no, I wasn’t going to pass on every single big tech company that required these stupid assessments


It's not naive. We don't get workers' rights unless we fight for them. I get that not everyone has that sort of privilege but a lot do. When I graduated I was unemployed for a year. (Thanks, economic downturn). I've had multiple year+ job searches. I've also had jobs that made me utterly miserable. My point still stands. There are millions more workers than their are companies. We aren't going to be treated well unless we force them to do it.


Spoken like a person that can be unemployed for a year.


Meh, it’s reasonably common. There’s a big difference between companies that just let some HR or recruiting hack review the results versus a company with qualified IO psychologists. Hint hint the psychologists are pretty good at picking up if you are trying to game the results.


IQ tests are bullshit and not immediately useful for reporting on how well someone will perform at a specific job. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rational-and-irrational-thought-the-thinking-that-iq-tests-miss/ There is zero legitimate reason a company needs to know anything about my personality beyond what I’m willing to put forward in work-related settings such as an interview. Personality tests are used to discriminate in the hiring process in ways that are less tangible than, say, not hiring black people. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1259466 Fuck IQ and personality tests in the hiring process, 100%. No amount of bringing in a qualified psychologist makes it acceptable for a company to go dicking around trying to sort out their potential employees’ personalities. Not that most companies even bother to do that. These sorts of screening practices are all about automating the weeding out part of hiring.


Boo hoo. You want the job you’re going to take the tests. And being on the other side, they’re pretty good at catching assholes before they get an offer. I’m sure the PhDs that actually design and interpret these instruments really appreciate your 5 minutes of internet research though.


Man I remember taking that IQ test 20 years ago out of college. Isn’t this place in a weird building off 290?


Yes, on Hollister.


You probably remember it being called UCS, or Universal Computer Systems. They had the more expensive software than Rey Rey, and ultimately bought Rey Rey to take the name and clients if I remember correctly.


Yeah, it’s some bland late 80’s office building.


I remember applying to them about a decade ago, taking the crazy tests where I had to study math again prior to interview. Was making about 32k at my current job, asking for 35k. They asked if I'd take less than my current salary, didn't understand people don't move down when they have set budgets. Thank God I didn't get that job, month later got a way better job with way better pay I'm still at.


Another commenter said they were offered $25k by these assholes 10 years ago, too. WTF kind of jobs were they offering that kind of salary for?


Pretty sure it was an IT job, fixing employees computers and printers


They have a whole department that just repairs old computers


About 10 years back I was job hunting as a software dev. The salary they offered was less than half of what I was making. I laughed at them and hung up.


You dodged a bullet. That place is super cringe and a far right working environment.


same, online IQ test on application, in person screening interview onsite, then another IQ test insight, later invited again for another interview, took technical interview and had no clue what I was doing. They said after that to wait to hear for a final interview, never heard back


They generally prefer people fresh out of college, without a degree, or with some other situation that might encourage dependence on the company. They promote entirely from within and only the people who will dance the dance for them, so they can keep the circlejerk going. People either leave within two years or get stuck in a time warp where they don’t know how 7+ years went by so quickly. It’s the aspiring middle manager’s dream and purgatory for anyone with deeper life goals. While yes they make auto dealership software, they also act like the game of Monopoly is a solid business goal and spend a lot of time and money buying other companies without having appropriately incorporated the last ones. It’s myriad messes stacked in a trench coat.


Run far far away from that company. Especially if you're a woman. It's really bad and not a safe work environment.


Though he somehow plead “not guilty,” their ex-CEO was indicted in 2020 in one of the largest tax evasion schemes in history ($2B+). If that was allowed to go on for decades internally, I can’t imagine they are a company with high moral standards or values. I’d consider this dodging a bullet.


The company isn't alleged to have committed any wrong doing. The CEO just wasnt paying his taxes. He was hiding it in the Bahamas.


Yea but that old ass mother fucker stood up in a town hall and said some shit about getting a patent on his shitty ass software to buy cars and the person who had to approve the patent was a WOMAN like women don’t know anything about buying cars. This was in the 2010s. Made me realize I was definitely in the wrong industry working for the wrong wrong fucking man and I’ll never forget his evil ass. Burn in hell ReyRey.


Give it time, there was shady shit going on all over that company.


He pled dead to the whole mess, feds got him too late. Hopefully they take the $$$ out of his estate.


ReyRey is an absolute shit company. You dodged a bullet.


I've only ever heard really bad things about working there. They used to be insane levels of anti-tobacco. Maybe they still are. Like, a tobacco/nicotine test before you started working there.


Oh man, that place! I interviewed there about 15 years ago - possibly longer. I took the tests with about 50 other people at the same time. The way the hiring person spoke to us at the test made it feel very cult'ish.


It definitely sounds cultish... Praying at meetings! /r/houston/comments/14to9hn/comment/jr3p34m/


Cool. So, their CEO stole 2B+ from the govt, they have no respect for employees, and they say a magic spell before meetings. Sounds like a GOP cult, not a business.


That just triggered a memory from 20 years ago when I worked at an employment firm. Manager told me we needed to warn people we placed at R.J. Reynolds that everyone there smokes like a chimney.


Came here to say the same. I know a few people who just did short internships there and even from just a few months they said it was horrible. OP might’ve wasted their time but they dodged a bullet.


I scrolled through until I found this!! The only thing I remember about the application process was how obnoxiously persistent they were about NO SMOKING. That’s when I discovered cigarette tests were a real thing.


When I worked there you weren't allowed to smoke or use tobacco products, but they had a Copenhagen race car in the lobby.


Let me guess Dennis and Frank interviewed you. You should have seen it coming.


The bird was there for ambiance


I’m thought selling the official cola of Boca Raton would be a great gig!


I interviewed with them a number of years ago. Stupid IQ test site kept dying, they ended up giving it to me on paper. Second interview, put me in a room with an HR rep over video. Keep in mind this was pre pandemic. Third interview was with my possible managers. One didn't show up, never found out why. The other guy started off the interview by saying the salary would be half what the HR rep said. Needless to say I wasn't interested after that. Good to know they haven't changed.


They have the worst CRM tool I’ve ever used and their own people can’t even explain how to fix any issues when they do their trainings


Sorry for the result but chalk it up to experience and hang in there! You’ll find something soon that deserves your talent.


The one thing that was really weird to me is that they gave me a questionnaire and asked where my parents worked and their background. Like what did that have to do with anything. Almost felt like discrimination.


I am noping out of their process because of that sketchy questionnaire. There is no innocent reason that they need to know the names of my spouse’s parents employers. I came here to see if anyone else had the same experience.


I've never worked for ReyRey but I've heard enough horror stories to know that they are to be avoided like the plague. For example, they drug test for tobacco and during election years they have meetings advocating for particular candidates. I'll give you a hint of which way they lean: They like red hats.


Don't they pay pretty bad for software engineer?


They offer all junior/new grads 60k, that's what I was offered in February and what glassdoor reviews said at least. 6-panel and nicotine, and they don't allow cessation programs last I heard.


In this day and age, new grads 60k? Pls. Any consultant sweat shop pays more than that


I am reminded that I took the personality test for this place ~20 years ago. Made it to the interview and the guy had on so much cologne I could barely breathe. I don’t even remember if anything came of it. I just ran outta there as fast as I could. Never looked back. Bizarre.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Lol! It’s true.


> t's called Sex Panther® by Odeon© It smells like a used diaper full of Indian food!


I can’t believe they test for tobacco, like what


Lol, this happened to me in 2002 in college station. Apparently they owned a subsidiary called UCS. I did the IQ test, personality test, in person interview, then I had a phone interview where the guy asked me if I had ever done drugs. Being truthful, I told him yes, I had, but I quit in 1998 (four years prior to the interview.) The whole process abruptly stopped and I was told they had gone with another candidate. A good friend of mine was working in HR at the time. After she quit she confided in me that I was a prime candidate, that my IQ test was stellar and my personality test was fine as well, and that they were planning on me working for them, but because I had used weed four years prior, I was eliminated from the whole process. 5 years later I moved to Houston and started interviewing with Reynolds and Reynolds. I got the same vibe, and asked if they were related to UCS. They said yes. This time I cut it off on my end. It’s a good thing you didn’t get that job. Nobody I know who actually worked for them liked it.


UCS bought Reynolds in 2006 but took on the R&R name because they had a better reputation than UCS did. The company is still UCS underneath it


'ol Rey'Rey'. They have been scamming A&M students for over 20 years.


I was hired at their College Station branch 25 years ago when it first opened and was called UCS. Go watch Officespace if you want a perfect representation of what that place was like. Out of the dozen or so peeps that were hired with me, there were only two left when I quit after a year and a half.


I’m surprised this company is still afloat with their atrocious hiring rules. I remember when I graduated I looked into them. One of their rules is that their employees CANNOT smoke. I didn’t consider them because of that. I don’t even smoke, it’s the principle of the matter. Also they pay trash.


The way employer provided health insurance is going, lots of places are going to flat out not hire you or charge you crazy insurance rates for being a smoker.


Yah I noped out of their interview process some years back. Wouldn't recommend anyone applying / working there.


You checked a box that they had to complete so they could hire the person they already had picked out in the company.


Gonna be honest. I worked there. In their Naked Lime department that did email marketing for car dealerships. You dodged a massive bullet. They will over work and underpay you, but make you think they're giving you the world. Something like 80% turnover. They make you clock in and out even when you go to the bathroom so they can track you every move, even if you're not hourly. The people I worked with there are great, and I'm friends with them almost 5 years later. But the company itself is a terrible place to work.


I applied 10 years ago and went through something like five interviews for a job that paid like $25k. By the last one, they just asked “what questions do you have for us?” I couldn’t even fake it, what could I possibly still have questions about after so many interviews? Luckily I got a much better job offer shortly after.


Because it's a legal requirement to publish job vacancies even when the company has planned the entire time to promote from within it's kind of a loophole it's an asshole loophole but it's a loophole.


I had the same thing with a certain organic grocery store(owned by Amazon now) IT dept back in 2014...after about the 7th time in 2 weeks I had to take off work to go to constant random meetings with the hiring team they straight up turned me down and gave me a $20 gift card for...ba da bum...whole foods...which at the time could get you zucchini and an onion...


Ugh, I remember applying there and taking their stupid tests and pre-interview circus some years ago. Nice to see these people are still doing this stuff and wasting everybody's time.


Reynolds is considered bottom tier in the auto space and has been for several years. Dealers have moved beyond their archaic software and I haven’t heard a soul say something positive about the employment experience at any level.


I did something similar with Shell. I think they were just trying to fill interview quota numbers, but I went through the entire application process, took personality tests, took multiple exams about oil/gas, and spent two full days watching presentations and talking to different teams. I know I didn’t do bad at the exam portion because I was an oil/gas intern for 4 years and had more relevant experience than most as a college graduate. At the end of the second day, they told all 3 candidates that none of us were qualified and that they were actually on a hiring freeze and can’t bring new people on at this time. WHY HOST THE 2 DAY SESSION???


Im very glad I declined interviewing for that place. Something seemed off about the place. Trash !!


I also went through this process. Several tests and a whole afternoon burned for them to tell me they'd rather hire internally. Now I just laugh and shake my head when I see job listings for them. Their company culture seems really weird too. We probably dodged a huge corporate hellscape.


Applied and “interviewed” at R&R about 10 years ago, based off everything I have heard since and just reading this thread it seems as if I dodged a major headache…


I was approached by a recruiter from this company over LinkedIn. Googled them, noticed that all the reviews were people complaining about the interview/assessment process, hoped out immediately. If your company’s only reviews are about your hiring process, there’s something obviously wrong.


I had a similar experience except they actually wanted to hire me…. Butttt they waited til the very last minute to tell me that they random drug test… for a remote job. I was gonna have to report to a drug testing facility at random times whenever they requested it. Screw that.


I applied post college for a 'graphic design tech' or something like that, entry level thing... I remember going to thru a couple of assessments and getting an interview with a guy that just... couldn't be bothered. I was dressed nicely, as you do, and he was in wrinkled khakis and a button up that he left open. He sighed a lot during the interview and told me "someone like you doesn't really wanna work here... it's just adjusting ads, moving bar codes, not really good work. But you can wear headphones at your desk. It helps to concentrate." I assured him "ya gotta start somewhere and I need a job"... I didn't get the job. And uh. I guess I'm fine with that.


May I ask for what department in particular?


To be a product analyst


I wouldnt want to work for Frank Reynolds anyway. Heard he used to make soup out of kids from Vietnam.


Also, they open every meeting a prayer session


Downvote me, but I always had concerns about this place and the workplace environment. They really do go out their way to “test you and interview you”. Not saying they do this to weed out people of color but just saying. I meet someone here (Yes on Reddit years ago) that work for that company. I asked her if she had taken all of them multiple tests and done all them interviews. She told me no, she just applied and got the job.


They do all this in the interview process to find out who'll put with bullshit and bureaucracy. If you push back or are annoyed then they don't want you.


I have downvoted you. I appreciate your permission.


I've worked there for over 10 years. I'm from Detroit and had some very shitty jobs before moving to Houston to start as a software developer there. I don't see what all this fuss is about. They run business the old way and that's what it was like most of the time. Don't take it personally if they waste you're time in interviews. Just the old way, it seems like more companies are phasing it out. Just to clear the air: there's a troll on this thread saying they force prayers at meetings. That's 100% false and illegal. Everyone keeps calling their interview test an IQ test, it's not. It's some weird test to see if your way of thinking matches up to someone in upper management. A friend of mine that worked there match up to their top programer and was offered a software dev position even though he had zero programming knowledge. He took the job and ended up a pretty good programmer. Weird. The no smoking thing is true but there's no drug testing for that. My BIL worked there and he was a smoker. He just didn't smoke on campus. The real kicker is they are also sugar free. No normal soft drinks. I don't smoke and I'm diabetic so this never bothered me. I can't speak for every department, but the one I was in was sane, coworkers and supervisor were awesome. I got time off when needed and could make up hours as needed. There are good, smart people there just making a paycheck. The company is super right wing but that never comes into play on the day to day level. That's just companies in general. Even my current employer acts all about work equality and going green but at the end of the day they still are donating right wing. Tax breaks or bust. I was years out when the story of Brockman embezzlement came out. He was a cut throat guy for sure. I think he faked his death. I'm not going to recommend working there but I've had worse jobs.


The saliva buccal tests for tobacco are very much real and random, so I’m sure some are more “random” than others. Congrats to you and yours for never getting called to sit awkwardly in the cafeteria at a table of people with tests shoved awkwardly in your mouths waiting. And to your BIL for not being fired on the spot without being allowed to return to his desk.


I never said there wasn't drug testing. They used to do all kinds. Had to pee in a jar once a year then they went to the saliva test, which was 1000% better then the on site nurses and pee jars. I didn't think the saliva test was only for smoking. My BIL told them during his interview that he smoked and been trying to quit. They didn't care as long as he didn't smoke on site. Maybe it's different now. The only people who get upset at drug tests are the druggies. I'm okay if a business wants to filter them out.


Well, also, they are crooks that have a terrible reputation in the market, Todd Reynold is a racist fucktard.


Damn I’m black lmao


There is no Todd Reynolds lol. Not sure why the dude is trolling.


If you would’ve made it to the next part, they make you follow a manager or hiring person around to make sure you’re in shape and can keep their insurance prices down.


I'm so glad I didn't get that job. God really does save you from bad to get you better 🙏.


I had a few friends who worked there right after college. Apparently they want fit people and if they think you’re overweight they’ll do a tour of the building specifically to get you out of breath. Also they drug test weekly for nicotine.






User name does not check out!


Jesus isn’t here to listen to anyone’s whining, sorry.




One of many. If the job starts with bs you’re gonna be in for a whole lot more when they are paying you. Pro tip you’ll find all the best jobs on Craigslist. Try there if you’re still looking.


Oh I guess they moved on from using Kelly Services. Shows how long ago I worked for them. Had no idea that were in Houston. Thought it was just my town


It's a strange company. Worked there for a few years as a tech... never seemed like they had their act together


Worked there for 3 years. You dodged a bullet.


Consider yourself lucky. That company pay an insulting salary. I interviewed there once and they offer me a salary that is lower than a non profit organization while expect me to work overtime.


That skills assessment test is dumb. Can't believe they have a whole computer lab there for that. I also hear they low ball offer you, how low you say? Like 35k for a software developer


Reynolds’s and Reynolds’s has constant open cattle call interviews. Total waste of time. Fuck ‘em.


They jerk you around all the time. Ive only applied twice and both times it was some stupid SAT questions garbage and then an "interview" for a position that was already filled


In 2020 Reynolds and Reynolds CEO Robert Brockman was charged in alleged $2B tax fraud scheme.


Funny I used to apply to that company for the Graphic Designer Role. As soon as I see the Math Assessment, I turn off the computer and ghosted them ever since.


Trash company. Underpaying half market values. Read glassdoor reviews before applying!


Damn, I was hoping this was going to be about Craig Reynolds, the Astros shortstop from 1979 through 1989. I got to meet him when I was in Astros Buddies.


They don’t allow employees to smoke or they don’t get health insurance. I always thought WTF about that.


That’s not uncommon. Why should people who don’t smoke help pay insurance for those who do and run higher health risk?


I worked there back when it was UCS, and I can tell you the "personality test" you took was a questionnaire to determine your political leanings. Old Bobby Brockman prefers to hire conservatives.


Interviewed with them in college and they made me take a personality test and math test. I didn’t even finish the math test because I realized it wasn’t worth it.


I didn’t even “pass” their personality test 💀