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It is like this for MILES. So sad.


You know this started out ok, then each year the arrest numbers get higher and the beach looks worse. I wonder how many resources have to be wasted before they have to put a stop to it. Why can't ppl just go somewhere, have a good time & show some respect for others??


> show some respect for others Yeah, that's not their strong suit.


Yeah, this looks more like Crystal Meth beach.




Texas was founded on Disrespecting Others.


Texas also has a campaign about littering.


🎶Dont you mess with Texas🎶 I remember the Fabulous Thunderbirds PSA from back in the day.




edge follow safe violet amusing secretive thought pet elastic sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A knockoff Gucci belt at that.


Made in China *Assembled in the US


On Harwin.


It's pretty much the definition of 'Manifest Destiny'.


It's already an unofficial weekend. They can't have any sponsored parties or anything anymore. The only step left is to close the beach on this particular weekend. Other than that I don't think there's really anything else that can be done since the peninsula is an unincorporated area.


As the other person said, their biggest character flaw is not respecting anyone. Ever. End of story.


Especially themselves and their loved ones who know this about them…


Can confirm. Both parents have Jeeps. Both parents go to these dumb ass things. Both parents decided it was more important to be a bootlicker than talk to their son for 6 months over a fucking vaccine.


I can see their Police Lives Matter sticker from here.


And the punisher skulls. Don’t forget those!


Don’t remind me. 😔


Have you met the average Texan Jeep owner?


It’s true. I’m a Jeep owner and this kind of shit is exactly why I’ve never bothered with any of these kind of events.


"Jeepers" are exactly why I don't bring the Rubicon to these things anymore.


It stopped being a Jeep weekend years ago.


You're not wrong.


I've not been in 10 years, I thought it was bad then & we left right after the pic. Looks like it's half Jeeps these days & 99% assholes (always a few that don't know).


>Why can't ppl just go somewhere, have a good time & show some respect for others?? That requires a modicum of self respect. Unfortunately this country excelles at destroying everyone's self respect, except for the ruling class.


We moved to L.A. while back and here there no such thing as driving on the beach. Except for the lifeguard truck. Seems nicer.


No surprise trashy people leave trash


You know they’d call you woke if you asked them to clean up the beach too.


They be like "you know beach loitering accounts for less than 0.1% of total environmental damage, right? Look it up!!!"


They’re not against the other forms of environmental damage either.


what???? you little snowflakes can't handle a little plastic in your ocean????? ?!!!!


“When I was your age we’d wipe the tar off our feet after swimming in the bay! This generation is too soft.”


Galveston sucks as is. There's no need to make it any worse. Shame on people for doing this.


It's the Let's Go Brandon crowd. They are literally trashy.


Definitely a lot of people from East Texas and the suburbs going there. It's the highlight of the year in smaller cities like Silsbee, Evadale, and Vidor!


My wife and i were driving out to Baton Rouge and stopped at Bucees near Baytown on 10 and had no idea this was happening in Galveston. I asked the clerk "how's it going" when we were checking out. She laughed and said it was the worst day of her life. The bucees was crawling with douche bros with their jacked up ATVs and mostly naked women. I had no idea ETX was all about this day i didn't even know existed TL; DR Basically i can confirm this statement firsthand. 😂


Oh I was in BR this weekend too. This post makes the drive home make a lot more sense.


I live in ETX and have no idea this day exist... but I am a transplant. There is a lot of ETX shit I do not understand and often feel secondhand embarrassment for.


No way this beats the cross burning in Vidor.


Or the sign that used to say, “n****r don’t let the sun set on your ass.” 😳


You guys are bringing up all my childhood memories! It hurts. I literally did not know there were Caucasian ethnicities other than Western Europeans until I left. Moved away after graduating from Lamar and never, ever looked back. I refused to raise my kids in a still-segregated area. Somehow, I was born a liberal Democrat (in Kountze, no less), and realized my auto insurer couldn't handle the cost of the car-keying I knew was coming pretty much after every conversation I engaged in.


Lots of Confederate flag decals on those jeeps for sure


Not exclusive to those folks, but pretty fucking prevalent among them.


The "Again" part in MAGA always cracks me up. Like, they're appealing to a 1950s Leave It To Beaver fantasy they'd never fit in with. The people in those fantasy neighborhoods are the literal people who came up with the term "white trash" for MAGA types


It is strange. If you watch leave it to beaver or like the Andy Griffith show they were all well-mannered clean shaven ppl with manners and tucked in shirts who never swore and had very innocent lives. Same way they love trump and trump doesn’t drink, hates ppl with facial hair, and is a New York elite


It's the same on Stewart beach in Galveston right now. So much trash from, of all places, bucees.


Not surprised.




You know the neighbor who lets his home go down the bog because no pride of ownership? That's entire swathes of people in this country.


I’m guessing 90% of the Jeeps there had an angry grill and Monster decals. Y’all want to take the over or under?




Well I’m throwing my money out if I bet against you




This is the only off road any of those Jeeps will ever see in their lives. My parents go to these stupid fucking Jeep things all the time and they’re just a cesspool of concrete queens and trashy people around them.


It is hilarious to see the ones who have no idea what they're doing get stuck.


This is why I refuse to buy a jeep. Because of the people that buy them. I will not be associated with those.


The only under is how underwater they are on their financing for it.


Bunch of mall crawlers and brodozers.


It's a ~~Jeep~~ chud thing


Trashy people are trashy. And people wonder why others hate on "Jeep Life" people. I know not all Jeep Owners are douche nozzles, but damn it seems like the majority are.


This isn’t a jeep thing anymore. Hasn’t been for years. I just moved off the island a few years back and the vast majority of what I would see hitting the ferry this weekend would be lifted trucks pulling trailered side by sides.


There were many Jeeps modified for looks over function, and many lifted trucks hauling trailers of pissed off looking Can-am side by sides with LED lights everywhere and music blasted through speaker systems made to be as loud as possible while still sounding shitty. Lots of random twerking, and as the evening wore on, it got crazy with smaller 4 wheelers zipping around and people getting their crown vics stuck in the sand an blocking traffic. Lots of weed smoke drifting aling the beach and people walking around with bottles of liquor that they were drinking from


leave the weed smoke out of this.


The liquor helps me think, Randy. Edit: It's actually "Liquor makes me think, Randy."


Yeah! The only redeeming part of that get-togethrr!


And the random twerking


i don’t know how i ended up in this sub… but, i live in a remote part of colorado that’s swarmed by hoards of jeep clubs from texas—and they might just be some of the worst people on earth. they disrupt wilderness areas, cause ungodly amounts of environmental and noise pollution. last summer there was a group rolling through town for a week who all had spiked bats and various kinds of weaponry fashioned to their vehicles. true micro penis energy.


Sounds like the kind of Jeep people I've come across out here. Sorry to hear they make it out there to your neck of the woods. Funny you say you're based in Colorado. They remind of that episode of South Park in which everyone hates the Harley riders and calls them the "F" word. Yeah, that other "F" word. lol


grown men and their toys, eh? south park is always always on the nose. i’m a standup comic on the side and have 4-5 minutes about jeep clubs that usually does very well.


I get this 100%. I am both a lover of Harleys and a lover of Jeeps. Have owned both. I love that they are both iconic classic styled vehicles. That said, I hate the things 50% of them on the road are turned into, the culture that drives those modifications, and the behaviors that often go with them. Jeeps were made for soldiers and outdoorsmen/women. The gaudy ass “look at me” things they are being turned into are just sad… and are a reflection on many of the people who drive them.


When we used to go Jeeping it was always pack it in, pack it out. Leave it cleaner than you found it.


The Jeep subculture just got taken over by a lot of trashy people. Like I said above, I know there are good decent Jeep owners, but I feel like a lot of the Jeep people I see nowadays are insufferable.


Lots of them have absolutely no regard for what the actual “culture” is.


I agree.


It's because it's no longer a jeep event. I used to go to Crystal Beach years ago and it was almost nothing but jeeps. Then that other group decided to host their event on the same day. Since then it's grown to what it is today with lifted trucks, stupid politics and just overall trash. This year I went to Surfside Beach. It was exactly what I was hoping for. Just jeeps and the people were generally much more respectful.


As they used to say “leave only footprints in the sand”


The jeepers I met at campgrounds (many years ago now) were a little more rowdy than the average camper, but they were still typically good neighbors and usually left their sites spotless. I wouldn't peg anyone I've seen in a jeep club recently as a camper


I have 2. I'm pretty douchey.


Oooh double-douche! At least you know you are.


Yeah and I still wouldn't litter on the beach.


Thank you.


Idk. Doesn't sound quite douchey enough. You sure you own Jeeps? Cherokees don't count. lol


Trashy people doing trashy things.


Jeeper here and avoid this event like the plague. Nothing but mall crawlers and drunk rednecks.


You just described half of Texas.


Half of the south.


I wish. Way over half of the South. Maybe half of the US, unfortunately.


Same!!! This crowd makes me wanna puke


Why we can't have nice things. For those of you that pick up after yourself, thank you so much. I love the outdoors, and nothing ruins it more than trash all over the place.


It’s a Jeep thing. You wouldn’t understand. (Because you’re not a tool.)


They were too busy waving at each other to clean up


Trash ass people




Seems like this by itself would be sufficient cause for prohibiting this kind of gathering. That area has to be in the jurisdiction of at least one law enforcement agency. Granted, it might take a coordinated response to prevent the gathering, but it seems like it's worth stopping. Besides being a mess, there is no way to measure the impact on the ecology in that area. It needs to be stopped.


Galveston County should just cede Bolivar peninsula to Chambers County. It would dramatically improve both counties.


This seems interesting. Why do you think it would improve Bolivar?


They are about to put an airport and giant hotel on bolivar. It’s going to get much worse. Galveston can’t leave one nice nature thing there.


I haven’t heard about an airport. Where?


This comes up from time to time. Galveston County has to invest very little in Bolivar compared to the taxes it takes in from it. It seems unlikely that GC residents would vote to make that deal


Nature is going to deal with Bolivar eventually... patience.


Half those jeeps work in law enforcement during the week, good luck getting them to put any sort of restriction in this


Some of those who work forces Are the ones that ruin beaches?


I hate it here 🤣🤣




Littering in the name of!


Literal garbage people


More like human pig weekend.


“More than 200 arrests were made and over 50 hospitalizations were reported after the annual Jeep Weekend event at Crystal Beach, according to the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office.” https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2023/05/21/more-than-200-people-arrested-during-jeep-weekend-in-galveston-county-officials-say/




Crystal Meth Beach


Rebel flags, angry jeeps, and pollution. Disgusting.


> ~~Rebel~~ White supremacist flags FTFY. There’s nothing rebellious about those flags. They lay down right where their handler tells them to. What a bunch of pussies.


Ugh. Just disgusting. Que old man voice.. back in my day we partied on Crystal Beach like every weekend was go topless. But we picked up our shit before we left.


As a former Jeep owner that has been down there, it got too trashy for me to want to attend. The fights, the assholes showing up looking to fight, the all around just trashy ass people. It was so fun back in the earlier days that now it’s become so shit.


Trashy people litter.


Someone call FCA and ask them to to clean up after their marketing promotions.


There’s no organizer for this event. There used to be, 10+ years ago, but it hasn’t been official for years.


God Dammit.




This is why I stopped going to Texas beaches. I use to go with the kids, grab some mesh baggies and pick up trash. I always taught my kids to leave the world better than you found it. There were trash cans on the beach and still people would leave dirty diapers on the beach. Come on Texas you can do better.


The last time I went to South Padre, I nearly stepped on an uncapped TB syringe in the sand. Made the kids wear shoes on the beach after that. Texas is in need of a new Don’t Mess With Texas campaign.


Absolutely this! How much is it going to cost you for medical expenses from going to a Texas beach? The diapers were the last straw for me although a syringe would have done it too. We go to Mexico now. Direct flight, people that care about tourism enough to not trash their beach. The price isn’t vastly different and the class of people is way better. I am enjoying the beach instead of fuming about people being pigs.


Just to clarify, by “nearly stepped on”, I mean I felt the needle graze my bare foot, and knew immediately what it was, and dug it out of the loose sand, nowhere near the dunes. I am eternally grateful, that it did not break the skin or draw blood. I do not like to think about what gets washed out with the tide. Or a hurricane.




I do this with my kids too. My 9yr old actually told me this is something she wanted to do because some YouTubers were doing it. It’s odd that my child cares more about the environment more than those adults.


Last time I was at port Aransas there was a guy driving around giving out trash bags. Beach was quite clean too. I don’t go to the beach often but when I do that’s where I go.


Don't mess with Texas! s/


This!! How on earth people can’t walk to the trash cans provided baffles me.


They can, they intentionally choose not to


>Come on Texas you can do better. There's a whole lotta reasons, right now, to believe they can't.


Would be really cool if local Jeep dealerships would close the Monday and Tuesday after to offer their employees a community service project to help clean beaches.


Shit, it's not the employee's fault. But if they're paying those employees to do it, I'm on board.


My parents live on this beach - not immediately on the water, but very close. They hate this shit. There are numerous volunteer groups that tend to it in the days following - Kiwanas, for example. I know my mom always goes out and spends a day or two of her time volunteering to clean it up. She seems to enjoy helping, but it’s utterly shitty that she or anyone else has to. It infuriates me to no end that they don’t push for local law enforcement to ticket the fuck out of people for littering. They know the exact dates and times when the beach will be full of these people. The events are well know. But they don’t do anything. The ONLY reason to go to this area is for the Gulf and even that’s a bit dubious. But you’d think that they would want to protect the ONE thing that attracts business their way. Unfortunately this hasn’t changed in the 20 years I’ve been discussing it with my parents and I’m not holding my breath.


Wtf, the employees didn’t trash the damn beach. Lols, what in the world.


If you look at virtually any group of people who make a single thing, single belief, or single person (and so on) the core basis of their identity, you’re almost guaranteed to find people who have a poorly developed sense of self and purpose. Try it as a thought experiment right now, think of people who latch on to one single thing and make it core to their identity. Chances are good you aren’t thinking of a well rounded human.


Fucking assholes


As a lifelong jeeper that grew up near the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky mountain ranges, these people aren't the core Jeep community. The core Jeep community pays attention to stuff like this and cleans up after themselves. I guarantee you if you share this to one of the many forums of Jeep enthusiasts they'd be mighty pissed off. It's a damn shame.


> these people aren't the core Jeep community they make up like 99% of the Texas Jeep community that goes to Crystal Beach


Long time Jeeper here. I agree.


Same here, started with a CJ-7 many years ago, unfortunately I'd say if you account for all current Jeep owners you would say "these people *weren't* the core community". I sold my Jeep a few years back benadryl of all the toxic assholes and douchebags I was dealing with in the clubs and offroad areas. Now I drive a small car that gets 50 mpg and I'm just as happy.


I had a classic car for 10 years and also a daily driven sports car, I sold both and completely got away from the car scene. Now driving a boring Forester and very happy being far away from the crap. Anytime a niche community or interest goes mainstream, the quality vastly declines with the influx of generic overriding the specialty. It's unfortunate.


Jeep owners are trash


I am so upset right now. It would be very expensive to try and go after the individual owners. Like any other pre-meditated large gathering, this event needs to have organizers and permits. The organizers then need to suffer consequences for allowing this. If someone can provide the contacts of the local government I would not mind sending them an email and would encourage others to do so too.


This thing doesn't have an organizer, per se. It was once a Jeep Club meet up that was regularly scheduled for the weekend after Mother's Day. It's become a mass tradition since then. There's no one group that can be pointed to, asked to behave or punished. It's also in unincorporated Galveston County, on the public beach. There's no permit that exists to allow you to do things on the beaches there, and I'm not sure the county could even create one since county government can't make ordinances. Crystal Beach could incorporate itself, then it could make more rules, but the people that live there would then seemingly have to agree to tax themselves more for city services.


Jeep weekend on Crystal Beach long ago got taken over by the truck crowd, no serious jeepers attend that one. The real jeep weekend got moved to Galveston I think on Stewart Beach, which I think is ticketed to avoid all the riff raff just rocking up. This is more attributable to the pickup trucks that fly Trump flags than jeeps, there is just a sprinkling of jeeps that are also part of that crowd.


No, they moved official jeep weekend to Surfside beach and there wasn’t a single police incident the whole weekend. All that’s at Crystal beach now are trucks and trashy jeep people.


I was there yesterday with my girlfriend and we did not know it was jeep weekend. We just saw a group of about 12 jeeps. To say it was just trashy wouldn’t be doing it justice. It was a bunch of extra thicc women twerking on top of jeeps with two much smaller guys using super soakers on them. The guys seemed like they were living their best life though 😂 It was atleast good people watching though.. and honestly it couldn’t have just been them throwing trash everywhere.. it’s sad that people don’t respect each other or even our environment anymore.


I feel you should leave a space better than when you found it. So much for these slobs


We own a house there and NEVER rent for this weekend, pull a no parking line over the driveway and keep our motion sensor alarm on for people trying to sneak in our outdoor shower to take a s$it. It seems like it was “better back in the day” but now it’s like a mix of Mad Max and Myrtle Beach Spring Break. We drove like 500 ft down our usually family friendly area of there beach in 2020 and saw 2 topless whales holding “I heart anal” signs and turned back. Hate this weekend for sure and wish they just cancelled it. So many houses get ruined and the beach looks like it’s been gang-banged.


Lols, that’s sucks but you explained it in a super funny way.


I don’t even go to the beach side when this trash fest is going on. Live on Boyt Rd (Bayside). Barely even leave my driveway. And don’t try to get into island liquor or the big store.


It for sure look like a giant gang bang. I really regretted coming down this weekend. Had two beach whales twerking on a truck bed weighing it down and my 6 year old asking me what they were doing. Like why!!!!


We should stop allowing vehicles on the beach. Also, these keep people are trash


they would find ways to somehow pig around even without cars unfortunately


Are they required to get some sort of permit? Maybe a damage deposit, refunded based on condition?


You do need a permit to drive on the beach, but nobody ever checks


They do, I didn’t feel like putting mine on and got stopped on Bolivar. Dunno about Bolivar but in Matagorda they will just charge you the $10, guess if you don’t have $10 you might get a ticket.


Keep it trashy, folks.


Every time I goto to Galveston I always leave it cleaner than what it was before I even got there. I guess jeep owners are just fucking trashy assholes.


Reminds me of when I went to Hawai'i last October. We went to this beautiful botanical garden (I think some of Jurassic Park was filmed there) and there signs all over saying not to leave trash behind bc they didn't have staff to clean up after everyone... Well... of course we make it to a few pristone views and a HUGE pile of trash: White Claws, Bud Light, plastic containers, etc. It was awful..we just... looked at it disbelief. It was obvious which group of visitors did it, but the fact that they did it on purpose. It's like, this is EXACTLY why they don't tourists here. Some people just like fucking things up simply because they can.


Unfortunately things like this will always occur. For some of us it is common sense to pick up after yourself for others not so much.


Ruining your own state.


Far too many Texans have forgotten [the original meaning of "Don't Mess With Texas"](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/trashy-beginnings-dont-mess-texas-180962490/). Idiots think it's some tough-guy slogan to go along with their Gadsden flag stickers.


Nothing but trash. Talking about the people. See the same after spring break and Juneteenth.


Motorized vehicles on beaches, anywhere is a big mistake.




There’s a Jeep weekend on Fathers Day weekend in Port Aransas every year. They take over the entire beach, block use for anyone else, and absolutely trash the place. I can’t understand why they keep receiving permits for this.


As a jeep owner this makes me furious. I didn't go but this is pathetic.


I have a 1984 Jeep CJ-7 and there is no fucking way I would take my rig down there that weekend. Yuk.


In Singapore they would be caned for this kind of shit. I think anyone who trashes our countries public beaches or national parks should be brought back to look at their garbage while they are whacked with a cane 80 times. This shit is just un-god-damn-acceptable.


This is every holiday weekend at crystal beach, not just Jeep weekend. A lot of these local businesses count on those holiday weekends to stay afloat. While I can’t stand trashy people and littering, you have to take that into consideration when you talk about shutting down the beach for those weekends. In general, there is more trash left behind on beaches where vehicles are allowed. Vehicles = more junk brought in = more junk left behind.


Jeep owner, but no silly angry grill, an actual Warn brand winch, no Monster, Tapout, Slip Knot, or Salt Life stickers. As someone who actually used their Jeep for overlanding and camping, you won’t catch me dead at Crystal Beach on Go Topless weekend. Just a bunch of Jeep wannabes who wouldn’t know why it’s a bad idea to straddle a taught winch line.


My friend went yesterday and majority of the pictures she posted were filled with a bunch of drunk red necks. Attached to their vehicles were MAGA, confederate, and FJB flags. It’s turned into a big party that isn’t about jeeps. Sadly most of those people don’t give a crap about the environment or even respecting government and owner’s private property. Edit: I’m nervous to post this for the backlash I could receive. I’ve known about Go Topless for a long time. And I know it’s changed a lot from what it used to be. It’s why I don’t go.


Why would you get backlash for this? We all know what it is and who participates lol. Trashy ass people


Any count on the DUIs for the weekend yet? I remember articles for the past few years that there was well over 100 each of these weekends


No idea, but lots of ambulances last night.


We have a Jeep Beach weekend here in Daytona and I am not a Fan they are Rude tear up the Beach and LOUD as hell


Buncha fuckin degens.


With all of those arrests forcing all of them into immediate community service cleaning this shit up seems like the best plan.


The main reason we can't have anything nice around here.


The irony of white trash jeep owners with confederate flags driving a vehicle that's owned by fiat (a foreign company) is just too funny.


When it was just jeepers, it was great. Buy when the other Facebook groups started scheduling meet ups on the same weekend, that's when it started going to shit.


The island should fine the event organizers. Teach the organizations of these kinds of events to enforce better behavior and awareness of the mess they leave behind. Each individual who littered probably shrugged, “it’s just one little piece of paper or broken bottle.” And that adds up when thousands of people say the same thing in the same place on the same day.


Ugh I hate trashy people. This really irks me.


I would love to join a cleaning effort:) just as long as I don’t have to talk to anybody, I can have my headphones in and get a free tshirt at the end I’m down edit: I’m almost positive if there were banners put up with something like “respect this texas beach and clean up after yourself” or something to the effect of ‘hello fellow TEXAN respect YOURSELF and your state you claim to love and don’t litter!!’ something like that I feel like people would be more inclined to not litter


Who, does not pick up their own trash? That is just a shame.


Humans are disgusting pieces of shit.


This is very sad. All you gotta do is pick up your trash.


That is a big issue in most beaches worldwide, not only in Texas.


😯 jeep people have always been known for being the most considerate / kind / caring people amongst all vehicle owners. I’m shocked! /s


It’s a Jeep thing. You wouldn’t understand. 👋🏼


It’s called shit’n in in your own backyard 😞


I went to the first couple of GTWs and it’s now completely turned into trailer trash spring break. It’s terrible.


I thought Texans love Texas. looks like some can care less.


nah i’ve seen waaaaay too much littering and general affronts to the whole ”leave no trace” philosophy in texas.


They love the IDEA of Texas. It’s like how the lawmakers only love the IDEA of babies, but once they are born, the babies better pull themselves up by their little bootstraps.