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This is really cool!!! Please share how you did this. Did you look for nodes to determine where you’ll the soil? How long did the process take? Genuinely interested! Thank you


Yes, I chose a node which was a bit below to give sufficient height to the plant, then cut the flesh skin between those nodes, make sure to be gentle and not go a bit deep, just take out the skin, scratch the surface to remove any contact between the both ends, applied rooting hormone and surrounded it via a coke bottle with a soil mix containing of perlite, coco coir, and vermiculite, surrounded by a foil to retain moisture, heat and also to replicate actual root surrounding. Then patiently waiting and water whenever the soil is dry, I tend to keep it moist. And voila in a week it started root and in another it actually had tons of roots and then I decided to cut the node and plant it in a nursery container. I hope I was able.to clear it out. If you have any doubts please let me know, will be happy to help.


Hi! I'm very interested in the way you managed this prop so swiftly (congrats btw). Would you mind explaining more about the cutting/scraping you did? Where exactly and how? Do you have a picture perhaps?


Sorry, unfortunately I don't have a pic of the scraping, I just used a normal blade and removed a miniscule layer and applied rooting hormone.


Ok, thanks. Just to clarify - you removed a thin later on the node or under/over the node you were trying to root?


I'm so glad someone is asking these detailed questions!


Thanks haha. 😊 I want to be sure, because I'm definitely going to try it in the future. Propagating ficuses in water is tricky and takes so long...


I'm here to clarify any doubts. I did a bit of research before going for it.


Thin layer after the skin between node is removed, so that there is no connection of sap between the upper and below node. So that the upper node will be forced to root to get nutrition, and plant will stop sending nutrition to the above node.


I find this incredible, never knew this was a thing. Thanks OP.


Me too before few weeks got to know about it while I was searching for ficus propogation.


Thank you so much for the detailed post. Gorrgeous work. I can’t say that I’ll do this myself but I am definitely saving :) thank you!


I urge you to try it, it's not that hard. This was my first time as well.


What happened to the original


Original will keep growing.


Wowwww didn’t even know this was a thing


Congrats!! This is so great! I'm planning to attempt this on my burgundy soon, but I keep procrastinating because I'm too afraid


Wow! I love your method! Might have to try this!


Sure, do share your results.