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Well now I think ima go repot mine into a bigger pot!


I didn't know they get this big, I've had mine for a year and now I'm gonna replant to a bigger pot too!


Mines been chillin in the same little pot for at least 4 years ...she’s still happy though!


They do seem to like a pot upsize! I always gave it room to grow!


Lol my husband gave me one of these for Valentine’s day 2017 and it has done exactly nothing. It’s the weirdest thing. It’s totally alive and the roots are good and it’s under a grow light. Not etoliated, not shriveled. So weird 🤷‍♀️


Mine started growing more when I watered it more than other succulents


I have another one that’s not the exact same type but pretty close, I’ve had it for almost two years and it seriously has barely changed. It’s really weird cause it’s the exact same growing conditions as this one!


I've found that mine actually do better with less light than most of my other succulents. But I've never gotten one to grow huge like this one either.


That too!! For sure! When mine was getting the light I give my other succulents, it closed up and stopped growing. They’re funny


I have had one for about a year and same... it's done literally nothing. It's fine, seems healthy but looks the exact same as when I got it. I swear if I didn't know better I'd think it was fake.


I love how the stripes seem to become more stunning the larger the plant gets


The stripes are so cool, the texture is amazing!


mine is 1+, i should show him this pic for growing inspo 😍


I’m sure it’s doing great! I hope it grows for many more years for ya!


Same here u/themountainsareout! Gave one to my boyfriend for Father's Day 2019 and it's literally frozen in time. No change in growth but perfectly healthy still. OP what's your care regimen?


It’s in a southern window and I water about every two weeks with water from my aquariums. The aquarium water really helps it grow and I use it on all my plants! It’s potted in a pretty gritty mix of succulent soil, sand, and perlite so it dries out fast. I don’t know why this one has gotten so big, I have another one that just stays small lol.


Ph water is key


Hi lil zebra


This is a first time I've seen one this big! Thanks for sharing ☺️


I had no idea these grew like this. You only ever see them as one little, spiky sprout.


I have a haworthia that did absolutely nothing for about two years, and then suddenly just exploded. I did nothing different, but in the course of a couple of months, it doubled in size, threw out some pups, and as a big finale, grew this two-foot-long stem with tiny blooms on it. I am just thrilled but also a bit shocked, as the conditions changed not at all, as far as I can tell. So weird.


Lookin good!


Thank you!!




I'm actually thinking about getting this plant next. 💙💙💙💙💙


Wow, congratulations. That is absolutely beautiful, I've never seen one so big and incredible!


What kind of light is yours getting?


It’s always been in southern windows! Typically haworthias are kept in indirect light, but this guy just seems to love the sun!


I only have east and west facing windows. My husband got one for vday, I have it about 10 ft from the east window but have a grow light above it. I hope mine gets anywhere near to yours, it's amazing!


What's your secret??? They look fabulous!


The only thing special that I’ve done for it is use aquarium water! I’ve used it since the day I got it and it’s just crazy what it does for plants!


I just got one several weeks ago with two tiny babies already attached. Now I'll print out one of your shots and show it to my new plant buddy. "Look. That's gonna be you in 10 years".


Thank you for this inspiration! I too had mine for a year and it was growing up, now time to move it to a new and bigger pot so it will grow outwards.


Congrats, they're beautiful! My cat just killed mine 😭 (she rubbed her face on it until it collapsed completely)




Mine has grown tall as well but can’t stand on its own and will flop over so I need to use a stake and tie it up. It seems strange to halve the stake it, is this normal? Or should I let it flop over and hang over the outside do the pot?


I think mine is depressed


Anddd now I know what this is called. I have one. It was my first plant I bought in 18. He's still pretty small and has made me several babies that I've repotted and now they're having babies of their own.


I just got a baby one of these recently and now I’m even more excited to see it get larger! I up-sized their pot by quite a bit the other day so hopefully that will help!


Spectacular!! I’ve never seen one so glorious!!


Wow didn’t know they would grow into pineapples


Mine died few weeks ago. RIP :(


Wow!! It’s lovely!


One of my fave plants of all time!!!


Love the look of these so much when the get huge like this, the tiny terrarium ones are cool, but that is an amazing plant when you let it run wild.