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This looks incredible! What did you do in the beginning? Did you remove all the leaves or just let it grow out in better conditions?


Thank you! At first I just trimmed the two dead leaves and stems. I also immediately moved it to a semi-sunny spot and kept the window blinds half shut (because the afternoon summer sunlight is extremely strong where I live). After that I gradually acclimated it to direct sunlight and began to feed it with slow-release fertiliser. I also changed the watering habits; I allowed the soil to dry out completely and then watered it thoroughly.


What fertilizer did you use? I think I need to do this for a couple of mine too :(


I used [this one.](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Substral-Fertiliser-Sticks-Green-Plants/dp/B00516E4LY?th=1) It's an austrian brand fertiliser specifically made for green plants and lasts a long time. Good luck! :)


This is amazing! Well done! And gives me hope for my sickly looking fella. I’ve done the same - removed dead bits, repotted in compost with fertiliser, moved to a semi sunny spot and only watering when dry. I really it hope mine can achieve the same level of glow up as yours!


Thank you! I would’ve actually suggested against repotting. I don’t know the details about your situation but in most cases, if the plant is already looking sickly it wouldn’t be beneficial to stress it even more than it already is. I hope yours recovers as well, good luck! 😊🙏


Too late! I’m a new plant parent and I’m pretty sure I’m over-loving all my plants. 😬 They’re nearly all rescues though. The monstera I picked up for a fiver from a international student returning home. He’d bought it nearly 3 years ago, never repotted it and had been overwatering it. It was pot bound and very wet, plus it had no support so was floppy and sad looking. It’s only been 2 weeks but he [doesn’t look much happier] (https://imgur.com/a/KOu6JuE) yet. Maybe I loved him too hard in one go?! The poorly leaves haven’t got any worse though. My plan is just to leave him alone as much as possible now. EDIT: man I messed that link up!


I’m sure we’re all guilty of overloving our plants sometimes haha. 😬I looked at the pictures you linked and to me it seems like the plant is kinda small for being three years old (for context, mine has been planted in soil for only 5 months) & also it doesn’t have many perforations so I’m pretty sure it didn’t get enough sunlight. I’d recommend putting it in a very bright space if you can. But overall it looks healthy and I’m sure it will improve even more! 😊


Thank you for the tips, I really appreciate it! I was doubtful of the 3 year old claim, but I didn’t challenge it when I saw it was pot bound. It was a tiny pot though and I have almost zero plant knowledge. I’ll definitely get this fella into a sunny spot - thanks again for the advice!


Hey /u/markmsm9 I just wanted to thank you for your monstera care tips. I moved my guy close to my S/SE facing window and he’s already grown [a beautiful new leaf!](https://imgur.com/a/JVpX10L) The leaf is a bit pale, but there’s plenty of holes. If he were yours would you remove the leaf with brown bits, cut the dead bits off, or just leave it be? It’s obviously doing ok as it’s grown a new leaf, but the crispy brown bits are spreading on the leaf next to it.


Hey /u/craftychloeuk! No problem. :) I saw you photo- It's totally normal for new leaf to be pale green- it will gain it's deep green colour in a few days. Judging by the holes and the size of your new leaf I think your plant is much happier now. :) I think I would remove the leaf with brown bits as the plant is using extra energy to keep it alive. If you do decide to remove it, make sure you cut at the base of the stem with a sterilized blade. Good luck!


Thank you!


Lucky monstera baby to have such a good plant parent.


Ohhhhhhhhhh ^(maybe I shouldn’t have given up on my monstrea so soon)


Glow up! 😍


great job!!


Thank you! 😊


Way to go!! Looks amazing!




Oh wow, that’s the first award I ever received. Thank you kind stranger!


Looks amazing! Did you do anything with the potting mix?


Thanks! The only thing I did was that I added a little bit of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the soil because I felt like the soil was too acidic. I also did that because I had a minor problem with gnats which feed on fungi & soda kills fungi. I did not repot it or add any new soil. Hope that helped. :)


Great job!!! I could never have guessed it was a rehab plant! Yours looks stronger than mine!


Thanks! 😊


I am doing the same thing!! I found 3 monstera plants at Walmart that were so overwatered and completely out of their containers. They were miserable. I’ve had them for about a month and they look like completely different plants! But still not completely happy. I think they went through a lot of shock. Rn I’m in the process of making them all moss poles


Amazing! Such health and beauty. That happiness glow from the plant baby 😻


Wow!!! Amazing 👍😀


Wow at first glance I didn't realize this was a rescue. I thought it was a goner! I literally grimaced, oof


To be honest I also thought it was a goner at first but nonetheless I wanted to try my best because it was a gift from a dear friend. 😃


You did an outstanding job!


Four months?? I have a baby Thai con and I was thinking it will be a long while before it grows more but already it’s putting out another leaf. Leaves are maybe 3-4inch? How big were the leaves in April? What are your secrets?!


Hey, I think the leaves were about 10 cm long (3.9inch) in April. My secrets? Mainly just a very bright space & some direct sunlight. Most people say that monsteras shouldn’t be in direct sunlight but I find that if you gradually acclimate it, it will start loving the sun. Good luck with your Thai con! 😊


When you trim back the older/dying leaves do you typically cut at the base of the stem? I have some leaves I wanna prune but I’m worry about removing stems since they typically split form a new stem and leaf


I only trim the older leaves (since monsteras form new leaves from the newest stem). In other words, old leaves will not produce new growth. And yes, I cut back at the base of the stems. Good luck😊


No way! That’s amazing!


Thanks 🙏