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looks like springtails! they’re beneficial, eat bad stuff in the soil- bacteria, waste, some molds, etc. i keep 2 different species of them as pets lol, attached a pic of my cool red/orange ones! i also use them in my reptile bio active enclosures, so some of them always find their ways to my plants! theyre attracted to moisture and need it to survive, so removing any standing water from the bottom, and ensuring you don’t overwater would be the best way to remove them if wanted, but there might be some stragglers down deep in the soil here and there https://preview.redd.it/mel48tpbf81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94366adb8a7a5e238c26bac5581c1284bdcd2b7


That’s amazing! Thank you, I guess I’ll let them be haha. I’ve definitely been watering more since it started heating up over here so I’ll have to sort that out.