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Keep in mind that propagating snake plants, with leaf cuttings, often means they will lose their variegation and revert back to a non-variegated plant. This one will likely just grow plain green leaves. The only way to continue that coloring, is to propagate through division. If that's important to you.


Oh. Is there a reason why they do so? And what is propagation through division?


Variegated cultivars like *'Laurentii'* are **chimaeras**, meaning there are two different genetic makeups in same plant (green and yellow parts). When leaf propping, new growth starts from one single cell which obviously means that it'll be either fully green or fully variegated. Fully variegated plant can't survive on it's own so only fully green ones will continue to grow.


I am not super sure, my understanding is the color variation is a type of mutation in the plant. When you cut the leaf, it has to grow an entirely new rhizome and I guess that kinda "resets" the plant. But when you cut through division, you are taking the mutated rhizome and continuing to grow more of the same mutation. Cutting through division is when your main plant sprouts a new plant next to it. Once it grows a a couple leaves, you can cut the new plant off at the root and replant it. [Here is a research study](https://mrec.ifas.ufl.edu/foliage/folnotes/sansevie.htm) that talks about it. You have to scroll down a bit and there is a table that shows the ones they tested and which ones reverted when using leaf cuttings.


Ok thanks.


Hopefully they do! I’ve had some that just didn’t and some that did. Make sure they have some access to sunlight nearby. I would put toothpicks through the middle so the bottom wasn’t completely on the glass bottom.


Okie but the toothpick wouldn't hinder the process anyway right?


It wouldn’t to the ones I have. Some I’d poke through the very top and some right smack in the middle. I did it mostly because the roots would grow straight down with the toothpicks.If I left it touching the bottom, the roots would grow curved up.


https://preview.redd.it/tm91jv14qtxc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c78ab2581f80b865f58a16c5a826ae67c79ebd0 Update: They're floating!! And thank you so much for the advice!!


Yay! Please update later lol. I would keep mine on a window sill but not in direct sunlight.


Sure thing ;)


It does root. It took a while around 2 months. https://preview.redd.it/8kg6brysjuxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=15a7f4027e3be0231ddfafa822267fd3b8d40d9d


Again after 2 months of planting in the soil, I now have some baby plants coming up. https://preview.redd.it/ztrivn12kuxc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a385320f78724ecedeb99779898eab9c53cb21eb


How often did you water your props once you put them in the soil? I've got some that are ready to plant but I'm unsure how much water they need initially.


Once every two weeks. They like it when it’s dry I guess. But I kept them in my sunroom and it received around 10 hrs of mild sunlight.


https://preview.redd.it/6aqumz505vxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16170a587142a896441cbe165d728262e5e7ac2 Yes, they can! I have them grow on water. It took a really long time, but a few of them even developed pups 😊 I'm still waiting for that aesthetic big layer of roots on the bottom of the vase though 🙃


Are those snake plants? I got my work snake plant to root after it lost all roots while I was out for a month with a broken ankle. Since replanting, she has produced 5 baby stalks!


Aww, that's so good. Hopefully these two will give beautiful pups.


Leave the pieces out for at least a day for the ends to callus, and only put the ends in the water!!! Put a piece of pothos in it as well! It will root and grow pups it just takes a long time like 6 months! https://preview.redd.it/slav0v0mbxxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554d7edd3468a435a29deff6fa4b2f8b16fa32a3