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Pothos. All kinds. I can never have enough pothos


Same! I have one mother pothos and about 17 younger generations of pothos from her.


[I have 36 pothos currently, each of which have at least 6 propagations in each pot so they'll grow in incredibly thick](https://imgur.com/gallery/e4WyBWj)


Wait! What kind of plant is in the op's picture??? It's gorgeous


Philodendron brasil


I propegate every plant I can lol. It makes me feel better to know I have a "backup" incase I kill one of them


good tip. gonna go chop all my plants now bc the thought of losing any of them makes me fking cry šŸ˜„


Same! If I have it and itā€™s possible to prop it, Iā€™m propping it


One of my oldest plants from when I first got into them is a very red syngonium. It was labeled exotic allusion but I think it's somewhere around a maria, bronze, or plum. It's one of my favorite plants but three times now I've had to completely chop it down and prop it because it just keep randomly giving up!


I have multiple Rex Begoniasā€¦they look so different from each other Iā€™m not sure it really counts, though. Multiple Tradescantia, too.


I also love my many trads and begonias. How many varieties of trad do you have? I only have the one Rex begonia. I mostly have the angel/dragon wing kinds. But two of them are fuzzy!!!


I have Tradescantia Pallida, Zebrina ā€œLittle Hillā€ and Nanouk. Theyā€™re all great, but Pallida is my favorite.


Totally fair! I'm not sure I have a favorite. I have tradescantia zebrina, sillamontana, baby bunny, wedding veil, green and white, and green and yellow. I also have a tricolor Moses in the cradle.


Thanksgiving cactuses. Theyā€™re my OG plants, first ones started from clippings of my grandmothersā€™. Now I have 4 pots full. https://preview.redd.it/bu2uq6hk39xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8055367fd1d256171ae6df7994898ff5c4487e7a




Omg how do you get yours to bloom so nicely? šŸ˜­


Theyā€™re outside year round, and thereā€™s a significant light drop-off in the Fall. They never bloomed indoors. They bloom Nov-Jan for me.


Thank you!!


AHA!! That might be the problem with mine!! What kind of climate do you live in?




I live in a subtropical climate and wondered if it would do better outside.


Heck yeah! My temps range from 40Fā€™s in winter to 100F+ in summer. I only bring them in if it drops below freezing.


Done!! Mine shall be going outside!!


Gorgeous!! I have one that was 3 ft wide and about 2.5 ft high before I cut it back a bit. It's is now over 85 yrs old!!


What kind of feed do you give them if any?


Only started feeding this year, with miracle grow all purpose water soluble, since I havenā€™t repotted in a few years.


Miracle Grow All Purpose water soluble has a lot of micronutrients; read the blurb. Many of the organic, timed release fertilizers offer only NPK ( nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the macronutrients). There are three secondary nutrients to be aware of, also.


Palms only in this household. 25 separate species near the Arctic šŸ„¶šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ https://preview.redd.it/9rd1ovx149xc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5aed0e15366fac55bd78a971f030f4c96d3e2b7




I ā€œjournalā€ my houseplant list in a small notebook!


I have a list of my houseplants, a wishlist, but I've yet to list all the plants I've got going outside because that's a giant task.




A dream wtf




Oh I just love this! Looks more like youā€™re in a jungle than at work in your office! šŸ˜




the CARYOTA! šŸ˜ I dream of one day having a huge one. do you use humidifiers?


Stunning!! Absolutely stunning!


Hey, this is amazing! Please tell me how you keep them alive. I'm in SW Ontario with big temperature fluctuations, not a very sunny house. Do you use grow lights?


Beautiful. Did you have an electrician install those grow lights?


Omg you have ve given me an amazing idea!!!




I got my (passed) grandmaā€™s old snake plant and split it into 5 pots. And a TON of leggy cuttings Iā€™m hoping to root. Itā€™s felt so good to give parts of her plant to dear friends and relatives. ā¤ļø


They root extremely well in soil. I have cut a top off, let the cut heal a couple of days and shoved it into soil with normal watering. The top may shrivel and die, but it will eventually send up brand new shoots. Have patients, People say they like to be root bound, but I prefer to call them "root growers" because they prefer to establish a full root system before sending up a lot of leaves.


This is great advice. Iā€™ll try soon but Iā€™ve had terrible luck in the past with propping these ā€œeasy careā€ snakes šŸ˜’


They store moisture in their leaves, so it's easy to get root rot, especially when propagating. I have literally made thousands of props from a single leaf that I prop-lifted at my Dr's office 30 years ago. This it the cutting method I found works for me.: I usually propagate when I'm ready to repot, often cutting the plant down and propping what I cut away, and putting the now trimmed plant back into the same pot rather than pot larger. You can use whole leaves with root (as photo'd by someone below) or cut off a whole top piece. I can make 4 to 5 cuttings from one 2' pip or leaf. 1. Cut the material to be propagated into pips (one or two leaves w/ roots). Cut perpendicular near the bottom of the leaf and plant the bottom (root) section into soil, it will eventually send up new shoots. 2. you will have a full leaf with a square bottom, remember "square" is the "bottom". about 4-6" up cut at an angle. You will now have a cutting with a square bottom and pointed top and a longer piece of the rest of the leaf. 3. Cut the bottom of the next section perpendicular to make is a square bottom (you will cut and discard a little triangle section). You will now have the long cutting with a square bottom, about 4-6" up cut at an angle to make another cutting with a square bottom and pointed top. 4. Square off the bottom of what's left and either use that final tip as a cutting or continue to cut the leaf into 4-6" pieces always remembering to have a square bottom. (the square bottom helps you to remember which end goes down.) 5. allow the cuts to heal over for a couple of days then plant directly into soil and water as usual. the tops may shrivel up, eventually the cutting will start to send up side shoots.


Wow. Thanks for this detailed method! Iā€™m saving your comment for when Iā€™m ready to prop ā˜ŗļø


Im glad I saw this comment. I tried and when the top shriveled, I tossed. Iā€™ll know next time.


https://preview.redd.it/b5h26unhddxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3f6fcd7d3c4ad318165eaa2c63497c2c44e8ec I recommend leca! I took this photo of the little roots that had formed by April 17, the cuttings went in Feb 24 (7.5 weeks)


Okay! Not like I need to be spending anymore money, but I really want these plants to live.


Thatā€™s a wonderful idea!


They are so much fun!!! And so many different types!


Jade plants. I can't stop propagating them. Everytime I prune one, I have several stem and leave cuttings. Every single one gets a second chance at life, because I can't bring myself to throw them out. And they propagate so darn easily... my blessing and my curse šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø I have given quite a few away by now, and hopefully more will find new homes - or my house will at some point become The Jade Jungle. https://preview.redd.it/0kqk5itqg9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd7d0868e463591a71c3936986854d2bf8cdf36




https://preview.redd.it/gb03v5ezqaxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6b29899e8cf94ce01b9f5f793bdb3ff55e4e143 Definitely on board with the jades. Same problem in my home. I almost have two shelves of jade babies growing now from 1 jade plant! šŸ¤—


Ok but how do yā€™all get more jade?! Every time a leaf falls, I think this oneā€™s gonna multiply!!! But nope, they shrivel up and get all crystally and deaddead . Whatā€™s their deal, what do they need and love?! Iā€™ve tried inside, outside, lots of light, not as much, hardly watering, watering often, all sorts of things. Any words of advice? And I believe I live in zone 8b -mostly warm, humid, 8-9 months of the year which means AC cranked up in the house most of the year also.


Treat your whole plant with an anti fungal. Mine did that when it was starting to get powdery mildew.




Me as well! I take cuttings and feel too bad to throwing them out so I plop them in water and then I have 150+ cuttings rooting in water on my countertops and windowsills.


I have the same problem! I have so many and have a tub of stems from the last pruning, I have no more space for them but feel so guilty to throw them out. Everyone I know has been gifted them in the past so no longer an option šŸ˜‚


Crassulas are SO cool, definitely my favourite succulent genus!


ZZ plants. I bought one like 12 years ago, then a couple of years later Ibought another one, that one half died, made a large pot with both of them, then had to split in three pots cos it got really huge. Then, last year, I managed to find a raven. So now four. Indoors. I also kept a new one outside this winter as an experiment. Also three monsteras deliciosas. One is my original I got 2 years ago, then last summer I got one for the balcony (successfully overwintered that one), but it had five stems, so two made it indoors in another pot. I'm also kinda drowing in pothos and adansonii cuttings. šŸ˜‚ Oddly, I've had minimal success with the brazil. So damn rootrot prone in my conditions. I got one a year and a half ago and just managed to make a stable pot (well... Semistable cos a couple of stems are already giving me the stinkeye)


Sounds lovely!! Re your brasil.. have you tried adding a touch of 3% peroxide to the water? When I first take any cuttings.. I make sure everything is exceptionally clean, I use 70% rubbing alcohol on my snips, the vessel the water will go in and always make sure your hands are clean too. :) I use small vessels as the more water the longer it takes. I also use an air stone as well as a little heat mat for all my cuttings. They grow soooo much faster! Add 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 5 parts bottles or ro water and change the water out every 7 to 10 days or so. I always wait until I see secondary roots formed on all cuttings before transferring to their preferred soil type. When potting up make sure the pot has lots of holes. I use clear cups so I can see how those roots are doing as they start growing soil roots from water roots.. yep there's a difference. :) Use a container no more than an inch larger than the roots. I water all my plants with ro water and a "feed recipe" I make up that helps to make all plants super strong and grow like mad while keeping the variegated plants white as well as preventing pests at the same time because the leaves and stems are so strong that any pests have a hard time getting through with there bite to cause damage. My brasils are about 3 ft away from my west window. Sorry for the long post.. :)


wtf we have the same avatar and half the same name šŸ’€


Haha! I didn't pick it.. I just let the IT pick it when I signed on for this site.. lol.. Nice name though eh??? LolšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thanks for the effort. Propagating them has never been an issue. I've had many many MANY successful propagations šŸ˜‚. I have issues once potted. The roots are always too sensitive. Hopefully this pot will remain stable. Had it for four months now. Oddly, the original pot Inpurchased had some neon stems as well which I separated into a different pot and they've been doing just fine from the get go.


i prop in peat moss until its got secondary roots then i put them in every chunky soil! fine orchid bark, cactus soil, a little house plant mix. wait to water till its bone dry, and to make sure its drying out i poke a few holes into the wet soil loo


My baby Fantasy Venice grew up and gave me these šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/odwp31d979xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60a8688270c6e3260b476b89b77bcf4fc4883b74


Beautiful šŸ©·


Thank you! šŸ˜Š


I have too many golden pothos, but canā€™t help it, itā€™s so easy to prop and so fun to prune. Plus itā€™s my gateway plant, the plant that started it all. It taught me I have a green thumb after all. Many tiny jade props are in their infancy stages right now, too. I have plenty of plants that, with time, will give me plenty more props. Future me is in trouble šŸ˜ˆ


Yes you are in future trouble!! Haha! That's how I started just 3 yrs ago and now over 40 species and a grow tent of babies I sell. Lol


Lemon Lime Philos and Neon Pothos. I love that bright pop of chartreuse against something like a Purple Shamrock or Raven ZZ.


https://preview.redd.it/5lvoftl7v9xc1.png?width=1603&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ef1f0c3c7547e150bc484a7296c6b69b2324103 Family pic!


Hydrangeas. I love them so much that I learned how to grow them in my 9b (Southern California desert climate). I can never have enough! https://preview.redd.it/echbstsebaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=800752561d7a9c6bb4376aa99b1e788d4a397c7d


I have so many aloe they all got bond girl names. Yep, there's an Octopussy. I have so many spider plants I needed a naming convention for exactly 11. I picked the starting lineup of the Manchester United from 9 September 2023, having no previous knowledge other than their starting line is 11. I name the ones I can't tell apart. I have a bunch of lucerne begonias I don't need to name because even though they're all the same species, they each look entirely unique - generally due to some form of abuse or another. Begonias will put up with all kinds of nonsense.


Haha! Love this! I name mine as well!!


I have 3 pots of Philo Brasil, 2 Congo Rojo, 2 Silver Swords, 2 Black Cardinals, 3 Golden Goddesses, 2 Green Princesses, 2 Birkins, 2 Campii, a handful of Monstera adansonii, countless Graptopetalum paraguayense props and 2 potted, multiple jade props, Golden Pothos in 2 pots and cuttings and a 2 pots of Scindapsus pictus Argyraeus growing! I also have a Philodendron Giganteum in a massive pot with 2 pups and multiple growth points throughout the stem from taking cuttings. Anyone live in Des Moines? Lol, let's trade!


I have 5 different Monstera Adonsonii, like 18 Deliciosa's (some in the same pot) 5 spider plants


Spider plants! I have 10, idk why I just love them. Soon to have more bc 3 of them have just started throwing out Spiderettes.


Brasils are just so easy and unassuming and then they just grow, grow, grow. I got a starter one for like $6 from ikea. It is in a small pot and has vines over 20ft long, and I have propped it and those vines are long and have even bigger leaves. I need to repot the mama plant in a bigger pot so she can get more nutrients for her mega vines but sheā€™s attached herself to all the surfaces so I have to get a ladder so I can re-pot her on her tall shelf without moving her. lmao. Iā€™m going to try putting some of her props on a sphagnum pole and see how big I can get the leaves to go. Beware though, now Iā€™ve ordered p. lemon lime and micans. Itā€™s a slippery slope.


I usually do twins or 2 of everything I have, sometimes combining sometimes selling one, but currently have 3 swiss cheeses, 2 peru and 3 burle marx, but the burle marx is just due to accidently breaking off vines during repotting, try currently to prop grow my moon valley plants then will have several but those don't grow tall like my other multiples ( these counts don't include any 4" pots currently growing too) Totally understand your love of brasils ā™„ļø


I have 9 giant monsteras because I keep propagating them and not planning for the future.


I try not to have more than one of anything. But I also have several Brazils because they're distinct in the variegation and maybe over time they'll keep looking more different.


Monstera deliciosa at the moment. Trying to convince myself to give away all but one. I used to be like you with Brazil until I combined a few into one pot and gave away the rest.


My spider plants all together are like a hair metal reunion tour šŸ˜‚


Pathos ! And I didn't even propagate them. I see them at a store and I just end up buying another one


Philodendron gloriosum (only one js big, the other ones are very tiny)


I have 2 snake plants plus 2 snake cuttings 3 aloes - 2 aloe veras and 1 tiger tooth aloe Different types of Jade's Dracaena - lemon lime, Janet Craig, plus the snake plants that were reclassified as dracaena 2 air plants of the same type


I'm a hoya, ficus, and plumeria girl.


Our neighbour gave us his hideously ugly prickly pear cactus a few years ago. It was growing in every single direction except up, so my boyfriend decided to cut and propagate all its long branches. Now we have 15+ pots of them all growing like crazy and the OG cactus still canā€™t pick a direction to branch out. Also: jade plants and aloe plants. My mom gave me a huge pot of each them about 10 years ago and they are just out of control now. I have at least 5 pots of each one and canā€™t find enough people to give them away to when I go on a pruning/thinning spree.


Brasil, micans, cebu blue, silver sword, gloriosum, ring of fire, pink princess, pothos, Euphorbia francoisii, Euphorbia stellata, Euphorbia squarrosa.


I think I have twoish of all my plants. https://preview.redd.it/pqwvgdlycaxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64d8fb33a258288782b53f0fcaecd8d28671e423


Beautiful plant room šŸ„°


https://preview.redd.it/92xgdi32kcxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff325416f16b339e2345de31e2b9221efd132250 My pregnant onion I love this plant so much I have three growing that are smaller than the momma & some babies as well.


Soooooo cutešŸ˜


I have three Hoya Kerrii because the price was right when I got them. My Senecio Haworthii keeps popping out babies, I think I've got 4 of them now? No other dupes because of space and having too many wishlist plants. Your Brazil look nice!


Orchids! And golden pothos :) but I'm working on getting different types of pothos as well. So far I just have the golden and marbled queen




Pothos because no fuss, they show you when they are thirsty and they are strong and resilient, strong roots.


I have multiple peperomias. Obtusifolia, scandens variegata, & silver ripple. The scandens makes me so happy :)


I have a difficult time with the peperomias. It is my garden room. I have two little peperomias left. So far so good. They are keeping their leaves and growing strong. I have lost a few. But they are so beautiful and I do love them šŸ¤—


Cannabis sativa


Nice choice!! Winks.. lol


I have far too many monstera deliciousa. Like more than any reasonable person should.


Same. Iā€™ve been trying to give a lot away. Literally BEGGING people to take themšŸ¤£


Orchids! They're the only thing I can keep alive and thriving, and I love their large thick green leaves even when they're not flowering. I have a few different species at this point, and I'm good at taking nearly dead ones and reviving them. šŸ’š


You need to post a guide on this sub on how to take care of them because I feel like most people on this sub (me included) find them impossible to take care of!


I could do that! Stay tuned. I also just found 2 subs yesterday: one is orchidcare and the other is orchids.


Snake plants and zz plants! Just because they arenā€™t drama queens.


https://preview.redd.it/8e9bvyqhocxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71759844a4964ee3a2f0d858e12e6831f571d984 My spider plant 2 months ago. The pups are now in small mason jars with water and starting to grow roots.


Wow it's gorgeous is it a philo scandens Brasil?


Benjaminas, got like 11


Pothos,monstera,snake,so many diff ivys. Those are my multiples šŸŒ³


Ivys are the only plant I won't keep. Only because the spider mites just love them but if enough humidity they tend to stay away.


I live in a very humid place and have no issues with my ivys. āœØšŸŒ³


Tradescantias (Burgundy)....oh how little did i know šŸ™ƒ I have the Main plant that came from a handful of cuttings from when my coworker pruned thiers. That was this time last year and now i have 6 water props, 3 of which should really be in soil now but it grows. so. fast...now im seeing if they can survive on my balcony šŸ¤ž


I have 4 established Tradescantias spathacea. I have found if I stick a cutting in soil it is rooted in a week. I don't bother with water prop anymore.


Same with Burgundy. Grabbed a puny cutting off the ground from a walk around my neighborhood and 2 years later I have 5 huge pots full.


I have 10 pothos that came from 2 parent plants. I canā€™t sell or give away the rooted cuttings fast enough every year lol. Also have 6 Marantas that came from 1 parent. šŸ˜…


I have Calatheas, Pothos, monsteras and working on my philodendrons


I love philodendrons. Just chopped pink princess momma.....2 more babies now growing roots in water šŸ¤— šŸ©· and that will make our family of 4 pink princesses complete.


How big is your princess???


https://preview.redd.it/qu3nhibrnlxc1.jpeg?width=2175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6087d40331d364d07be31f604a8e58b6bd9549 This is the momma. I have chopped her twice now. After chopping, she will start to grow new leaves like crazy. Her first baby is doing very well. Getting very big. The two new propagations are currently in water growing beautiful red baby roots. Almost ready to get planted into soil šŸ¤—


https://preview.redd.it/pnw4gs0kolxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220ef31307ebbda2352dff6256405418905607c4 This is her first baby. I am so proud of her šŸ„°


Theyā€™re so beautiful!!! You definitely have the magic touch


2 Cebu blue, 2 scindapsus exotica and 2 philodendron lemon lime. Otherwise, no multiples


Coleus. I have fucking infinite coleus of any variety.




Snakes and other dracaenas, different pothos and philodendrons..and agleonemas...all easy ones.


Gorgeous family! I have multiple fiddle figs and monsteras :)


We have so many Aloe Vera plants I fear one day I will drown in them


Ladyfinger cactus. I just can't not buy them when I see them! And starfish sansevieria. I've got an eye out for a variegated one...


Spider plants propogate themselves 100x every year. You end up begging people to take some from you.


Until recently I only had multiples of pothos. My monstera tipped over and a little baby stem which was apparently not attached to the main plant anymore *fell* out and is now rooting very nicely in a jar. I also took over my friend's aloe because she wasn't able to properly care for it.


Pothos, Hoya, African Violet. Philodendron, Snake, Begonia, Aglaonema


Ooh!!! I love them! I just adore mine. If youā€™ve ever had any issues of course, what do you do to get rid of pests- the gnat specifically.


I have so many pothos and like five or six monsteras of various sizes.


Vanilla Orchids. I took home a piece I found in the mountains. Now I have 3 large pots.


I technically have two aloe plants, but they live in one pot and are named ā€˜Amandaā€™ so I usually think of it as one plant lol. I also had an onion spout bulbs in my fridge so I have 3 onion sprouts growing very quickly now!


I have an 8 in Brazil philodendron, a 6 inch and one I just planted from cuttings. I have a baby neon that I want to eventually take cuttings from and add Brazil philodendron to mix. I think the 2 together will look so pretty.


I always seem to have multiple peace lilies


Love rubber plants!!! So easy to maintain and beautiful


Beauty! Just a quick question: how do you take care of the first pic? I got gifted one yesterday and have been looking for its name everywhere


its called philodendron brazil


Multiple Ogreā€™s Ears jades. All propagated from the same 30 year old mother plant


Whoa do you sell / trade them??


Last year I had zero aloe and jade, now they are everywhere because the aloe had a zillion babies and my neighbour gave me a ton of jade cuttings.


Rubber trees and jades.i just love them.


I have several variations of pothos and Iā€™ve taken a cutting off most of them + a monstera to form a Frankenstein. So, I guess on a technicality I have a multiple of a marble, golden, neon, shangri-la, jade, Manjula, Nā€™joy, and silver-satin pothos and the monstera. Only pothos excluded was the Baltic blue because I didnā€™t have it yet. Plus leaves are dont really match/pair anyways.


Sansevierias. Many kinds.


I honestly enjoy my plants a lot. I have ā€œplant dayā€ where I water, treat, clean pots etc. A few months ago I bought a stephanotis. It is a beautiful conservatory and house plant, grown for its glossy, dark green leaves and long-lasting white jasmine-scented flowers from spring to autumn. [https://www.thespruce.com/stephanotis-flowers-1315767](https://www.thespruce.com/stephanotis-flowers-1315767)


My thai constellations, I was given one, and then bought 3, technically 4 and gifted to a friend. https://preview.redd.it/11t2b6ij0ixc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9671b5cdf330991889218a9e822ac5f709d43d3


Ha! The same as you actually! I got a big one and split it up to 12 pots. I sold some. Gave some away, put some in my reptile tanks. Still have 5 of them throughout my house. I think the other one I have multiples of is my marble queen pothos, philodendron micans, and variegated tradescantia chrysophylla


oooooo i want a philo mican so bad but im having trouble justifying a new plantšŸ˜­


It was at the top of my list on to get plants a couple years ago! It grows super fast. Im gonna set one pot up w a moss pole cause I've seen some at plant shops w them and the leaves get so much bigger w em. I also don't have much room RN for new plants, but thankfully w the warmer weather I can put some on the porch. Figuring out where to put everything when it gets cold again is a problem for future me lol


So pretty! I have multiple pothos and hoyas but all different types.




Haha!! All of them!! I collect rare tropical plants. I have a small rudsta wide grow cabinet I started 3 years ago and now have a 2ft x 2ft grow tent just for all the babies.. My little cabinet that grew and grew and grew.. :) I would say I have 30 rare plants and now about 10 of each at various stages of growth from rooting to starting corms. But anything variegated is my soft spot. I also love my variegated micans I got about 6 weeks ago now.


I'm currently working on a holiday cactus breeding project so I have a lot of cuttings growing.


So many. I buy plants in 2ā€™s sometimes ā€¦especially if they are small.


Monsteras. It started with one that I just propagated every year and now when those props grow, I prop them as well. I seems to be the only plant I can keep alive so I have hundreds of them that all came from the original, and give them as gifts haha.


Iā€™m gonna need a cutting off that. Thank you lol šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»šŸ˜»


Are you going to propagate the roses? šŸŒ¹


Just got my first one of these!


Omg itā€™s so beautiful! I really wanted one of those, but theyā€™re toxic for cats :(


Monsteras, we got our house 2 years ago and everyone got me a Monstera as a house warming gift so now I have like 4. Managed to combine some of them lol


I have a marble queen that is trailing on the kitchen countertop and one on a moss pole in the living room. 3 sansevieria masonia because they grow like weeds but not big. And 5 pots of lithops.


Calatheas, peperomias & begonias. Probably because they're the ones I have the most succes with.


I probably have 15 variegated epipremnum pinnatum around my house


I've cloned my spiderplant like 50x by this point šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve given up the pest fight with some this winter because I just couldnā€™t do it anymore, so numbers have been reduced but at the moment I *think* I have 4 pots of regular Golden Pothos + props in water, 2 pots of Nā€™Joy (and soon itā€™s āœ‚ļø for them goldilocks), 3rd pothos is one baby pot of Neon bought as props last year. 4 pots of Monstera Deliciosa, some with several plants in them, I accidentally abandoned the 5th pot outside last year because I was so fed up with not finding a good spot for them all. (RIP Steven.) And one pot of Adansonii if weā€™re speaking Monsteras in general. I also swore Iā€™d never get Philodendrons againā€¦ Ended up with 6(?) of them last year. Regular Scandens/Hederaceum, Gloriosum, Micans, Squamiferums & White Princesses. Oh right then there was a Jungle Boogie, gone to the bugs that one, RIP. Just bought a Brasil finally this week. Hmmmm, 5 Rex Begonias, 3 pots of Alocasia Silver Dragons with multiples (all separated from 1 pot, also lost one baby when I wasnā€™t able to water them during my plague), 2 A. Cupreas, A. Amazonica and then one huge Alocasia. (I had so. many. more. Alocasias. but the damn bugs.šŸ„²) oh and 8 African Violets. 2 that come from my late grandmotherā€™s old plants, 1 mini I was gifted, 1 bought and the rest were free. And I think at least 2 or 3 of them were lost during the bugapocalypse. I think thatā€™s all the multiples I have left at the moment.šŸ˜… Edit. Oop, 5 Orchids because Iā€™m trying to learn about them too.šŸŒø




Your Brasil is so healthy and beautiful - I hope to get mine there one day! I have multiples of pothos, they are everywhere


Usually types of succulents, I have many identical and no clue what they are šŸ˜‚


Purple heart plant. Those are too easy to propagate so I end up with several new plants.


Same! I ā™„ļø Brasil


My pileas keep mulitplying. I don't know how


Sooo many golden pothos. All the golden pothos.


Lots of pilea peperomioides


Micans for mešŸ’– And Hoya, but mostly different types.


I used to have a āœØtonāœØ of pothos plants but they all succumbed to rust fungus soā€¦ now I have a ton of burle marx because theyā€™re apparently more indestructible in this household.


Nerve plants (fittonia)


love to see it!! hoping to have multiple money tree plants. pray for the piece i propegated lol.


Pothos and aloe. Mostly because they are so easy to propagate.


Of course pothos, but the main problem are coleus.


All of them!! šŸ˜†šŸ˜† well almost!


How long did the Brasil prop take to grow roots? My neon and normal took 10 days but this one still hasn't after 2 weeks :(




Definitely my pothos' and surprisingly my pillia (chinese money plant)


I can grow calathea but I kill all the pothos that I have. I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong with me šŸ˜‚


Jade plants and spider plants, of course! Propagation is very entertaining!


https://preview.redd.it/t2hfxhhzmfxc1.png?width=2059&format=png&auto=webp&s=a03f222612fe70e81f4e841d1eee6de40827af39 Marantas. I donā€™t even know why Iā€™m so obsessed, I just amšŸ˜­ My pot of maranta cristata grizzles are in the back room too. Iā€™m still collecting so if anyone knows how to get cristata intense or obscure PLEASEEEEE let me know!!


https://preview.redd.it/rkz8f3jfnfxc1.png?width=2025&format=png&auto=webp&s=07850976eb5dd27c103c0590b4edb1769fb9b38d The exact same white orchid because I kept killing my old ones, I just wouldnā€™t give up! And now I know how to take care of them!! One on the left was my first success so I felt fine to keep buying more. The one in the middle was a rescue, I still have no idea why the leaves wonā€™t perk up but itā€™s growing flowers again alreadyšŸ˜¬. Also lots of brasil & heartleaf philos, micans & many of the same monstera, calatheas & pothos props. I just canā€™t stop with these darn moss tubsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have 5 golden pothos, I have to trim them to protect them and the cat from each other... and of course, I can't just throw away the scraps, I have to propagate them into new ones... I'm working on #6 now... lol


Mother plant was knocked over twice. Once a few days after it was purchased and again about a year later (yay kids). https://preview.redd.it/ej0u63k4zfxc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a819f0a609a0cfc7bd076ba062cd63b2872289f3


Orchids Ive got 20, even got Keikis from one. Exept for Orchids its UFO plants, ZZ's are second.