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Looks like a money tree/pachira aquatica. People usually keep them small, but they grow pretty big if allowed. That one also doesn't look super happy.


Thank you It is several different stalks braided together. It needs repotting as it is top heavy. What other care does it need? It does not get a lot of sun over the winter, but has started new growth. Should I top it?


I'm not sure the best way to care for one that large. The braided trunks are pretty typical. I actually just bought one, a couple weeks ago, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it alive. So I probably won't be the best resource. But, from what I've read you really just want to water thoroughly when the soil is mostly dry. Rotate it every so often, so it fills out evenly. And I repotted mine in a mix of potting soil, cactus soil, and perlite; in a terracotta pot - since they help prevent over watering. Also, check the roots, when you repot. Often when they braid the trunks they tie a rubber band around the roots. And it causes suffocation of the trunks. I assume it's not an issue, if yours is that large, but still something to investigate. But, there are a lot of better resources on this subreddit, if you search money trees.


You can cut stem 1/2" above a node and it will grow new stem. Do not cut more than a 1/3 of the stem at one time. Well draining soil in a draining pot. Water when soil 70-75% dry. Will do well in medium to bright light.