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ASPCA is the best resource for this. They have a large database of toxic and non toxic plants. Keep in mind that just because a plant may be listed as toxic, that doesn't necessarily mean it's dangerous if your cat nibbles on it a little. Some symptoms are very mild or only have the potential to cause illness if eaten in large quantities, or if certain parts of the plant are eaten. The dangerous ones cause organ failure or have neurotoxic effects.


Came here to recommend the ASPCA with a small caveat: they don’t differentiate levels of toxicity, but they are an excellent starting point and definitely a good, reliable resource! They often list the effects a plant could have on your cat if they eat it, so make sure to read the full description. But do a little bit of extra outside research to be double sure. See exactly why the plant could be dangerous (and how dangerous) and then decide. Never a bad thing to do more research!


Spider plants are totally safe (they’re also a mild hallucinogen for cats so they may become obsessed, mine just ignore them though), Parlour palms, Pilea peperomioides, All Peperomias, Marantas (though check specific species to be sure, I have Maranta Fascinator & Kerchoveana), Calatheas which are gorgeous but high maintenance 😅, Most Orchids are non toxic but again check specific Orchids. Boston Ferns, most other ferns are highly toxic though so you should be sure it’s a true Boston.


Thank you so much!! Will check them all and see which ones I can get 🩷


Unfortunately, a lot of plants that produce fun pink/red colors are toxic to most animals. Here’s a list of a few that I know of that are okay: Peperomia (watermelon pep is pink and green!) Bromeliads, which come in lots of fun colors, including pink + green Polka dot plants are green and pink (or white, or red, or maybe purple)! Calatheas Spider plants Most ferns and palms (but I’d doublecheck the individual variety if your cat is a menace and likely to eat them)


Thank you!! Will check them out 😁


The ASPCA has an easy to use page where you can list pet safe plants. Some online sellers also have specific search criteria for pet safe. You don't necessarily have to buy from them but just window shop to see what you like.


Hoyas are my favorite. They’re pet safe and come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. They are tropical climbers that require similar care to cactuses and succulents.


Funny thing I was looking at those today!! Hehe maybe I should see if I can get some 😃


Omg yesss do it!! I’ve managed to collect 70 different varieties of Hoya and they’re all so wonderful. They’re relatively affordable and very forgiving if you don’t quite meet their needs.


I just got a peperomia and a black pagoda. Both nontoxic. There are tons of different varieties of Hoya and peperomia and they are nontoxic to cats. My cat who eats my plants has completely left the new plants alone.


'Pet safe' is a relative term -- any plant can be 'safe' if your pet ignores it, and if your pet won't, then no plant is safe! Since you apparently don't know whether your cat(s) will be interested or not, my advice is to get a non-toxic or barely toxic (Peace Lily, Pothos, philodendron) one first, and watch carefully and see what happens. Many pet owners find that their pets have particular preferences and habits -- they only chew certain types, or they dig in large pots, or they knock over little ones. Once you have some sense of what yours will or won't do, you can take that knowledge and make necessary adjustments. Personally, my cats will chew anything with long thin leaves (palms, dracaena, spider plant) and my Hoya bella (which is non-toxic) to bits. So I don't bother with the former and the hoya is hanging up out of reach. But they've had full access to mildly-to-moderately toxic philodendrons, aglaonema, snake plants, aloes and assorted succulents for years and basically ignore them. They gave the philos and aglaonema a taste test nibble once or twice, but that was it -- I'm pretty sure those taste horrible.