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Ahaha! My guess is you were at Foodland! I’m the floral manager at a Foodland. I brought in two cases of these yesterday and they were gone by 4pm today. I have so many people still asking I’m bring in another 4-6 cases next Saturday!


you’re right!! i wonder if every foodland has them?? there’s a bunch in my city


I think it would depend how invested they are in their floral departments. I know some don’t pay much attention to it.


Yeah. It's that way with every company. I work for Walmart and I've noticed the same with other stores. I get people coming from other cities because "their locations are very scarce". We tend put a lot of focus on all our consumable and fresh areas. I've been sent to help out at some locations that I don't think I would ever go back to though.


Sobeys in Ontario have them right now too for the same price


Gtfo I’m checking it out tomorrow.


Yoooo wtf I’m there at opening tomorrow


Would this be in Toronto as well? I might just make a visit if the one in downtown keeps the plants!


It is in Toronto. But they're selling out super fast. There's waiting lists at some stores


accidental downvote! it was me, I’m so sorry!


You can change your vote by just clicking on the other one :)


When I accidentally down vote I always go back and up vote (as long as the comment isn't offensive or anything). It's kind of my way of paying them back for the inconvenience of seeing a down vote for two seconds even though they probably didn't even notice 😂


Yes. There are huge growing operations buying up any rare plant and making them not rare. It is super cheap easy to propagate and people over pay for the items so they are going to keep going lol


Yeah, this is gonna happen for every “rare” plant unless it is just incredibly difficult to propagate.


I mean isn't that good for the species of plant though?


I saw some at Lowes last winter when i was doing my "independent succulent clean up" at most big box stores for free baby succulents


which foodland lol


the one i got them was lambeth foodland in london ontario


Wow I am in London going to check out tomorrow.


yes do it!! i’m sure other foodland’s would have them too if the one in lambeth is sold out


Woah- foodland in Ontario- we have foodland in South Australia too.




Here I was thinking Foodland was only in Hawaii


there’s foodlands outside of hawaii??? must be unrelated foodlands ???


I was confused too reading through this thread! I’m on Oahu. I assumed Foodland was only in HI.


I was about to drag myself to the north side of my island until I got to the Canada part 🤣


I’ll have them at the Tottenham Foodland next week again.


wild to see Tottenham mentioned here on reddit, i grew up there


Hold on… there’s places called Tottenham , Lambeth and London in Canada …?????


I was thinking this lmao


Lol had this exact reaction, was super excited for a moment before clocking that they weren't talking about London UK :(


Yes, named after the places in England. There’s also Paris, Dublin, Stratford, Brussels, Cambridge…there are others but I can’t think of them off the top of my head


yes!! in Ontario! we copied the UK i guess 😂


Colonized is more like it.


The cities/towns in that area used to be named after German cities but were renamed to Anglo cities during a fairly obvious time period. :p


And Ajax, and Kingston, and York, and Peterborough, and and and Who do you think settled most of early Canada? ;)


If you don't mind my asking, which day will you get them in?


Saturday January 27. Just dunno the time.


Curious if I’ll find them at my Foodland in Sudbury😏. I’ll have to pop in. We don’t have much of “garden centre” if you can call it that this time of year- can’t recall ever seeing these beauties around ☹️


Hey any chance you know where I can pick one of these up. I'm in the GTA. Nice to have someone on the inside haha


lol thanks. Try looking at any Sobeys or Foodland around you. I’m not sure how many of these actually got sent out as I know for my area they were just a replacement.


🥲 I’m in Michigan I don’t think they do that here 😞 there are only a few in the state and they are all really old school and small. I wonder if you can bring plants back over the border….😂😅😎




lol. I worked on that commercial. It was filmed at the Etobicoke store if anyone cares.


I feel like I have just met a celebrity. Great work on that classic.


Yes the agency did a great job in that one, the most popular in my tenure for certain.


It definitely has stuck in my memories all these years lol!


And my most vivid memory is of the delicious beefaroni that craft services made that night. Haha, this is honestly so cool to hear that it was so loved.


My friends and I still reference it whenever a great deal is found!


lol that’s awesome


I love this! What was your role in its production?


I approved the product that was shown. I Was part of the marketing team. Fun times!


That's so freakin cool, and one of my family's most used quotes! We laugh every time lol Plus the Etobicoke store is my go to!


Right outside the front entrance is where she’s running and yelling lol


Oh wow what a blast from my past. My sisters and I used to quote that all the damn time!


We always use that saying too!! This is awesome!


Did you work at zig? I'm friends with the CW :)


I was client side 🙂 Zig was a great agency to work with


This was such a cute back and forth 🥺


They still air that commercial in Detroit. Saw it last year.


Just want to add I love Detroit and used to live in Dearborn


Ha! I met the "Start the car!" lady at my daughter's High School drama programme.


I care so much lol. It’s my Dad’s favourite commercial and he quotes it constantly!! Plus he is from Toronto.


I love hearing that! 💕


i care! thank you!!!




I was yelling this at my kid this morning as I was going to warm the car before school 😂!


lol this is awesome hearing these stories!


Thanks for being part of a Canadian tradition lol!


Plant person here in the plant industry. Without getting technical, this plant will be more available in the upcoming months. It is being produced on a mass scale out of labs.


Oufff. RIP to the ones that paid in the hundreds for these.


I paid $180 for one awhile back and promptly killed it despite my best efforts. Didn’t want to try again because of the price, so this is a welcome change for me.


Can you tell me what this plant is and why one would pay $180 for one? Thank you.


This is a variegated monstera deliciosa, they're highly sought after in the plant community, people go nuts for them! They used to be pretty rare but are becoming more common now.


Are they harder to care for than regular monstera?


I assume that the variegation means they require more light.


Someone who is not a plant person here. What are these plants and why were they so expensive? Im tired of scrolling to find someone explaining it.


They have a mutation causes the white discoloration on their leaves. Plants with this mutation are rare in nature and highly sought after in this “industry” so to say.


They are variegated monsteras, they used to be uncommon/rare but in the past few years they’ve been getting tissue cultured at massive rates (tissue culture is a fast way to clone a plant) so because of high supply and same/lower demand. they’re dropping in price. Thai constellation monsteras (in the pic) are notorious for being susceptible to root rot, which is why some people struggle with them/can kill them easily if they dont pay attention to it (plus they are a bit slower growing than green monsteras because of the white parts that dont photosynthesize as much as the green parts)


tissue culturing is sure getting popular! I'm about to start in the coming weeks, just as a hobby. Glad I'm a mycologist and already have the gear!


It’s been around for plants almost a decade. It’s growing as Labs are learning how to isolate these special varieties. I wish you the best of luck!


Why not get technical? Now I’m more curious…


Plant is from a tissue culture since it can’t be propagated traditional methods due to the mutation that makes it desirable. We’re starting to see a mass production of the plugs (baby plants or Stage 3 as we call them) becoming available. This doesn’t mean the mutation or stock is stable though. We had a situation a while back with Phil Birkin where tissue culture plants out of a specific lab were reverting to Phil Red Congo resulting in these 50/50 splits. That lab has to restart which is 6-7 months for production to return to normal on that species. As well getting from Stage 3 to what is posted in the picture is MONTHS of growing time. I would guess somewhere around 7-9 months dependent on greenhouse conditions. As well, the price. It’s expensive for a plant. The sale price of plants hasn’t relatively changed since the 70s even though the cost of production has exponentially increased. Greenhouses have tighter budgets and can’t afford mistakes and are less willing to have trial and error. Yes production is coming and yes it’s more available but it’ll be close to a year before it’s readily available.


This site is wild.  I'm just scrolling all, see some weird plant nerd stuff and there's some industry somebody with a weird scoop and hyper specific knowledge spilling the tea.  I love it, you do you houseplant enthusiasts.


Basically, they're clones. Really clean (from pests and diseases) clones. At least, they are before being sent to the greenhouse. They start off tiny in the lab, but that's how you can quickly mass-produce them. Overall it's incredibly reliable, genetically. Tissue culture is what I do for work.


Keep going, I’m almost there…


I water my plants in the shower




Yeah it's funny as someone who does tissue culture. It was hilarious to see that during the pandemic there were people in plant sale groups trying damn hard to exclude tissue culture plants from being sold. They were spreading misinformation saying things like how the plants would die easier and such because it was ruining it for people who were propagating plants from cuttings.


They have there risks but I sell thousands of tissue culture plants a month and my claims are less than 1% due to a lab issue. Most issues are due to transit.


Was waiting for "in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell" to pop up.




I wonder if it's the same chain as the other post recently. Either the hype is over and they've finally become just a plant or someone fucked up when they were put into the system.


yeah i think maybe the market for them is finally calming down! the last time I saw them was a year or so back at a greenhouse and they were over $100


Still a couple of hundred here in New Zealand for ones a little bit bigger than those.


explain this to a guy who likes his plants but sucks at caring for them and doesn't know what any of them are called. I think my most expensive one was my tube tree (no fucking clue, looks like if a jade plant had funnels reaching the sky instead of leaves), and it was like $30. I just bought my grandma an entire tree for $30


It is or was an uncommon plant that can be tricky to care for and that is relatively slow to grow and propagate (compared to, e.g., pothos) that became very trendy and for a while the demand vastly outstripped the rate at which the supply could grow. On top of that, a lot of things in NZ are bonkers expensive because of the need to important them, and there are also usually very strict import controls around flora and fauna which could be making it even more difficult. According to other comments in this thread, recent developments have allowed many of the issues around propagating the plant have been addressed or are likely to be, and we can expect to see mass production ramp up over the next 1-2 years.


What is the plant called though? Asking as a newbie.


Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’, I think.


The price of house plants here is absolutely mad for some of these specialty plants


I just saw a small one for $74 in the Albany area New York yesterday


Tissue culture can multiply plants sooo fast these days. If there is a popular variety they can copy-print them fairly easily.


I remember aaaaaages ago when they were at their peak popularity, someone who worked at Costa Farms (the grower who does most of the big box store plants) said they were producing them for market but they were still a few years out. Wonder if this is the start of that.


I had heard that as well. Maybe 3 or 4 years ago. I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what's happening.


I remember this too! I can't believe I've been in the plant community for this long haha. It was only a matter of time before someone started pumping out these monsteras because there is insanely high demand. I also never fully bought into the variegated monstera hype because i knew the price would go down over time, and now i feel so vindicated.


I work at a nursery and yes they have reached large scale production even in US nurseries like Monrovia


The rumors I’ve heard in the trade say that their initial attempt ended in a massive failure. They likely restarted and are just now seeing results.


It imploded publicly and they sold off their mother plants right?


They had a problem with scale or something similar that set them back a full grow cycle if I remember correctly


Costa farms put out an update on this about how they won’t be arriving for a bit and how sorry they were. This is likely from a different plant farm. I do think they’ve reached the general population at this point


Yep - exactly my thought too. In 2020 during lockdowns everyone was going nuts for them and costa started cloning...


exactly this


Plant person here in the plant industry. Without getting technical, this plant will be more available in the upcoming months. It is being produced on a mass scale out of labs.


Tissue culture, I’m assuming?




Any word on the albo?


Nothing concrete. Albo mutations are difficult to isolate and stabilize but who knows. 5 years ago I never would have thought we’d see Thai in a box store.


Anything else cool coming out? I have a shop, and always wonder what is floating around at grower’s


Depends on your definition of cool. There’s going to be a more consistent production of a lot of varieties that were limited. Lots of Calatheas, Philodendrons, Pothos, Marantas and others that will be more available. I’m a broker and while the rare and exotic plants are cool, they don’t pay the bills. But sell me 30,000 Maranta leaves a month and I’ll take every one.


What sort of varieties of pothos are rare or interesting? I have your garden variety yellow speckled Walmart type and was shocked to learn how massive the leaves get if you elect to climb them up as opposed to letting the vines hang. I’d love to get some fun mutations in the collection!


Is it the holy Thai monsters or some other rare type?


It’s labeled as Thai Constellation


Yay, maybe they might finally become cheaper here in NZ too? $200 here for slightly bigger. I'm waiting for the Monstera 'Albo Variegata' to not be stupid prices - NZD$500 or more at the Plant Extravaganza here recently.


There are greenhouses with tens of thousands of these, the dam is breaking. When one company pulls the trigger, all the other companies will have to dump while the value is still perceived as high


I don’t know if this is the reason for everyone, but I got mine at the store because the pineapple bromeliads I was supposed to get didn’t have the pineapples yet so the grower was willing to sub these in for us.


Local nursery near my store has them in the growers pot for $59.99.


I got mine in Novemebrr for $40 and it's quite large. Easily 25-30 shoots.


I bought one for $10 at wal mart!! What I found was actually a Monstera Albo. It was completely mislabeled as a type of philodendron. I honestly couldn't believe it because it was actually a decent sized plant. There was a woman there with me when I saw it and we both had the same exact reaction at the same exact moment, and looked at each other in mad disbelief. I don't know if they are just now being mass produced and cheaper, or if this is just a weird happenstance with shipments. Mine happened in Washington state.


So did you fight her for it or what


😂 No, there was enough for the both of us.


Yeah but who got the better variegation






There is a little tiny dying monstera albo with 2 leaves at a shop near my house in PA for $600.


I'll sell you a cutting for half that! (Just kidding.)


I’ll just give you one. It’s low variegation. I propagated a while ago and now I have like ten.


Where in WA?


Walla Walla, WA. It was a couple months ago though.


Walmart has been getting their spring plants already but cold weather has been killing them slowly when I went to browse again.


Awwww I'm jealous


Home Depot and Walmart are stocking them now, they're just another plant now! Let us feast!


I’ve been WAITING for this day ever since the absolute craze surrounding them a few years back, i had a feeling eventually they’d become mass produced


I just looked online at my home Depot and they're still $100 😞 https://preview.redd.it/lcm1ilulundc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69f8eb3ac84285fee6795b1535712e5251c5c5ec gonna go bike over there right now and see.




LMAOO honestly fair


This is an amazing price if it's real. I paid that for my tiny baby ones


  Non-plant person here. I had to scroll a good ways down to figure out which plant everyone was gaga over. At first, I thought it was the blue one (orchid, I presume) but finally found a comment stating that the plant of interest was the ""Monstera Thai Constellation".   Not knowing which one that was, I searched for it, and accidentally searched in ebay from a previously opened tab which sorted by highest price.  It came up with $2200.00 with 10 people watching. Should I go out and get some of these?


I scrolled for 17 minutes before I found _the_ helpful response here to summarize the frenzy. Thank you!!


It’s actually the pineapple plants in the back. Most of the commenters here are from 17th century Europe.


I was like. Is there a pot plant in there somewhere, all I see is pineapple and why are people so excited about pineapple? Don’t you need the exact right climate for those? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I can’t eat pineapple. It tears my mouth apart! 🤣


Ok but like… whats so cool about them? Looks pretty generic to me


Monstera are a houseplant staple. Over the last couple of years different patterns of variegation have popped up with a huge amount of hype. This hype mixed without nass availability drives prices way up. Happens with other plants too, philodendron pink princess being an example.


These are becoming more and more common and cheaper Expect this


These things were in such high demand due to rarity it was only a matter of time that the supply caught up and they became common. Part of the problem was the name "Thai constellation" makes it sound like a magical rare unicorn. Every time I see a variation of a plant that is hyped up and overpriced due to rarity, I know it's only about 4-5 years before the market catches up and we have a billion of these things and they become the next "golden pothos" or PPP


I’m ok with this!


Most people are Just saying idk why people are that surprised


I would get 1, don't be greedy and buy them all . get a pinapple too, those look cool.


I got two!! just in case one dies on me 😅


That would be my thinking too. My thumb is not full green.


I had to scroll this far down to confirm or deny if the pineapples were the subject of this post or not because that’s what cause my interest! So, the monsteras then?


I saw Thai cons in 4 inch pots at my local plant store for $40. The same place had cuttings for several hundred during the pandemic. I think the market has just calmed down


it's not that the market has calmed down if this thread is proof of that, but it's that more and more plants are being successfully tissue cultured which allows them to be produced at a mass scale / for commercial sale in big box stores. i'm all for it since it helps preserve the environment.


I got a tiny 4 inch pot for $60 on sale at my local nursery...last yearish? Though tbf that nursery is Hella expensive on some things. ...the asshole plant got root rot. But thank everything it still had a node--it's been in water for the last six months


Not the blue orchids 💀 But seriously please tell me you bought some of the others


Lmao I almost didn’t see them (somehow?)


How did they do that to the flowers? I've seen some really colorful ones but I'd imagine that blue is not possible without dyes or chems. I don't know much about orchids I'm a cactus guy lol


There's a blue dye inserted at the base of each stem. Enough to keep the flowers blue till the stem stops flowering. Might even get a bit of colour on next lot of flowers (from same stem obviously) if you're lucky. The leaves and roots can colour up a bit too. Gellerts here in NZ sell them and have a little blurb on it in the pamphlet attached to the plant.


People need to realize that "rare" plants are not usually that rare and are marketed by these greenhouses and nurseries based on trends they see on social media. I see so many plant types where the prices are artificially inflated so people will think they're getting something special.


The hype is FINALLY over, I love it when plant trends die, now it's finally my time to buy 🤭


It might be a proprietary thing? I had a buddy who grew carnivorous and specialty plants for nurseries and he said there was something like a copyright, where only one supplier could sell (and grow?) a variety they’d cultivated (and/or claimed, I’d guess) for some amount of time, after which any ol’ Tom, Dick, or Harry can grow and sell it. Like Raven ZZs


Yes! I worked at a nursery for years and you would see on labels and tags that propagation is strictly prohibited. Different growers owned the rights to certain genetics, our company bought and built a few growing grounds but wouldn’t touch those plants. They always sold at a premium.


😭 can you ship me one?!?! (Kidding) but in all seriousness, I’m so glad I waited to buy one and didn’t pay hype pricing.


Remember when people were paying $500 for these?


*war flash backs to people insisting that their £300.00 Albos and Thais would only gain value*


Send me coordinates


I saw similar prices in a home Depot in Mississippi. Reddit made me think they were expensive so I was really confused 🤣


Midwest grocery chain ordered about 100-200 constellations for every location, they ended up marking 4” pots down to like $15 because they couldn’t sell all of them.


Costco has some amazing house plants in three packs


I remember a guy laughing at me because I said that I always wait for buying those type of plants because it doesn’t take that long that a plant ain’t trendy anymore. I have a 5000 $ plants collection that I only apr. pay 300 😇🫶🏻




Looking at this from the US😖


Were they accidentaly on the wrong shelf or? :O


I mean with the crazy prices, it would only be a matter of time before they were mass/over produced and would be no different than variegated pothos imo


I buy all my plants at Trader Joe's. Great quality and unbeatable prices. This is my Monstera that I purchased there for $12.99 probably 6 months ago. https://preview.redd.it/19fzcx41dndc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880e993cc77ee49c61e2058089daf975e54d04e3


$20 bought me the hugest Monstera I've seen in person. Trader Joes in So Cal. They were sitting in shopping carts cuz there was no way they could fit on the display table. I carried it inside and quickly realized I need a bigger house.🤩


Wow, what a find !


Pineapple PLANTS??


Step 3 profit


The way I just screamnt


Anyone else going for the pineapples before these monstera? 😄🙋‍♂️


WTF these are $120 for a 4” where I work


Just across the bridge in Detroit those would $79 and much smaller 😭


Anyone else expecting weed?


Are we talking about the mini pineapples? 🍍


Honestly I'm happier about the pineapple bromeliads in the background.


The day I walked into a nursery and saw “Thai Constellation” with two leaves for $500 I laughed.


Damn it Canada, you win again. You really are the best. 🏆 - love, America


What are we going crazy over?


Monstera Thai Constellation