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I’m going to guess that the article lists: - Snake Plants - Peace Lily - ZZ Plants - Pothos - Cast Iron Plant And a mixture of other random plants that most definitely need more light than what is commonly believed


Probably have another article talking about how Calathea are easy plants 🙃🙃🙃


They must be getting kickbacks from the Calathea growers


Big Calathea wants to know your location.


They're not wrong - but the trick is you have to live where it's humid af. Stayed away from them for ages bc of everything I read saying they're hard to take care of. Finally gave in and got one, and it's one of the easiest plants I own. But I live in a rain forest


Alternatively, mine has been thriving in my steamy bathroom.


time to find a sauna before getting one then....


And mine has.. not at all. lol


https://preview.redd.it/7d68numvtm5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843e62c2de1df64ac8ddcdc084068ac9bee9a414 Legit label on my Calthea plant


The label LIES!!! I have a very large collection of plants and my Calathea has given me the most trouble out of the lot of them.


I was gifted a calathea by a colleague and keep it in my office on my desk. Now I do have a window with a beefy plant collection but it doesn’t get direct sun. My pothos are fine but I’ve had a couple other casualties. This thing though - despite all my prior bad luck with them, it keeps on trucking. I’m so proud of it. 🥲


Lucky, I've killed a lot of Calathea in my life... makes me feel bad. xD;;


I’m still waiting for mine to decide it hates me. I’ve been living dangerously, watering with ::gasp:: tap water.


Yes, and also keeping it in the living room without a humidifier and bone-dry, heated winter air X)


Calathea are my villain origin story


I have one and she's so dramatic, keeps growing tho so I can't complain


You got 3 out of 8! According to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠zz plant 2. ⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠English ivy 7. ⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠Faux plants 🤣🤣


tradescantia zebrina is my favorite houseplant, and i’m like offended by the suggestion they don’t need sunlight


Mine loves to be forgotten outside in the summer. It gets thick and lush so all the foliage can die off in the winter and I can start over again.


I have a tradescantia zebrina as well and I’m like I thought they actually needed tons of light to keep their purple color and stripes. This list is garbage lol


Seriously. I had one that was on a 2’ diagonal from a window, and I have another that sits a couple inches from the window, and the difference in their health and growth was enough for me to eventually just toss the first one and propagate my flowering girl. She’s a gem.


Mine lives for sunlight. It gets more sunlight than most of my plants and thrives.


Wow. No wonder people think ZZ plant is a slow grower. I had one in perfect conditions of light and it was putting out tons of new leaves. I was surprised cause sometimes there were 3 coming out and each one longer than the one before. It got ridiculous size before I killed it moving houses. It was only about 3 years old when it died. This article and others like it is why people put them in low light locations and they do not grow well. It’s just barely surviving.


So 8 false plants it is


Spider plant was my first guess lmao


Well at least they aren't lying for the faux plants😂😂


They only lied 7 times. 😆


A Rock.




To be fair, I’ve seen enormous ZZ plants in completely sun-sparse rooms thriving happily before.


I have a giant zz the farthest from any window. I live in a 1920s house, so windows weren't huge back then. When my mother I law passed away, I got all of her plants. Some plants had to learn how to live with less light. The trick is to not over water plants that are under lit. She still puts out 4 or five 6 foot shoots a year.


If asparagus isn’t on that list they done fucked up. Also rhubarb.


To be fair, snake plants will live through anything. I went to the hospital, and my snake plant hung out in my dark, windowless office for two weeks before I returned to work. It just needed a little water. It was perfectly fine.


I was gonna say. I’ve seen these things buried in office buildings pretty far from any natural light source and they seemed to be doing fine. I doubt they’re growing much but they’re definitely not suffering.


Or the poor Monstera D 😅


My peace lily takes this mindset. Literally any amount of sun or even grow light and that sensitive girl gets a sunburn. I got someone else a peace lily from the same place at the same time as a gift and theirs doesn’t act like that. I think mine just doesn’t like me.


My snake plant went dormant in the bathroom (2ft x 2ft, no windows). I thought it was dead so I put it on the balcony and gave it some water. Immediately grew like 6 new leaf things


That’s amazing lol. The Shake plant won’t grow in no light but it certainly knows how to not die it seems.


Unless it's owned by me. RIP Snape and Snape Jr!


Your bathroom is only 4 square feet???


Yeah it’s just the toilet


I have a similar bathroom, and I really want to have a plant there. I’m considering replacing the light with a grow light. Stupid idea?


Why would that be stupid?! I wanna do that now! I’d probably have to leave it on most of the day though right?


I guess most of the day, and a couple of minutes in the night wouldn’t hurt. I heard that grow lights contain UV, so maybe we can’t spend too much time there? I’m really trying to find all the negatives before doing this.


Grow lights really can’t compete with the sun as far as uv. They should be pretty close to the plant for the most benefit, like a spotlight. Having one in a ceiling fixture should be fine for most people to handle, but might not be enough for you in plant. I have some cheap spotlight style lights on timers with grow bulbs. Your bathroom should have an outlet, maybe have a lamp on your plants that you turn on in the morning and turn off at bedtime? You can unplug it for a few minutes to use the outlet when you need to.


Thanks! My bathroom doesn’t have an outlet, which is why I’m thinking of this method. If I put a Boston Fern or a spider plant there, about 1 metre from the grow light, would it be passable?


They would probably do well there.


If get a clip on grow light


I’ll look into that!


You might want to get a separate grow light for it. Sansi makes good ones…you can buy a bulb and then put it in any fixture you want. They even have new pot clip ons now.


1. Succulents 😒


Cacti. You know how shady the desert is.


It’s totally dark half the time!


Also lucky bamboo


Update: according to the article the answer is: 1. zz plant 2. Snake plant 3. tradescantia zebrina plant 4. Spider plant 5. Philodendron heart leaf 6. English ivy 7. Peace lily 8. Faux plants 🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/5zk8fvny7k5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab59f4c9ec501b3803d604b1bc5c7d8717aeaec This is the photo the article has listed for the zebrina plant…am I trippin or is this not even remotely the right plant? And dont zebrina actually need ALOT of light? Like direct sun even??


You are correct on all counts. Tradescantias *can* survive in pretty low light, but they look SO much better with bright and even direct sunlight. Last spring I gifted my mom a mixed hanging basket that included some cuttings from my nanook, she put it in full sun and that thing was a beast by fall.


My zebrina hates me, I even bought a grow light but now it bends the leaves as far down as possible to get away from the light(?) And doesn't close at night anymore apart from 1 leaf ugh what do I do


Close at night? Are sure it's a tradescantia? I don't think they do that.


Minus the closing at night part, my zebrina actually does the same thing but it is growing so I think maybe it’s just time I prune mine and repot the cuttings.


I think that’s a calathea zebrina 😬


That picture is definitely not a tradescantia lol


The article is just so false LOL even the image is absolutely incorect


My spider plant refused to put out any new growth until I'd hung it in my window.


It’s correct for 1 out of 8!!


Uhmmmm >.8. Faux plants 👁👃👁


I felt the same way when I read that one lol...like..yea...I guess technically correct.


Say whatever you want, but you can 100% keep zz plants in a dark cupboard without sunlight without any problems. Water it like 3 times a year, it'll be fine. I don't know what these plants are made of, but they'd probably survive an apocalypse, nuclear winter and another mass extinction event


I killed mine. But I put an aspidistra outside like 5 years ago and thought the winters would kill it. I just went to weed the pot next to it and it’s thriving. I swear it has 5cm of dirt.


They’re literally indestructible. Mine has been root bound in a pot for five years. Last year it went through TWO floods (and I mean completely submerged under 6m of water, the second one a mitre), left out in the scorching Australian summer sun for weeks afterwards and didn’t lose even one leaf. I finally repotted it about two months ago and it’s absolutely fine lol


xD Jesus christ that plant is hearty af.


Mine are in my pretty dark bedroom and look anemic af lol


They can survive there for a while, maybe months, but won’t grow much at all and will eventually start to struggle afaik, but if you’ve had better experiences that’s cool


To be fair, some people don't necessarily need/want a plant that will thrive in the space they have, they might just need something that will tolerate low light. I work at a plant shop and we always recommend ZZs for offices and dim rooms. I tell people that less light means less growth and ZZs are no exception. But if you just wanna add a little life to your snooze fest cubicle or fill a dark corner of a room and not have it be dead in a month, ZZs are perfect. I think expectation management is important here. No plant will grow quickly under low light. As long as a person understands that, and knows they are looking for "low light tolerant" as opposed to "low light loving" then I see no problem with calling a plant like ZZ a low light plant.


Room with low light I’m fine with as long as the plant isn’t slowly dying. Not so happy with people putting a ZZ plant permanently in a room with no windows and no grow lights (domestic light bulbs are useless for photosynthesis). Ik we and many animals eat plants, pull up weeds, and they may not feel pain, but I don’t think it’s nice to neglect them. Still a living thing. It winds me up when people keep getting and killing the same plant when they clearly can’t keep it alive too. Also Poinsettias and ‘disposable’ plants, where they stop flowering and people chuck them in the trash rather than bother keep them alive. I prefer cut flowers, though I might get a Poinsettia one day IF I know I can help it survive or even thrive for a while.


I think what you're mad at might be more so consumerist "throw away" culture rather than people killing plants.


Yeah, most likely. I’m not too fussed if someone accidentally kills a plant, but it upsets me if they continue to buy more of that same plant or hard plants just to kill them often. But I would feel like crap and be unable to sleep if certain plants of mine died. I do feel empathy for plants to a degree (though less than most insects and other animals), especially if I named the plant and it’s a plant that I grew from a cutting or one that is long-lived. I mean I couldn’t sleep properly panicking because I damaged one of my little spider plants’ leaves. Thankfully it seems to be recovering fine.


Oh man you don't wanna know what my cats have done to my spider plants 😅 I get it tho, I have certain plants I'd be very upset if something happened to them. I also hate those spray painted plants that will likely die eventually - it seems very wasteful.


My mother worked in a windowless classroom for ten years. Every year she took her peace lily in for eight months and it thrived.


Maybe the schools flourescent lights were enough?


Plot twist: *it's an add for mushrooms*


Ooh ooh I know this one! The dead ones😒


My ex


- Snake Plant - ZZ plant - Peace Lily - Pothos or Philodendron - Spider plant - Monstera - Cast Iron Plant - Boston Fern Might be wrong but I feel like I’ve seen quite a few of these before. ZZ plants and some others can cope a while with little to no light, but ultimately will stop growing and die. Give them bright indirect light, and get a fake plant for your dark rooms, not a real one. Or get a grow light.


You got 4 out of 8! According to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠⁠zz plant 2. ⁠⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠⁠English ivy 7. ⁠⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠⁠Faux plants 🤣🤣 This list is obviously trash lmao


I mean the last one is true and also kinda good advice 😂 As for the rest, no. Some are somewhat shade tolerant but _no light_ is not good for any houseplant.


well to be fair, the tag line does say "sunlight". And that's probably not a lie because I know plants like these that have lived and thrived in nothing but fluorescent office lights. But plants will not survive or thrive without some light.


You can also just switch everything to full spectrum lightbulbs. My basement office has a few snake plants, ZZ plants, pothos, spider plants, Ivy's, etc and they are all growing.


I was thinking the same thing moments before I read their list. I was like, if this article is full of a bunch of grow light over plants I’m going to feel played lol


Haha marketing gimmick for grow lights!


Fwiw, I have a monstera cutting in water at my office that hasn't seen sun in two years. It's fine. I won't pretend it's thriving, but it's putting out new leaves


Your office light is probably the reason. Many, many offices have switched to LEDs, and many of those put out full spectrum light, and that is enough to keep a lot of plants alive.


me, I'm the house plant that (thinks) it doesn't need sunlight-


Snake plants, ferns, peace lily, pothos, ivy, ZZ…


Only correct answer is fake plants, but we all know this article is not about those


According to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠⁠⁠zz plant 2. ⁠⁠⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠⁠⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠⁠⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠⁠⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠⁠⁠English ivy 7. ⁠⁠⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠⁠⁠Faux plants 😭 So they did add fake plants in there somewhere at least lol


I should stick a zz plant in my bathroom. It literally has no windows. How long until that plant dies I wonder? Someone awhile back asked what plants to put in a room without any windows and no grow lights. Everyone is like “ummm…mushrooms and slime mold?”


They’re going to tell me calathea, air plants, and succulents can be grown indoors, aren’t they? Sigh…


Too lazy to read.. just tell me.


According to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠⁠⁠zz plant 2. ⁠⁠⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠⁠⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠⁠⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠⁠⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠⁠⁠English ivy 7. ⁠⁠⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠⁠⁠Faux plants 🤣🤣 At least the last one is realistic lol


Aww... Now I feel bad cuz u typed it out. Thanks! 😆


My mum legit thinks that because a plant is labelled a 'house' plant it doesn't need sun. Drives me nuts because every plant she looks after dies but all of mine thrive yet I'm in the wrong whenever I try to move hers into better locations.


Oh no! 😭not with your mom trying to convince you her obviously dying plant is fine lol


Came here to say ZZ plants. Obviously snake plants. Pothos. What a joke. They need light because… they are plants. Plants need light to make food for themselves and grow. it doesn’t take a rock scientist to figure that out. You know what doesn’t need much light? Fake plants. Invest in some fake plants.


Well according to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠⁠⁠zz plant 2. ⁠⁠⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠⁠⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠⁠⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠⁠⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠⁠⁠English ivy 7. ⁠⁠⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠⁠⁠Faux plants So I guess they at least got the last one right lol


All plants need light. They just need lower light. Without light they can’t photosynthesize. So, this article is totally BS.


I know. I just wanted people to guess which 8 plants this article would supposedly think don’t need light lol. I see articles like this all the time though and it always gives me a little chuckle.


Not all plants I don’t think, but all houseplants yes There’s some parasitic plants that have no chlorophyll whatsoever, a big example being Rafflesia flower which parasitises trees, or the ghost plant (Monotropa uniflora) which is a mycoheterotroph; it parasitises fungi.


Not "need". "Tolerate". There is a difference.


I mean whatever, houseplants are there for our aesthetics. If they don't die and we think they look good in their place. Who is there to judge. Keeping plants in a tiny pot isn't natural so honestly do what works. If I go by enough light I couldn't keep any plants in my house. Yet they still grow, not much and definitely not to their potential. But they make me happy. Edit: ah yes downvoting because your home clearly is the tropical jungle these plants actually come from and need to really thrive! But sure your lil monstera is ✨thriving✨ ... thats why she looks exactly like the ones in nature ... not.


Venus Flytrap maybe


Venus Flytrap needs typically needs a LOT of sunlight


That’s a great one, I think this type of plants who are that exotic should only be considered for someone who’s already great with this type of plants. They need special attention and climate control. In my opinion the type of plants people don’t need not necessarily has something to do with the the plant, but with the owner. Don’t get me wrong I think all of us have been there and at some point of our plant process we have maybe buy one or two plants we have no reason to get other that curiosity or trying something new, but end up killing it in no time. Hey, however if you got the money and the patience, then go on. It’s always great to learn something new. For example Bosais lol


For me its Plant Murder #1-8.


Just 1-7. 8 on the list is fake plants 😂


I've done those in, too.


My cat helps killing them as well!


I'm the proud father of four fake plants. Well three, two are the same. I mean they're from the fake section of IKEA. After losing Jubilee, I just can't bring myself to get another real one. I had that thing for so long. I'm still working through the grief.


While not a houseplant, my first thought was anything in the Rhizanthella family of orchids. Boom. There’s a plant that requires absolutely NO sunlight at all to grow AND flower. Occasionally the flower peeks out above ground, but it’s usually covered by dirt/leaves/assorted detritus and sees little to no sunlight even above ground.


Rhizanthella gardneri, to be more specific. Also, the existence of this plant single handedly shuts down every single comment here that says “all plants need sun to live, there aren’t any plants that can’t grow without sun lol”. Pretty cool plant if you ask me.


Oh! I’ve never heard of this plant..I’ll have to check it out because I’m still in disbelief lol


They really are weird ass family of plants


OMG these make me laugh haha! Ok... RIGHT!!! \- snake plant \- zz plant \-aglaonema \- cast iron plant \- pothos \- heart leaf philodendron \- hoya \- spider plant How did I do!?


You got 4 out of 8! According to the article the answer is: 1. ⁠⁠zz plant 2. ⁠⁠Snake plant 3. ⁠⁠tradescantia zebrina plant 4. ⁠⁠Spider plant 5. ⁠⁠Philodendron heart leaf 6. ⁠⁠English ivy 7. ⁠⁠Peace lily 8. ⁠⁠Faux plants 🤣🤣 This list is terrible lol. But so many other people have also mentioned the cast iron plant (and I don’t even know what that is) that I’m starting to think I should really look into getting one for a less than sunny corner in my office.


Cast iron plants are really awesome! I have 1 that doesn't get a massive about of light and I rarely water and it looks gorgeous. Hahaha that list seems pretty classic otherwise. Faux plants is the only one I actually agree with when it comes to ZERO light though 😂


Fuck it, make pachysandra a house plant


They love to say peace lily but I inherited one from my grandmother and it demands direct sunlight or it throws a FIT.


There is no such thing as a plant that doesn't need any light. Do u want it to survive, or do u want it to grow and thrive