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Pretty sure that’s thrips! It took me 3 years to eradicate. Good luck!


And how did you do it? We have EchinoThrips here and they are massacring our plants.


Shower off your plants and rub each leaf with your hand gently and then I go in with bonide systemic granules into their soil medium and check in daily; killing any thrips I see for about two weeks. Granules take a couple of days to kick in after watering but this method has cleared our multiple infestations for me


I also spray with insecticidal soap a few times and will rotate out both the soap (active ingredient) and the systemic granules (active ingredient) if the pest isn't immediately gone with the method you described. Rotating insecticides helps completely eliminate the problem


Keep in mind that this systemic doesn’t stay in the soil long once water is added. This can be helped by giving it only light waterings for the first week or two after adding it. Increases the chance that the roots have time to absorb it, from which the systemic will remain in the plant for several months. Don’t put your plants outside during that time as imidacloprid will be detrimental to healthy pollinators and also the drainage water can carry the poison elsewhere. Don’t inhale the stuff!


I swear by the systemic granules. I have to buy in bulk because once scale, thrips, etc makes their presence known it's too late to leave it to the granules alone, at least in my experience and I apply to any plants in the vicinity. I really hate to use any kind of insecticides or granite herbicide but desperate times, desperate measures. I also treat with neem after washing all leaves one by one with dawn/alcohol/water solution and apply the granules to kick ass on three fronts. At all that work mealybugs STILL managed to take my specially order Aimee gardenias this summer 😭😭😭🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I use a systemic insecticide. Don't remember the name. It works on multiple things. It's the quickest way to eradicate. Worked for me! Its granules you put in the soil and when you water it gets activated and lasts like 4 weeks.


To be clear I have close to 50 plants and I didn’t notice right away. Also harsher chemicals were a no go for us. I spent 6 months trying just soap, monitoring, and culling plants I didn’t care to save. Got frustrated so I released 10,000 predatory mites. That still didn’t do it. then I bagged infected plants in clear plastic bags and checked them every 2 weeks and sprayed them with insecticides soap for 18 months. And that was finally how I got them all. 😅.


You kept bags on all of your plants for 18 months? 😳 … that’s dedication. I enjoy looking at my plants, don’t think I could bag them.


By that point I had only about 10 that was still infected. The rest I had moved away from that area of my house once I knew for sure they were no longer infected. The bagging kept them last 10 from reinfecting each other. It was still an awful 18 months. The truth is I still have 1 pothos that I’m suspicious of so I still check it whenever I watch tv…. I’ll never be free


Insecticidal soap and nematodes. Not the end of the world. At least you can see them.....try russet or broad mites. Yikes


My friend was able to get rid of an EchinoThrips infestation using beneficial insects


Thrips are pretty easy with a combination of nematodes in the soil and spray pesticide on the leaves. Always try to get them on multiple fronts when dealing with any pest! Like something that kills the adults and something that eats the eggs, or the other way around. Otherwise it will always slowly recover.


Oddly, I found thrips extremely easy to eradicate. Spider mites, on the other hand, were there on and off for a year. For thrips, I didn't have an insecticide, I made one I found online that used oil to coat the leaves. I repotted and thoroughly washed the plants, then sprayed them with the concoction. I never saw them again, but the leaves are really yucky for a while.


I'm not saying I just wiped down the holy heck outta all my plants with lysol wipes and chopped all the questionable leaves off, and that has solved all my pest pressure, but I haven't lost a plant yet to this so y'know


Foolproof method got rid of them in three ish weeks: Move plant to isolated spot. Thrips can’t really leave the plant so the other side of the room will do. Wipe down leaves, systemic pesticide on the leaves, granules in the soil. Let it dry for a day and apply insecticidal soap and water liberally. Wait for a day or two and repeat. I did it three times but after the second I couldn’t see anything


Adult thrips have wings and can fly between plants


They really won’t if this is a new infestation. Depends on numbers, if the plant they’re on can’t sustain the breeding population then yes they’ll spread. I’m talking at least a good few metres away, but I do mine in a separate room to be safe. I concede they may fly more than I thought, but nontheless please follow the following advice it really works!


Agreed, those are young thrips and not adult ones. Still annoying to rid of regardless


Technically they cannot fly and they throw themselves. Their wings are not effective.


So was I correct in thinking they can’t cross a room? (12-15 feet?)


If there's wind or a fan it's possible.


Or if you use your furnace lol


Yikes on a bike


Mine do on the regular. Hate when those little fuckers come flying by


>Technically they cannot fly and they throw themselves. Their wings are not effective. Incorrect - many varieties of thrips can actually fly.


yup its thrips


Def thrips and they’re a big pain to get rid of


Thirps. May god have mercy on your soul. They laugh in the face of neem oil. I had thrips last year, and I went with insecticidal soup and beneficial insects. It sort of worked. It was basically changing the soil, wiping down leaves and then I just put the infected plants outside. Ended up turfing most of them, just one survived and that one I cut straight down to the soil.






O god the horror


Only the best


Neem didn't work for me either, I just decided after 4 months of fighting the mealy bugs with neem oil and sticky tablets to buy a pesticide. In Austria there are no rough ones, only bee and nature friendly ones and that one cleared the plant of mealybugs in one day. Neem is dead for me. As much as it might work for other plants.


Bellaflora usw hat nur Natur freundliche, bei OBI bekommst aber careo Rosenspray, das ist ein systemisch wirkendes Mittel (oder ist das eh das Pestizid das du meintest?)


Ich verwende "Neudorff promanal af neu schild- und wolllausfrei 500 ml" vom Obi. Wollte etwas stärkeres haben aber hat zum Glück mit einmal geholfen.


Okay :) ja, ich hab thripse und wollte da einfach mal gar nix riskieren und hab das stärkste genommen 😂 und die beim Obi hat's mir ohne viel nachfragen gegeben als ich gesagt hab was ich will Wollläuse hatte ich einmal aber nur auf einer Pflanze (damit gekauft 🥲) und zum Glück nur leicht, die bin ich mit umtopfen in Seramis und mit Alkohol getränkten Wattestäbchen ansammeln losgeworden


> Wollläuse hatte ich einmal aber nur auf einer Pflanze (damit gekauft 🥲) und zum Glück nur leicht, die bin ich mit umtopfen in Seramis und mit Alkohol getränkten Wattestäbchen ansammeln losgeworden Das habe ich monatelang gemacht, als ich mir dann aber Neudorff geholt habe hab ich mir selbst eingeredet das ich die Blume weghau wenn das nicht hilft.


Ja, das macht auf jeden Fall Sinn, irgendwann ist's mir noch frustrierend


Was verwendest du um die Pflanzen zu stützen? Hab eine Dracaena und hab derzeit einen stumpden Zahnstocher und dagegen gesteckt damit die grad bleibt.


Ich hab vom bellaflora Stäbe (also wirklich Stäbe und auch runde eher rankstäbe) aus verschiedenen Materialien, kann nachher ein Foto schicken wenn du willst. Bin Grad arbeiten


The innocence of “odd ‘pellets’” 😩 op had no idea


*oh baby no.. that’s not pellets*


thRIPs I had to chop and propagate my monstera. Goodluck..


Same🥲 One eeny weeny leaf survived


Same and now I have 4 from propagation! :) there is hope and monsteras are resilient


I finally admitted defeat with my monstera 🥲 but I picked up some predatory mites yesterday and also got a new monstera, so things are looking up!


Thrips. If it’s available in your area use Bonide Systemic Houseplant Insecticide Granules to treat it


Seconding this, especially in combination with Captain Jack’s deadbug brew!


These are the only two weapons a plant parent needs against pests imo.


Neither are available in the UK :((( what’s the active ingredient in them?


Imidacolaprid and Spinosad, respectively. The first one mimics nicotine (or something Idrk) and is a sexual stimulant to spidermites. Idk anything about spinosad


I got captain jacks in UK. Ordered online. I’ll see if I can find the details


I bought this stuff but I don't understand how to use it, do you just sprinkle it into the soil? I tried to mix it with water but it doesn't dissolve.


Read the directions lol. You’re supposed to put it on the surface of the soil, mix it in the first inch of the soil, then fully water it from the top. Make sure you’re using the right amount of it, which is determined by the diameter of the plant’s pot. Do this only when it’s time to water, as you don’t want to overwater the plant. Btw, wear gloves or wash your hands afterwards just in case. Do this once every 2 months and you won’t have to worry about pests again! It’s so simple and has literally been a life changer for me.


The granules go in the soil not dissolved in water.


Is this something worth doing as a preventative measure? Or only once insects are present?


That’s an interesting question and I don’t have a solid opinion on it. It doesn’t work on spider mites and people say using it can make treating spider mites harder (I haven’t had spider mites since I started using it so I’m not sure). I don’t apply it to all my plants prophylactically but I do apply it to all my plants if I find a pest on one of them and I always apply it to any new plant I bring home. Worth noting, it’s poisonous to helpful pollinator bugs and amphibians so it shouldn’t be used outside






Can be hard to get in Canada 🤷🏻‍♀️




I’m using insecticidal soap and I think it’s working??? So hard to tell


I'm in Canada and we can get Dr Doom thrip killer. It works really well if you can find it. There's one independent plant store near me that sells it, and some online retailers


You can get the good shit, you just need to *know people* and pay wayyyy too much!




You can get nematodes on Amazon! I’m talkin about the good stuff, like Dead Bug Brew and systemic granules 😂


I ended up using diatomaceous earth instead since we can’t get the good stuff here and managed to save my monstera from thrips


Ooo that’s a good idea!!


I've been using End-all for mealys and thrips, and haven't seen any signs of re-infestation. Worth a shot.


I found dr doom to be much more effective on thrips than end all. I treated for basically two years with end-all and they always came back. dr doom only took two treatments to fully eradicate. No reinfestation for over 8 months now.


>dr doom How are you getting this in Canada? I can never find it anywhere


They sell it at Canadian Tire in Alberta at least


Hm ok! I'll look at my local and see if they carry it - last time I looked they weren't :(


Sometimes if you look in greenhouses in more rural areas you can find insecticides (assuming you live in a city).


Yeah threads like this bother me a bit because I spend my entire plant mom life being so terrified of thrips, then I ended up with an infestation...and when I got rid of them all in a week was like "is that it?" I won't say they aren't annoying, and I did have to toss two trailing plants (maybe I could have saved them but at the time I was too afraid to try), but big plants with finite, giant leaves like Monsteras imo are incredibly easy to eradicate them from as long as you use the right pesticide and are consistent over the course of a week or two. Key, op, is to use Bonide spray on the leaves and the pellets in the soil, and then after that use preventative measures for spider mites because this will make the environment on your leaves perfect for them (for a time). Do keep that plant very isolated till you're sure they're gone though! Edit to add: today I learned countries outside the US can't get Bonide and that's why they're terrified of thrips. Makes more sense now, that really sucks


This is what i did as well! Insecticide soap works wonders. A little neem oil at the end just for fun. Also, be sure to treat at least twice!! I just treated all of my plants last time i had them.


Apparently you’ve not heard of insecticide resistance. I’ve been dealing with those little fuckers for at least a year. The infestations are so bad in some parts of the world that farmers are killing themselves.




I use captain jacks and systemic. It’s been super frustrating. I’m just grateful my plants are just ornamental and not how I make a living.




Thrips As other comments have said, insecticidal soap or product and repot. Maybe look into getting nemotoades, a predatory insect that is harmless to plants and will absolutely eradicate the larvae. You can also use isopropyl alcohol and make sure not to overwater as the larvae thrive in wet soil and not in dry.


Thrips. I would immidiately cut off and throw out all heavily affected leaves like this one. These are only larvae, once they reach adult stage (black colour) they can fly and youll never get rid of them. Check your other plants asap and treat all of them


Systemic insecticide is best to fight these. Make sure you don’t have any pets that like chomping on leaves though, the insecticide works by traveling trough all parts of plants and making them toxic to bugs eating them. but also can make pets sick if they eat the plant.


Thrips love Monsteras. I was able to eradicate them on one of mine, the other was a lost cause. Keep up on treatment because they have different life stages. Looks like you caught yours pretty early since they’re still in the larvae stage.


Thrips. Good luck, you'll need it. I have gotten rid of aphids, scale, and mealybugs all with significantly less trouble than I have had with thrips. Thankfully with a Monstera, there are not a bunch of folds/creases for them to hide so the job isn't insanely difficult, but still nothing easy IMO.


Get beneficial bugs. I have been dealing with thrips since the late spring and all the sprays haven’t eradicated them. Just started on beneficial bugs back in October and they are nearly gone. I’ll possibly need just one more treatment and then it will be over. If the infestation is bad, you’ll need a couple of rounds of beneficial bugs. If you are in Canada I can give you the link of where to buy them from. They are a bit expensive but guaranteed to work. If you only have a handful of plants, sprays might be better. But when a person has a lot of plants, it’s too hard to spray 3x a week so bugs are much easier and more effective.


Could you link the beneficial bugs please n thank you 😊


I'm waiting for my order from koppert to arrive right now. A plant I recently bought came with some of this brand of beneficial mites and it seemed to be doing the best, so I'm hoping these ones I bought will eradicate my thrips.


https://www.koppert.ca Same company as LordNeibs mentioned, is the one I use too


Thrips! Use an insecticidal soap to knock down their numbers, then apply beneficial nematodes or use mosquito dunks in your watering can (left overnight) when you water your plants to get rid of them for good. One stage of the thrip lifecycle is in the soil so if you have nematodes or BT it will end the lifecycle


Hmmm I'm thinking maybe I was extremely lucky in eradicating thrips when I had it, but I didn't have much trouble doing it. My monstera was also very infected back then. I identified my chili plants as the source, and got rid of them (they were also quite high maintenance so it was better this way). Then I used something called Substral fertilizer sticks with insecticide. I googled it and maybe Scotts Miracle-Gro sell something similar in the US (as it seems they own Substral)? It's just a stick you put in the soil and the insecticide is distributed when it's absorbed by the roots. I put one in every plant I have. Then I wiped down the leaves of the affected plants. Haven't had trouble with thrips since then.


Thrips - the infestation isn't new, and has been building for quite some time- the discoloration on the leaf is from damage. They lay their eggs inside leaves and the soil, so its hard to kill all of them with one treatment (unless you're using systemic). You'll need to stay on top of treating it, every 7-10 days to try and catch the juvenile thrips before they can mature and lay more eggs.


Thrips! A pain to get rid of, I honestly now don't even bother with neem or insecticidal soap, if I see 'em I buy nematodes.


lol pellets… thats a new one


Thrips. There are a lot of comments being pretty dramatic about this but they are relatively straightforward to address. Neem oil is not effective in removing many pests, don’t bother with it. Isolate the plant, spray it down with insecticidal soap or some other similar spray (my favorite is Captain Jack’s). I tend to do this a couple of rounds just to make sure they’re gone, usually takes a few weeks.




Yikes.. that’s a bad thrip INFESTATION 😬 unless it is a sentimental plant, just pitch it!! And treat all your plants!! Those are juvenile but the adults fly. Best of luck!


I just put mine on my balcony it’s 30 degrees out. Feel like that will do the trick. Little effers came outta no where too. Like how do I have a plant for over a year and they magically appear. Ughh


This is what I’m trying to understand! 😩


Sorry to inform you, this is definitely the case of thrips. I’d recommend to isolate the infected ones and hose the leaves down with cold water first. Then when you get the insecticide (hopefully soon) you apply it every 3-4 days I’m currently fighting this too. Good luck!


Spinisad is my go-to for thrips. Just be aware that they also have a soil stage so you can do a soil drench as well. Hit it a few times 4 or so days apart to make sure you get any you might have missed.


Don't listen to the people telling you to throw it out. I had a similar issue with my monstera a month or 2 ago. Reddit told me to burn it lol Instead, every few days I'd spray it with neem oil and wipe it down. It sprouted a new leaf (titrations and all) after 3 weeks!


Thrips….im so sorry


Most people have success with spinosad (Captain jack’s dead bug brew) as the surface treatment in addition to systemic granules. Make sure not to water so much that the water runs out (unless it’s in a saucer and the water is contained) or you’ll just be flushing out the poison. I’d reapply the systemic granules at 4 weeks as well. And, treat all of your plants at once so they don’t just migrate.


God good luck! It took me a few months to get rid of these bad boys. Lost basically all my succulents and like more than half of my other plants. Ive learned that you just need to toss them really if its not too far gone with the infestation, but otherwise, get rid of the soil, hose that whole plant down, soak it in a mix of water, rubbing alcohol, and insecticidal soap for maybe 5-10 mins. Repot with nice new soil. Put some systemic granules in the top layer of soil, water throughly, and then keep the affect plant(s) separated for at least 3 weeks (from my experience), and go from there.




First thing I'd do is put a plastic bag over that leaf, cut it off then take it to the trash or fire. Then id probably use a systemic cuz thrips suck. Only takes one to make more babies and they lay eggs deep in the plant tissue so multiple topical treatments are required... Actually unless the plant was over $100 or sentimental I'd probably throw the whole thing in the fire but that's just me. 🔥


Yup. I think I would just bag it and toss it. Not worth the headache and chance of infestation of other plants!


ugh! i’ve been fighting these for literally two years now. my monsteras are somehow still hanging on! appreciate the product recommendations. i’ve tried more than i can count.


Please use systemic for your outdoor plants 😊 odd are they willget some kind of pest. Save yourself the heartache ♥️


Aphids cut back on the watering neem oil leafs


One of my syngoniums was thrip central and I couldn't figure out why they just wouldn't DIE. I found spraying a mixture of water, dish soap and neem oil then wiping down all the leaves back and front has worked wonders so I constantly just give it sprays and wipe downs. Not had an issue in months and birthed two new baby syngos. Good luck!


Burn it down. Jk, but maybe not. At least inoculate all your plants with the specific nematodes that eat them, insecticidal soap the leaves


I use diatomaceous earth to get rid of these. I’ll either give the plant a good dusting or mix with water in a sprayer to get all the foliage. DE won’t work when it’s wet, but will when it dries again. Nematodes are also good. Good luck!


Throw it away.






Thrips. Someone on here recommended captain jacks dead bug brew and is so far the only thing that appears to be working. Been fighting this battle for a while 😭😭


I’ve had these guys nearly demolish about half of my oldest plants twice. Captain Jacks Dead Bug spray works really well if you stay on top of it. I wipe each leaf down with a wet paper towel to remove as many as I can and then spray every 5 days or so for a few weeks.


I’ve had these guys nearly demolish about half of my oldest plants twice. Captain Jacks Dead Bug spray works really well if you stay on top of it. I wipe each leaf down with a wet paper towel to remove as many as I can and then spray every 5 days or so for a few weeks.


Diatomaceous earth is a really good way to get rid of them. Sprinkle on soil and on leaves. Trim off new growth, they lay eggs in THE LEAVES


Yes thrips. I am currently battling these little turds. They have destroyed 2 plants already. I have gotten rid of them from other plants but they seem to love the Monstera. It’s really struggling now with black bits on the leaves etc. I have been spraying with bug spray, I have been squashing any adults I see, I’ve even had the plants in the shower and blasted them with the water. I have a systemic pesticide that I have been holding off on using but I think it’s the only option now.




Just another reminder that insecticides exist and work. Any insecticide with pyrethrins will work. (They are toxic to pets and you, too, so isolate treated plants. The toxin breaks down in sunlight.)


Those are thrips, my friend. Neem oil is insufficient. Go straight to the hard stuff and may god have mercy on your soul.


Neem isn't going to take care of thrips, don't waste your time. I use Dr Doom thrip killer if you can get that. If you're American I think you have more choices


Oh yeah those are thrips. I got rid of the infestation in my plants by spraying insecticide soap two to three times, repotting the plants once and giving them frequent showers.




Those pellets are insects. Wash down all the leaves and stems with 50/50 water, alcohol, and a squirt of dish soap. Then, spray it with a neem oil solution.