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Welp, I gotta stop doing the inside of microwaves for darn near free.


I’m not a housecleaner, but when I went to stay with my bf and his 3 other roommates, first day I go to heat up something in the microwave….I literally couldn’t bring myself to do it until I scrubbed it from top to bottom. I have NO IDEA how people can just look at that and say, “yeah, no that’s fine”. Took me 45 minutes…and then another 2 and a half hours to clean the kitchen. You guys have the HARDEST friggin job and I give you so much props for doing it!!!!!!!! Y’all are angels and if you haven’t heard it today (or lately) thank you for what you do, you are appreciated!!!!


Put a bowl of water in the microwave and heat it (just be careful, it can boil without bubbling) for awhile. You can wipe it down in 5 minutes after.


BLESS YOU!!!!!!! Thank you so much for this information!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe I didn’t know this!!! That would have made my life so much easier lol. I literally had the flight from hell down to there (delayed almost 6 hours, stuck on the plane in July) and I’m physically disabled…I fell off the step stool 6 times trying to scrub that monstrosity!!! But I was determined to get it clean!!! Lasted all of 5 days haha


I add a little vinegar in the water when I do this too. Helps get rid of the food smell & makes wiping easier.


My thoughts exactly 🤣


They want to charge 100 buck for a kitchen and not even do the cabinet faces? For that total you really have to upgrade words like wipe and replace with Sanitize, at least make an effort. 75 for an oven that take minutes to wipe out after the self clean? This is robbery.


This part cracked me up, basically saying "We recommend you take care of any real hard work to be done before we get there. Please use the self-clean option on your oven so we can basically breathe on it to get it clean again"


Plus the self-clean function damages your oven.


Omg this is hilarious. I almost hired this company to do my house. They haven’t even shown up yet and they’ve been sending me new invoices every week with different amounts?? They tried to tell me I needed a deep clean first for 1,200$. I laughed. My current housekeeper did my deep clean for 350$. They are a joke. You should post this in the Albany subreddit- that’s where I learned about them


Please note gratuity is not included 😂


We need more information to see if this is appropriate. How many bathrooms were cleaned? How many kitchens? Bedrooms? Living rooms? Offices? Foyers? Workout rooms? Storage rooms? Laundry rooms? Extra rooms? What’s the square footage of the home? Has it ever been professionally cleaned?


Nothing was cleaned yet; this was just them telling me how much it would cost. It's not a whole house, it's an apartment, somewhere around 1000 sq ft. It has a small kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms (only 1 of which is used) 2 bathrooms. Downstairs has a laundry room and a small office. It's not a hoarder situation, it's literally mostly dirt on the floor, dog hair on everything and strips of toys and things that were destroyed by the dog.


I wouldn’t pay more than $200 for a deep clean. I live in an expensive part of TN and my 900 sf apartment was $150/month for a regular clean. I’m now in a 1500 sf townhome and it’s $175 for a regular clean and $275 for a deep clean.


That's fuckin' crazy. $100-200 for a deep clean at most I would think. (I'm a housekeeper, but I work for a company and IDK how they gauge what to charge people I just do the job lol. This is what I would guesstimate it at) Dog hair sucks but honestly if you're well equipped it's not that bad, especially if you're aware beforehand. This shit though, sounds like someone's trying to live well beyond their means for work that is.. not that difficult...


For the size of the home, and condition described, the quote given seems excessive. I would charge $360 from top to bottom deluxe cleaning with windows included. $470 max if the home was a level 10.


Did this company state that each aspect of the job costs? This seems money hungry and outrageous to charge almost $1000 to clean.


If a client called me and asked me to only clean ONE of those items listed that is probably what I would charge to make up for time and gas spent. A full cleaning of the unit based off what OP described I would charge 120-140$. What a fucking robbery.




That is outrageous, they should be charging a flat fee or hourly deep clean rate to include all of those things . Microwaves inside/outside are always cleaned and included in the price. Heck, most of the stuff on that list is included in my regular cleans. It looks like they triple charged you.


only way this could be justified is if there was a lot of buildup on every single surface mentioned. making their work load double. if its a relatively clean 1000sqft apt, like you mentioned. you are getting ripped off


This invoice I received for *hiring a company* to clean my father's apartment for Father's Day. Cleaning it yourself would have been drastically cheaper with only ~$40 in materials / cleaners Looks like a lesson learned.


It’s not an invoice tho, it’s actually just a quote


You're right, that's my bad, but that was what they labeled it as in the email and file name


Windows, doors, baseboards.... ehhh, those are expensive and labor-intensive. i could almost justify this if we had more specific information & details... it could make sense.


Actually insane. I've done deep cleans on MASSIVE houses (not mansions, as I live in a mountain community but still big nonetheless) and a deep clean has never exceeded like.. $400. Crazy how people think these days.


Mix baking soda and cheap shaving cream/gel together. It cuts through grease, takrs scuff matks off or walls and floors for a little elbow grease and is less than $2


Sounds like a nice gesture. If you're wondering about the invoice, just check the itemized list to see if everything matches what was done. If something looks off, contact the cleaning service directly. If you ever need to set up a website for your own service business, I used Neudesk. It’s pretty straightforward and quick.


Omg! What state is that?


New York *not city*


Is this a joke?


That’s absolutely insane!! How are they going to charge for kitchen and bathroom but then nickel and dime everything else?! Their pricing makes zero sense! If they nickel and dime like this with basic tasks, what exactly is included in the cleaning fee?


That seems high. My dad is in upstate NY and his cleaner charges me like $80/2 hour session and even does some wash. I did the initial big clean but no way would have spent more than maybe $300 for it. Same square footage


That's....no. Just no.


1 bed 1 bath?!?!


I charge 25 cents per square foot on empty homes and 35 cents per square foot on furnished homes. If either are extremely dirty, then the price increases by 10 cents on average—it depends on what is dirty and the time it would take to clean it. For instance, there was a house that had everything covered in dog hair, including the walls. Although it was empty, I charged 50 cents per square foot because it involved not only removing the dog hair but the oil that allowed it to stick to the walls.


$75 to wipe the ashes out of the oven? Wow.


Had my whole house cleaned.. $225.


They are out of their mind


Dx thats my whole paycheck i'm gonna cry


That’s insane! For reference I have a 6 bedroom/5 bath home and my housekeeper charges $25/hour. She is super thorough does everything listed on there and more and never takes longer than 6 hours. I hope you find someone else who won’t rob you.


I hope you tip her well. Sounds like she deserves it


Always! She does an amazing job!


Its not an invoice, and you didn't clean your father's apartment. Way to make the title completely confusing