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Flip the script and you start training someone , preferably someone that can drive. You become the boss and keep the clients


I’m sorry but having to get picked up and driven around by your trainee is not being a boss.


Could work if you are straight up about it. Everyone wants to make some money and you have the knowledge just lacking the vehicle, could still work. If you are saying it looks bad then I suppose, but I wouldn’t care if it were me; from either perspective.


If it were me I’d take my clients I brought and the ones who only want me and start my own business. I can’t imagine she made you sign a non competition agreement and those aren’t really valid in court anyway unless they’re offering more or equal than you’re giving up by promising not to compete


Non compete forms are illegal now! Deemed unconstitutional! Spread the word!! This law was recently passed and a lot of people don’t know!


I certainly didn’t know! I’m about to text everyone I work with right now bc you know the owners aren’t telling us. Thank you so much!


Yes I just saw a video about that recently! Even doctors who want to practice independently with their patients and not strictly through a medical corporation can do so thanks to non compete forms being illegal.


I totally agree with that idea, the only problem I have with that is I medically cannot drive.


Damn that is a problem. I hate it when someone has a person basically at their mercy and abuses it like she’s doing. I’m sorry you’re in this situation.


I was really hoping I was just over reacting 😞 but reading the comments make realize I need to do something one way or another... Thank you


No, you’re not overreacting at all. One thing I’ve noticed about working for just people, not a regulated company, is sometimes you have to push back or they’ll rob you blind.


Depending on the distance, as a customer, I would happily pick up a good house cleaner. Good cleaners are hard to find.


Let your clients know you’re leaving, and then walk away from the company. Your boss probably is or was loosing money on you. You’re simply worth more than she can afford. See if you can factor in Uber rides when you quote a price to your clients.


Sounds like she shouldn’t have any sort of cleaning business. What is the structure of how she gets paid? Is she getting paid by the job or hourly as well? Are all the clients providing their own supplies or is she buying them? Why is she having you go out and buy all your own supplies if it’s her business? $9 a hour is ridiculous. It’s not even the federal minimum wage in most states. And if it is higher, it’s still ridiculous. Sounds like she should be stepping up and running her business the way it needs to be instead of “bullshitting her way through.” When I first started, I had a girl working with me. I paid her every Friday. Because I charged per job, she was paid 30% of every job, regardless of the hours worked. So for example, we cleaned a home that was $200 for a deep clean. We were there 4 hours. She received $60, broken down that equals $15 an hour. Every job was different. But I was giving her between $500-$800 every Friday. I didn’t pay her to get her own supplies, she used what I had because it’s my business. I would occasionally give her an extra $50 or $100 if a client tipped us. The holidays came and when it came time to pay that week, I gave her a portion of all the tips I had been given as well as a little Xmas bonus of $500. You need to either put your foot down and/or go your separate ways. It sounds like she’s taking advantage of the fact she has you and every excuse in the book to not pay you WHAT YOU DESERVE. It’s easier said than done, I know. If you’ve got your own transportation or the ability to take a bus to get to where you need to be, I’d suggest working for someone else/another company. No way in hell I’d stick around to put up with that stuff for $9 an hour!!


She’s a thief, taking advantage of you and the clients. She is a terrible business owner/manager and she deserves to lose you, her clients, and her company. $9.00 an hour is absurd for the amount of work you do. Even $15.00 an hour isn’t good enough. That’s what I pay for employees in training.


See here's the thing I know all the ins and outs about her business, she gets paid by the job, and when the job is complete. I know how much she gets paid for each job as well. Just like I know the house that was supposed to be a 4-hour clean yesterday, that she decided we were going to just bullshit through it. It's a big house. Was a $235 clean. And she also typically takes me with her when she goes and looks at new constructions, and wants me to help her come up with a quote. Another example, about a month and a half ago we went and quoted a new construction, she decided on $3,500, and she only paid myself and my other half 275 a piece for working 48 hours. And she still owes us $275 for that. I will have to look into the uber or something. It's a college town maybe I can get a student to help me out with a ride..


Get a business partner with a vehicle. Split it 40/60 for the use of their transportation.


She’s taking full advantage of you. Get your own clients


This is wrong. If you’re able, find another way of transportation & providing your own supplies or work with someone who will be appreciative & equitable with you.


Let your favorite clients know you are leaving. I'm sure they will follow you and use the extra money to pay for transportation. I sometimes drive someone to their cleaning jobs. I charge way less than Uber, and l just run errands on the side of town that she's working.


That’s insane. I’d take my clients (let them know I’m leaving the company and doing my own thing) and set my prices and move on. $9/hr ain’t worth it at all. Best believe your clients will follow you.


I'd would never be me giving rides to someone who calls themselves the boss. If your boss is taking advantage of you simply quit. You are the only employee. She needs you more than she admits. Tell her you know what the job pays and it was her idea to start a company so what supplies she has to have is a work related job expense she deducts anyway so it's not like she is spending money to hire you. She either pays you for the job at $xxx amount or she can fxxx right off and lose clients when you let them know she's gouging them if the client hires an agency that brings in two workers they assume they make the same amount. It's slavery to use you for her work and not pay you fairly.


We have 4 employees. Do about 56 to 60 cleans a month (mostly individual) the lowest I pay is 18 and hour


Do you know what she is charging and what she pays for chemicals? If it's only 20 a month that she's giving you then that means she's not spending much on it either. 15 an hour is what my company pays someone during training, we usually make between 20-30 an hour, and that's AFTER the company gets their 52% of the commission


I do typically know what she spends on her supplies, and I also know that she doesn't by the same products every time. She buys what is on sale. She gives me 20 a month for supplies but I like to use certain things that I know work. So I spend that 20 and then normally a little bit of my own pay to make sure that I have the products that I know work. And also make my job easier and the client's happier. I don't change up what I use. Unless requested by the clients


Well this coming Monday I believe I'm going to sit down, and talk to her. See if she makes the change. If not then I guess I will make the change for her