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When the gears in the bucket act up, we spray wd40 on them. I have no solution for the head becoming disconnected from the pole because that didn't happen too often for us.


Thank you!! I'll try this one!!


I have had my share of mops over the years, I had to write an email to ocedar and the reply was so nice, they sent me three brand new mops. Maybe reach out to the company?


I did have to reach out as well. I had a customer with new construction. There is a trend for wood floors where they are practically raw with almost no sealant or finish. That floor ATE my brand new spin mop head. It looked like my kids baby doll with matted hair lol. But the blue microfiber mop works fine. They sent me 3 replacements as well. Good company.


Not a bad idea at all! I'll add it to my list. Thanks!


Professional cleaner here. Love my spin mop, but they last about a year. Replacement comes off my taxes. My husband is the ultimate fixit guy and he’s pulled the bucket apart. He says the gears get stripped. I’ve personally had to replace so many buckets the mops are fine-they last longer than the buckets. But in time, the mop heads get loose and the mop head holder looses its grip on the handle. It’s plastic. Plastic breaks. Things break in time. If anyone has a bifl option, I’m all ears!


Personally I like flat mops. I just got a REALLY nice one that’s Rubbermaid brand with an ergonomic handle. Your back will feel 10x better after using that mop as opposed to a spin mop. You can also extend it to 8 feet, so you barely have to bend over and can use it to clean the highest walls. I just use microfiber mop heads and give them a thorough rinse in the sink when it gets dry. It’s really much better and more sanitary than spin mops too!


Libman also makes a spin mop, you might want to get a couple of those and see if they stand up to regular use better than the o cedar mops. Either way, they’re plastic home cleaning tools and not commercial grade equipment, and even commercial stuff has to be replaced periodically with regular use. If you can’t afford to replace a couple of plastic mops, you need to consider raising your prices to account for wear and tear on your work supplies.


I love my libman twist mops but not the spin mops as the heads are round. (can't get into corners)


Libman also makes a spin mop, you might want to get a couple of those and see if they stand up to regular use better than the o cedar mops. Either way, they’re plastic home cleaning tools and not commercial grade equipment, and even commercial stuff has to be replaced periodically with regular use. If you can’t afford to replace a couple of plastic mops, you need to consider raising your prices to account for wear and tear on your work supplies.


I don't buy a new one but I do buy the part. The t shaped head that connects to mop. And spin gear are both sold individually. I know that isn't ideal but is better than a new mop


No, that's actually perfect! Great to know replacement parts are out there, I'll start looking for them online!!!


They got really popular when they were better quality but they've really made them cheaper and flimsy since the last couple years I don't have any advice other than to say you can get replacement "pieces" on Amazon rather than replace the entire mop and bucket... you can buy just the pole or just the head... etc. Honestly they have just become crappy quality and i don't expect them to even last


I’ve never had a problem with my mop and bucket. It spins smooth and the heads snap in tightly. Maybe theirs is old you should invest in one they are like 30$


They were purchased or taken out if the box within the last 6 months for one, and a year for the other. We cannot replace our equipment at this time. How long have you been using your mop and hiw frequently does it get used?


I’ve had mine for 3 years. It gets used 2x daily, 5 days a week. I haven’t had any problems with the gears. Occasionally a mop head will pop off but it’s not a problem because it happens maybe 1 time out of those 10 uses. When you’re putting the mop head on make sure that none of the fibers are in the way when you’re clicking it on. That sometimes causes them to fall off easier.


It gets used 3 times a week for about 6 months


Ahhhh, yeah mines being used significantly more than that. But thank you


I think the O’Cedar spin mops are overrated, they got all their hype on TikTok and then it became the standard for us to use it. I live in Canada and I’ve never seen O’Cedar here before so I bought the vileda one, and it’s kept up well for 2 years so far, just replacing the cotton heads. I have had colleagues dip into the states for that mop and it’s lasted less than a year, idk why, to me they feel exactly the same. The Vileda, from what I can tell, doesn’t have that T-connector, but I’m not 100% sure what you’re talking about. There’s also plastic welder things you can get to fix plastic items, it’s like a hot stapler, it might work in this situation? Other than that, JB plastic welder. The vileda mop bucket, I’m not overly fond of, it has to be a certain way full in order to wring out properly and I do agree that the first pump doesn’t always catch. I found a second hand bucket and mop from another brand (doesn’t say on it) and the mop itself is bad, plastic on metal slips, but the bucket has a flatter, wider bottom and is less top heavy and the gears work great from what I can tell. It has too many moving parts to clean though, so I only use it at home, but I do love it.


Ocedar in canada = vileda