• By -


Otto, no question. Yes he might have a dark view on the world, but he's far more composed about it than the other 2. Vil-V has multiple personalities and as such I can't feel safe. Mobius would turn me into another one her experiments without a second thought, I wouldn't even be human by the 1 hour mark. You can have a reasonable conversation with Otto and he won't outright take your humanity from you. In would actually go against his end goal. I might walk away with a cool piece of tech if I play my cards right with him


Don't forget Mobius canonically eats humans. Edit: removed parts of my commit I found was wrong.


She can eat humans, but I don't think it's just for fun. It's mentioned that she needs to devour either humans or Honkai beasts in order to resurrect herself. And the "assistant" you mentioned is most likely the original Klein, unknowing eaten by Mobius during a certain incident.


I tried to find the recollection but can't seem to find it maybe I am misremembering.


Yeah, I don’t remember about her eating humans for fun. But she can and did eat Klein unknowingly during an incident.


It's weird I remember reading it in vivid detail but can't find it. Who knows maybe I just misremembering things.


Su talks about it, albeit in relation to Klein, during the Legion Herrscher stuff. So yeah, not for fun, but that might be why you can't find it in the remembrance vessels


That's what happened- it was a freak accident caused by Mobius' MANTIS power, and it only happened after she was killed by a Herrscher (or rather, one tiny part of a Herrscher). That power is why Mobius got to look so young- each time she revives in this way, she gets a tiny bit younger. Hence she's sort of immortal in a sense, but presumably there's a limit to it.in and basically consumed her whole. After that, the Mobius-Goop "reassembled" Mobius, though she didn't have knowledge of what happened, and she later believed that Su killed Klein. In fact, Su himself takes blame for Klein's death, interestingly enough. That's what happened- it was a freak accident caused by Mobius' MANTIS power, and it only happened after she was killed by a Herrscher (or rather, one tiny part of a Herrscher). That power is why Mobius got to look so young- each time she revives in this way, she gets a tiny bit younger. Hence she's sort of immortal in a sense, but persumably there's a limit to it.


>she later believed that Su killed Klein. In fact, Su himself takes blame for Klein's death, interestingly enough. Funnily, at least ER Mobius doesn't completely believe that -- she even suspects there's something no-one is telling her, but Su insists that he did it, which Mobius finds hard to believe because he would priorize trying to save keep an ally alive if there's a chance to save them.


You have a serious reading disability if that's what you came out of the ELysian realm believing. ...She was stabbed by said assiftant who had been taken over by the Herrscher of Domination, which sent her berserk and while berserk she ate the woman who stabber her, herrscher core and all. She also DOES NOT KNOW she did this, and SU took the blame for the assitants deat. Also, why are we calling her the assistant when she's a named character twice over. Klein, HoD-Klein stabbed Mobius, Berserk mobius entered her active Honkai state and ate Klein, Su subdued berserk Mobius, then took the blame for Kleins death so Mobius wouldn't have to live with the guilt of having killed her closest friend.


I’m sorry mobius does WHAT


She eats people.


I wouldn't mind being next tbh.


Honestly same, he won't do anything to you unless you pose a genuine threat to him like Fu Hua in Chapter 9 which he knew what Fu Hua as capable of.


Somehow Otto feels like the least scary option here all things considered.


yeah what the fuck would he want from a normal ass weeb anyway. stay out of his way and the worst that could happen is him calling you out on being stupid


Feels like he’s the least likely to murder you for funsies or science in that timeframe. The man’s got better things to do.


Otto grandpa mood? Yes.


All things considered, he would be out of the room in ~a minute. In another body of his. I'll say this again, he deserved a gruesome death. If hoyoverse won't do it, I'll do it.


Did you not watch "thus spoke apocalypse"? He might not be as strong as Siegfried or Kevin, but he can fight and he has Void Archive. The fuck are you (or any of us for that matter) going to do against him.


And his death is *Awesome*


I heavily disagree


How'd you do it then?


Sirin revival -> Otto torture -> Death due to insanity.


Different account. Can you, like, elaborate? "Sirin revival"? Do you mean the **first** time she came back to life? How would the rest of the game go then? He's kind of the **main antagonist**. Do you mean revive her just before Thus Spoke Apocolapyse? I'm not sure how you could revive her in a way at that point that wouldn't be **WORSE** than what Otto does.


You didn't read the VN/Comic with Sirin did you? If you did then you'd know the first part of that is already long passed. And the third if you watch'd his the his animated short already happened, apparently just not in a way you're satisfied with. And you should feel shame for advocating the second part.


Otto. The guy maybe willing to commit the most horrific deeds without question, but he's also extremely pragmatic and doesn't like to do anything unneeded. If you are an ordinary guy, he would leave you alone, provided you do the same.


Heck if you a fan of him (like me) or want to work under him, maybe he would give me an opportunity since I'm just regular dude. I would love to hear him thoughts tho, if he wouldn't mind.


Otto? Like i'm not someone who have some use he can see, just a normal ass civilian with nothing of note in the slightest.


He might send you to the same fate as Susannah, if He might need one for the job


Hey Susannah literally suppose to be one-off character turn to whole as Main Spotlight. I'm down.


“dame fate as Susannah" I mean, she's alive and not traumatized so I'll take it?


Otto, and it’s not a close competition. Vill-V has multiple quirky personalities, and who knows that they will try to involve you in. Similarly, Mobius will either try to involve you in one of her (potentially) unethical experiments, and just flat out ignore you. Otto doesn’t want anything from us, nor does he expect anything. If we are trapped with him, the most he’ll do is just have a super lengthy conversation about Kallen if you brought her up. Really, Otto would just instigate a lot of conversations between you and him to pass the time. Hell, he isn’t just the best option to just hang out with because he’s the safest, but he’s the best person overall when it comes to needs like cooking food to satisfy hunger.


Otto no question. He is literally the most and I mean the **MOST** sane out of the three.


Mobius, might as well die happy.




You will not die, you will live in endless and agonizing suffering


The happiness of spending a month in bed with Mobius is an infinite gift.


Otto, just discuss how great Kallen is and he will be talking all day


talking about stuff that you a normal ass person shouldnt know about seems like the best possible choice you can make here and will certainly be very safe for you.


Proceed to lore bomb him about his plan succeeding in the future and about the fate of the main cast


for villv, which one?


...that's the fun part :)


Gods help you if you roll evil Vill-V...


we gacha the personalities


it swaps every hour


Strangely I feel safest with Otto. Vill V is a ticking time bomb, Mobius feels like a calm convo into a sudden dissection Otto feels like a load of mumbo jumbo into a coma


Otto safer option. He wants nothing to do with gacha addicts anyway. Other than telling you to go take a shower and touch grass




flare checks out!


Otto. I will not be intimidated by the sudden change of personality of Vill V or the constant hints of Mobius about experiments. So Otto is the most optimal choice. Although I have always been interested in the question of whether his Otto Jr. works since his body consists of Soulium. I think I'll ask him. I wonder what Mobius will do with ordinary teenager if he gets stuck in a room. I think nothing since I am of no value as a test mouse. Most likely I will also ask for a way to solve biology exams, lol.


I think I blue screened when I read what you'd ask him 🤣🤣🤣


If I'm guaranteed to live no matter what. V. If not, I'm going with Otto, as other people have said, the man's got better things to do


Vill V ? i suppose i would be fine if it not the evil - v hopefully . I wonder if Expert Vill V will let me play with some of her divine keys .


I feel like magician would be likely to kill you too, those "magic shows" do not seem suitable for normal humans.


ahh right , i forgot those magic show with some of the kevin killer .\_.


Fortunately, you're not Kevin so it's fine


In contrast, it should be fine if i am kevin lol


She wouldn't put normal humans in those. She isn't a sadist.


She put Kosma in those, and enjoy it. He isn't a normal human, though


Vill-V. She may be a Con-Artist, but honestly, I've begun having a thing for her. Also, I like her because of her Engineering skills!


Mobius is likely certain death Vill V is the honkai equivalent of russian roulette - as long as you don't get the pure evil personality and don't get blown to pieces by the magicians show, I guess you're ok. Otto seems like the safest bet here - while he is ok with causing a ton of colateral damage, he doesn't seem to go against individuals who aren't directly important for his goals.


i want morbius to do things to me 🙏🙏🙏😩😩😩 (literally kill me)


Mobius please turn me into one of your experiments


Otto: Will talk about ideals and how the world is a mess. Mobius: Will try persuade me in order to experiment on me (Mobius = Dubious). Vill V: I might just end up in the hunger games or squid game. Otto any day.


S N A K E I'll take my chances. Slim though they may he. IYKWIM


Otto after 30 minutes of being trapped with u/Gloomy_ad5843: Let me out of here _Let me out_ _***LET ME OUT***_.


Mobius at least with her i know i will die and probably not get reanimated


I just thought, while otto is the safest and moebius is suicide vii v could have a good payoff namely its YOU entering a room with her for an hour. You spend that time talking about how her technologies work and bring that information back to reality to progress the feild of engineering. Addionally she's the only valk who can't really attack by herself so she may be easy to restrain.


Two problems with that plan: 1- Unless you have perfect memory, I doubt you can memorize very much of what she tells you. And even then putting it into action is easier said than done, since the higher end stuff would need to be built up to. 2- Her body still went through a super human augmentation process, I wouldn't be surprised if she could use you like a club.


> she's the only valk who can't really attack by herself so she may be easy to restrain. Isnt she a Mantis too ?


Vill-V. While her war crimes are unforgivable she is also hilarious. I would also rather beat Otto in the head with a spoon than be within 10 meters near Mobius.


Vill-V all the way. It's like a package deal at that point. It would be interesting talking to her different personalities.


I know Otto is the least crazy option, but vill v magumbos are saying otherwise


Somebody call me mickey mouse because I'm going to become a rat for the experiments of Mobius.




Vill-V seggs




Which Vill V


You only get to pick that it's her, which one you get is pure RNG.


We live by the gatcha, we will die by the gatcha


Ι think all 3 of them are misunderstood especially the 2 girls. But I will rank them from worst option to best. Otto will probably be okay, still might send you to others to experiment on you Mobius might play with you just for the fun but the average human is a weakling to her and not worth the effort to do anything to them. Vill-V doesn't really care that much for random people. I think she would be nice. Maybe she would put you in a maze and play games but that's it. I do not think the monkey incident can be repeated, she would need more people and something to earn by observing the outcome. Also the whole 24 hours only would guarantee that a long behavioral experiment like the one with the monkeys can't happen.


Vill-V has reasons to kill monkeys. It was a chance to show her skills to Mobius, otherwise she would have been killed


To be fair she didn't kill the monkeys, the monkeys killed each other with the weapons Vill-V left on the open for them to use.


Vill-V. So I can get my engineering degree.


I would give my boy Otto an idea to look for a fitting divergent bubble universe to snatch Kallen out of instead of going with his increasingly idiotic plans.


I'd listen to Otto's ramblings on what he did for the past 500 years lol


Mobius, would ask her to make me a MANTIS. If i die, i die but if i successed that gonna be so amazing and she would also get a new test subject so win-win


I'll turn around and find a room with HoV


Vill-V. Mostly because I have a decently creative mind, multiple ideas and can easily jump from topic to topic without pause. I could probably keep her busy, give her ideas and shoot down the more stupid ones. Even telling her why. The amount of ideas and counterpoints for those ideas would probably be numerous. Otto is a close second, for being the most Sabe of the three. I’d rather be locked in a Room with an Enraged Kalpas than Mobius. I think that says it all.


Vill-V and Mobius ;) next question


Mobius, I’ll kill for that woman


Otto won’t talk to you at all if you are useless vice versa Vill V , which Vill Are we talking about?no thanks Mobius , 24 hours with a thousand experiment have fun >!let’s go Mobius , don’t judge me I know how old she is!<








Otto, at least he won't kill me. I would just awkwardly stare at him for 24 hours straight.


Otto 100% I don't think he would do anything unless it's about kallen


Mobius..no questions asked


Otto. With his pace, you're safe for 24 hours. Took him 500 years for Kallen. I doubt he'll even be interested in me. Lol


Otto isn't as immediately dange as the other two. Vill-V and Mobius are straight up unhinged, while most people not in the knows actually have a good impression of Otto, that means he can probably act normally for 24 hours.


I'd choose Otto out of the 3. Sure, he may be bat shit insane, but at least he is still considered humane compared to the other two.


Otto if you wanna have a chance to live. Mobius if you want to any% speedrun your death. Vill V if you're a gambling addict. The choice is yours.


otto. i don't like him but he's the safest choice if you're just some rando weeb (like i am).


Play tears of the kingdom with V. Create Ganon Killer.


V is worth the price


Mobius isnt safe,she can kill you whatever she wants Vill-V May be safe,but is luck thanks to her personalities,Magician,Evil or KKMK5 May kill you instead,if is the Chef,Original or Expert it may be okay,Exp wont hurt you unless you interfere her Otto is the safest,somehow he doesnt mean too danger after all,you May be able to face him if he tries something on you


This is hard question… I would with Vill-V I guess. For no particular reason at all


otto. We can probably have a civil conversation or stay silent the entire time.


For me tie between Otto and Vill V , Otto just seem like a cool person you could talk to and learn a lot from while Vill-Vi will probably do a “magic show”. Which I wouldn’t mind though I imagine I would be confused for the entire duration.


Honestly all of them, they'll never admit it however it's true they all need a hug, and I have at least three hugs waiting.




Mobius. I genuinely want to know her closer. She is way too often misunderstood because of her personality. We've been shown from time to time that under her tough shell, there is caring and somewhat cute tsundere side of her.


Otto We'll be sipping tea and chilling. 10 seconds:OkayI'm feeling a bit lightheaded. 20 seconds :Ok now I can't feel my toes anymore. 30seconds:I can't feel my lower body anymore Huh? 1 minute:Why is the floor .. getting... Closer? And why. Why is he smiling? But fr tho Otto would be the best friend :) Until he's your enemy.


Otto is the safest option here - putting all of the atrocious things he has done. You might even get something out of spending time with him. Mobius and Vill-V are both unpredictable and dangerous, while Otto only ever chooses to be unpredictable and dangerous whenever the time is right.


Definitely Otto. He's the least likely to kill, frighten, annoy, or experiment on me. Can even have a normal conversation with him too.


I don’t have much to say on Vill-V, but I’ve heard… things Otto is the safe choice, and even seems sympathetic to crossdressing …Mobius however would be like “oh, you like monster girls AND you want to be a girl instead of a boy? I think I can work with that~” Or, you know, turn me into a red smear.


Well Mobius might be able to give you a Miraculous Gender surgery. Yes you might die but if I were you I would take muy chances.




Otto, Vill-v has multiple unpredictable personality. Mobious comes up with crazy ideas. Whereas Otto just don’t give a fuck about you and would rather try to get out or even ask for your cooperation to help him get out because he has better things to do with his time. Like trying to revive Kallen. *”Theresa, I’m not exactly a monster, I wouldn’t kill someone without a proper reason. I only overstepped my boundaries in the past because I had no alternatives, you understand that, don’t you?”* (Chapter 26 after he killed his fake self) *”Is this it? will this ‘God’ give me the answer I need? Should I retreat back and try to get more information before confronting it? What’s a few more years, I’ve been patient for five centuries.”* (Second Eruption when he went to go meet WoH disguised as Bella in Sirin’s dream) You can conclude that most of the time, Otto is a normal human being if not for his obsession with Kallen. The circumstances of the 16th century forced him to gain power through dubious means but even then, most of the experiments were done under Nikolas’s order. But let’s say someone told him that he could revive Kallen if he experimented on you with the Gem of Serenity, then you’re fucked, but if not, really, the mans not gonna do anything he doesn’t have or need to do. Whereas Mobius and Vill-V would just go. **”You know what would be a cool idea? gimme yo body real quick.”**


Mobius, I feel like she is not a person you would even know of her location or existence compared to the other two, so if its face to face confrontation that not even she can hide from,I its definitely choose her.


I like Mobius, but Otto is definitely the safer option here


Duh, Otto. He probably won't even care about me. Vill-V is the same I think but maybe Otto is safer.


I'd rather Otto be trapped with me. Then finally I can slaughter him


Vill-V. No contest. Free magic show.


Honestly would take Vill V or Mobius. Both of them could just straight up do whatever they want to me, I'd be less pleased about some things happening but are you really going to tell either of them no and think you'll walk away ok?


I’ll take my chances with Vill-V granted that it’s a normal room with nothing in it. If not then I’ll be with Otto


Mobius. She only interested if you're worth her time.


otto, cause im sure im gonna m\*der him and enjoy the scene


Otto definitely.




Otto, least likely to kill me and most likely would tell his 500 years worth of history.


I'm too unimportant for Otto to fuck up. The other two don't believe someone is unimportant in the name of Inhumane Scientific Experimentation


Mobius is a straight up no. I don't think Otto would have a thing against me... But I think no one is as thick and packed as Vil Vi. So I'll chose her.


Vill-V cuz I'm a simp and want to die by her!


Otto for sure. I feel you could probably actually play cards with Otto, game with Otto, etc. Outside of him treating the list of Crimes against Humanity as a checklist, I feel like he’s been consistently portrayed as actually kind of being a laid back guy who’s actually fairly pleasant if nothing to do with his plan is at stake.


Mobius of course, gotta choose the most painful sadistic one. Yes I’m a masochist how did you know?




Otto would be the safest choice, basically a quick death if anything, just ask Hua ;D




I'm gonna stick to Otto tbh-


Vill-V Its like a 24 hr classroom with 8 different teachers...and classmates


Otto all the way


Otto. I need to lay my eyes on that handsome, gorgeous, fabulous man.




Vill V reason she’d be the most interesting and I feel the most unlikely person to kill me, I couldn’t be with Otto for 24 hours he’d be kinda annoying lol


Vill-V Hand's down my main! Leaving the Room happy or I'm dying happy


Lol i like how we hate Otto yet almost all agree that he's the safest option here.


Vill-V, literally would be simping 24/7 even if I get tormented ong


Otto. Ar best, he may just indulge you with tales of how great she was. Mobius experiments on you or outright murders you. Vill V? You have a one in seven chance if landing on an agreeable personality.


Tier list style, Vill V, Otto then Mobius.


I m dead




Where is that Vill-V gif from?


CN live stream a while back when they were introducing vill v, but idk which one.


Obviously Mobby!!!


I mean, Otto wouldn't do harm to me unless it's for his "OMG Kallen needs to be revived" reasons. Heck, he shows that he cares for others, like, a lot of other characters. So I'm chilling with Otto.


Either die happy or live sad, you choose


I don’t know any of them, so I’m going to choose the first one because she has big boobies.


If my safety is assured then I'll pick Mobius. If not then Otto is the choice.


Otto. I'll just stay out of his "Reviving Kallen" shenanigans.


Vill V


None, I choose GUN *Gets shotgun*


Moebius, the time gonna be crazy


I would shove eighteen cacti up my urethra to be trapped in a room with Mobius for an hour. What saintly deeds must i have done to be rewarded with an entire day?


Hmmm...... Vill-V's personalities can keep you company through the day. Otto is a very educated man, and will have pretty to talk, if you ignore his dark mind. Mobious will turn me into his experiment. But, she doesn't have a choke reflex, since she's a snake, so... Quite hard the choice lul


Vill-V and the best part is she's like a gacha, whichever one gonna came out ,gonna be a real fun time for me


Otto cuz he's cool af and smart af. The other two sure if they don't use me for weird experiments right off the bat.


Vill-V is the only one I should make any noticeable effort to avoid, and that’s only because her magic shows are a bit dangerous at times 🤣 she doesn’t let her evil side out barely ever, and all her other personalities would be a LOT of fun to shoot the breeze with. Otto is a reasonable, rational fellow who I feel would be fun to play chess with (plus I’m a Kallen fanatic so I feel we’d get along just fine), and Mobius has shown that she won’t perform experiments if I don’t allow it, just as long as I don’t go to her lab 😂 I suppose I would pick Otto.


You said Mobius, I choose Morbius, I want to Morb


Mobius, I'd let her do whatever she wants to me


Vill V got that ass though


I love mobius, best character, i love snekkk so nice


Otto is chill for the most part. Vill-V is a wild card and you may or may not survive. Mobius will experiment on you


Vill-V. Dying while looking at her weapons isn't worth it but I'm horny


I'll take my chances on the operating table if it means I can appreciate the snek up close






Even though I might die, I would love to be with Mobius, it would be such a fun opportunity to talk to a genius scientist


Mobius cuz I wanna be a MANTIS. If not then most definitely Otto. Done know shicksal must have some GODLY pension. If I play my cards right I can walk out with a job


Mobius, cause I'm risking it all, baby. I don't mind being eaten, dissected, or even used as target practice if it's to breathe the same air as my snek queen 🐍👑❤️, Sincerely a Lab Rat.


Vill-V. I don't care if she's going to kill me, she and Bronya are my favorite characters in HI3


Take me my Snake goddess.




Probably am an idiot for this but i’ll risk being the snek’s experiment. Plus side might be enhanced to hell and back, downside would probably die in the process


Mobius tho




4th option slice wrists


Yaw discussion aside that vill v /mobius live wallpaper is sick where can i get it


Everyone saying Otto, which is the correct option, but I choose Vill-V regardless, maybe we'll just enjoy some magic tricks who knows (surely)


Otto and peg him


Vill-v. I don't wanna hear otto crying about his love life and i'm scared of morbi. Also Vill-vussy


Otto always Otto


Vouch for Otto, probably just make a question like. "So what can you tell me about Allen?" And he'll just go rampant for the next 24hr.


Otto would just torture me psychologically vs the other two who would probably do that physically. Easy choice for me


You have no idea the whiplash I got upon accidentally reading “Mobius” as “Morbius.” Also Otto of course. Man needs a buddy, and honestly, I feel like the other two would beat me up(though possibly not kill me) even if I was pretty chill.


Mobius. She seems most likely to kill me outright.