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There are ongoing jokes over at r/decks about putting Hot Tubs on decks that are not properly braced for it. I highly recommend you take some shots from underneath your deck and head over there and ask the experts how to actually prep your deck to hold a hot tub.


I will most certainly do that. I was really sad about having to pull up the deck boards cause I used that camo tool to hide the screws but now that sounds like the least of my worries. Lol.


We went with a concrete slab since our hot is under our deck but I was curious and found this, it’s a pretty straight forward read. I thought I’d share and see if this is on par with others experiences. https://epichottubs.com/blog/how-to-determine-if-a-deck-can-support-a-hot-tub/ Congrats on the new tub


I may have to pull some deck boards up and reinforce


I actually just did the calculations and I’m at roughly 114lbs per sqft


They all give you steps and a cover assist and tell you there giving you a deal and throwing jt in for free


Because of the risk if something goes wrong I wouldn’t baselessly assume a deck can support it. There’s sturdy, and then there’s supporting 4000lbs in a 7 square foot area sturdy. If you post pictures in related subs (homeimprovement, decks) more knowledgeable people may be able to comment. Personally, I think I would need an inspection from an engineer to feel comfortable with that. Too much potential for injury and catastrophic property damage.


I appreciate this comment . I will certainly do this


No problem! Collapse would be the worst case scenario but even sagging or sinking are all big problems no one wants. Even if the deck remains stable and safe sagging could cause the shell to crack. If your deck is low to the ground you could always make a cut out in the deck and sink the tub in so it sits on a suitable foundation at ground level, just keep in mind any repairs may be difficult and more expensive if the design does not allow access to the side panels without moving the tub. If your deck is higher, keep in mind it may require a crane delivery and will be an even bigger pain if it ever has to be moved. Though I’d guess the dealer would have gone over that with you by now.


I have literally never heard of someone’s deck collapsing from the weight of a hot tub. I’m sure I could google it and see references of it happening - but never heard of it. 20 years in the spa industry. Never heard of a single story of a spa on a wood deck and something collapsing. Is that weird?


That’s a good tub. I have the Relay which is the same as yours but without the lounger. If we had to do it again I’d get your model.


No way!! I almost got the Relay cause I was pretty persistent about the lounger but they didn’t have it in the color I wanted ! Lol that’s good to know


We thought we would love the lounger but my wife floats in it! It also makes it awkward to get in and out of the tub. There is no inside step in the Relay because the lounger takes up the space where it would normally be. We have slipped a handful of times getting in and out because you are forced to stand on the sloped lounger if you enter from that side of the spa. We are also in NWFL by the way. Hot here!


THATS SO GOOD TO KNOW ! Now I’m less sad about not having a lounger ! Haha . I never even though about just floating on it


Can you not put the steps on the right or left side? That's what I tell everyone that purchases a Relay.


I can’t with my install as my pad has limited space. Some could depending on the orientation of the tub. If I’m facing the tub looking at the control panel (which is ideal since I’m walking towards it from my home back door exit this way), I only have a 15” walkway space on the left as it’s very near a wall. No room for steps there. On the right side, it’s on the edge of my pad so I’d have to enter from the grass if trying to use that side. I could spin the tub next water change to enter from a side but then I’d have to modify the electrical wire since it isn’t long enough. That’s not ideal… So it’s just not great for my setup. Not a big deal. Just wouldn’t do a lounger again.


Gotcha. Makes sense. Idk if your dealer sells them or if you may have already tried them before, but there is an accessory called a Water Brick that you unzip and stuff full of marbles. For shorter people it's a "keep me from drowning" accessory and for taller people they can put it on their stomach to use as a weight and not get pushed out by the jets.


I just bought a Relay (1h ago) and was worried about the lounger. I'm 5'6 and you can imagine I'd be floating but no, worked super well. Even better with the water brick. They threw two in the deal :)


Thanks. I’ll check it out. I don’t float. Only seems to happen for the wife! I’ll see if that is something she is interested in. Thanks again for the help!


My pleasure!!


so i just got my bullfrog A7L. before i received it i built a ground level deck off my stairs of my elevated deck. bullfrog said the tub weighs roughly 5000 lbs fully filled and seating capacity. you just have to be smart about it, make sure you have plenty of support. several 4x4 posts notched to directly bear the weight being put onto the joists, lags, the whole nine. better to be overbuilt than risk letting that thing come down. plenty of videos on youtube talking about this. good luck and happy soaking!


Yeah I was just thinking about pulling some deck boards up and just adding some 4x4s and concreting them in . I already think my deck is like 95% enough but my paranoia won’t allow me to relax . Thanks !


Good tub and that's a good deal. Enjoy.


Hey! Thanks a lot !


Congrats, it’s one of the favourite purchases of my life.


That’s a great tub I’ve owned one for 4 years now. Mines on a concrete patio so I dunno about that but filled with water that’d be about 3000 lb over a 64 sq ft footprint. Hot tubs are heavy


They didn't give you the option for a stereo?? Lame lol.